Start of Day -- 29th May, 2012
Provided by www.inthehouse.co.nz Produced by Tandem Studios...
published: 29 May 2012
Author: inthehouseNZ
Start of Day -- 29th May, 2012
Provided by www.inthehouse.co.nz Produced by Tandem Studios
Maurice Williamson on National's Broadband Plan
WOBH interview Maurice Williamson, National's Communications and IT spokesman on their...
published: 03 May 2012
Author: Whaleoil
Maurice Williamson on National's Broadband Plan
WOBH interview Maurice Williamson, National's Communications and IT spokesman on their plan to spend $1.5 billion rolling out FTTP for 75% of New Zealand homes and businesses. Whaleoil Media Blogger: Whaleoil
Maurice Williamson on Crafar decision
Maurice Williamson on High Court's Crafar decision...
published: 15 Feb 2012
Author: ofInterestNZ
Maurice Williamson on Crafar decision
Maurice Williamson on High Court's Crafar decision
Hon. Maurice Williamson on building & construction standards
Featured on Citynews Monday 31 October 2011....
published: 31 Oct 2011
Author: southost
Hon. Maurice Williamson on building & construction standards
Featured on Citynews Monday 31 October 2011.
Hon. Maurice Williamson
Esri Senior Executive Seminar San Diego July 2010...
published: 20 Sep 2010
Author: EagleTechnologyLtd
Hon. Maurice Williamson
Esri Senior Executive Seminar San Diego July 2010
1997- Maurice Williamson & Michael Sutton - Radio New Zealand Launch
In 1996, launched in 1997, Michael Sutton designed, funded and built licenced by Radio New...
published: 24 Sep 2011
Author: 6421305500
1997- Maurice Williamson & Michael Sutton - Radio New Zealand Launch
In 1996, launched in 1997, Michael Sutton designed, funded and built licenced by Radio New Zealand, the first Internet streaming live and week long rolling Internet streaming archive service. The servers were hosted in Auckland on Telecom Xtra's Internet service as the first 365 day 24*7 Real Audio streaming media service of its type (public Broadcaster) in the world using embedded applets. The site used embedded Vivo video and later Real Video and Windows Media. Michael proposed and privately funded its operation with ongoing support by Telecom Xtra which also enabled multicast services for a period to it's dial-in user base.
Hon Maurice Williamson - Building Act Reform Consultation
Following a review of the Building Act, Minister for Building and Construction Maurice Wil...
published: 26 Feb 2010
Author: NZNats
Hon Maurice Williamson - Building Act Reform Consultation
Following a review of the Building Act, Minister for Building and Construction Maurice Williamson today released a discussion document outlining proposals for its amendment. "Without compromising quality and safety, these are major proposals that will move us to the next generation of building control," Mr Williamson said. For the document, go to www.dbh.govt.nz/consulting-on-building-act
News from the Beehive : Hon Maurice Williamson on NZ census cancelled
published: 25 Feb 2011
Author: ofInterestNZ
News from the Beehive : Hon Maurice Williamson on NZ census cancelled
Maurice Williamson to make a decision whether the H should stay in Whanganui
Maurice Williamson to make a decision whether the H should stay in Whanganui Te Karere Mao...
published: 17 Dec 2009
Author: tekareremaorinews
Maurice Williamson to make a decision whether the H should stay in Whanganui
Maurice Williamson to make a decision whether the H should stay in Whanganui Te Karere Maori News TVNZ 17 Dec English Version Tina Wickliffe
The BlogMobile Interviews - Maurice Williamson
Maurice Williamson, National M for Pakuranga talks with the crew of the BlogMobile...
published: 13 Oct 2008
Author: Whaleoil
The BlogMobile Interviews - Maurice Williamson
Maurice Williamson, National M for Pakuranga talks with the crew of the BlogMobile
15.8.12 - Question 12: Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi to the Minister of Commerce
How will the Financial Reporting Bill reduce compliance costs for small and medium size bu...
published: 15 Aug 2012
Author: inthehouseNZ
15.8.12 - Question 12: Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi to the Minister of Commerce
How will the Financial Reporting Bill reduce compliance costs for small and medium size businesses? Provided by www.inthehouse.co.nz Produced by Tandem Studios
Hon Maurice Williamson LINZ SIBA Function
Extracts from a speech by the Hon. Maurice Williamson at the joint LINZ/SIBA function, 29t...
