Afghan Women under the tyranny of the misogynist fundamentalists

An overview on the situation of Afghan Women
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Some of the restrictions imposed by Taliban on women
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Self-immolation among Afghan Women (horrible photos)

Afghan woman, victim of terrible family violence     Victim of crime by husband     Domestic Violence against children    Self-immolations among Afghan women    Gang-rape of 12-y-old girl
Afghan women in chains of the brutal fundamentalists
  • April 19, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Kabul Attack Kills Dozens, Including Women and Children
    Common Dreams: At least 28 people are dead and hundreds are wounded after a suicide bomb and gun assault on a government security building in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday morning. The Taliban has reportedly claimed responsibility for what Reuters called “the most deadly single attack in the Afghan capital since 2011.”      Full news...

  • April 17, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Rape and brutal murder of 6-year-old Afghan girl in Iran sparks anger
    Khaama Press: A horrific report has emerged from Iran regarding the brutal murder of a 6-year-old Afghan girl who was initially raped by a teenage Iranian. The brutal murder of the girl, Setayish Quraishi, has sparked anger both in Afghanistan and outside, with the local media reports in Iran saying the perpetrator was a 17-year-old Iranian national.      Full news...

  • April 13, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Girl Seeks Divorce After Being Married At 12 To 60-Year-Old An 18-year-old girl who was forced to marry a 60-year-old man at the age of 12 has said she wants a divorce. The Balkh teenager, from Zari district, said that six years ago her family forced her to marry the man. She said she no longer wants to live with him and instead wants a divorce. Samargul claims she is also a victim of domestic violence and has been beaten and tortured over the years.      Full news...

  • March 29, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    10-Year-Old Allegedly Married Off After Being Kidnapped A Kapisa family have appealed for assistance and justice after a group of armed men allegedly stole their 10-year-old daughter and reportedly married her off to a 30-year-old man. The family, from Najrab district in Kapisa, said the incident happened four months ago when 10 armed men attacked their house and forcibly removed their daughter.      Full news...

  • March 23, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Virginity tests: Sexual Assault in the Name of Science in Afghanistan
    HRW: Each year, dozens or even hundreds of women and girls in Afghanistan are subjected to invasive, humiliating, and sometimes painful vaginal and rectal exams in the name of “science.” These so-called virginity exams are not just demeaning – they constitute sexual assault and are often used as evidence against women in court for the “crime” of zina, or sex outside of marriage.      Full news...

  • March 9, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    HRW: Afghanistan?s Legal System Fails Farkhunda, Again
    HRW: It’s a bitter irony that the latest blow to justice for Farkhunda Malikzada occurred on the eve of International Women’s Day. This week, Afghanistan’s Supreme Court granted significant sentence reductions to 13 men convicted of Farkhunda’s brutal murder in March 2015. The men were part of a mob that beat Farkhunda to death in broad daylight in central Kabul while police stood by and watched.      Full news...

  • February 22, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Girls Mourn Lost Education
    IWPR: Soala gazes at her prized high school diploma with tears in her eyes. Having graduated at the top of her class from the Zarghuna Ana high school in Kandahar province, she had dreamed of going on to study medicine. But her hopes were dashed when her father and older brother said that they would not allow her to carry on her education.      Full news...

  • February 21, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Dark Days For Afghan Women?s Rights
    IWPR: Women in the eastern province of Nangarhar are increasingly falling victim to summary justice procedures, according to speakers at an IWPR-organised debate in provincial capital Jalalabad. The event heard that tribal courts operating in the province, particularly in more remote areas, often meted out brutal punishments to vulnerable women, including stoning, mutilation, beating and forced marriage.      Full news...

  • February 10, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Pregnant woman jumps from four-storey building in Herat
    Khaama Press: In an attempt of suicide, a pregnant woman has jumped from a four-storey building in western Herat province of Afghanistan. The woman who has severely hurt herself is now in Herat Regional Hospital. Doctors say the baby had already died before the woman was brought to them.      Full news...

