- published: 09 Nov 2016
- views: 520
Jan Švejnar (born October 2, 1952) is a USA-based, Czech-born economist. He was a candidate for the 2008 election of the President of the Czech Republic.
Professor Švejnar is Director of the Center on Global Economic Governance and Professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He is also a founder and Chairman of CERGE-EI in Prague (a joint workplace of the Charles University in Prague and Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic that offers an American-style Ph.D. program in economics that educates the new generation of economists for Central-East Europe and the Newly Independent States). He also served as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ČSOB Bank (until November 2007) and Co-Editor of the Economics of Transition. Since 2007, he is a member of the International Advisory Council of the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE). He is also a Fellow of the European Economic Association and Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London) and Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA, Bonn).
Jana Krause (born 10 June 1987) is a German handball goalkeeper. She plays for the club Thüringer HC, and on the German national team. She represented Germany at the 2013 World Women's Handball Championship in Serbia.
Rozhovor s ekonomem a profesorem Kolumbijské univerzity v New Yorku Janem Švejnarem o novém prezidentu USA Donaldu Trumpovi i o vztazích USA. http://rozhl.as/SvejnarkTrumpovi Odebírejte kanál Českého rozhlasu Radiožurnál: https://www.youtube.com/user/cro1radiozurnal?sub_confirmation=1 Webové stránky Radiožurnálu: http://www.rozhlas.cz/radiozurnal
Hosté: světově známý ekonom Jan Švejnar, krásná moderátorka Iva Kubelková a Zdeněk Macura známý z kauz Ivety Bartošové.
Interview with Jan Svejnar (James T. Shotwell Professor of Global Political Economy and Founding Director of the Center on Global Economic Governance at Columbia University) at the conference "Mobilizing Financial Markets to Catalyze Economic Decarbonization", organized at Columbia University, March 9, 2015.
October 25, 2012 Interviewer: Jesko S. Hentschel
International conference '10 years after the 2004 EU enlargement: achievements and next steps', Vienna, April 24-25, 2014
March 25, 2014 For four years, Alec Ross served as Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State, a role created for him by Hillary Clinton to maximize the potential of technology and innovation in service of Americas diplomatic goals. In this role, Ross stewarded the Secretary of States 21st Century Statecraft agenda, advancing the State Departments interests on a range of issues from Internet Freedom to disaster response to responding to regional conflicts. Previously, Ross served as Convener for the Technology, Media and Telecommunications Policy Committee on Barack Obamas 2008 presidential campaign and served on the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team. Ross provides an experts point of view on topics ranging from social media to the Presidents innovation policy t...
Jan Svejnar - Director, Center on Global Economic Governance, Columbia University www.ocppc.ma
Dno ekonomické krize, zdá se, máme za sebou, velkým strašákem současnosti je geopolitika. Zvrátí se proces globalizace v prospěch regionálních sfér vlivu (USA, Číny, Evropy, Středního východu a dalších)? Jan Švejnar, ekonom a profesor na Kolumbijské univerzitě, v rozhovoru pro Investiční web mimo jiné přiblížil, co podle něj znamená současné pnutí okolo Číny nebo mezi Ruskem a EU.
Hosté: světově známý ekonom Jan Švejnar, krásná moderátorka Iva Kubelková a Zdeněk Macura známý z kauz Ivety Bartošové.
Interview with Jan Svejnar (James T. Shotwell Professor of Global Political Economy and Founding Director of the Center on Global Economic Governance at Columbia University) at the conference "Mobilizing Financial Markets to Catalyze Economic Decarbonization", organized at Columbia University, March 9, 2015.
October 25, 2012 Interviewer: Jesko S. Hentschel
Ph.D em Economia, diretor do Centro Global de Governança Econômica na Universidade Columbia e ex-candidato à presidência da República Tcheca, Jan Švejnar conversa com a jornalista Érica Fraga sobre os resultados da intervenção estatal na economia dos mercados emergentes e como encontrar a combinação adequada para extrair os melhores resultados dessa relação. Švejnar discute ainda o potencial econômico do Brasil no cenário global e o que podemos aprender com o modelo europeu em termos de medidas fiscais: “A questão é a quantidade e o tipo de intervenção estatal adequada”. A entrevista integra a série que discute estratégias para o crescimento e o papel do Estado na economia, gravada em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro, em dezembro de 2016. Uma parceria da plataforma UM BRASIL com o Columbi...
Rozhovor s ekonomem a profesorem Kolumbijské univerzity v New Yorku Janem Švejnarem o novém prezidentu USA Donaldu Trumpovi i o vztazích USA. http://rozhl.as/SvejnarkTrumpovi Odebírejte kanál Českého rozhlasu Radiožurnál: https://www.youtube.com/user/cro1radiozurnal?sub_confirmation=1 Webové stránky Radiožurnálu: http://www.rozhlas.cz/radiozurnal
The European Union didn’t pay enough political attention towards Central Europe following the 2004 enlargement wave and now has to deal with the fallout in the form of growing Russian gravitas in the region, Jan Švejnar, a professor at Columbia University's School of International & Public Affairs told Hromadske International’s Maxim Eristavi. “These countries were not quite ready and are still not ready to respond to [Russian propaganda and PR] and inform its population clearly and transparently about what’s going on,” Švejnar pointed out. Jan Švejnar is a prominent American economist and former adviser to Vaclav Havel. A Czech-born scholar, he also ran and narrowly lost in the 2008 Czech Republic presidential elections. In 2015 Švejnar was awarded with a prize by the Bonn-based Institut...
