- published: 13 Mar 2011
- views: 1644504
ELT tour1998 Time goes by
ELT tour 1998 出逢った頃のように
Every Little Thing / fragile
Every Little Thing / Shapes Of Love(from「ELT 15th Anniversary Concert Tour "ORDINARY"」)
ELT tour 1998 Dear My Friend
FFBE: The Crystal Tower ELT - Defeat Xande!
ELT tour 1998 Feel My Heart
【カウントダウンTV】 ELT 恋文
FF BE Final Fantasy 3 Event The Crystal Tower ELT Difficulty Guide How to Beat Xande(#46)
ELT Official http://www.avexnet.or.jp/elt/ 2012年8月1日「EVERY LITTLE THING 15th Anniversary Concert Tour 2011~2012 "ORDINARY"」リリース Blu-ray http://bit.ly/AMZ-ORDINARY-BD DVD http://bit.ly/AMZ-ORDINARY-DVD ELTデビュー15周年を記念し、昨年2011年10月から2012年4月まで行われた全国ツアー「EVERY LITTLE THING 15th Anniversary Concert Tour 2011~2012 "ORDINARY"が、いよいよパッケージ化!昨年リリースされた10枚目となるオリジナルアルバム「ORDINARY」の楽曲と、数々の大ヒット曲で構成された、まさに今のELTの「ベストツアー」だけに必見。しかも今回はELT初となるBlu-ray盤も同時発売!ハイクオリティな映像と音声で、臨場感あふれるツアーの様子をお楽しみ頂けます。恒例となったオフショットも、もちろん収録。今回は約70分と、ボリューム満点!あなたの街に立ち寄ったELTの様子が見られるかも!?
Get yourself a nice little moogle for defeating Xande! Will post a new video once I max both of my COD 6 stars (will see how fast I can burn him!). Otherwise this fight was a little difficult for me, being that I usually magic burn. You can do it!
Remember that you can buy smoke bomb (if you don't have escape) on Lost village of Marlo to escape from battle. Characters Equipment (08:08) Please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Guide. It really helps me :). For Crystal Tower Map and Text Guide, visit: http://guide4gamers.com/ff-be-final-fantasy-3-event-the-crystal-tower-guide-gumi1/ For complete Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Guide, visit: http://guide4gamers.com/final-fantasy-brave-exvius-guide-and-tips-gumi1/
Stripped of my wings
Water the brain
Under the skin
Empty vein
Fix me
Empty my vein
Flushing the brain
Lower than low
Empty vein
Catch me
Someone catch me now
Before I hit the ground
I cannot fly today
Someone took my wings away
Draining the vein
Under the skin