Nepal Promotion Evening in
To commemorate the 64th
Anniversary of the
Establishment to the
Diplomatic Relations between Nepal and
France, the
Embassy of Nepal in Paris with cooperation from the
Mairie of
17th Arrondissement, Paris hosted a lively evening on Friday 19
April 2013.
The Program was inaugurated by
His Excellency Mr
Mohan Krishna Shrestha,
Ambassador of Nepal to France and
Permanent Delegate to
Madame Valerie Namihas,
Adjoint Mairie of the 17th Arrondissement alighting a Sukunda lamp.
Ambassador Shrestha and his wife
Mrs. Sajana Shrestha welcomed the guests on the occasion.
Mr. Ram
Babu Dhakal, Counsellor/
DCM, Mr.
Bharat Khanal,
Attaché and his wife Mrs. Bhagwai Khanal and Embassy family were also present on the occasion.
Other distinguished guests included were
Representative of the
French Foreign Ministry, former
Ambassadors, Honorary Nepalese
Consul in
Toulouse, Diplomatic officials from
Embassies based in Paris, Professors, Presidents of
NRN, France,
Everest Nepali Association, Nepali
Ekata Samaj,
Tamu Samaj, Pakofam and Nepal
Culture as well as long-term Nepali residents, Professionals working in UNESCO and other
French companies,
French and Nepali dignitaries from different walks of life and other distinguished guests. Specially, a delegation composed of Mr. Makar
Bahadur Hamal, President of Portugal Nepalese
Friendship Association and Nepalese
Honorary Consul designate, Mr.
Kumar Shrestha,
President of Portugal Nepal Arts, Culture, Literary,
Communication Association and
International Arts Forujm, Mr.
Ramesh Gurung, NRN,
Portugal and Mr. Binod Ghimire, Editor of Portugal and Mr.
Arjun Kumar Shrestha,
ICC member of NRN
Belgium and Mr. Salikram, a jounalist and Editor of from Belgium were also present.
Speaking on the occasion Mme. Namihas said that Nepal is a naturally beautiful country with friendly people where
Lord Buddha was born some 2600 years ago. She further said that following Lord Buddha's teachings the
French people can make their life peaceful and happiness-filled. She expressed his that Mairie could assist the Embassy in such a noble celebration.
Jean Romnicianu, Representative of the French Foreign Ministry recalled that in the stone inscription located at Hanumandhoka, there are few
French words so our bilateral relations must have started much earlier with seminal visits and during recent times, our bilateral relations has been developing up to our mutual satisfaction.
Ambassador Shrestha enumerated the naturally beautiful aspects of Nepal and let the guests know details about innumerable
Himalayan peaks calling it as the
Roof of the World and
Water Tower due availability of abundance water resources emanating from the Himalayas. He further informed the guests about various adventure, cultural and natural aspects of Nepal including the multi-ethnic composition of the people speaking 92 dialects.
Despite differences in religious and social values, people live peacefully following a policy of live and let live Ambassador harked upon.
Dwelling on the life of Lord Buddha and
Lumbini, Ambassador Shrestha said that his teachings of
4 noble truths and 8 enlightened path continued to hold much value in our modern times than before.
Ambassador Shrestha also highlighted about the availability of the different tourism activities in the country and said that one hour mountain flight provides an opportunity for lifetime to see those majestic Himalayan chain including
Mt. Everest, the highest peak in the world at 8,848 metres. Ambassador Shrestha further said that with the enunciation of the good policies by the
Government and host of other conducive atmosphere have made Nepal an ideal destination for
Foreign Direct Investment. Saying that Nepal offers interesting tourism activities for all age groups, Ambassador invited guests to visit Nepal both for tourism and investment opportunities.
Before concluding Ambassador Shrestha hoped that the bilateral relations between Nepal and France would grow much stronger in the days to come and our relations will be based on mutual understanding and mutual benefit.
CD-rom made by Nepal
Tourism Board on
Naturally Beautiful Nepal -
Once is not
Enough was screened to the much delight of the guests. Similarly cultural dance performances by
Alisa Gurung, Prashamsha KC,
Florence Malla, Bimal
Basel and Babu Thapa enthralled the audience. Sumptuous Nepali food dinner was loved by everybody. Brochures on Nepal and A small brochure on Lord Buddha and on his teachings were distributed free of charge to the guests.
The occasion also served as a platform to meet old and new friends of Nepal. All agreed that the hosting of such occasion definitely contributed to make the bilateral relations between our two countries much stronger and fruitful.
The Embassy of Nepal
45 bis, rue de
75017, France.
- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 1558