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23 Nov

Crisis and Critique

Stalin: what does the name stand for?

Volume 3, issue 1, 29-03-2016

Edited by Frank Ruda & Agon Hamza

Introduction, by Frank Ruda & Agon Hamza PDF

Table of Contents

Who is Stalin, What is he?

by Lars T. Lih PDF

Stalin and Hitler: Twin Brothers or Mortal Enemies?

by Domenico Losurdo PDF

A Thought on Stalin Beginning From Lenin

by Judith Balso PDF

The Prince and the Revolutionary

by Jean-Claude Milner PDF

Reflections on the Meaning of Stalinism

by Paul LeBlanc PDF

A Materialist Doctrine of Good and Evil: Stalin’s Revision of Marxist Anthropology

by Roland Boer PDF

Comrade Hegel: Absolute Spirit Goes East

by Evgeny V. Pavlov PDF

Staline selon Varlam Chalamov

by Cécile Winter PDF

Egalitarian Inventions and Political Symptoms: A Reassessment of Mao’s Statements on the “Probable Defeat”

by Alessandro Russo PDF

Sovereignty and Deviation: Notes on Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason Vol 2

by Alberto Toscano PDF

Stalin Beyond Stalin: A Paradoxical Hypothesis of Communism by Alexandre Kojève and Boris Groys

by Alexei Penzin PDF

Tracing Radical Subjectivity contra Stalinism, and Why This Takes Us to Fanon

by Saroj Giri PDF

Cromwell, Robespierre, Stalin (and Lenin?): Must Revolution Always Mean Catastrophe?

by Bill Bowring PDF

“No, it is not true!”: Stalin and the Question of Materialist Science of Language

by Samo Tomšič PDF

A Left-Wing Historical Revisionism: Studying the Conflicts of the Twentieth Century After the Crisis of Anti-Fascist Paradigm

by Stefano G. Azzarà PDF

On the Organisation of Defeats

by Agon Hamza & Gabriel Tupinambá PDF

Marxism-Leninism Teaches that the People are the Creators of History

by Enver Hoxha PDF

Note on Contributors PDF

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