CIV:LAB Presents: Beehive Design Collective and Crimethinc. Storytelling and Resistance is a talk on their philosophy, processes, and methods behind their work. 8 January 2014 1-3PM FREE! More


Introducing Radyo itimFM, an Anti-authoritarian Radio Project


Radyo itimFM is an online anti-authoritarian radio project based in the Philippines. The radio features creative stuff ranging from radical politics, art, design, music, etc. It is hosted by DJ’s located in various parts of the country and around the Globe. It aims to build a community of Cognitariats networking their ideals, skills, and knowledge as a way to diffuse resistance against Capitalism, Boredom, Depression, Hierarchy, and Ecological Collapse.

Solar Power Workshop, Beehive Collective Art Presentation and Testament of Test their Logik Performance/Crimethinc Collective

Jan.6,2014 Monday
EtnikoBandido Infoshop

Solar power workshop, Beehive Collective art presentation and Testament of Test their Logik performance/Crimethinc collective

The kick starter of the info-tour and performance of the Beehive collective and Test their Logik/Crimethinc collective was happen at EtnikoBandido Infoshop last January 6,2014.

Approximately, at 2pm we started the event by introducing solar power alternative energy initiated by Mobile Anarchist School. We had a basic and actual workshop/seminar on this kind of technology to almost 15 participants that we invited. The solar power workshop were intended for the four individuals who will be volunteering themselves for the new found Solar Guerilla Autonomous Responds Team so a clear information on this solar power equipment need to demonstrate and discuss. Because we see the importance of this solar power technology, we also open this to other interesting individual who wants to know and get a practical knowledge on how solar power works.

Si Jose Rizal at Ang Kilusang Occupy

ni: Jong Pairez

Nitong mga nakaraang buwan at taon simula nang maging popular na kilusang protesta sa buong mundo ang Occupy Movement ay pilit na ina-analisa ng meynstrim midya, estado, mga konserbatibo, at mga prominenteng kilusan sa kaliwa ang kakaibang phenomenon na ito. Bagama’t may kani-kaniyang pag-intindi batay sa magkakaibang perspektiba, gayunpaman, lahat sila ay iisa lang ang tono ng kritisismo: hindi sustenable ang kilusan na ito sa kondisyong wala itong matatamong signipikanteng pagbabago dahil sa kawalan ng malinaw na programa, core belief at leader.

SOLAR POWER INITIATIVE: In Solidarity With the Typhoon Haiyan Victims


Solar Power Initiative in solidarity with Typhoon Yolanda victims

Yolanda’s aftermath and Autonomous Initiative

Yolanda is one of the most destructive typhoon visited the Philippine archipelago. It pummeled Visayas region particularly Leyte and some parts of Cebu and Panay areas. Super typhoon Yolanda left the archipelago with thousands of dead people, commercial and residential structures are destroyed, power is knocked-out; agriculture and livelihood are washed-out that caused billions of losses. Destruction is so extensive that caused unimaginable effect to the survivors.