News Feed's Nate Silver ripped into The New York Times and a columnist for the paper. The minutes-long rant included loaded words like “dishonest” and “unethical”

Although Facebook would like you to think it is just a platform, there is another term that better describes its reach

Edward Snowden says there's a specific reason why the press has not used its full power and influence

The recent firing of an Iowa cartoonist over his drawing targeting Big Agriculture has made national news.

Another cartoonist, Pulitzer Prizer winner Doug Marlette, explained in a 2003 CJR piece what happened to him when he published a drawing showing a man in Middle Eastern apparel driving a truck hauling a nuclear warhead

Cartoonist Doug Marlette

Among other notable FOIA stories, a transit police department becomes embroiled in a scandal over its dog naming contest

Here's what to do when punctuation marks collide

Don't worry, CJR's got you covered.

"It’s one thing to be sad at the sight of fallen heroes, or to allow eccentric guests to voice their views, but interview hosts are expected to shut down tastelessness past a point."

Nothing blasts a paper’s name into the public consciousness like an ethical meltdown, and that’s exactly why thousands of people worldwide are criticizing the small weekly

The announcement was made at 3pm Tuesday, and the next morning subscribers of the now obsolete publication received the rival's paper instead

“Sometimes there are sad things that have to happen for good things to happen.”

Oof! Here's a headline editors probably wish they could take back

The Los Angeles Times is about to adopt a new strategy--again

Donald Trump seems to get away with lying about his Iraq war stance in one particular place the most

Alt-weeklies have increasingly come under the control of mainstream newspapers in recent years.

Another alternative weekly has been purchased by a big daily, continuing a trend in recent years that has seen alts come under the arm of nearby mainstream newspapers. In 2012, the parent company of the Chicago Sun-Times bought...

When reporters embrace how little they know, resist forming conclusions, and share their doubts with their readers in a form that breaks with convention, they may wind up getting closer to the truth.

Too much conviction can be a dangerous thing. It certainly was for Marine Major Mark Thompson, who had a friend approach The Washington Post on his behalf, in late 2014, about Thompson’s story of how he had been...

"My mission was not for adventure. My mission was to help change the world."

Over a 40-year career at The Miami Herald, Tim Chapman covered more than 50 hurricanes, rolled up on thousands of crime scenes and parachuted, figuratively speaking, into wars and coups around the region—though those who know him wouldn’t...

An easy test to figure out when to use which pronouns.

The television anchor told a heartwarming story of a disabled young man taken to his high school prom by 37 dates. “It was a memorable day for he and his classmates,” the anchor concluded. That’s a common error...

“To sustain any type of investigative reporting, it requires you to think differently."

In 2014, The Center for Investigative Reporting found itself at a crossroads: Cut much of its staff or create a full-time radio show. That was the choice then-editorial director Mark Katches says the organization faced. “The burn rate...

The news that Gannett intends to buy Tribune Publishing is a fitting capstone to the long history of newspaper consolidation.

This week’s announcement that Gannett is seeking to purchase the Tribune Company seems, at first glance, to encapsulate the plight of the newspaper industry in the wake of the internet. The size of the proposed merger might be...

“Everyone we talk to in the investigative community sees the potential."

In early 2015, Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, a freelance investigative journalist, published a story in The Chicago Reporter about a reverse mortgage scheme that targeted elderly African-Americans on Chicago’s south and west sides. More than 1,700 words, and accompanied...