  • February 8, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban Reportedly Execute Afghan Woman For Adultery
    RFE/RL: Afghan officials say a woman has been executed after being accused of adultery in a remote Taliban-controlled village in the western province of Ghor. Abdul Hai Khatibi, a provincial government spokesman, said on February 8 that the execution was carried out in the remote Taliban-controlled village of Zanu on February 5.      Full news...

  • February 4, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    5-year-old child raped in Bamyan province
    Khaama Press: At least two suspects have been arrested in connection to the rape case of a 5-year-old child in central Bamyan province of Afghanistan. According to the local security officials, the incident involving rape of the 5-year-old child took place late on Saturday night. Provincial police chief Abdul Mubeen Izadyar said the rape case unveiled after the child was admitted to the provincial hospital for the treatment.      Full news...

  • January 21, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Hard to find evidence of justice
    The Killid Group: In Badghis, a nine-year-old girl was sexually attacked by 11 men including four policemen. Fareed Akhizai, head of Badghis provincial council, says the incident was in Jowand. “The girl’s father is dead. Armed men forcibly gave her in matrimony for 750,000 Afs (10,900 USD)after she was sexually harassed. The mother and grandmother came to the Badghis capital to complain to the police commandant and provincial council,” says Akhizai.      Full news...

  • January 18, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Man cuts off his wife?s nose in Faryab before fleeing to Taliban-held area
    Khaama Press: A man has escaped to a Taliban-held area after cutting off his wife’s nose in northern Faryab province of Afghanistan, local officials said Monday. Provincial police chief Syed Aqa Andarabi said the incident took place late on Sunday in Ghormach district. He said an investigation has been launched with preliminary reports suggesting the man committed the crime due to family issues.      Full news...

  • December 27, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Flawed Justice After a Mob Killed an Afghan Woman
    The New York Times: Farkhunda had one chance to escape the mob that wanted to kill her. Two Afghan police officers pulled her onto the roof of a low shed, above the angry crowd. But then the enraged men below her picked up poles and planks of wood, and hit at her until she lost her grip and tumbled down.      Full news...

  • December 21, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Young Afghan-American woman shot dead by ?mullah as she left her Kabul gym?
    The Telegraph: An Afghan-American woman who used to work for the US army was shot dead by a mullah in a residential area of Kabul on Sunday night, according to officials. Lisa Akbari, a dual Afghan-American citizen, had an Afghan father and grew up in the US. Ms Akbari was killed at around 8pm on Sunday night by a mullah inside a gym in the Kart-e-Char area of Kabul, according to Colonel Faridoon Obaidy, head of the Kabul police criminal investigation department.      Full news...

  • December 15, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Female Prisoners Deprived Of Their Rights: Report The Paywand Afghan Association (PAA) on Tuesday released its report on the Afghan Women Penal System in a bid to “bring the failures of the women’s penal system in Afghanistan, an issue that has long been ignored, to the attention of key stakeholders including the Afghan government and the international community.”      Full news...

  • December 2, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Tackling Addiction Among Afghan Women
    IWPR: Dirty and disheveled, 26-year-old Malalai lay surrounded by piles of rubbish under a bridge in central Kabul. She had been a drug addict for two years, after friends introduced her to heroin. Six months ago, her family threw her out and she now spent her days under the Pol-e Sokhta bridge, a place where many of the city’s drug users congregate.      Full news...

  • November 20, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Girl Dies After ?Public Lashing? A 26-year-old girl died following an alleged public lashing by armed groups in western Ghor province after being accused of running away from home. Ghor is where the recent stoning to death of 19-year-old Rokhshana occurred. Shirin Gul, who was from Herat province, had reportedly gone to Shahrak district of Ghor to visit her uncle’s family, her immediate family said.      Full news...

  • November 3, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban Stone Woman To Death For Eloping A young Afghan woman has been stoned to death by the Taliban in Afghanistan’s western zone, officials confirmed on Tuesday. Footages of the stoning surfacing in social media shows the woman in a hole in the ground as scores of violent men casually hurl stones at her.      Full news...

  • October 1, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban militants committed gang rapes and mass murders in Kunduz
    Amnesty International: Mass murder, gang rapes and house-to-house searches by Taliban death squads are just some of the harrowing civilian testimonies emerging from Kunduz as Afghan forces today claimed to have regained control of key areas of the northern city, Amnesty International said. The organization has spoken to numerous people, the majority of them women, who have fled Kunduz since Monday, when the Taliban launched a sudden assault on the city.      Full news...

