New Internationalist

Technology as if people mattered

Technology as if people mattered

The world's poor are still losing out. They need a better deal, argues Dinyar Godrej.
Ethiopia drought: on the edge of a crisis

Ethiopia drought: on the edge of a crisis

Up to 10 million people are currently facing famine, reports Nicola Kelly.
A word with Shazia Mirza

A word with Shazia Mirza

The award-winning comedian and columnist on poverty, banishing Donald Trump, and why all art is useless.
Forest bathing

Forest bathing

Tina Burrett and Christopher Simons explore deep woods therapy in Japan.
Children and adolescents forgotten by HIV policymakers

Children and adolescents forgotten by HIV policymakers

Iris Gonzales asks why the most vulnerable are at the bottom of the priority list.
Tentative steps forward for Muslim women’s rights

Tentative steps forward for Muslim women’s rights

Mari Marcel Thekaekara reports some good news from India.
PISA-envy, Pearson and Starbucks-style schools

PISA-envy, Pearson and Starbucks-style schools

How international testing and privatizing education go hand in hand.

Top stories

Technology as if people mattered*

The world’s poor are still losing out. They need a better deal, argues Dinyar Godrej.

A word with Shazia Mirza

Comedian Shazia Mirza reveals her inspirations, fears and political passions.

Forest bathing

Escaping the pressures of modern life in Japan. By Tina Burrett and Christopher Simons.

The demoralized mind

John F Schumaker asks how we can treat our sick culture and make ourselves well.

Mixed Media: Books

This month’s book reviews, from Angry White People to a Girl in Exile.

One woman’s victory against a mining giant in Peru

Máxima Acuña has just won the Goldman Prize for her resistance against a gold mine – but why are women’s bodies on the frontlines of resistance to extractivism? asks Sian Cowman.

Net gains for politicians

Steve Parry explains why politicians and the internet don’t get on. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.


The Castle Builder

A new performance by Vic Llewellyn and Kid Carpet.

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The Panama Papers: a podcast special

The latest taxcast from the Tax Justice Network discusses the biggest offshore leak in history.

Ethiopia drought: on the edge of a crisis

Up to 10 million people are currently facing famine, reports Nicola Kelly.

2016: The Year of the Fashion Revolution

What did this year’s Fashion Revolution movement teach us? And what can the next generation do to change the current state of fast-fashion?

Children and adolescents forgotten by HIV policymakers

Iris Gonzales asks why the most vulnerable are at the bottom of the priority list.

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    The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change

    A completely revised edition on the politics of climate in a post-Copenhagen world.

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    People First Economics

    Toxic debt, rising job losses, collapsing commodity prices and expanding poverty. How can we rein in these beasts unleashed by the free market economy?

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    The World Atlas of Sport

    This beautifully designed and fully illustrated atlas profiles the world’s major competitive sports, their political uses and abuses, and the profits that flow from their commercial development.

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