Sparkle in Pink

Success Story

Winning conversions with slideshow ads

When a series of simple-to-create slideshow ads drove traffic to the kids’ fashion retailer’s homepage, it achieved best-ever conversion rates.
  • 9% growth in total monthly sales since using slideshow ads
  • $1–$3 cost per acquisition
  • 6X cheaper acquisitions than other social media channels

Their Story

Little Miss Trendy

Founded in 2011 by mother and daughter Diane and Quynn Larsen, Utah-based Sparkle In Pink offers high fashion outfits for little girls at wholesale prices. Quynn was inspired to start the store when she noticed a lack of choice and value in keeping her daughter looking chic.

Their Goal

Sparking sales

Diane and Quynn focus on customer acquisition and sales conversions as their main Facebook marketing objectives.
We used slideshow ads to send people to our homepage to see the new product arrivals. The return on ad spend has been incredible for us. We’re really excited about slideshow because it’s the best-performing format that we’ve found on Facebook and Instagram so far. We’ve now increased our budget to see how far we can go.
Quynn Larsen, CEO, Sparkle In Pink

Their Solution

Showing off with slideshow

Sparkle In Pink had already run a number of very successful Facebook campaigns and found that formats like carousel—which take customers straight to the product page—made certain products sell out in record time. To even out the pace of sales, Quynn decided to try out slideshow ads.
Quynn knew from past campaigns that the best-performing ads for her business were ones promoting new products, which tend to be showcased on the homepage. With this in mind, she created slideshows for Facebook and Instagram that directed people to the homepage to check out the pick of Sparkle In Pink’s new arrivals.
By playing around with the slideshow options, Quynn has now hit on the formula that works best for Sparkle In Pink: longer slideshows with no fade, sharp copy and a ‘Shop Now’ call to action. The retailer targeted slideshow ads to 4 main audience segments, based on how people engaged on the Sparkle In Pink website and Facebook Page. According to Quynn, “every little test and optimization counts.”

Their Success

Dazzling returns

Slideshow has proven to be the best-performing ad format for Sparkle In Pink so far, bringing a lift in conversions at its lowest-ever cost.
Between November 2015–January 2016, the company has achieved:
  • 9% growth in total monthly sales since using slideshow ads
  • $1–$3 cost per acquisition
  • Up to 6X cheaper cost per acquisition than other social media channels