- published: 26 Apr 2017
- views: 7374
Tylis (Greek: Τύλις) or Tyle was a capital of a short-lived Balkan state mentioned by Polybius that was founded by Celts led by Comontorius in the 3rd century BC. Following their invasion of Thrace and Greece in 279 BC, the Gauls were defeated by the Macedonian king Antigonus II Gonatas in the Battle of Lysimachia in 277 BC, after which they turned inland to Thrace and founded their kingdom at Tylis. It was located near the eastern edge of the Haemus (Balkan) Mountains in what is now eastern Bulgaria. Some bands of Celts, namely the Tectosages, Tolistobogii and Trocmi, did not settle in Thrace, but crossed into Asia Minor to become known as the Galatians. The last king of Tylis was Cavarus who maintained good relations to the city of Byzantium. His capital was destroyed by the Thracians in 212 BC and this was also the end of his kingdom. The modern Bulgarian village of Tulovo in Stara Zagora Province now occupies the site.
Tile Ridge on Greenwich Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica is named for Tylis.
Magdalena Agnieszka Ogórek (born February 23, 1979) is a Polish historian and politician.
She was born in Rybnik. In 2002 she completed a Master's degree in history at the University of Opole, and in 2003 completed postgraduate studies in European integration at the University of Warsaw, and thematic studies in 2005 at the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht. In 2009, at the University of Opole, Ogórek received her PhD. She has lectured at the School of Customs and Logistics in Warsaw under the auspices of Malopolska College in Kraków.
Ogórek had internships and apprenticeships in the Office for European Integration in the Office of the President of the Polish Republic and the Prime Minister's Office. In 2004 she was employed as a clerk in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, where she worked for two years. For three years she was an associate of the President of the Democratic Left Alliance Grzegorz Napieralski, and in 2010 was a member presidential election staff.
Marcin Wolski (born 22 July 1947 in Łódź) is a Polish writer, journalist and satirist. As a journalist, he writes for Wprost,Gazeta Polska and Tygodnik Solidarność. Many of his novels mix elements of science fiction, fantasy and political fiction and he was nominated for the Janusz A. Zajdel Award 3 times.
Beata Kozidrak (born 4 May 1960 in Lublin, Poland) is a Polish singer and vocalist of the pop-rock band Bajm.
Her career began in 1978 when she placed second at the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole performing the song Piechotą do lata. Since the 1980s, she has been a member of the group Bajm with whom she has recorded ten albums.
Kasia Popowska - Tyle Tu Mam
Rafał Ziemkiewicz i Stanisław Janecki - CAŁOŚĆ - W TYLE WIZJI 16.06.17
Magdalena Ogórek i Łukasz Warzecha - CAŁOŚĆ - W TYLE WIZJI 15.06.17
Tyle chciałem Ci dać - Universe & Beata Kozidrak
TYLE SPOSOBÓW BY UMRZEĆ (Dumb Ways To Die - polska wersja) | MATT OLECH | VlogMateusz
XFORT-Tyle dni tyle lat (Official Video 2017)
Magdalena Ogórek i Marcin Wolski - CAŁOŚĆ - W TYLE WIZJI 12.06.17
Dorota Łosiewicz i Wiktor Świetlik - CAŁOŚĆ - W TYLE WIZJI 14.06.17
W tyle wizji - Ziemkiewicz i Janecki - 16.06.2017
Magdalena Ogórek i Marcin Wolski - CAŁOŚĆ - W TYLE WIZJI 15.05.17
Singiel promujący album “Dryfy”: https://UmusicPL.lnk.to/NI0sF „Tyle Tu Mam” - muzyka i słowa: Katarzyna Popowska Aranżacja utworu: Kuba Galiński Reżyseria: Tomasz Styka, Karolina Słobodzian Produkcja: Popo Records Zdjęcia: Tomasz Styka, Bartosz Pelc Montaż: Tomasz Styka, Sebastian Augustyn Koloryzacja: Tomasz Styka Stylizacje: Anna Zeman Makijaż/włosy/charakteryzacja/FX: Iwona Obroślak, Marta Dąbrowska Aktorzy: Jakub Piskorek Andźka Grabarczyk Karolina Słobodzian Radosław Stączek Sebastian Augustyn Kinga Trojanowska Specjalne podziękowania dla Irish Pub Galway w Rzeszowie, firmy eTransmisje, marki Doom3000, PhotoAndz.pl oraz agencji 'Młodzi Inspirują' Śledź Artystkę na: FB: https://www.facebook.com/kasiapopowskamusic/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kasiapopowska/ Music ...
