- published: 30 Aug 2016
- views: 31172
War Thunder is a World War II-inspired massively multiplayer online combat game developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Shield Android TV.
The game is modeled on a micro-transaction system but with the ability to get almost every feature of the game without paying. This may require players to complete certain challenges (such as shooting down a certain number of enemy aircraft or destroying a certain number of ground targets), or submitting user created content such as skins, or camouflage for vehicles. There may also be other celebratory events throughout the year such as commemorating historic figures in aviation or famous battles allowing players to win premium currency and premium vehicles without any expenditure.
There is also a referral service, whereby players can invite people to the game, earning both themselves and the new player an in-game bonus.
War Thunder uses 4 main currencies: Silver Lions, Golden Eagles, Research Points, and Convertible Research Points.
World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarusian-Cypriot company Wargaming, featuring early to mid-20th century era fighting vehicles. It is built upon a freemium business model where the game is free-to-play, but participants also have the option of paying a fee for use of "premium" features. The focus is on player vs. player gameplay with each player controlling an armored vehicle, which may be a light, medium or heavy tank, tank destroyer, or self-propelled gun. World of Tanks debuted as an eSports game at the World Cyber Games 2012.
On 10 June 2013 it was announced that World of Tanks was coming to Xbox Live Arcade on 12 February 2014 as World of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition. Xbox 360 players use separate servers to those playing the Windows version, and players of each version have separate accounts. The Xbox 360 version was developed by Wargaming West studio. An Xbox One version has been announced, and was released on 28 July 2015. A PlayStation 4 version is scheduled to release in 2016.World of Tanks has also recently expanded to mobile platforms under the name World of Tanks Blitz, in addition to a board game titled World of Tanks Rush and a collectable card game titled World of Tanks: Generals.
The Kliment Voroshilov (KV) tanks were a series of Soviet heavy tanks named after the Soviet defense commissar and politician Kliment Voroshilov and used by the Red Army during World War II. The KV series were known for their heavy armour protection during the early part of the war, especially during the first year of the German invasion of the Soviet Union. In certain situations, even a single KV-1 or KV-2 supported by infantry was capable of halting the enemy's onslaught. German tanks at that time were rarely used in KV encounters as their armament was too poor to deal with the "Russischer Koloss" - "Russian Colossus."
The KV tanks were practically immune to the 3.7 cm KwK 36 and howitzer-like, short barreled 7.5 cm KwK 37 guns mounted, respectively, on the early Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks fielded by the invading German forces. Until more effective guns were developed by the Germans, the KV-1 was invulnerable to almost any German weapon except the 8.8 cm Flak gun. Even then, in a speech to the Panzerkommission on 18 November 1941, Guderian stated that "the sloped armor causes hits from the 8.8 cm Flak gun to ricochet" referring to the KV-1.
A tank is a large, heavily armoured fighting vehicle with tracks and a large tank gun that is designed for front-line combat. Modern tanks are mobile land weapon platforms, mounting a large-calibre cannon in a rotating gun turret. They combine this with heavy vehicle armour which provides protection for the crew, the vehicle's weapons, and its propulsion systems, and operational mobility, due to its use of tracks rather than wheels, which allows the tank to move over rugged terrain and be positioned on the battlefield in advantageous locations. These features enable the tank to perform well in a tactical situation: the combination of powerful weapons fire from their tank gun and their ability to resist enemy fire means the tank can take hold of and control an area and prevent other enemy vehicles from advancing. In both offensive and defensive roles, they are powerful units able to perform key primary tasks required of armoured units on the battlefield. The modern tank was the result of a century of development from the first primitive armoured vehicles, due to improvements in technology such as the internal combustion engine, which allowed the rapid movement of heavy armoured vehicles. As a result of these advances, tanks underwent tremendous shifts in capability during the World Wars of the 20th century.
Royalty-free, or RF, refers to the right to use copyrighted material or intellectual property without the need to pay royalties or license fees for each use or per volume sold, or some time period of use or sales.
