- published: 14 Feb 2011
- views: 91918
Keto and Kote (Georgian: ქეთო და კოტე, Keto da kote) is a comic opera in three acts, by the Georgian composer Victor Dolidze who also wrote the libretto based on Avksenty Tsagareli's 19th century romantic comedy Khanuma. Considered the first Georgian comic opera,Keto and Kote premiered in Tbilisi on December 11, 1919. An immediate success at its premiere, Dolidze's opera remains a popular classic in Georgia and was made into a film in 1947 with additional music composed by Archil Kereselidze on traditional Georgian folk tunes.
A review in Opera of its 2003 performance by the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre at the Rishon LeZion Spring Festival described it as "very much like a zarzuela in style with elements of commedia dell'arte". The story revolves around the young lovers Keto, the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and Kote, nephew of the impoverished Prince Levan Palavandishvili. In order to marry, the couple must overcome several obstacles, including the machinations of two rival matchmakers, one of whom is determined to arrange a marriage between Kote's uncle Levan and Keto.
Viktor Isidorovich Dolidze (ვიქტორ ისიდორეს ძე დოლიძე, 1890–1933) was a Soviet-Georgian composer.
Victor Dolidze was born on 18 July 1890 in the city of Ozurgeti, Kutaisi Governorate in a poor peasant family.
He studied at Tiflis commercial school. In 1910 he won the first prize at a local mandolin contest.
After his high-school graduation he attended the Kiev Commercial Institute, and concurrently began to work in a music school for violin and composition. In 1917 he graduated from college and returned to Georgia and dedicated himself to music.
Viktor Dolidze is the author of several operas, including the first Georgian comic opera (Opera buffa) Keto and Kote (with his own libretto based on the comedy Khanuma by Avksenty Tsagareli, 1919).
Viktor Dolidze died on 24 May 1933 in Tiflis.
Musical romantic comedy film by play of Avqsenti Tsagareli("Khanuma") and opera Victor Dolidze - Keto and Kote Using a marriage broker,a Prince in dire financial straits plans to marry the wealthy daughter of a merchant, The girl is in love with the nephew of the prince. Forced by her father into the unwelcome match, she finds a friend in another matchmaker. They arrange it so that the prince will not like the girl when he meets her Medea Djaparidze(Keto), Bato Kraveishvili(Kote, Baritone), Tamari Chavchavadze(Khanuma, matchmaker),Meri Davitashvili(Qabato,matchmaker)Shalva Gambashidze(Makari,Father of Keto),Petre Amiranashvili(Prince Levan,Kote's uncle,Baritone),Tamari Tsitsishvili(Nino),Vaso Godziashvili(Siko,Servent),Giorgi Shavgulidze(Niko,Servant),Tsetsilia Tsutsunava(Princess I),V...
Musical romantic comedy film by play of Avqsenti Tsagareli("Khanuma") and opera Victor Dolidze - Keto and Kote Using a marriage broker,a Prince in dire financial straits plans to marry the wealthy daughter of a merchant, The girl is in love with the nephew of the prince. Forced by her father into the unwelcome match, she finds a friend in another matchmaker. They arrange it so that the prince will not like the girl when he meets her Lyrics of Mukhambasi Many thanks to user corellithebest(Mirna) for such kindly helping to correct translation http://www.youtube.com/user/corellithebest from 0:27 - 3:46 Even when I'm sleepy, you are in my soul (resting in my soul) when I am awake (when I open the eyes), you are resting on my eyelash I have 10 ways to go, and all 10 of them are lead...
Musical romantic comedy film by play of Avqsenti Tsagareli("Khanuma") and opera Victor Dolidze - Keto and Kote Using a marriage broker,a Prince in dire financial straits plans to marry the wealthy daughter of a merchant, The girl is in love with the nephew of the prince. Forced by her father into the unwelcome match, she finds a friend in another matchmaker. They arrange it so that the prince will not like the girl when he meets her Medea Djaparidze(Keto), Bato Kraveishvili(Kote, Baritone), Tamari Chavchavadze(Khanuma, matchmaker),Meri Davitashvili(Qabato,matchmaker)Shalva Gambashidze(Makari,Father of Keto),Petre Amiranashvili(Prince Levan,Kote's uncle,Baritone),Tamari Tsitsishvili(Nino),Vaso Godziashvili(Siko,Servent), Giorgi Shavgulidze(Niko,Servant),Tsetsilia Tsutsunava(Princess I),V...
Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre Original Video, Avqsenti Tsagareli "Xanuma" Directed By Levan Tsuladze კოტე მარჯანიშვილის სახელიბის სახელმწიფო დრამატული თეატრი
Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre Original Video, Avqsenti Tsagareli "Xanuma" Directed By Levan Tsuladze კოტე მარჯანიშვილის სახელიბის სახელმწიფო დრამატული თეატრი
მეცხრამეტე საუკუნის განმავლობაში ტიფლისს განსაკუთრებულად ჰეტეროგენიული ეთნიკური მოსახლეობა ჰყავდა. ამიტომ, ერთის მხრივ, მარტივად გასაგებია, რომ ასეთ სივრცეში წარმოიშვა ხელოვნების ისეთი ჰიბრიდული ფორმები, როგორიც მაგალითად არის მუხამბაზი ან ავქსენტი ცაგარელის დრამატურგია. მაგრამ რა ურთიერთობა ქონდა ამ ჰიბრიდულ კულტურულ ფორმებს მეცხრამეტე საუკუნის ქართულ ნაციონალიზმთან? როგორ არსებობდენ ისინი ერთ სივრცეში და იყო თუ არა ქალაქი და მისი რეპრეზენტაცია იდოლოგიური ან ესთეტიკური ბრძოლის ველი? ამ თემაზე ფრონტლაინ კლუბში ისაუბრა კალიფორნიის ბერკლის უნივერსიტეტის დოქტორანტმა, სლავისტმა შოთა პაპავამ. ლექცია ჩატარდა საქართველოს საზოგადოებრივ საქმეთა ინსტიტუტის “ფრონტლაინ ჯორჯია” კლუბის პროექტის, “ღია პლატფორმის" ფარგლებში. პროექტი ხორცილედება ამერიკის სალეჩოს დემოკრატიის კომისიის მცირე გრანტების პროგრ...