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Egyptian Art serie. Any doubt?
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Along the
Nile River, the
Egyptian civilization is formed. It is a civilization with its own personality. The religious conception and divine concept of royalty determine the creation of an official art, around beyond. The history of
Egyptian art is usually divided into many stages as its history. It is said that it started in
3300 before Christ, until 395 before Christ, according to the historical divisions.
The Second Intermediate
Period comes at 1720 BC and ends at 1550 BC. It was a period where the hyksos (Syrian-Palestinian foreigners) invaded
Egypt and even could rule. That was possible because the hyksos were more advanced militarily, because they used modern weapons and horses. The capital city was
Avaris, in the
Nile delta. The egyptians adopted the new weapons and the use of the horse in war.
Finally, in 1590 BC,
Ahmose I conquested Avaris and in three years more, he expelled all the hyksos. After that, Egypt will be more openminded about the world and will want to expand.
Ahmose I fighting back the hyksos: in this painting you can see the war chariot and the horses, that the egyptians adopted by the hyksos. The pharaoh is bigger in size than the hyksos to show the power.
Horse ring of
Ramesses II: horses, influence of the hyksos.
The New Kingdom is a period that goes from 1550 to 1070 BC. It goes from
XVIII to XX Dynasties. The capital
Thebes, at south, a more rocky landscape.
The cult is to the god
Amon, and his cult is now more important.
Temple of Hatshepsut in
Deir el-Bahari: it's a very well conserved hypogeum next to the
one that Mentuhotep II built.
Temple parts: the pylon represents the horizon, where the sun rises. The courtyard (sala hípetra in spanish
... don't know if there is a translation for hípetra) is a room opened in the ceiling. The hypostyle hall is the room with columns. Pronaos and naos are deeper rooms and the final room is like a secret room where only can go the priests and the pharaoh. The form of the temple symbolizes the sacred character of the place.
Karnak: is the biggest and better conserved temple. It is a complex with many rebuilds by many pharaohs.
Luxor: other great temple, just the same as Karnak, with many rebuilds.
Opet Festival: the Karnak and Luxor complexes are important because the
Opet festival. Karnak is oriented to the
Nile river, and Luxor is oriented to Karnak.
Hatshepsut built Luxor oriented to Karnak because Karnak represents Amon, and Luxor represents Hatshepsut. She was a woman, and wanted to be pharaoh, so she said she was daughter of the god Amon. To legitimate this, built Luxor oriented to Karnak (Amon) to represent herself as daughter of Amon.
It's like, Hatshepsut daughter of Amon - Luxor daughter of Karnak. Between these temples celebrated the Opet festival, a party to celebrate the flooding season of the Nile river, when the water got to the harvests and the people could rest. This festival symbolizes the celebration of the life, the food that the Nile river gives to the egyptian people.
The party was to transport three ships with the sculptures of Amon, his wife Mut and his son Khonsu (
Theban Triad) from Karnak to Luxor through a sphinx street, and then come back to Karnak through the same way or by the Nile river
. In the paintings, are the Uab priest, bald priests who transport the ships with the sculptures, and the Sem priests, high priests.
Colossi of Memnon: the legend of these sculptures is that the solar rays made that they could "speak". Was said that this colossus was
Memnon, son of
Aurora, and each day he said hi to his mother in the horizon.
Temple of Khonsu: it's just a typical temple, with no ampliations, what convert it in the best typical temple conserved.
Music by
Age of Mythology
-Hoping for real betterness
Photos taken in
Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
- published: 06 Dec 2014
- views: 97