Audio with Rode VideoMic. Il suono degli uccelli al mattino presto.
Bird vocalization includes both bird calls and bird songs. In non-technical use, bird songs are the bird sounds that are melodious to the human ear. In ornithology and birding, (relatively complex) songs are distinguished by
function from (relatively simple) calls. he distinction between songs and calls is based upon complexity, length, and context.
Songs are longer and more complex and are associated with courtship and mating, while calls tend to serve such functions as alarms or keeping members of a flock in contact.[3] Other authorities such as Howell and
Webb (
1995) make the distinction based on function, so that short vocalizations, such as those of pigeons, and even non-vocal sounds, such as the drumming of woodpeckers and the "winnowing" of snipes' wings in display flight, are considered songs.[4] Still others require song to have syllabic diversity and temporal regularity akin to the repetitive and transformative patterns that define music. It is generally agreed upon in birding and ornithology which sounds are songs and which are calls, and a good field guide will differentiate between the two.
Bird song is best developed in the order Passeriformes. Most song is emitted by male rather than
female birds.
Song is usually delivered from prominent perches, although some species may sing when flying. Some groups are nearly voiceless, producing only percussive and rhythmic sounds, such as the storks, which clatter their bills. In some manakins (Pipridae), the males have evolved several mechanisms for mechanical sound production, including mechanisms for stridulation not unlike those found in some insects.[5]
The production of sounds by mechanical means as opposed to the use of the syrinx has been termed variously instrumental music by
Charles Darwin, mechanical sounds[6] and more recently sonation.[7] The term sonate has been defined as the act of producing non-vocal sounds.
Bird language
The language of the birds has long been a topic for anecdote and speculation. That calls have meanings that are interpreted by their listeners has been well demonstrated.
Domestic chickens have distinctive alarm calls for aerial and ground predators, and they respond to these alarm calls appropriately.[86][87] However, a language has, in addition to words, structures and rules. Studies to demonstrate the existence of language have been difficult due to the range of possible interpretations.
Research on parrots by
Irene Pepperberg is claimed to demonstrate the innate ability for grammatical structures, including the existence of concepts such as nouns, adjectives and verbs.[88] Studies on starling vocalizations have also suggested that they may have recursive structures.[89]
The term bird language may also more informally refer to patterns in bird vocalizations that communicate information to other birds or other animals in general.[90]
[edit]Bird song and music
Some musicologists believe that birdsong has had a large influence on the development of music.[91] Although the extent of this influence is impossible to gauge,[92] it is sometimes easy to see some of the specific ways composers have integrated birdsong with music.
There seem to be three general ways musicians or composers can be affected by birdsong: they can be influenced or inspired (consciously or unconsciously) by birdsong, they can include intentional imitations of bird song in a composition, or they can incorporate recordings of birds into their works.
In his book Why
Birds Sing,
David Rothernberg claims that birds vocalize traditional scales used in human music, such as the pentatonic scale (e.g.,
Hermit Thrush) and diatonic scale (e.g.,
Wood Thrush), providing evidence that birdsong not only sounds like music, but is music in the human sense. This claim has been refuted by Sotorrio (
Tone Spectra), who has shown that birds are not selecting scale tones from a miriad of tonal possibilities, but are filtering out and reinforcing the available set of overtones from the fundamental tones of their vocal cords. This requires "far less musical intelligence and deliberate appropriation", and in this regard, he suggests birdsong has something in common with
Mongolian throat-singing and jaw-harp music. Sotorrio also claims that musicians like Rothernberg are deceived by "a perculiar form of Pareidolia" whereby complex tonal information is reduced to human scale concepts due to a "fixation on music as it is written rather than as it sounds". Rothernberg's claims were expored in the
BBC documentary Why Birds Sing. Vocalizzazione degli uccelli comprende sia le chiamate di uccelli e canti di uccelli. In non-uso tecnico, canto degli uccelli sono i suoni degli uccelli che sono melodiosa per l'orecchio umano.
Il linguaggio degli uccelli è stata a lungo un argomento di aneddoto e la speculazione.
- published: 05 May 2012
- views: 1390329