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Tag Archives: Digests

Gaza: between rebellion and sacrifice

The body of Ahmed Al Sarhi, killed by snipers of the zionist occupation forces on October 20, 2015, Al Bureij, Gaza Strip (Photo credit: Ashraf Amra)

22nd October 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Valeria Cortés | Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine How much hopelessness, suffering, unpunished abuse, how much spilled blood can the human heart take before bursting? “All I possess in the presence of the death ...

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Solidarity With Rachel Corrie (Digest)

1. Solidarity With Rachel Corrie 2. Documentary trailer: The Israeli Siege of Zawata Village 3. Tel Rumeida: Violent Settler Attacks Human Rights Workers 4. Susiya: Routine Palestinian Detention Coincides with Settler’s Continued Attempts to Steal Land 5. Wadi Rahul: Second ...

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Nablus: Misery at Checkpoints (Digest)

1. Nablus: Misery at Checkpoints 2. Wadi-Al-Neiss: More Actions Against the Wall 3. Artas: Non-Violent March in the Proposed Valley of Waste 4. Bil’in: Friday Demonstration (July 13th) 5. Nablus: Nablus News Report 6. Tel Rumeida: Slouching Towards Annexation 7. ...

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What is Behind Allenby Bridge… (Digest)

1. Um Salamuna: Defending the Land 2. Bil’in: Continued Repression 3. Nablus: 75 Olive Trees Planted Successfully in Iraq Burim 4. Israeli Soldiers Shoot Dead Palestinian Child in Hebron; Body Mauled by Military Dog 5. Tel Rumeida: Walking Down Shuhada ...

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Nablus Under Siege (Digest)

1. Nablus Under Siege… Again 2. Tel Rumeida: Another Home Invasion 3. Haaretz: ILA destroys Bedouin homes to make way for Jewish town 4. Video: Arrest of Head of Bilin popular committee 5. Tel Rumeida: Breaking and Entering Palestinian Homes ...

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Get on the Boat! –The Free Gaza Movement

1) Free Gaza Movement 2) Palestinian Farmer killed in Tulkarem 3) 16 Palestinian children made homeless today 4) Palestinians exit Friday prayers and enter mass detentions 5) Protesters take Rubber Bullets to Head and Stomach 6) Muslim graveyard vandalized by ...

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Testing the Non-Violent Attitude in Hebron

Settler: “I will kill all the Arabs”… Soldier: “Being respectful is not a part of our duty” 1. Testing the non-violent attitude in Hebron 2. Bili’n Tractor still confiscated in an example of Israeli “Justice” 3. Demonizing the Non-violent Resistance ...

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