published: 04 Oct 2009
Author: SirVeyor2
Hon Maurice Williamson LINZ SIBA Function
Extracts from a speech by the Hon. Maurice Williamson at the joint LINZ/SIBA function, 29th August 2009 on the value of geospatial information to the NZ Economy
Building owners may get quake strengthening help (1.58) Added: 7.04PM Monday August 13, 20...
published: 13 Aug 2012
Author: RoyalW1979
Building owners may get quake strengthening help (1.58) Added: 7.04PM Monday August 13, 2012 Source: ONE News Property owners struggling to bring their buildings up to the earthquake safety standard may get tax breaks. SOURCE: tvnz.co.nz
4.4.12 - Question 11: Rt Hon Winston Peters to the Prime Minister
Does he have confidence in the Overseas Investment Office and his Ministers, Hon Jonathan ...
published: 04 Apr 2012
Author: inthehouseNZ
4.4.12 - Question 11: Rt Hon Winston Peters to the Prime Minister
Does he have confidence in the Overseas Investment Office and his Ministers, Hon Jonathan Coleman and Hon Maurice Williamson over the issue of the latest Crafar farms deal; if so, why? Provided by www.inthehouse.co.nz Produced by Tandem Studios
Vimeo results:
"Ask For Angela" - Montage to Music
These are scenes from Maurice Hicks' feature film, "Ask For Angela" set to music by myself...
published: 15 Feb 2012
Author: Jennifer Russoli
"Ask For Angela" - Montage to Music
These are scenes from Maurice Hicks' feature film, "Ask For Angela" set to music by myself. The project was totally done to appease my creative side while learning how to work my video editing software in order to be able to put together my own demo reels. The use of these scenes is approved by Maurice Hicks.
As for "Ask For Angela" - the feature is currently being edited by Thomas L. Phillips (Producer/Editor) and is due to release in 2012.
Background for this character driven film in the words of Maurice Hicks:
"In the last class I need to receive my bachelor's degree, Documentary Production, I wanted to do something of real importance. A project that had real weight to it.
I knew my city, Greensboro, had its own fair share of skeletons and I wanted to pick a topic that was going to be informative, shocking, and full of information that wasn't normally seen by the public eye. In one of the news publications I regularly read, there was a special ongoing section about our local police force and how it had been tied to prostitution and other charges of corruption. I was never able to shake the feeling that this was going on where I lived, even more disturbing, was that I was never even remotely aware of it.
The project was met with a lot of curiosity as well as skepticism within my class, but I was allowed to proceed nonetheless. I came across several women who told me their stories. They were heartbreaking, devastating, saddening, and even so bad as to make me question my faith in humanity.
Immediately, this caused me to question everything that I had previously complained about, because in comparison to some of the stories I had heard, I was living a fantastic life. Living right alongside us, there was a population of people who were going through a completely different life experience. And as many people as possible needed to hear about it. I was determined to make this documentary.
I was fortunate enough to meet a very special woman who not only agreed to speak about her experiences, but she also agreed to be in my documentary. I was so excited after getting her initial testimony, that I practically ran out of the hotel, but on my way outside, I ran into her pimp first.
I told my class about this event and how it was something that I wanted to share with all of them. Fearing for my safety, the university immediately told me that I had to cease production of my documentary in fear of me getting hurt. Which was completely understandable.
But even after my graduation, I knew I still had a powerful story to tell. My mother pleaded that I stay away from danger, just as the university did, and I promised her that I would.
So to ease the hearts and minds of my loved ones and colleagues, I've decided to take the material that I've gathered and turned it into an intriguing fictional narrative. I have 100% confidence that this film will be brutally honest, eye opening, and intriguing.
I have crafted a female protagonist who embodies the hardships and evils that these women must face on a daily basis. I've written a character driven drama, instead of a documentary, that shows that these people aren't completely devoid of humanity, as well as the men who consider themselves patrons.
This movie is going to be something that's fair to both parties; those who purchase the service, as well as to those who provide it. I'm also confident that you haven't seen a movie like this. Ever."
Sex on a String Teaser
Ryan Heffington, J.R. Mankoff, Kristen Cambell-Taylor, Ryan Templeton, The Crazy Danks, Di...
published: 06 Aug 2011
Author: J.R. Mankoff
Sex on a String Teaser
Ryan Heffington, J.R. Mankoff, Kristen Cambell-Taylor, Ryan Templeton, The Crazy Danks, Diana Contreras, Jasmine Albuquerque, Leahy, Austin Westbay, Denna Thomsen, Steven Synstelien, Ishi, Nina McNeely, Brian Kim, Olda, Lou Becker, Hunter Hamilton, Cristine Tatomer, Maurice HArris, Cole Waterhouse, Andy Acosta, Tara Avise, CAssidy Haley, Todd Weaver, Caiti Hawkings, Eliot Lee Hazel, Max Levine, Zoe Nissman, Mario Diaz, Rawn Erickson, Jessica Hanna, Nathan Kim, Robbie Williamson + others...
