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May Day and Peter Linebaugh on Democracy Now!, The Laura Flanders Show, ROAR Magazine, and more!

“May Day is about affirmation, the love of life, and the start of spring, so it has to be about the beginning of the end of the capitalist system of exploitation, oppression, war, and overall misery, toil, and moil.” So writes celebrated historian Peter Linebaugh in an essential compendium of reflections on the reviled, glorious, and voltaic occasion of May 1st...

Watch Peter on The Laura Flanders Show
Read an excerpt of The Incomplete, True, Authentic, and Wonderful History of May Day on ROAR Magazine
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Militancy and the Beautiful Game: An interview with Gabriel Kuhn

"...One of the most revealing aspects of the relationship between anarchism and sport is the latter’s almost complete absence from anarchist publications. But there have always been anarchists who criticized the rejection of sports as elitist and who stressed sport’s political potential in terms of uniting people, strengthening communal values, challenging class structures, and so on. Essentially, both leftist anti-sport and pro-sport arguments have remained the same during the past hundred years..."—Recomposition

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Buy Playing as if the World Mattered: An Illustrated History of Activism in Sports

JJ Wilson's Damnificados in the Library Journal and more!

"Inspired by the 2007 occupation of a skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela, Wilson's debut novel of magic realism is a modern retelling of the classic hero's journey, complete with a two-headed beast, a flood of biblical proportion, miraculous healing, and deus ex machina. The author's elegant language makes even the darkest of situations beautiful. Sure to attract readers who enjoy a touch of magic mixed in with their tales of social justice."—Portia Kapraun, Library Journal

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Read more: Foreword Reviews
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"Demanding the Impossible [is] indispensable… [It] thinks big in mega-history and grand theory."


 ‘[A] very fine history of anarchist thought… [Peter] Marshall traces the roots of anarchist doctrine to the sixth century BCE, with many excellent biographical portraits, summaries of key events and movements, and long, careful reconstructions of individual philosophies and doctrines. Major trends are plotted chronologically in a spirited, enjoyable narrative that does not presume prior knowledge. All this makes Demanding the Impossible indispensable…  [It] thinks big in mega-history and grand theory.’—Gary Roth, Critical Sociology

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