- published: 04 Dec 2015
- views: 4701
A knight (/naɪt/) is a person granted an honorary title of knighthood by a monarch or other political leader for service to the Monarch or country, especially in a military capacity. Historically, in Europe, knighthood has been conferred upon mounted warriors. During the High Middle Ages, knighthood was considered a class of lower nobility. By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior. Often, a knight was a vassal who served as a fighter for a lord, with payment in the form of land holdings. The lords trusted the knights, who were skilled in battle on horseback. Since the early modern period, the title of knight is purely honorific, usually bestowed by a monarch, as in the British honours system, often for non-military service to the country. The modern female equivalent is Dame.
Sir Lenworth George Henry, CBE (born 29 August 1958), known as Lenny Henry, is a British stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and television presenter, best known for co-founding charity Comic Relief and presenting various television programmes, including The Magicians for BBC One.
Henry was born in Dudley, West Midlands, on 29 August 1958, the son of Jamaican immigrants. One of seven children, he was the first to be born in the United Kingdom. He attended St. John's Primary School and later The Blue Coat School in Dudley before completing his schooling at W.R. Tuson College in Preston, Lancashire.
Henry's first manager was Robert Luff, who signed him in 1975 and gave him the opportunity to perform as part of the Luff-produced touring stage version of The Black and White Minstrel Show. In July 2009, Lenny Henry stated he was contractually obliged to perform and regretted his part in the show.
His earliest television appearance was on the New Faces talent show, which he won in 1975 with an impersonation of Stevie Wonder. The following year he appeared with Norman Beaton in LWT's sitcom The Fosters, Britain's first comedy series with predominantly black performers. His formative years were spent in working men's clubs, where he impersonated mainly white characters such as the Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em character Frank Spencer (whom he impersonated on New Faces). He also made guest appearances on television programmes including Celebrity Squares, Seaside Special and The Ronnie Corbett Show.
Keith Richards (born 18 December 1943) is an English musician, singer, songwriter, actor, and one of the original members of the rock band The Rolling Stones. Rolling Stone Magazine credited Richards for "rock's greatest single body of riffs" on guitar and ranked him 4th on its list of 100 best guitarists. Fourteen songs that Richards wrote with the Rolling Stones' lead vocalist Mick Jagger are listed among Rolling Stone magazine's "500 Greatest Songs of All Time". The Stones are generally known for their guitar interplay of rhythm and lead ("weaving") with Brian Jones, Mick Taylor and Ronnie Wood over the years. In spite of this, Richards plays the only guitar tracks on some of their most famous songs including "Paint It Black", "Ruby Tuesday", "Sympathy for the Devil", and "Gimme Shelter".
Richards was born 18 December 1943 at Livingston Hospital, in Dartford, Kent, England. He is the only child of Doris M L (née Dupree) and Herbert W Richards. His father was a factory worker who was injured in World War II during the Normandy invasion.
Sir Lenny Henry receives knighthood
Knighthood for The Professor
Bruce Forsyth receives his Knighthood from The Queen
Sir Craig Oliver on Brexit and his knighthood
Knighthood. - Two Hours An A 1/2 Past 10. | #IamKnighthood
Craig Oliver Can't Justify Own Knighthood
Knighthood, created by youtube channel cloudidogz.
KnightHood & Nebuk - Assault (Original Mix)
Keith Richards On Mick's Knighthood
Knighthood - The Brotherhood
Lenny Henry has received a knighthood at Windsor Castle for his services to drama and charity: http://bit.ly/1NvW8vU Subscribe for more from the ITV News team: http://bit.ly/1KMJ3gG
Our very own Professor Poliakoff has become Sir Martyn... He received a knighthood in the UK's New Year's Honours List. This video also features a "recent knight" - University of Nottingham Vice-Chancellor, Sir David Greenaway. Full interview with Sir David: http://youtu.be/gva0K6eMdi8 More chemistry at http://www.periodicvideos.com/ Follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/periodicvideos And on Twitter at http://twitter.com/periodicvideos From the School of Chemistry at The University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/NottChem Periodic Videos films are by video journalist Brady Haran: http://www.bradyharan.com/
Veteran British entertainer, Sir Bruce Forsyth, speaks about what his Knighthood means to him following an Investiture ceremony held by The Queen at Buckingham Palace. To find out more about Investitures visit: http://www.royal.gov.uk/RoyalEventsandCeremonies/Investitures/Overview.aspx
David Cameron's former spin-doctor interviewed by Krishnan Guru-Murthy on Brexit, his knighthood and how he has no interest in a future in politics.