  • September 22, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Samangan Woman Claims Judge Raped Her Daughter Who Then Gave Birth to Child A woman in northern Samangan claims a judge who she married about four years ago raped her daughter from her late husband when she was 13-years-old. The mother claimed a judge in Samangan’s primary court married her before he raped her daughter when she was only 13. Telling the story of her marriage, the 42-year-old mother said the judge, who is now under police custody, forcibly married her about four years ago when she visited the court for a legal case she had filed.      Full news...

  • September 13, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Couple stoned to death by Taliban on adultery charges in Sar-i-Pul
    Khaama Press: A man and woman have been stoned to death by Taliban militants in northern Sar-i-Pul province for having immoral contacts. Abdul Jabar Haqbin, acting governor of Sar-i-Pul province said that Taliban had kidnapped the man and woman three days before. He said Taliban planned to execute the hostages on Friday but it was delayed due to an airstrike by Afghan forces.      Full news...

  • September 6, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Mother And Child Behind Bars: The Women Of Afghanistan?s Prisons
    NPR: In 2010, photographer Gabriela Maj was working on a project about an artist in Afghanistan when one of her editors suggested she take a look at Afghan women’s prisons. Maj recalls: “He said, you know there are all these stories kind of floating, kind of bubbling up in the international media about women being incarcerated for something known as ’moral crimes.’ And they’re being put into these prisons with their kids.’”      Full news...

  • September 1, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Man, woman face lashes in western Afghanistan for adultery
    1TV: An Afghan man and a woman received 100 lashes each after they were found guilty of committing adultery in western Ghor province. The punishment was given in public on Monday and after they were found guilty in a primary court. Judges said that the punishment was based on Sharia laws and that the man and woman confessed that they had sexual relations.      Full news...

  • August 26, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Baghlan Man Beheads His Wife A man in northern Baghlan province reportedly beheaded his wife after a court failed to grant her a divorce. The woman, Trina, apparently married her husband nearly a year ago but was so unhappy she filed for a divorce a few months back. According to Trina’s sister: “Trina got married nearly a year back and she was not happy with her marriage and she wanted to break up...      Full news...

  • August 20, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    10-year-old boy raped in Kunduz, culprit held: police
    1TV: A 10-year-old boy is in hospital after being sexually assaulted in northern Kunduz province, police said Thursday adding the culprit was arrested. The culprit man had taken the victim to a house threatening him with knife before he carried out the rape, the provincial police chief said.      Full news...

  • August 5, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan Conflict: Highest Number of Women, Kids Killed, Wounded on Record
    NBC News: The highest number of women and children on record were killed or wounded by the conflict in Afghanistan during the first six months of the year, according to a U.N. report released Wednesday. The number of women who died or were injured jumped 23 percent in the six months to June, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) study showed. From January to June, 164 women were killed and 395 were wounded, according to the report.      Full news...

  • July 11, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Reporting rises, also crimes against women
    The Killid Group: Women’s and rights organisations including the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs are reporting that the situation is grim for women across the country. Latifa Sultani, women's rights programme coordinator at the AIHRC, says the situation was bad in insecure provinces but now even the relatively quieter provinces like Kabul, Bamyan, Badghis, Jozjan, Samangan and Takhar are reporting abuse and worse.      Full news...

  • July 8, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Body of Woman Killed By Husband Found in Baghlan Home The body of a woman named Tahira allegedly killed by her husband was found at her house in northern Baghlan province this week, local officials said on Wednesday. The Director of Baghlan’s provincial Women’s Affairs Department, Khadija Yaqin, has maintained Tahira was murdered by her spouse. “We urge the security forces to arrest and punish those behind Tahira’s killing,” she told TOLOnews on Wednesday.      Full news...

  • June 24, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    ISIS Curbs Movement of Women in Afghan province: Officials Insurgents claiming to be Daesh fighters have reportedly distributed leaflets in eastern Nangarhar prohibiting women from leaving their homes without any Sharia (Islamic Legal) excuse, according to provincial officials. The four-article pamphlet of so-called Daesh insurgents includes threats against the elders of Nangarhar and women of the eastern province – where officials have already confirmed sightings of the newly-emerged group, based in Iraq and Syria.      Full news...

