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Recent Comments

Stephen Siegel: For Bernie…and More
Michael Albert, you are a surprisingly rare voice of reason on the left these days. I have supported…
Paul D: Where the Bern is Fizzling
While all of Mr. Lopez's comments have merit in the broader field of organizing, a major, perhaps most important factor…
David Jones: The Real Meaning of Donald Trump
But of course in the Spectacle you can be both the best (#1 ) and have room for improvement. As…
Paul Street: The Real Meaning of Donald Trump
This may sound odd coming from one of Bernie Sanders' most insistent Left critics, but I find it strange that…
Paul D: This Is What It Feels Like to Be Hunted by Drones
Prior to reading accounts like Mr. Jalal's. I would have only imagined such horrors could exist in the…
Paul Garver: Possible Ideas for Going Forward
An interesting exercise to assemble possible ideas for moving forward from 75 quite different authors, many of whom I have…
mike sheck: Death to America: Suicide Surge Parallels Era of Economic Woes
So this is what happens when an entire culture ties it's sense of self-worth to net worth.
Ed Lytwak: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
I'm not giving up at all, even though i'm like you an old man who would rather tend my urban…
Jerry Fresia: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
If we want a "new party," then it behooves us to push for a "new party system." It is simply…
Thom Burlington: Kagame Goes to Harvard
Tom Johnson: President Obama Can Help Save Saudi Youth Facing Beheading
This is ridiculous. To expect, or desire, that Obama will do anything useful v. Saudi Arabia is delusional. Whether he…
Tom Johnson: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
Ed Lytwak: I don't ever give up because there's simply no point in that. Why kill yourself…
Ed Lytwak: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
Why do you make comments about something that you obviously know little or nothing about? Or is some intentional…
mario osorio: Venezuelan Social Movements Rally Against Open-Pit Mining in the Orinoco Arc
Oh, comments are moderated. Should have guessed it! ... lets see how democratic you guys are
mario osorio: Venezuelan Social Movements Rally Against Open-Pit Mining in the Orinoco Arc
Mr. Koerner, Mi comment is not about this article in particular. I want to talk about an…
Calum MacKenzie: New York voting fiasco just the warm-up for the November game
What a bloody shame! Perhaps a mass boycott of the system would bring about a wake up?
mike sheck: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
The Green Party is run by the same type of elitistists as the other parties; people who give 2 minute…
Ed Lytwak: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
I'm surprised that none of the esteemed Left pundits have done an analysis of why the Green Party has…
Tom Johnson: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
As someone who has voted Green on a number of occasions (and may again after the inevitable Sanders surrender that…
Ed Lytwak: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%
Why do we need to launch a “new” party of the 99%, when the Green Party has been organizing and…
Mark Evans: Addressing the Root Causes of Classism – much easier than you thought?
Hi James, In addition to posting this on the What About Classism? website and here at ZNet…
Philip Gan: Wake Up! We Need Statesman and Values but We Get Selfish Politicians and Cynicism
Very well written. Thank you for re-publishing.
James: Addressing the Root Causes of Classism – much easier than you thought?
While the "theory" may be easy to get for some, the task at hand is just as hard as…
Justus Ko: Bernie Sanders, Union-Buster
I second the question. Stupid title.
John Goodr: This Article Is Not About Donald Trump
After being mesmerized by the bullshit on CNN, FAUX, MSNBC , etc. for months I felt like I'd been mentally…
mike sheck: This Article Is Not About Donald Trump
That's why we have you guys.
matt farkas: Bernie Sanders, Union-Buster
What has Sanders done to bust unions? I.e., voting record? It the title just click bait? Just curious.
Michael Albert: We Need New Priorities
Actually, I am part of the next system project, which I hope people will relate to. Participation at the level…
Brent Irving: How Sanders Could Lay the Foundation for a Third US Political Party
A third (of more) partiy can be counter productive in a first past the post or winner take all electoral…
David Dobereiner: Beltway Bullshit
Lets institute a universal basic income, so that non one's survival depends on whether the market provides him/her with a…
Tom Johnson: How Sanders Could Lay the Foundation for a Third US Political Party
What a brilliant piece!!! Instead of the usual dogma and doctrine and "we should" or Bernie should" excretion of left…
Michael Lesher: To Protect Hillary Clinton, Democrats Wage War on Their Own Core Citizens United Argument
Well said, Glenn Greenwald. Endorsing the democracy-busting rationale used to reach the Citizens United ruling, when it's a Democrat feeding…
James: We Need New Priorities
IOPS nay not have worked in the way intended but the website is still functioning and a possible place for…
James: The Zombie Doctrine
Seriously. And this from someone who has debated Albert about Parecon. The Next System Project, for all its US centrisim…
Chris Reed: Why Are Trump Voters Not Bothered by His Lies?
It seems to me that Trump has too many negatives with too many constituencies to win a general election. As…
Chris Reed: To Protect Hillary Clinton, Democrats Wage War on Their Own Core Citizens United Argument
Well said Glenn and thanks for connecting the dots. The local editors of the Charleston Gazette never tire of threatening…
Chris Reed: We Need New Priorities
I have been reading Z Magazine since it first came out. AfterI check out Counterpunch, my next step is Znet.…
Mark Evans: We Need New Priorities
Some points, David: 1) It might be helpful to know what you disagree about, exactly. 2) IOPS did…
David Dobereiner: We Need New Priorities
The three points seem very sensible. And its good there are only 3. Some new short slogan, as a bumper…
David Dobereiner: The Zombie Doctrine
What about a universal basic income/ As the Green party is advocating.
David Jones: We Need New Priorities
As a "seasoned leftist" I actually disagree with this analysis and the suggested strategy that results. But where is this…
george patterson: On Trump, Bernie and Building Socialism in the US
Kshama makes a lot of sense. She really offers us a viable alternative to our rotten, corrupt political system.…
mike sheck: Why Are Trump Voters Not Bothered by His Lies?
Didn't have room in the article to deconstruct a single one of Trump's lies? Or perhaps you're just…
Tom Johnson: Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Civic Illiteracy
What a wonderful piece that struggles against the fact that we live in a cultur where we have devolved beyond…
Tom Johnson: Why Progressives Need a National Electoral Strategy—and Fast
Why do we fear right-wing populism with such fervor when our institutional status quo capitalist neoliberalism is the greatest horror…
David Jones: Why Progressives Need a National Electoral Strategy—and Fast
Fletcher bases his argument on an imaginary "progressive", a subjectivity that is a void, is in fact the essence of…
Michael Albert: What Wins
Hi Mark, I think it is up to folks, what folks do. The 86 should do as…
Mark Evans: What Wins
Hi Bill, Marian, Michael - Your blog raises some important questions for me and perhaps for…
Matt Grind: On Trump, Bernie and Building Socialism in the US
I can see why Kshama has been successful in politics. A very clear and articulate speaker. Great…
Tyler Healey: What Wins
It is time for massive acts of civil disobedience in Washington. I can’t understand why people like Cornel West and…
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