- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 399
The UNIAN or Ukrainian Independent Information Agency (Ukrainian: Українське Незалежне Інформаційне Агентство, УНІАН; Ukrayins'ke Nezalezhne Informatsiyne Ahentstvo) is a Kiev-based Ukrainian news agency. It produces and provides political, business and financial information, as well as a popular photo reporting service.
Founded March 1993, UNIAN is now used by major newspapers, TV-channels, and radio stations as one of the main information sources. UNIAN has close to 500 media clients worldwide and its photobank includes over 200,000 images. A partial list of major clients includes:
UNIAN also hosts the country's most popular press conference hall, busy 5 hours a day.
The agency has its own building, inherited from Soviet times. It is situated on the main Khreschatyk street of the city.
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