Going Down Swinging is calling far and wide for submissions to our next print production, due for release mid 2016.

We’ve almost sold out of Longbox, the multiformat long-form collection from 2015. Who knows what shape this next edition will take. That’s part of the fun.

Before submitting, please read the below submission guidelines, and then read them again. It may seem picky, but given the volume of submissions we handle, this can save us many wasted hours.

Types of work

  • Non-fiction, fiction, poetry, comics, visual art, spoken word. If your work falls outside these categories, send it in anyway. If we like it, we’ll find a way to publish it.
  • Prose pieces under 5k words are ideal, but we’ll read anything up to 10k words.
  • You may submit up to three pieces of prose, or up to three poems.
  • Audio recordings, which may include spoken word, storytelling or poetry. We’re open to ideas.

Formatting your work

  • For written pieces, please use the .doc or .docx format, 12-point font and lines spaced at least 1.5 times.
  • Visual art submissions can include specific works, or links to your online folio.
  • The edition will most likely be printed in an A5 format, with an accompanying digital component.
  • Audio submissions don’t have to be broadcast quality, or include sound production. Just record your poem or story on a computer, a mobile, or a dictaphone, and send us an mp3. We’ll decide what to re-record later.

Other things to note

  • We’re accepting submissions from writers and artists worldwide until 5 p.m. AEST Wednesday 4 May, 2016.
  • We aim to get back to everyone who submits by Monday, May 23.
  • Simultaneous submissions aren’t a problem – just let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere. Please note we don’t republish work that exists elsewhere.
  • We pay the writers and artists we publish. Payment is usually between $50-$150 depending on form, length and the overall number of pieces we publish. Amounts are subject to funding and will not make much of a dent in your personal debt.

To see what we’ve produced in recent times, consider purchasing a previous edition of Going Down Swinging. It’s good for you. It’s good for us.


Please email info@goingdownswinging.org.au.

Submit now

Head to our submissions portal and follow the prompts.


Our 37th print production is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.