Director, Editor & Colourist: E.Greaves Assisted by: Amanda Marie Rose Song Performed By HennyKnightz & Nicki Knightz Produced By HennyKnightz & SauAli co. Contact: hennyknightz@knighthoodsociety.com | nickiknightz@knighthoodsociety.com Pt. 2 https://soundcloud.com/cajcastle/drugz https://soundcloud.com/cajcastle https://soundcloud.com/hennyknightz https://soundcloud.com/nickiknightz
"As David Cameron's PR man, shouldn't you have advised him that it was a bad idea to give you a knighthood?"
Christian Chivalry is the qualities of knighthood and the code of honor for knights and gentlemen, such as bravery, manliness, courtesy, honor,romantic heroism, purity and gallantry toward women. Chivalry is God given.It was a task Adam got in the Paradise, which he failed. Man and Woman are created equal and different. Chivalry is quite necessary to be a man and show respect for Women. THE CHIVALRY OF JESUS http://www.scribd.com/doc/64231568/The-Chivalry-of-Jesus Chivalry (shiv'ulrē) [key], system of ethical ideals that arose from feudalism and had its highest development in the 12th and 13th cent. Chivalric ethics originated chiefly in France and spread rapidly to the rest of the Continent and to England. They represented a fusion of Christian and military concepts of morality and st...
KnightHood (FR) & Nebuk (FIN) joined forces to release this new Banger : #Assault on FUNK D Label : Madness Recordings. https://soundcloud.com/knighthood_dj/knighthood-nebuk-assault-original-mix Clip : Parkour/Free-running stunts performed by Ronnie Shalvis and the French FreeRun Family. Costume Designer-Allison Dredge Arno Dorian-Dark Blue Coat Check out her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/allisondredg... and follow her on Instagram @allisondredgecostumes Costume Maker-Zan Campbell Avatar A-Brown Coat Both French Guard costumes Costume Maker-Maria Schulte Gardner Avatar D-Green Coat Costume Maker-Sara Hardman Avatar C-Light Blue Coat See more of her creations at http://www.etsy.com/shop/BraveTurtleC... and contact her at braveturtlecreations@gmail.com Jared Moench did the v...
Keith voices his opinion to the BBC on Mick Jagger's knighthood... what a star!
Banda Chilena formada a fines del año 2010 en Talagante, Región Metropolitana. Segundo Single, grabado y publicado en el año 2011. Pueden descargarlo aquí en formato MP3 http://www.mediafire.com/?45tebbm9qoeruz2 Integrantes: Ignacio Brossard - Vocals & Guitars Carlos Ricardi - Guitars Nicolas Acuña - Bass Daniel Donoso - Accordion & Synths Karla Ramirez - Flutes Fabian Arenas - Drums Lyrics The stars aligned for a common cause Dionisius constellation shines upon the house Reflected in the eyes of thirsty knights Singing to the rythm of the restless golden hearts Destroying theories with the conviction of a stone Grasping the guitars and starting rock with all the folks! Break anything with the hammer of the leisure, with a String, with a D, strangle anyone who cannot feel the Folk!...
I walk through the calm forest in the time of knights
And only the dark memories are left from these times
There's pieces of armour on skeletons
Of men lying on the ground
They were killed by the stab of the sword
Before me lay thousands of dead knights
Beneath my feet lays skeletons
And only the dark memories
Are left of this Knighthood
On this ground all fought for domination,
But no one stayed alive
And no one knows why that even one life,
Didn't survive
It must have been the powers of evil,
That killed the rest of the men
On this bloodstained ground,