Creating a Gear VR app in Unity Free
In this tutorial video I follow the following steps to create a simple virtual reality application running on Samsung
Gear VR (watch the video in
Chrome at 720p60 or 1080p60 and follow along with me):
1. Install the Gear VR software on your
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 phone as described in my previous video:
Start downloading
Android SDK from:
3. Start downloading
Unity from:
4. Start downloading Oculus Runtime and Oculus
Mobile SDK from (free website registration required):
Plug Note 4 into PC via
USB. If necessary, install Note 4 USB driver from:
Try to install Android SDK. When it asks you to download and install the
JDK, click the link and do so. When you run the JDK installer it will show you the installation location. When it shows you this, copy it, add "bin" to the installation location, and add this to your
PATH environment variable.
7. Then go back and install Android SDK.
Save the "Android SDK
Installation Location" shown at the beginning. You will need this later.
8. Install packages shown here:
Tools: Android SDK Tools, Android SDK Platform-tools, latest Android SDK Build-tools
* Latest
Android API: SDK
ARM EABI System Image
Extras: Android
Support Library,
Google USB
9. Install Unity and start it up. When it asks you for a license select "Use Unity
10. In Unity,
Create New
Project (3D)
11. Unzip Oculus Mobile SDK. The files we'll be using are under "VrUnity".
Drag and drop ovr_mobile_sdk_20141111\VrUnity\UnityIntegration\UnityIntegration.unityPackage into project
Copy files from ovr_mobile_sdk_20141111\VrUnity\UnityIntegration\ProjectSettings into ProjectSettings
14. Set up your scene in Unity. Create plane, create cube, create light, drop OVRCameraController, test with
Play button.
15. Go to
Edit→Project Settings→
Player. Set
Company Name and
Product Name.
16. Set up signature file:
a. Install this app on your Note 4 (or your tester's Note 4 if you don't have your own):
b. Run the app above. Visit this website and put in the device ID (must be logged in):
c. Create directory "assets" under Assets\Plugins\Android and save oculussig file there.
17. On phone: Unlock developer settings by going to Settings→About
Device and tapping the
Build Number 7 times. Then in developer settings (right above About Device), enable USB Debugging.
Finally, attach the phone by USB and make sure it is unlocked.
18. In Unity:
File→Build Settings.
Select Android and
GLES 3.0 textures.
Click Build & Run. If it asks you for the Android SDK path, provide the path you saved in step 7.
19. Phone will pop up
Insert Device message. Unplug from USB and insert it into Gear VR.
20. Put it on. You should see the Unity logo (differently in each eye), and then see your scene.
Look around.
21. Now we will install it as an application with an icon.
Find the .apk file in your project folder, and copy it to your phone's storage. Use a file explorer on your phone such as ES
File Explorer to find and execute the .apk file.
Once you have installed it, it should show up in your application list under the name you supplied in step 15.
Title music:
Jason Shaw - "
Ecstasy X" /
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