Leadership. Tohle slovo jde dnes slyšet ze všech koutů. Víš ale, že leadership zažívá krizi a že se krize nachází v hodnotách leadershipu? Co to pro nás všechny znamená? Jaké jsou vyhlídky na změnu? Jak je vnímána krize v leadershipu u nás a v zahraničí? Jde především o rozdílný přístup leaderů u nás a v cizině? Mohou se Češi prosadit i na zahraničních úrovních jako leadeři? Co právě TY můžeš udělat pro to, abychom tuto krizi překonali. O tom a o postavení a vyhlídkách České republiky v Evropě bude mluvit Jan Švejnar. Jan Švejnar je česko-americký ekonom, kterého si většina z nás pamatuje z prezidentských voleb v roce 2008. V současnosti působí jako předseda Výkonného a dozorčího výboru Centra pro ekonomický výzkum a doktorské studium Univerzity Karlovy a Národohospodářského ústavu AV ČR,...
Professor Jan Švejnar is the 2015 recipient of the IZA Prize in Labor Economics, awarded by the Bonn-based Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and widely regarded as the most prestigious science award in the field of labor economics worldwide, for his major contributions to labor, development and comparative economics in general, and the economics of transition from centrally planned to market economies in particular.
Rozhovor s ekonomem a profesorem Kolumbijské univerzity v New Yorku Janem Švejnarem o novém prezidentu USA Donaldu Trumpovi i o vztazích USA. http://rozhl.as/SvejnarkTrumpovi Odebírejte kanál Českého rozhlasu Radiožurnál: https://www.youtube.com/user/cro1radiozurnal?sub_confirmation=1 Webové stránky Radiožurnálu: http://www.rozhlas.cz/radiozurnal
Hosté: světově známý ekonom Jan Švejnar, krásná moderátorka Iva Kubelková a Zdeněk Macura známý z kauz Ivety Bartošové.
Interview with Jan Svejnar (James T. Shotwell Professor of Global Political Economy and Founding Director of the Center on Global Economic Governance at Columbia University) at the conference "Mobilizing Financial Markets to Catalyze Economic Decarbonization", organized at Columbia University, March 9, 2015.
October 25, 2012 Interviewer: Jesko S. Hentschel
International conference '10 years after the 2004 EU enlargement: achievements and next steps', Vienna, April 24-25, 2014
March 25, 2014 For four years, Alec Ross served as Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State, a role created for him by Hillary Clinton to maximize the potential of technology and innovation in service of Americas diplomatic goals. In this role, Ross stewarded the Secretary of States 21st Century Statecraft agenda, advancing the State Departments interests on a range of issues from Internet Freedom to disaster response to responding to regional conflicts. Previously, Ross served as Convener for the Technology, Media and Telecommunications Policy Committee on Barack Obamas 2008 presidential campaign and served on the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team. Ross provides an experts point of view on topics ranging from social media to the Presidents innovation policy t...
Jan Svejnar - Director, Center on Global Economic Governance, Columbia University www.ocppc.ma
Dno ekonomické krize, zdá se, máme za sebou, velkým strašákem současnosti je geopolitika. Zvrátí se proces globalizace v prospěch regionálních sfér vlivu (USA, Číny, Evropy, Středního východu a dalších)? Jan Švejnar, ekonom a profesor na Kolumbijské univerzitě, v rozhovoru pro Investiční web mimo jiné přiblížil, co podle něj znamená současné pnutí okolo Číny nebo mezi Ruskem a EU.
Hosté: světově známý ekonom Jan Švejnar, krásná moderátorka Iva Kubelková a Zdeněk Macura známý z kauz Ivety Bartošové.
March 25, 2014 For four years, Alec Ross served as Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State, a role created for him by Hillary Clinton to maximize the potential of technology and innovation in service of Americas diplomatic goals. In this role, Ross stewarded the Secretary of States 21st Century Statecraft agenda, advancing the State Departments interests on a range of issues from Internet Freedom to disaster response to responding to regional conflicts. Previously, Ross served as Convener for the Technology, Media and Telecommunications Policy Committee on Barack Obamas 2008 presidential campaign and served on the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team. Ross provides an experts point of view on topics ranging from social media to the Presidents innovation policy t...
