- published: 04 Apr 2016
- views: 3256
Sagalassos (Greek: Σαγαλασσός) is an archaeological site in southwestern Turkey, about 100 km north of Antalya (ancient Attaleia), and 30 km from Burdur and Isparta. The ancient ruins of Sagalassos are 7 km from Ağlasun (as well as being its namesake) in the province of Burdur, on Mount Akdağ, in the Western Taurus mountains range, at an altitude of 1450–1700 metres. In Roman Imperial times, the town was known as the "first city of Pisidia", a region in the western Taurus mountains, currently known as the Turkish Lakes Region. Already during the Hellenistic period, it had been one of the major Pisidian towns.
The urban site was laid out on various terraces at an altitude between 1400 and 1600 m. After having suffered from a major earthquake in the early sixth century CE, the town still managed to recover, but a cocktail of epidemics, water shortages, a general lack of security and stability, a failing economy and finally another devastating earthquake around the middle of the seventh century forced the inhabitants to abandon their town and resettle in the valley.
Ayhan Sicimoğlu ile Sagalassos Kanala abone olarak bölümlerden haberdar olmak için tıklayın; http://goo.gl/nJhpVL
Sagalassos Uyanıyor,sagalassos antik kenti restorasyon çalışmaları,www.restoraturk.com
Burdur ilinin Ağlasun ilçesi sınırlarında, ilçeye yedi kilometre uzaklıktaki Sagalassos’un yakın çevresinin tarihi, MÖ 12 binlere kadar uzanır. MÖ 3 binde ilk yerleşim izlerinin fark edildiği Sagalassos, MÖ 1600’lerde Pisidia coğrafyası içerisinde kalır. Uzun bir süre tarihin karanlıklarında kalan Sagalassos, Büyük İskender’in bölgeyi kendi topraklarına katmak istemesiyle (MÖ 334) tarihteki yerini alır. Batı Toros dağlarının kollarından biri olan Akdağ üzerinde, 1450-1700 metreler arasında kurulu Sagalassos, Büyük İskender’in ordusuna karşı büyük bir savunmada bulunur. Pisidia’nın en cesur ve savaşçı halkının yaşadığı Sagalassos, kanlı bir savaş sonucunda İskender tarafından ele geçirilir. Beş yüz kişinin hayatını kaybettiği savaş (MÖ 334), kentin hemen önündeki bir tepede yaşanır. Büyük ...
Zaman Yolcusu - 9 Temmuz 2009 sagalassos burdur
Documentaire Français :Rome - Sagalassos, la Cité oubliée La cité de Sagalassos, située dans le Sud de l'actuelle Turquie, fut détruite par un tremblement de terre au VIIe siècle N'hésitez pas à Liker, Commenter et Partager les vidéos.
Sagalassos Antik Kenti kazılarında arkeolojik eserlerin restorasyonun'da uygulanan "Pantograf yöntemi"
Özgür Özgülgün
ISBN 978-605-88104-0-2 Sagalassos Antik Kenti Ve Yeni Bölümleri - Ağlasun/Burdur Bu filmimizde Sagalassos Antikkentinin yeni bölümlerini ilk başta izleyeceksiniz. Sagalassos, Antalya'ya 110, Burdur'a 33 km uzaklıkta, Ağlasun ilçesinin 7 km kuzeydoğusunda yer alan antik bir kenttir. Antik Yunan'da Pisidya'nın başkenti olan bu şehrin çoğu yapısı kısmen ayakta kalabilmiştir. Sagalassos; aşkların, ihtirasların ve imparatorların gözde şehri. Torosların eteklerinde kurulu şehri tekrar tekrar görmek isteyeceksiniz. Bulutların arasındaki şehirde girişte konutlar, aşağıda hamam, aşağı Agora(çarşı), seramik üretim merkezi sizi karşılar. Daha yukarı doğru ilerledikçe sağ tarafta tiyatro, neon kütüphanesi şehrin merkezinde yukarı agora meclis binası kilise sol üst tarafta Heroon sizi içine ...
Tourism in Turkey has experienced rapid growth in the last twenty years, and constitutes an important part of the economy. In 2013, 37.8 million foreign visitors arrived in Turkey, which ranked as the 6th most popular tourism destination in the world; they contributed $27.9 billion to Turkey's revenues.[202] In 2012, 15 percent of the tourists were from Germany, 11 percent from Russia, 8 percent from the United Kingdom, 5 percent from Bulgaria, 4 percent each from Georgia, the Netherlands and Iran, 3 percent from France, 2 percent each from the USA and Syria, and 40 percent from other countries.[203] Turkey has 13 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the "Historic Areas of Istanbul", the "Rock Sites of Cappadocia", the "Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük", "Hattusa: the Hittite Capital", the "Ar...