Video by Will Watkins
"My Marshmallows" by Sum MorZ
"My Marshmallows" is a parody of "Milkshake" by Kelis Performed in the style of Goodnight ...
published: 22 Nov 2010
Author: Otto Andrew
"My Marshmallows" by Sum MorZ
"My Marshmallows" is a parody of "Milkshake" by Kelis Performed in the style of Goodnight Nurse.
Crystal Clouse - Lead Vocals
Chad Hiatt - Rhythm Gultar
Craig (Craigerbomb) Stephan - Lead Gultar
Maurice (Mo) Turner - Bass Gultar
Dave Bender - Drums
Executive Producer Crystal Clouse
Executive Director Crystal Clouse
Editing - Otto Boschet
Camera Operator on Location - Otto Boschet
Camera Operator in Studio - Jennifer Hancock
Location Lighting - Otto Boschet, Andy Hiatt
Studio Lighting - Jennifer Hancock
Stage Sound - Nate & Brynn Shultz
On Location
Special Effects - Barbie Brown, Kelly McCeary
Location #1 Bic C's Discounty Grocery
Location #2 Access Fort Wayne
Limo Provided By Club Car Limo
Stunt Coordinator - Mat Huskey
Choreography - Maurice Turner
Marshmallow Tossers - Marbie Brown, Jessica Robey, Josh Henry
Bardrobe - C-Note
Cast (in Order of appearance)
C-Note - Crystal Clouse
Shopper #1 Mat Huskey
Super Fan - Josh Henry
Shoper #3 & 4 - Pam and Ted Brown
Cashier # 1 - Ryan (Ry Guy) Messmann
Cashier # 2 - Dave (Catfish) Pagan
Guy Dancers Josh Henry, Smoking' Tunder, R. Winfield, Heavens Cavern: Jonny Saturn, Sir Alan Tisdale III
Girl Dancers
Brittany Turner, Natasha Lupkin, Leiah Osborn, Jessica Robey,, Amy Wysong
Shopper #5 - Andy Hiatt
Shopper #6 Jessica Robey
Crowd of Jumpers -
Mat Huskey
Ted "POP" Brown
Brynn Shultz
Dave Bender
Brett Williamson
Carl Wegmet
Debra Kinniry
Jessica Robey
Amy Wysong
Andy Hiatt
Brittany Turner
Brittany Robey
"My Marshmallows" Music Recorded by
Nate Shultz
@ Sweat Box Sudios
"My Marshmallows"
Song mixed by Brian Keesbury
@ Rigby Productions
website :
"My Marshmallows" is a Parody of "Milkshake" by Kelis Performed in the style of Goodnight Nurse
Credits & Blooppers Music
"Sunday Dub"
Written by Brian Keesbury
Special Thanks to :
Big C's Discount Grocery Store
1726 Bluffton Road
Fr. Wayne, Indiana
Club Car Limo
Access Fort Wayne
A Department of the Allen County Public Library
Manfred, Act 2, Scene 4, The Hall of Arimanes
Manfred by Lord Byron (Dramatic Edition)
published: 29 Jun 2012
Author: Tim Sheerman-Chase
Manfred, Act 2, Scene 4, The Hall of Arimanes
Manfred by Lord Byron (Dramatic Edition)
Manfred is a dramatic poem in three acts by Lord Byron, and possibly a self confessional work. A noble, Manfred, is haunted by the memory of some unspeakable crime. In seeking for forgetfulness and oblivion, he wanders between his castle and the mountains. He has several encounters with people who try to assist him, as well as spirits that rule nature and human destiny. The poem explores themes of morality, religion, guilt and the human condition.
This edition of Manfred is a full cast, dramatic reading of Manfred. It is based on the librivox.org recording, but with the inclusion of sound effects, music, minor re-recording and many small tweaks to timings and volumes.
