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May Day Rally & March, Sydney 2016  

Jamie C.

Although by the standards of the Moratorium years, the Sydney May Day rally last Sunday was relatively small, it was certainly no less enthusiastic. Workers and supporters in their thousands marched with their unions or with political & single-issue organisations to which they were affiliated.


more...- Posted on 2016 May 06

May Day: Build the revolutionary movement for independence and socialism!  

Nick G.

May Day is the day for international celebration of the socialist objective of the working class. It is a day born of the struggles and sacrifices of working class activists, a day immersed in the contemporary struggles of the working class, and a day which defines the future and ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 29

Disillusioned twice over!  

The double dissolution election being set up by Prime Minister Turnbull will at least spare us from the endless detailed reports of point-scoring in the American primaries.



more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 29

BCA plan: “a new architecture for Aboriginal affairs”  

Louisa L.

A Maori representative once told Narungga Elder Tauto Sansbury, “If you're not at the table, you're the menu.
“Right now,” Tauto says, “we're being chopped up into little pieces.”


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 29

The basic needs of the working class can only be guaranteed by socialism  

Bill F.

In Australia’s capitalist society the working class and all working people have common needs – employment, housing, healthcare, education and reliable transport are critical issues for workers, their families and their communities.


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 29

A Small Nation Standing Up To US Imperialism  

Ned K.

North Korea is a small country compared to the USA and by population about half the size of South Korea. South Korea hosts US troops and large military bases. North Korea is called 'the hermit kingdom" because it does not embrace the imperialist 'free trade' in goods and ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 27

PNG Supreme Court rules Australian “Guantanamo” illegal  

Nick G.

By unanimous decision of the Full Bench of the Papua New Guinea Supreme Court, the Australian concentration camp for asylum seekers on Manus Island has been declared illegal, unconstitutional and a breach of asylum seekers’ human rights.
The Australia and PNG governments have been ordered to close the ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 26

Look below the surface in submarine decision  

Nick G.

Prime Minister Turnbull has just announced that 12 new submarines will be built in Australia by a French consortium.
On the surface, this is a significant victory for the Australian people.


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 26

Public meeting strongly denounces Trans Pacific Partnership  

Alice M.

The exposure of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) as a tool of US government and its biggest multinational corporations and banks to increase the exploitation of people and plunder of the environment outrages people around the world.


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 24

Future of Steel Production at Whyalla Raises Issues about the Nature of Australian Independence  

Ned K.

The future of steel production at Whyalla in South Australia is uncertain with Arrium being in administration and governments at state and federal levels looking for a bail out that will delay big job losses past the next election cycle.


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 20

Women Workers in the Health Sector Lead the Way in Rebuilding Unionism in Australia  

Ned K.

The Friday 8 April edition of the Australian Financial Review included an article headed "Nurses buck unions' long term demise".  It explained that while overall union membership density in Australia continued to decline, union membership among nurses grew by 12% in the last two years and the AN&MF ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 17

Building and Construction Workers Stay Strong Despite On-Going Attacks from Big Business  

Ned K.

Nearly 30 years to the day (Wednesday 13 April) of the de-registration of the BLF, construction workers at a Lend Lease construction site in Brisbane went on strike when Lend Lease removed the workers' Eureka flag (symbol of their union CFMEU) from the site.


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 17

Whyalla steel a casualty of free trade agreements and global over production  

Max O.
Australia's steel producing industry may soon come to an end with Arrium steel company's collapse in Whyalla. The steel company's $4.3 billion debt caused its bankruptcy and put it into voluntary administration. Now 2,000 jobs in the South Australian regional city of Whyalla are endangered, with 7,000 workers ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 14

Turnbull's gold medal in bullshit  

Louisa L.

It's an Olympic year. If there was a  medal for frequency of changed tax proposals, Malcolm Turnbull would win gold.


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 05

The corporate plan to hijack education  

Louisa L.

“The day is coming when we can replace teachers with IPads and computers,” a corporate education spruiker told Angelo Gavrielatos, Project Director with Education International, a while back. 


more...- Posted on 2016 Apr 03

Taxation: make the rich pay….something!  

Nick G.

The Australian Tax Office, under increasing pressure from community groups and unions to shed light on tax evasion by the corporate sector, has once again published data on companies privately owned in Australia.


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 27

Australian Wine Industry and Pinstripe Suits  

Ned K. 

The Weekend Australian Easter edition in the Business Review contained a revealing article about the deceptive marketing ploys of multinational owned wineries in Australia. 


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 27

It's Terrible or It's Fine?  

Ned K.

Malcolm Turnbull said earlier this year that there was never a more exciting or never a better time to be an Australian. I would have to agree with him and go one further by saying that there was never a better time to be (as Marx saw himself) ...


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 27

The Irish Liberation Struggle: some issues arising  

Josh S.

1916 is the100th anniversary of the Irish Easter rebellion.  It is timely to explore some of the lessons and implications of the Irish revolt and subsequent liberation struggle and independence negotiations.


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 24

Education corporations 'want to mine our kids for profit' says campaigner  

Louisa L.

“Global capital is on the move and it wants to take over education,” Angelo Gavrielatos, Project Director with Education International (EI), the peak body of the world's teacher unions, told the state Council of the NSW Teachers Federation on March 12.


more...- Posted on 2016 Mar 20

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