The 7400 series of transistor-transistor logic (TTL) integrated circuits are historically important as the first widespread family of TTL integrated circuit logic. It was used to build the mini and mainframe computers of the 1960s and 1970s. Several generations of pin-compatible descendants of the original family have since become de-facto standard electronic components.
Today, surface-mounted CMOS versions of the 7400 series are used in various applications in electronics and for glue logic in computers and industrial electronics. The original through-hole devices in dual in-line packages (DIP/DIL), which were the mainstay of the industry for many decades, are very useful for rapid breadboard-prototyping and education and so remain available from most manufacturers. The fastest types and very low voltage versions are typically surface-mount only, however.
In 2015, NASA’s satellite data revealed that 21 of the world’s 37 large aquifers are severely water-stressed ...The following interview with Singh has been edited for clarity.....
Forensic experts involved in the investigation of what brought down EgyptAir Flight 804 are suggesting there was an explosion onboard the flight after examining human remains retrieved from the crash site, The Associated Press reported Tuesday. "The logical explanation is that an explosion brought it down.” – SeniorEgyptian forensics official The Paris to Cairo flight crashed last Thursday, killing all 66 people on board....
Failed Islamic State commanders and militants who fail to carry out their duties are being fed to hungry dogs or subjected to chemical weapons being tested on “caliphate” prisoners, multiple media sources tell Breitbart.A Kurdish Peshmerga in northern Iraq reported the dog execution, the UK Daily Mail said ...Hasan described executions where failed commanders in Iraq were tied to trees and then mauled by dogs until they died ... ....
Like a Keurig coffee machine, the vaporizer heats up the pod’s contents, releasing a ready-to-inhale vapor.Bourque, who until then had never smoked pot in his life, started suffering from anxiety in his 40s....
Probably, she will be betrothed to Trump’s son, and they will be crowned American royalty,” Anglin adds. The article also notes that there is an entire Facebook group dedicated to Swift bringing about a resurgence of fascist Europe....
MURRAY — Unrelated threats at two Murray School District schools led to the evacuation and early dismissal of one school Monday and a schedule change at another ...Anyone with information about either case is asked to call police or Murray School District administration at 801-264-7400. — Abby Hobbs ....
(Source. ISE - The Irish Stock Exchange plc). Morgan Stanley & Co. Int'l plc. FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI). PUBLIC DEALING DISCLOSURE BY AN EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADER WITH RECOGNISED INTERMEDIARY STATUS DEALING IN A CLIENT-SERVING CAPACITY. Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the 'Code'). 1. KEY INFORMATION. (a) Name of exempt principal trader.. Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc ... Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree ... Darty Plc ... 48.7400EUR ... 48.7400 EUR....
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