- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 6650
Max Beckmann (February 12, 1884 – December 27, 1950) was a German painter, draftsman, printmaker, sculptor, and writer. Although he is classified as an Expressionist artist, he rejected both the term and the movement. In the 1920s, he was associated with the New Objectivity (Neue Sachlichkeit), an outgrowth of Expressionism that opposed its introverted emotionalism.
Max Beckmann was born into a middle-class family in Leipzig, Saxony. From his youth he pitted himself against the old masters. His traumatic experiences of World War I, in which he volunteered as a medical orderly, coincided with a dramatic transformation of his style from academically correct depictions to a distortion of both figure and space, reflecting his altered vision of himself and humanity.
He is known for the self-portraits painted throughout his life, their number and intensity rivaled only by those of Rembrandt and Picasso. Well-read in philosophy and literature, Beckmann also contemplated mysticism and theosophy in search of the "Self". As a true painter-thinker, he strove to find the hidden spiritual dimension in his subjects. (Beckmann's 1948 Letters to a Woman Painter provides a statement of his approach to art.)
Actors: Adolf Hitler (actor), Michael Trabitzsch (writer), Michael Trabitzsch (director), Michael Trabitzsch (writer), Michael Trabitzsch (producer), Roland Hemmo (actor), Dieter Dehn (editor), Kathrin Bronnert (producer), Lutz Möller (composer), Costanza Julia Bani (producer), Max Beckmann (actor),
Genres: Documentary,Actors: Berta Drews (actress), Nico Hofmann (producer), Will Quadflieg (actor), Thomas Thieme (actor), Waléra Kanischtscheff (actor), Muriel Baumeister (actress), Rolf Kanies (actor), Götz George (actor), Götz George (actor), Heinrich George (actor), Heinrich George (actor), Samuel Finzi (actor), Burghart Klaußner (actor), Hanns Zischler (actor), Gert Wilden Jr. (composer),
Genres: Biography, Drama,Actors: Max Herbrechter (actor), Gottfried John (actor), Ulrich Noethen (actor), Stefanie Stappenbeck (actress), Fred Breinersdorfer (writer), Nele Mueller-Stöfen (actress), Barbara M. Ahren (actress), Andreas Schmidt-Schaller (actor), Friederike Wagner (actress), Thomas Jauch (director),
Genres: ,Mythical, powerful, laden with meaning: this autumn, three different exhibitions - in Frankfurt, Basel, and Leipzig - are showing the great German painter's landscapes, portraits, and works done in exile. We'll decipher one of his most important works, the tryptich "Departure", executed in 1933. The whole of life, in one picture!
E H Gombrich Lecture Series on the Classical Tradition: The Evidence of Images: Bosch, Beckmann, Kentridge Professor Joseph Koerner, Victor S. Thomas Professor of the History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University at the Warburg Institute, London, on 15 March 2016
Mythisch, kraftvoll, bedeutungsschwer: Gleich drei Ausstellungen zeigen in diesem Herbst das Werk des großen deutschen Malers. Frankfurt, Basel und Leipzig widmen sich seinen Landschaften, seinen Porträts, seiner Arbeit im Exil. Wir entschlüsseln für Sie eine seiner wichtigsten Arbeiten, das Triptychon"Abfahrt"von 1933. Das ganze Leben in einem Bild!
http://youtube.com/vipmagazin ... http://facebook.com/vipmagazin1 ... Max Beckmann -- Departure (deutscher Trailer / Trailer deutsch german HD) - Kinostart: 06.06.2013 --- Bitte ABONNIEREN nicht vergessen: • http://www.youtube.com/vipmagazin • http://www.youtube.com/gamesmag • http://www.youtube.com/LeinwandTV • http://www.youtube.com/WissensMagazin DANKE! :) --- • Aktuelles Kinoprogramm - Neustarts der Woche: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1E36AB7080054692 • Kino-Charts: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLABA5DBBEC7803A56 • Die neuesten Kinotrailer: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL33EA698DF5D430C7 • Die neuesten Gamestrailer: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD341D058DE477717 --- Offizieller deutscher Kino-Trailer zu dem Film "Max Beckmann -- Departure". Dokum...
In this excerpt from Living St. Louis, Simon Kelly, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, discusses the history and significance of the Max Beckmann Collection at the Saint Louis Art Museum.
(Leipzig, 1884 - Nueva York, 1950) Pintor alemán adscrito a la Nueva Objetividad. Durante su infancia asistió a distintas escuelas debido a las sucesivas mudanzas familiares y no llegó a terminar sus estudios primarios. En 1899 fue rechazado en la Academia de Dresde y admitido en la Escuela de Arte de Weimar al año siguiente, donde aprende la técnica de preparación del lienzo al carbón que utilizará posteriormente. En 1903 y 1904 vive en París y le impresiona la pintura de Cézanne.