Based on the PD librivox recording, edited by Elizabeth Klett: http://librivox.org/manfred-by-george-gordon-lord-byron/
Manfred: TimSC http://www.sheerman-chase.org.uk/
First Spirit/Narrator: Elizabeth Klett https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=1259
Second Spirit: Snapdragon https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=6733
Third Spirit: Verity Kendall https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=7130
Fourth Spirit/Second Destiny: Kristingj https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=6548
Fifth Spirit/Third Destiny: Grace Garrett https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=6947
Sixth Spirit: Charlotte Duckett https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=7315
Another spirit/Second voice without: Arielle Lipshaw https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=3536
First Destiny: Rhonda Federman https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=2269
Nemesis: Amy L. Gramour https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=4744
Arimanes/A voice/Manuel: Martin Geeson https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=3595
Chamois Hunter: Chuck Williamson https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=7079
Witch of the Alps: Amanda Friday https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=6544
Abbot of St. Maurice: Algy Pug https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=4705
Herman: Great Plains https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=2136
Phantom of Astarte: Duan https://catalog.librivox.org/people_public.php?peopleid=1328
Music: Track 1 of Piano Volume 3 perfomed by Leidi Misterie, recorded and editted by Martin Nordbeck http://archive.org/details/SEDIMENT017 http://www.leidimisterie.com/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Album Cover: Eiger Mönch and Jungfrau by vasile23 https://secure.flickr.com/photos/vasile23/3907334837/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en_GB
The Chime.wav, zeuss http://www.freesound.org/people/zeuss/sounds/22267/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/sampling+/1.0/
DMP013016 HEAVYSNOWSTORM.wav, martypinso http://www.freesound.org/people/martypinso/sounds/22606/ http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
walking in snow 2.flac, Corsica_S http://www.freesound.org/people/Corsica_S/sounds/28662/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
chimes.wav, DJ Chronos, http://www.freesound.org/people/DJ%20Chronos/sounds/31600/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
fx379.wav, FreqMan http://www.freesound.org/people/FreqMan/sounds/32543/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
ambience03.wav, yewbic http://www.freesound.org/people/yewbic/sounds/33796/ http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
cinematic deep bass rumble.wav, ERH http://www.freesound.org/people/ERH/sounds/34012/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
wind.wav, ERH http://www.freesound.org/people/ERH/sounds/34338/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
oceanwavescrushing.wav, Luftrum http://www.freesound.org/people/Luftrum/sounds/48412/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
stupid_falls.flac, qubodup http://www.freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/50941/ http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
deepwoods.wav, NoiseCollector http://www.freesound.org/people/NoiseCollector/sounds/57027/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Rockslide 2.wav, juskiddink http://www.freesound.org/people/juskiddink/sounds/79783/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
KerriFlute.wav, ethang http://www.freesound.org/people/ethang/sounds/88795/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
20100912.20h15m.eagle.wav, dobroide http://www.freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/104651/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
20110804_cow.bells.12.flac, dobroide http://www.freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/126275/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
chimney fire.wav, reinsamba http://www.freesound.org/people/reinsamba/sounds/18766/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
footstep on wood foley.wav, martian http://www.freesound.org/people/martian/sounds/19292/ http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Youtube results:
BRANZ 27/03/2012: Opening of the new Totara building
The Totara building, part of the BRANZ refurbishment, was officially opened on March 27, 2...
published: 01 Apr 2012
Author: BRANZmedia
BRANZ 27/03/2012: Opening of the new Totara building
The Totara building, part of the BRANZ refurbishment, was officially opened on March 27, 2012 by the Hon. Maurice Williamson, along with BRANZ Board chairman Chris Preston, former Chairman Graham Coe, Porirua mayor Nick Leggett and BRANZ CEO Pieter Burghout .
18.7.12 - Question 10: Hon Annette King to the Minister of Housing
What recent reports has he received on Housing New Zealand's Smarter. Faster. Fairer. ...
published: 18 Jul 2012
Author: inthehouseNZ
18.7.12 - Question 10: Hon Annette King to the Minister of Housing
What recent reports has he received on Housing New Zealand's Smarter. Faster. Fairer. housing service? Provided by www.inthehouse.co.nz Produced by Tandem Studios
Urgent Debate - Crafar farms sale decision - Part 2
Provided by www.inthehouse.co.nz Produced by Tandem Studios...
published: 14 Aug 2012
Author: inthehouseNZ
Urgent Debate - Crafar farms sale decision - Part 2
Provided by www.inthehouse.co.nz Produced by Tandem Studios
Earthquake-prone buildings revealed (2.05) Added: 4.34PM Sunday August 12, 2012 Source: ON...
published: 12 Aug 2012
Author: RoyalW1979
Earthquake-prone buildings revealed (2.05) Added: 4.34PM Sunday August 12, 2012 Source: ONE News Tens of thousands of non-residential buildings do not meet earthquake standards. SOURCE: tvnz.co.nz