Istanbul Modern has been awarded the 2015 Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor, one of the world’s leading travel website companies. The Certificate of Excellence has been given for five years by the company on behalf of the worldwide travelers and is awarded to properties that consistently achieve outstanding traveler reviews on TripAdvisor. The reviews of travelers about their trip, together with a point-scoring system, determine those who will be given the certificate, with Istanbul Modern receiving the certificate thanks to positive reviews from website visitors. Istanbul Modern was previously given TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Award in 2013 and 2014. The Istanbul Modern Restaurant was also awarded with the Travelers’ Choice 2012 and ranked among the most popular 25 resta...
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Anadolu medeniyetleri belgesel serisinin bu bölümünde Likya Birliğinin önemli kentlerinden Pınara hakkında bilgiler edinebilirsiniz. Pınara Antik Kenti tarihi hakkında bilgiler bulabileceğiniz bu tarihi belgeseli canlı ve online izleyebilirsiniz. anadolu medeniyetleri anadolu uygarlıkları türkçe belgesel online belgesel ışıklar ülkesi antik kentler tarihi belgesel tarihi belgeseller online tarihi belgesel izle hd belgesel hd tarihi belgesel pınara pınara antik kenti likya yolu lykia antik kentleri fethiye fethiye gezilecek yerler fethiye görülecek yerler fethiye tarihi yerler fethiye antik kentler
Full-Day Pamukkale and Hierapolis Tour. Marvel at the petrified lime cascades of Pamukkale and the ancient city of Hierapolis during this guided day trip from Antalya. This tour not only journeys to the stunning natural wonder of Pamukkale, but will venture to fascinating Roman ruins at Hierapolis built during the 2nd century AD.
Uh, huh, Oh! Yeah, Yeah, Uh! Uh! Yeah, Uh Uh!
They call me G-H-E-T-T-O
Black star power, like B-E-T shows
I'm usually pullin up in the G-T slow
Flashing my ring finger with the E-T glow
I'm that nucca, act rucka
Certified plat nucca
Semi-auto, gat bucca
Take that fucka
Lay flat sucka
I'm the Negro, amigo
Get every bay from Tampa to Montigo
They say I got the lifestyle, and the E glow
I'm in the blow range, no matter where he go
I'm that homie
Gat on me
I'm the kid not that phony
Anybody that know me
Knows im here to get that money! Yeah!
Heeyyyy! Now get that money, keep them rims spicheeeeyyy!
24 shoes on my Hummer, and they fitting tiiigghhtt!
Fabolous and Missy, Sickalicious righhhhtttt.
If you a hater make my gun go (Fabolous: Blocka, blocka, blocka, blow!)
They call me F-A-B, O-L-O
U-S, you just lay down slow! (Nigga)
Know this before this, trey pound blow (Uh-Huh)
Spit game, get dames to lay down low (Ohh!)
I'm da poppy cholo, the cops say the tops on the drops is to low
I shop till I drop, when I'm coppin new clothes
Bop in the hop, but don't stop to use hoes
I'm that new dude, that include
Making sure silencers in the gat is screwed
With an it don't even matter mood
And a "Fuck you, pay me" attitude
I'm that young boy, that slung boy
That'll have em saying, where you get that from boy
I'm still leaving niggas, at one choice
So run when you hear, that gun noise! (Blat!)
You say you rich, then come and talk that shit to me
(Blacka, blacka, blacka, blacka)
Buy your DVD's and TV's, but I like shoes on my Jeep
(Blacka, blacka, blacka, blacka)
24-inch wheels, and a good gold grill in the front
(Blacka, blacka, blacka, blacka)
Gotta closet made for big clothes
Gotta do more then treat me to lunch
They call me William H period Bonnie
I ride in a seven series with Tommie's
I make another on of America's hotties
And I'm that serious mommy
I'm the one, like the Jet Li flick
The private jet ski's sick
The motors on the jet ski's quick
The clips in the sets be thick
And I done slipped more shots in then Gretzky's stick
I'm the one like Penny Hardaway's number
That's why dudes say it's hard to keep my broad away from ya
Once your bitch, get the god 2-way number
It'll be hard to get a Happy Father's Day from ya
I'm the one, like the piece that's on Nelly's chain
You can't reach me, I'm out of your celly range
Bitch I'll even put canary's up in your belly chain