GERMAN painter between the two world wars.
A seven-minute show on German artist Max Beckmann's 1937 self-portrait, painted shortly before he left Nazi Germany for Amsterdam.
More video's about art can be seen on: http://arttube.boijmans.nl In January 2009 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen purchased the monumental painting 'Portrait of the family Lütjens' (1944) by the famous German painter Max Beckmann. The painting depicts the art dealer Helmuth Lütjens with his wife Nelly and his young daughter Annemarie. In this interview by museum director Sjarel Ex, the adult Annemarie Lütjens tells the story of the painting and Max Beckmann, who was a good friend of her father. In another ArtTube film Sjarel Ex tells about the acquisition for the museum.
SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LATEST EXHIBITIONS, NEWS, INTERVIEWS AND HAPPENINGS INSIDE THE ART GALLERY OF NSW. http://bit.ly/SubscribeAGNSW For information visit http://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/ Facebook: http://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/facebook/ Twitter: http://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/twitter/ Google +: http://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/google/ Prof Dr Carla Schulz-Hoffmann is the deputy director general of Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen and the chief curator at Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich. in August 2011 she came to the opening of 'The mad square: modernity in German art 1910-37' exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW. Here she talks about the artist Max Beckmann and his painting 'The Trapeze' which is featured in the exhibition. __________________________________________________ The ...
Interview mit Prof. Dr. Carla Schulz-Hoffmann Ein COUNTDOWN der besonderen Art: Welchen Blick haben die Macher hinter den Kulissen auf die Ausstellung? Einminütige Filme fokussieren diese Frage und verschaffen Ein- und Ausblicke. Von: Kathrin Herbold, Quirin Empl, Linda Lerch 30.03.2012 - 15.07.2012 Sammlung Moderne Kunst Pinakothek der Moderne
Ein trauriges Schicksal für Reinhard Mey und seine Familie. Dann mach`s gut Mr. Lee!
Otto Dix was a German artist known for his unforgiving depiction of the Great War and the society of Weimar Republic from. His works in the series Der Krieg (The War) are among the most well known depictions of the horrors of war. Together with George Grosz and Max Beckmann, he is considered one of the most important artists of the Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity). » HOW CAN I SUPPORT YOUR CHANNEL? You can support us by sharing our videos with your friends and spreading the word about our work.You can also support us financially on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thegreatwar Patreon is a platform for creators like us, that enables us to get monthly financial support from the community in exchange for cool perks. » PARTNER CHANNELS IT’S HISTORY: http://bit.ly/ITSHISTORYSHOW DER ERS...
Beckmann empfängt Heidi Klum und will ihr an die Wäsche. Doch Heidi weiß sich zu wehren. Ganze Folgen auf: http://bit.ly/SwitchTV http://bit.ly/SwitchReloaded 100% Spaß im Abo: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdoNrXJeETrmQt_t8wJ4-GA?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwitchReloaded?fref=ts Bissig, witzig, intelligent. Kurzum: Satire vom Allerfeinsten. Das ist Switch reloaded. Mit ihren Sketchen hält das Team um die Comedians Bernhard Hoëcker, Michael Kessler, Max Giermann und Martina Hill dem deutschen Fernsehen schonungslos den Spiegel vor. Egal ob Heidi Klum, Florian Silbereisen, Dieter Bohlen oder Stefan Raab - hier bekommt jeder sein Fett weg. Für Fans der Comedy-Truppe gibt's hier im Channel noch mal die besten Sketche und die bissigsten Parodien im Überblick...
Im Gespräch mit Jesus nutzt Beckmann die Gelegenheit, den biologischen Erzeuger von Jesus zu outen und weitere göttliche Mysterien zu hinterfragen. Switch reloaded im Abo: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdoNrXJeETrmQt_t8wJ4-GA?sub_confirmation=1 Mitten im Leben - Dennis aus Hürth: http://bit.ly/MittenImLebenDennis Die Geissens – eine schrecklich glamouröse Familie: http://bit.ly/SwitchGeissens Germany’s Next Topmodel: http://bit.ly/SwitchGNTM Max Giermann at his best: http://bit.ly/MaxGiermann Grip – Das Motormagazin: http://bit.ly/SwitchGrip Ganze Folgen Switch reloaded gibt’s hier: http://bit.ly/SwitchReloaded Switch reloaded bei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwitchReloaded?fref=ts Bissig, witzig, intelligent. Kurzum: Satire vom Allerfeinsten. Das ist Switch reloaded. Mit...