Many computer industry standards, especially those developed and submitted by industry consortium's or individual companies, involve royalties for the actual use of these standards. These royalties are typically charged on a "per port" basis, where the manufacturer of end-user devices has to pay a small fixed fee for each device sold, and also include a substantial annual fixed fee. With millions of devices sold each year, the royalties can amount to several millions of dollars, which is a significant burden for the manufacturer. Examples of such royalties-based standards include IEEE 1394, HDMI, and H.264/MPEG-4 AVC.
Royalty-free standards do not include any "per-port" or "per-volume" charges or annual payments for the actual implementation of the standard, even though the text of the actual specification is typically protected by copyright and needs to be purchased from the standards body. Most open standards are royalty-free, and many proprietary standards are royalty-free as well. Examples of royalty-free standards include DisplayPort, VGA, VP8, and Matroska.
KV-1 Restoration: In commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Zinoviy Kolobanov’s heroic stand
KV-1 WW2 Footage.
World of Tanks - KV-1 Tier 5 Heavy Tank - За Родину!
Return of the Ghost: KV-1 Extraction
Killer Tanks The KV Tank
KV-1 tank
KV-1 + 122mm Derp = Pools Medal & Kolobanovs! - World of Tanks
World of Tanks / KV-1 .. 14 Kills
Inside The Tanks: The KV-1B - World of Tanks
KV-1 Russian Beast, Stalin's Stage Coach! (War Thunder Tanks Gameplay 1.43)
The KV-1 is one of the most iconic tanks in Soviet World War II history. The joint project of The Historical and Cultural Complex Stalin Line and Wargaming has been dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Zinoviy Kolobanov’s heroic stand. In November 2015, fragments of the legendary machine were discovered and salvaged from a bog. According to archives, this very tank took part in the Lepel Counteroffensive with the aim of disrupting the German advance to Vitebsk, Belarus. ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/wargaming_asia ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldOfTanks... ● Twitter: https://twitter.com/WoT_Asia ● Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/wargamingasia Let's Battle! Play World of Tanks for FREE: ASIA: http://worldoftanks.asia
Hope you enjoyed watching this amazing footage of the KV1. ■ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Panzerpicture ■ Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/Panze... ■ Twitter:https://twitter.com/panzerpicture ■ Information obtained from several sites. ■ Wikipedia. ■ tanks-encyclopedia.com ■http://the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers.html ■http://preservedtanks.com/ ■http://www.pantser.net/ ■ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Panzerpicture ■ Music is from the YouTube Audio Library. ■ Music used: Mattia Cupelli - The Phoenix Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/41v... RFGB Music Flight Hymn (Copyright and Royalty Free) Download:http://www.mediafire.com/download/o67... Rapture (Copyright and Royalty Free) Download: http://adf.ly/paBWv Last Dawn (Copyright and Royalty Free) Down...
After patch 7.3 when the KV lost the big turret, the 152mm howitzer AND the 107mm ZiS gun, I dropped this tank like a hot potato. But since patch 7.5 it has a much more forgiving matchmaker, so it's time to take another look at this Russian monster. За Родину! Mods used: Reticle with Reload Timer: http://www.curse.com/wot-mods/worldoftanks/vanilla-reticle-reload-timer-and "It's a Trap!" Sixth Sense Perk Icon: http://www.curse.com/wot-mods/worldoftanks/trapsense Coloured Tank Icons: http://www.speedyshare.com/u7GbZ/Coloured-Tank-Icons-0.7.5-P.zip Damage Panel: http://www.mediafire.com/?69myzyjdm96d8j7 Camera Zoom Mod: http://www.curse.com/wot-mods/worldoftanks/camera-mod
Roughly 70 years ago a KV-1 sunk to the bottom of the Don River (Russia). Join us as we set off to locate and recover the legendary ghost tank. Twitter: http://twitter.com/worldoftanks Facebook: http://facebook.com/worldoftanks.na Let's Battle! Play World of Tanks for FREE: North America: http://worldoftanks.com
The Kliment Voroshilov (KV) tanks were a series of Soviet heavy tanks named after the Soviet defense commissar and politician Kliment Voroshilov and used by the Red Army during World War II. The KV series were known for their heavy armour protection during the early part of the war, especially during the first year of the German invasion of the Soviet Union. In certain situations, even a single KV-1 or KV-2 supported by infantry was capable of halting the enemy's onslaught. German tanks at that time were rarely used in KV encounters as their armament was too poor to deal with the "Russischer Koloss" - "Russian Colossus". The KV tanks were practically immune to the 3.7 cm KwK 36 and howitzer-like, short barreled 7.5 cm KwK 37 guns mounted, respectively, on the early Panzer III and Panzer I...