Zapraszam na profil Mirka Breguły. https://www.facebook.com/Miros%C5%82aw-Bregu%C5%82a-166616610350048/ Tyle chciałem Ci dać - Universe & Beata Kozidrak - Mirosław Breguła Tyle chciałem Ci dać Deszczem kwiatów okryć Cię Czasem porwał mnie wiatr Chciałem siebie odnaleźć Lecz nie ma mnie. Tyle chciałam Ci dać Ubrać miłość w spokój snu Gdzieś byłeś, a ja... Twoich dłoni szukałam i Twoich ust. Bo ja przez Ciebie zginę Bo ja przez Ciebie nawet nie wiem jak żyć Sto lat niech chociaż minie Nim spotkam Cię znów Proszę Cię... zostaw już. Wiem, że grałem nie fer Głupie kłamstwa, czasem flirt Nie wiedziałem, że wiesz ... Przecież mogłaś pogadać A tu tylko list... Mogę zmienić swój świat Byleś ze mną była znów Będę kochał Cię tak Jak to było, gdy miałem 20 lat. Bo ja bez ...
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♠ OUVRE POUR LIRE LA DESCRIPTION ♠ Salut, Aujourd'hui début de notre j'espère longue campagne avec le Royaume de Tylis. On commence bien avec une guerre contre la Macédoine. Bonne vidéo a tous. ♠ Si la vidéo t'as plu cliques sur "j'aime" et n'hésites pas à la partager avec tes amis. ♠ ♠ Playlist de la série : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDlUAii3B8Aa8tUsU0Y_GgOWQnK9Ts2J ♠ ♠ Abonne toi a ma chaîne pour être prévenu de mes nouvelles vidéos : http://bit.ly/14T5Zwu ♠ ♠ MON TWITTER : https://twitter.com/#!/IBaFien ♠
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Hey guys I hope you are all having a good x mess eve and for people who are already in x mess, I hope you are having fun ! I just want to say how grateful I am for each one of you guys who take the time to watch my videos and comment like and share. So thanks guys enjoy the holidays. More VIKING CONQUEST tomorrow !!!! New Schedule Monday - Mount & Blade Warband Clash Of Kings Wednesday Ck2 Game OF Thrones Greyjoy Friday Age Of The Petty King Sunday Rome 2 Roma Victor _ Follow me on twitter ! https://twitter.com/Jackiephish Join my steam group ! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/JackieFish Contact me jackiefishhh@gmail.com _ Series playlist Westeros Total War: Age of Petty Kings STARKS https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxH_Ujz9YfKKOCT9KUlf7JlvYXDO0GcVs Mount and blade Cla...
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Hannibal himself marches to recapture Saguntum but the might general of Carthage is ambushed and takes heavy losses. ➜ Donation Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=8D88TAHW5EQRN ➜ Walkthrough Master List: http://costinrazvan.tumblr.com/walkthroughs
Today we fallow Captian Salty Taco on his adventures after being stranded on an island. Please Remember to like, favorite and subscribe to see all my new and amazing content! ┈┈┈┈╭╯╭╯╭╯┈┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔▔▔▔▔╲▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈╱┈╭╮┈╭╮┈╲╮╲┈┈ ┈┈▏┈▂▂▂▂▂┈▕╮▕┈┈ ┈┈▏┈╲▂▂▂╱┈▕╮▕┈┈ ┈┈╲▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂╲╱┈┈ Help me by buying cool stuff: https://www.noscopeglasses.com/demon-glasses/?tracking=saltytaco My Twitter: https://twitter.com/IrritatedTaco Buy The Game: https://saltthegame.com/ ↓The game↓ Salt is a game based around exploration and adventure where you sail across a vast ocean exploring different islands. The world of Salt is procedurally generated, providing you with an endless amount of exploration. During your adventure you will meet various challenges and obstacles that you will have to overcome, as well as...
The second half of turn 3 of my new Rome Total War Greek City States Speed Run campaign. Edited for time and pacing with a live commentary. If you enjoy the video please like and subscribe. Please note this is an unofficial video and is not endorsed by SEGA or the Creative Assembly in any way. For more information on Total War, please visit www.totalwar.com.
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Underneath her skin and jewelry,
hidden in her words and eyes
is a wall that's cold and ugly
and she's scared as hell.
Trembling at the thought of feeling.
Wide awake and keeping distance.
Nothing seems to penetrate her.
She's scared as hell.
I am frightened to.
Wide awake
and keeping distance from my soul.