- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 20860
Osteomalacia is the softening of the bones caused by defective bone mineralization secondary to inadequate levels of available phosphate and calcium, or because of overactive resorption of calcium from the bone which can be caused by hyperparathyroidism (which causes hypercalcemia). Osteomalacia in children is known as rickets, and because of this, use of the term "osteomalacia" is often restricted to the milder, adult form of the disease. Signs and symptoms can include diffuse body pains, muscle weakness, and fragility of the bones.
The most common cause of osteomalacia is a deficiency of vitamin D, which is normally derived from sunlight exposure and, to a lesser extent, from the diet. The most specific screening test for vitamin D deficiency in otherwise healthy individuals is a serum 25(OH)D level. Less common causes of osteomalacia can include hereditary deficiencies of vitamin D or phosphate (which would typically be identified in childhood) or malignancy.
Measures to prevent and treat osteomalacia usually revolve around intake of vitamin D and calcium supplements. Vitamin D should always be administered in conjunction with calcium supplementation since most of the consequences of vitamin D deficiency are a result of impaired mineral ion homeostasis.
Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for enhancing intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (also known as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol can be ingested from the diet and from supplements. Very few foods contain vitamin D; synthesis of vitamin D (specifically cholecalciferol) in the skin is the major natural source of the vitamin. Dermal synthesis of vitamin D from cholesterol is dependent on sun exposure (specifically UVB radiation).
Vitamin D from the diet or dermal synthesis from sunlight is biologically inactive; activation requires enzymatic conversion (hydroxylation) in the liver and kidney. Evidence indicates the synthesis of vitamin D from sun exposure is regulated by a negative feedback loop that prevents toxicity, but because of uncertainty about the cancer risk from sunlight, no recommendations are issued by the Institute of Medicine (US), for the amount of sun exposure required to meet vitamin D requirements. Accordingly, the Dietary Reference Intake for vitamin D assumes no synthesis occurs and all of a person's vitamin D is from food intake, although that will rarely occur in practice. As vitamin D is synthesized in adequate amounts by most mammals exposed to sunlight, it is not strictly a vitamin, and may be considered a hormone as its synthesis and activity occur in different locations. Vitamin D has a significant role in calcium homeostasis and metabolism. Its discovery was due to effort to find the dietary substance lacking in rickets (the childhood form of osteomalacia).
This video is about Rickets and Osteomalacia
this is our group project on osteomalacia !!!! websites used: http://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/guide/surgery-alternatives http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/153188.php http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/osteomalacia/basics/definition/con-20029393 http://www.differencebetween.net/science/health/disease-health/difference-between-osteomalacia-and-osteoporosis/ http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/osteomalacia/basics/symptoms/con-20029393 http://www.healthline.com/health/osteomalacia#Symptoms3 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000376.htm http://hypopara.org.uk/hpth.php?id=160 http://www.endocrineweb.com/conditions/hyperthyroidism/hyperthyroidism-overview-overactive-thyroid http://patient.info/doctor/vitamin-d-deficiency-including-osteomalacia-and-rickets-pro...
Symptoms, risk factors and treatments of Osteomalacia (Medical Condition) Osteomalacia is the softening of the bones caused by defective bone mineralization secondary to inadequate amounts of available phosphorus and calcium, or because of overactive resorption of calcium from the bone as a result of hyperparathyroidism This video contains general medical information If in doubt, always seek professional medical advice. The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such. The medical information is provided without any representations or warranties, express or implied. We do not warrant or represent that the medical information on this websiteis true, accurate, complete, current or non-misleading Music: 'Undaunted' Kevin Macleod CC-BY-3.0 Source/Images: "Oste...
