High Chieftain of Ásatrú religion on piss-fermented shark and ram's testicles

Edit Iceland Monitor 26 Jan 2016
Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, high chieftain of the pagan Ásatrú religion in Iceland spoke to Iceland Monitor about the origins of the traditional Þorrablót festival, taking place all over the country for the next couple of weeks ... ....

Pagans pestered by foreign press

Edit Iceland Monitor 01 Jan 2016
The Ásatrú religious society in Iceland has, according to high chieftain Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, been disturbed greatly by foreign tourists, foreign press and foreign scholars this year ... ....

Supernatural beings not disturbed by new pagan temple

Edit Iceland Monitor 29 Sep 2015
Construction is well underway for the first main hof, or temple, of the Ásatrú religion in a thousand years. The temple will be ready in spring 2017. High chieftain Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson says that the supernatural beings living in the construction site are not creating any disturbances ... ....

Why Iceland Is Building a Temple to Its Pagan Gods

Edit The Daily Beast 05 Feb 2015
As the Ásatrú pagan religion becomes ever more popular, a group of followers is constructing a shrine overlooking Reykjavik to the gods Thor, Odin, and Frigg ... the Ásatrú Association, a sect of neopagans that formed in 1972 for Icelanders to have a religion to call their own ... “Ásatrú offers a different path, a different way of looking at the world.”....

Heathenism's battle with white supremacists

Edit CNN 17 Apr 2014
Eventually, when Christianity came into Northern Europe, it came to mean “one who still worships the old gods.” It still means that in some parts of the world, like Iceland, where it also goes by the name Ásatrú (“belief in the Aesir”) ... Today, Ásatrú, which can go by many names, is the largest non-Christian religion in Iceland and is officially recognized in Norway, Sweden and Denmark ... Ásatrú is the history of all of Northern Europe....