  • May 28, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The Faces of Afghanistan?s Female Prisoners
    The Wall Street Journal: Five years ago, photographer Gabriela Maj met Fareshte, an inmate of Badam Bagh women’s prison, while on assignment in Afghanistan. At the time, Fareshte had been incarcerated and was awaiting two sentences related to so-called moral crimes.      Full news...

  • May 20, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan police officers jailed over woman?s death in mob attack
    The Guardian: Eleven police officers have been sentenced to one year in prison for their role in the mob lynching of a woman in Kabul that caused outrage in Afghanistan and abroad. A primary court judge found the officers guilty of dereliction of duty, while acquitting another eight due to lack of evidence. The verdict has exasperated Afghans who had hoped to see the government make political strides in defence of women’s rights.      Full news...

  • May 9, 2015 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Bamyan Gang Rape Victim Demands Justice A 21-year-old girl who was gang raped about a year ago in central Bamyan province has arrived in capital Kabul to demand justice after what she said her call for justice was not listened by the provincial authorities. Bas Gul, resident of Waras district, told TOLOnews that one of the three rapists has been released from the jail.      Full news...

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Gulbar in a local hospital in Badghis province
Gulbar, an Afghan woman who was burnt by her husband in Nov.2005 (details...)

Muska a victim in so-called liberated Afghanistan
Muska, a female election worker who committed suicide after rape attempt on her in Jalalabad on Oct.9, 2004 (details...)
A woman victim of family violence
A true face of Afghan women today.
"There is a huge gap between the reality on the ground and the 'remarkable progress' claimed by western diplomats who sit in fortified compounds behind guards..." (Christina Lamb, The Sunday Times, November 5, 2006)

Women crying
Women wailing with grief as they are turned away from a funeral in Kabul in late 1994. AI
Those responsible for these killings are now in possession of power in Afghanistan and strongly supported by the US government.

An Afghan women
A woman with her child recounts how her husband was killed in Afshar, west of Kabul. Hundreds of innocent people from Hazara minority were massacred by forces of Sayyaf and Ahmad Shah Massoud in this area in 1993
Zarmeena is being excuted by Taliban
Public execution of an Afghan woman by Taliban in Kabul
Photos from a video film by RAWA (click here to view more photos and movie clips)

a victim
A victim of the fundamentalists brutalities against women
More photos

A woman who was gang-raped and then killed The Jehadi fundamentalists after gang-raping Shukria, killed her in cold-blood

Shukria d/o Ali Mardan was the mother of four children and lived in Kabul. She had a tailoring-shop. On May 22, 1993 she was on her way to Shahrara when suddenly a car braked to a halt and a group of armed-jehadi jumped out and dragged her to their car and in a minute disappeared. Her ill-fated family searched every where but in vain.... Till, after fifty-five days her blood-soaked semi-naked body was found in Khairkhana, Kabul.

Today again the Northern Alliance, the rapists and murderers of thousands of Shukrias have key positions in the new Afghan government.

Nahid killed on Feb.9, 1993 Naheed another victims of the Jehadi Fundamentalists

Thirteen-year-old Nahida Hassan became a symbol for Afghan women and girls who were raped during the two decades of war. [On Feb.9, 1993] when a commander and twenty of his troops broke into her Kabul apartment, killing her 12-year-old brother and gunning down her other male relatives, Nahida understood she was the target. To avoid being sexually savaged, she leapt from the sixth-floor window to her death. Today, there is a shrine on the spot where she fell. "Everyone knew who the commander was. But no one dared touch him," said the girl's 64-year-old grandfather, Mohammed Hassan. The commander enjoyed the protection of his party, whose fundamentalist cleric leader, Burhanuddin Rabbani, headed the government at the time and, more recently, the Northern Alliance, which holds key positions in the new interim administration.

Jan Goodwin, The Nation, April 29, 2002

WOMEN IN AFGHANISTAN: A human rights catastrophe
(Amnesty International document, March 1995)

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