I'm always a sucker for a good derp gun replay, and this game from The_Pheonix_shadow in their KV-1 is certainly good! They collect a lovely pile of medals including the Pools and Kolobanovs as well as an Ace Tanker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Play World of Tanks for free! http://play.any.tv/SHVYE Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AgingJedi Twitter https://twitter.com/AgingJedi Duxter http://duxter.com/oake Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/110704920994097178226/110704920994097178226/posts?pageId=110704920994097178226 Got a good replay to show me for the channel? Upload it to www.wotreplays.com and send me the link to: agingjedioake @ gmail.com (without spaces). Please don't send me the actual replay file as my inbo...
This time we bring you a somewhat different "Inside the Tanks" episode, as a radiation leak prevented us from entering the mighty KV-1B. Thus making this episode our first unofficial "Outside the Tanks" In this episode we take a different look on the "First of great Soviet heavies" and tackle the history behind it. Discover the story and characteristics of this legendary tank which made Kolobanov famous, in our newest video! Visit our forums and talk about your favourite tanks with our Military Specialist: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/forum/1516-forum/ The Challenger on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wgchallenger To keep up to date with our latest development, contests and events visit our portal or follow us on Facebook: http://worldoftanks.eu/ Facebook: http://www.f...
War Thunder Ground Forces 1.43 - ISU-152, King of Derp! ●Download War Thunder for Free: http://bit.ly/1kxmzmc PhlyDaily: https://www.youtube.com/user/PhlyDaily ●War Thunder US Tanks, M2 Medium: http://bit.ly/m2medtank ●War Thunder US Tanks, M16 Halftrack: http://bit.ly/m16flak ●War Thunder US Tanks, M4A1 Sherman: http://bit.ly/m4a176 ●War Thunder US Tank M41 Walker Bulldog:http://bit.ly/m41bdog War Thunder Patch 1.43 Dev Server Videos: ●T-35 Multi Turret Tank: http://youtu.be/GNvaLSVWkIc ●Horten Ho 229: http://youtu.be/faPFaHGsJyE ●Japanese R2Y2 Jet Fighters: http://youtu.be/IWAyn9TvbOQ ●Jap J7W1 Shinden & Kitsuka: http://youtu.be/UDcLkMpezDY ●Russian Il-28 Jet Bomber: http://youtu.be/TGaxDoKhsGM ●F7F Tigercat Fighter: http://youtu.be/HKxPgAchuB8 More War Thunder Links and Videos:...
Well I was sentenced to prison
To do about one year
They said it isn't so bad
We got a good band here
We play every Wednesday night
Sometimes Tuesday too
It's the music of the future and it will get to you
When I heard the band for the first time
They has no (rhythm). They had no (rhyme)
Well it almost like a dream
I never wanted to have
It drove me (crazy). It drove me (mad)
The man said: "C'mon and play
And here's an instrument for you
It's an ancient flute
It's in the key of 2. Blow..."
I gotta get more time. I gotta stay in here
I used to be foggy
But the music made me clear
Now the jail in rockin' like Elvis never knew
I'm on the inside now. I'm in the key of 2
Now we all are lifers and I'm in the band too
We play my favorite song. It's in the key of 2
And it will get to you
It's the music of the future and it will get to you
And it will get to you