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Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
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AFA Banners - 2015. You'll see these featured on our Facebook page and YouTube page - join in and check them out!
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Hey Everyone! Back in action - and here's our new FAQ! Send in your questions!
Michael o'donnell's profile photo
Anyone going to qanda tonight to cheer on NDGT?
I will be watching because it should be informative. 
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Spending time in the US has only made Ricky Gervais a more outspoken atheist. He tells Robin Ince why that’s important.
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Worst. Apocalypse. Ever.
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One more reason why Australia is better than New Zealand
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Have them in circles
1,406 people
William Miller (Patrick)'s profile photo
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Dear Mr Turnbull, Godlessness is Not the Problem.
Link to media release:
Along with the vast majority of the world, the Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA) utterly condemns the recent terrorist attacks in Beirut, Paris, and Mali. That said, we are concerned that in re…
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Syrian Refugee Crisis and Religion

The Government's announcement that it will permanently resettle an additional 12,000 Syrian refugees is welcomed by the Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA). We support helping displaced and desperate people as much as possible.
However, religion (or the lack of it) should not be a deciding factor in helping those in need.
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Have you decided which political party you will be voting for in the upcoming federal election? Does your atheism influence your vote?
Patrick Charlton-O'Shea's profile photoPhillip Morton's profile photoAstrid Lakota's profile photoLeisha Young's profile photo
In a word...yes. How can I vote for a government that supports something so strongly, and which I so strongly denounce?
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Mark Stead's profile photoLeisha Young's profile photoYouPlumbing's profile photo
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If you were once a believer, who or what was the biggest influence on you in your journey towards atheism?
Patrick Charlton-O'Shea's profile photoAstrid Lakota's profile photoAaron Murica!!'s profile photoRiaz Khan's profile photo
I not know about protocol but a man shape of god influence me to be an athiest
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Atheism is the acceptance that there is no credible scientific or factually reliable evidence for the existence of a god, gods or the supernatural.
THE ATHEIST FOUNDATION OF AUSTRALIA INC began in South Australia in 1970 when the members of the Rationalist Association of SA decided that a name change would proclaim their basic philosophy, which began in Greece 2500 years ago.

We can understand why primitive cultures believed that invisible beings controlled what we now call the elements and natural phenomena. With access to factual knowledge, there is now no excuse for believing in gods, fairies or any supernatural concept.

We live in a natural universe with known natural laws. Religion, based on belief in the existence of the supernatural, is dependent on the indoctrination of infants generation after generation, by parents brainwashed in religious cultures.

The confrontations and fighting today provide ample evidence of the unstable nature of societies, which endorse religious beliefs.

Infantile concepts seriously hinder the full potential development of humans in a world with problems that require logical thought.

Atheists find their motive for action in the needs and problems of their fellow citizens and consider that the worship of, or reliance on, imaginary supernatural beings to be a useless waste of time, energy and resources.

The Foundation is dependent on a small committee which meets monthly and is open to all members. We maintain a cordial relationship with similar organisations within Australia and overseas and with whom we exchange our magazine, The Australian Atheist.

It is recognised that the non-religious segment in society is on a steep increase but only through such organisations as the Foundation will it be recognised as a movement worthy of notice by administrative bodies.

We welcome feedback from thoughtful people and invite your co-operation and membership.
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+61 2 8007 4503