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Your Gateway to Exegesis on the WEB

The Biblical Studies on the WEB offers scholars a useful gateway to the exegis on the WEB since 1998.

With the publication of hightly established biblical journals and differents tools from search engines to biblical resources lists, it is your way to get access to exegesis today.

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Feník Juraj - Lapko Róbert, «Annunciations to Mary in Luke 1–2» Vol.96 (2015) 498-524
Rius-Camps Josep - Read-Heimerdinger Jenny, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XX) (Acts 14:1-27)» Vol.22 (2009) 107-132
Becker Eve-Marie, «Mk 1:1 and the Debate on a 'Markan Prologue'» Vol.22 (2009) 91-106