This video is for educational purposes only. Let's be facebook friends https://www.facebook.com/ThePracticalParamedicStudent/ Vitamin D http://nof.org/calcium#WhatisVitaminD https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/nutrition/Pages/Vitamin-D-On-the-Double.aspx Rickets http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rickets/basics/definition/con-20027091 https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000344.htm osteomalacia http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/osteomalacia/basics/definition/con-20029393 https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000376.htm Scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEcXQ0VLXxE
Acesse: http://www.nutralimentosaude.com.br/ Kit Quarteto Mágico Dr. Lair Ribeiro Completo Óleo De Coco + Ômega 3 + Óleo de Carthamo Health + Magnésio Dimalato Vitamina D3 Vitamina C Óleo de Linhaça Óleo de Óliva Geleia Real Coenzima Q10 Óleo de Semente de uva Kit quarteto Óleo de Linhaça kit quarteto magico, Óleo de Óliva kit quarteto magico, Geleia Real kit quarteto magico, Coenzima Q10 kit quarteto magico, Óleo de Semente de uva, kit quarteto magico Veja também: Kit Quarteto Mágico Completo nutralimentosaude Óleo De Coco + Ômega 3 + Carthamo Health + Magnésio Dimalato Confira também: GELEIA REAL LIOFILIZADA + COGUMELO AGARICUS, TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS GOJI BERRY PRO ÓLEO DE SEMENTE UVA + VITAMINA E MIX DE QUINUA REAL EM GRÃOS SAL ROSA DO HIMALAIA MOÍDO http://www.nutralimentosaude.com...
What is OSTEOMALACIA? What does OSTEOMALACIA mean? OSTEOMALACIA meaning - OSTEOMALACIA pronunciation - OSTEOMALACIA definition - OSTEOMALACIA explanation - How to pronounce OSTEOMALACIA? Source: Wikipedia.org article, adapted under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ license. Osteomalacia is the softening of the bones caused by deactivated bone mineralization primarily due to inadequate levels of available phosphate and calcium, or because of resorption of calcium. Osteomalacia in children is known as rickets, and because of this, use of the term "osteomalacia" is often restricted to the milder, adult form of the disease. Signs and symptoms can include diffuse body pains, muscle weakness, and fragility of the bones. The most common cause of osteomalacia is a deficiency of vi...
Osteomalacia is the softening of the bones caused by defective bone mineralization secondary to inadequate amounts of available phosphorus and calcium, or because of overactive resorption of calcium from the bone as a result of hyperparathyroidism (which causes hypercalcemia, in contrast to other aetiologies). Osteomalacia in children is known as rickets, and because of this, use of the term osteomalacia is often restricted to the milder, adult form of the disease. It may show signs as diffuse body pains, muscle weakness, and fragility of the bones. The most common cause of the disease is a deficiency in vitamin D, which is normally obtained from the diet and/or from sunlight exposure. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Com...
Dr. Holick shares the link between osteomalacia and vitamin D. For more information on nutrition & supplements visit http://www.empowher.com/condition/nutrition-supplements
This is for Mrs. VP's class and just think, if extra credit had not been offered, you all wouldn't have been blessed with this gift of knowledge!
Ti prego, metti la tunica bianchissima e vieni a me
Davanti : intorno a te vola desiderio d'amore.
Astimelusa nulla mi risponde, ma con la sua corona
Pare pare un germoglio d'oro, una morbida piuma
Ti porgo questa corona d'elicriso, mirti, rose,
Tenere fronde, alloro e una collana d'oro
Ti prego, metti la tunica bianchissima e vieni a me
Davanti, tra viole, pomi e alcioni dalle lunghe ali
Astimelusa nulla mi risponde e guarda tra ciglia
Azzurre con quegli occhi struggenti, occhilucente
Pare una stella figlia del cielo e della chiara luna,
Ti crebbro fra petali di rosa ed alghe porporine
Ti prego, metti la tunica bianchissima e vieni a me
Davanti, a fior dell'onda, cangiante come il mare
Astimelusa nulla mi risponde, screziati manti e veli
E fibbie ella si scioglie e non ha tremiti
Ho parlato in sogno a te Afrodite, piena splendeva
La luna, ora l'amata cetra tocco e canto amore.