February 17, 2014 A discussion with Jan Svejnar, SIPA Professor and Candidate for President of the Czech Republic, 2008; and Andrés Velasco, SIPA Professor and Candidate for President of Chile, 2013; moderated by Merit E. Janow, Dean, Columbia SIPA; and Professor in the Practice of International Economic Law and International Affairs. Few schools have presidential candidates as faculty members. Jan Svejnar and Andrés Velasco will discuss their respective presidential campaigns and the lessons for the preparation of future leaders at SIPA. Engage with these professors on how SIPA students can assume leadership roles in their future careers. Part of the Dean's Lecture Series, this event is organized by Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), in collaboration with the...
Leadership. Tohle slovo jde dnes slyšet ze všech koutů. Víš ale, že leadership zažívá krizi a že se krize nachází v hodnotách leadershipu? Co to pro nás všechny znamená? Jaké jsou vyhlídky na změnu? Jak je vnímána krize v leadershipu u nás a v zahraničí? Jde především o rozdílný přístup leaderů u nás a v cizině? Mohou se Češi prosadit i na zahraničních úrovních jako leadeři? Co právě TY můžeš udělat pro to, abychom tuto krizi překonali. O tom a o postavení a vyhlídkách České republiky v Evropě bude mluvit Jan Švejnar. Jan Švejnar je česko-americký ekonom, kterého si většina z nás pamatuje z prezidentských voleb v roce 2008. V současnosti působí jako předseda Výkonného a dozorčího výboru Centra pro ekonomický výzkum a doktorské studium Univerzity Karlovy a Národohospodářského ústavu AV ČR,...
Ph.D em Economia, diretor do Centro Global de Governança Econômica na Universidade Columbia e ex-candidato à presidência da República Tcheca, Jan Švejnar conversa com a jornalista Érica Fraga sobre os resultados da intervenção estatal na economia dos mercados emergentes e como encontrar a combinação adequada para extrair os melhores resultados dessa relação. Švejnar discute ainda o potencial econômico do Brasil no cenário global e o que podemos aprender com o modelo europeu em termos de medidas fiscais: “A questão é a quantidade e o tipo de intervenção estatal adequada”. A entrevista integra a série que discute estratégias para o crescimento e o papel do Estado na economia, gravada em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro, em dezembro de 2016. Uma parceria da plataforma UM BRASIL com o Columbi...
Hosté: světově známý ekonom Jan Švejnar, krásná moderátorka Iva Kubelková a Zdeněk Macura známý z kauz Ivety Bartošové.
Professor Jan Švejnar is the 2015 recipient of the IZA Prize in Labor Economics, awarded by the Bonn-based Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) and widely regarded as the most prestigious science award in the field of labor economics worldwide, for his major contributions to labor, development and comparative economics in general, and the economics of transition from centrally planned to market economies in particular.
Hosté: Jan Švejnar, Anna Kulová, Mažoretky z Horní Lhoty Uvolněte se, prosím je název pořadu České televize, který moderoval Jan Kraus. Vysílal se od 19. listopadu 2004 do 25. června 2010 každý páteční večer. Natáčení probíhalo v pražském divadle Ponec. Diváci zhlédávali asi hodinu a půl dlouhé představení, které bylo pro vysílání v televizi zkráceno přibližně na 45 minut. Jednalo se o talk show obvykle se třemi hosty. První dva hosté byli zpravidla veřejně známé osobnosti. Třetí host byl většinou zajímavý či něčím výjimečný člověk z řad široké veřejnosti. 18. září 2009 bylo odvysíláno dvousté pokračování pořadu. Jan Kraus ohlásil konec svého pořadu na konci května roku 2010 kvůli sporům s Českou televizí. Poslední díl se vysílal 25. června 2010. Hlavním hostem byl tehdejší předseda vlády...
Columbia SIPA's International Finance and Economic Policy's Spring 2013 Distinguished Speaker, RICHARD W. FISHER, President & CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas spoke at SIPA on the Economic and Monetary Policy Outlook. The event was moderated by Professor Merit E. Janow. Opening remarks by SIPA Interim Dean Robert C. Lieberman. Initial Questions by Professor Charles W. Calomiris and Professor Jan Svejnar.
This conference convened Nobel Laureates, key policy makers, and business leaders from Asia and around the globe, with the aim to foster transcontinental dialogue on a range of topics. Session I: Economics and Politics of Technological Advancement and Global Economic Integration Participants: * Jan Svejnar [Chair], Director, Center on Global Economic Governance and James T. Shotwell Professor of Global Political Economy, Columbia SIPA * Peter Jungen, Chairman, Peter Jungen Holding GmbH * Edmund Phelps, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences and Director, Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University * Kathy Xu, CEO, Capital Today China Growth Limited * Zhang Tao, Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund Read more at: http://cgeg.sipa.columbia.edu/events-calendar/w...
“Global Economic Outlook: Growth or Stagnation?” was a discussion at the 2017 SIPA Forum. Moderator: * Jan Svejnar, James T. Shotwell Professor of Global Political Economy and Director of the Center on Global Economic Governance, SIPA, Columbia University Speakers: * Arminio Fraga, former President, Central Bank of Brazil * Takatoshi Ito, Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia SIPA * Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor, Columbia University, and 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economics * Shang-Jin Wei, N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy and Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia SIPA and Columbia Business School Event date: April 1, 2017