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April 30, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Robert Scheer Talks With Eddie Conway About Making Real News After Prison

In this week’s “Scheer Intelligence,” the Truthdig editor in chief sits down with the former Black Panther to hear about how he helped fellow prisoners organize for reform while serving nearly 44 years for a murder he didn’t commit.


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Climate Feedback

Truthdigger of the Week: Emmanuel Vincent, Founder of Climate Feedback

The University of California at Merced oceanographer has established a network of scientists who serve as watchdogs over climate-change reportage.
Markus Schreiber / AP

Yanis Varoufakis, Former Greek Finance Minister, Returns to Public Life More Hopeful Than Ever

The left-wing Syriza member resigned in 2015 after five tumultuous months battling eurozone creditors as they turned the austerity screws on Greece. Now he is continuing the fight through the new democracy movement, DiEM25.
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The veteran progressive journalist acknowledged on “Democracy Now!” that “it’s going to be very hard for a lot of the people who support Sanders to support Hillary Clinton” and explained why he’s excited about what’s ahead in American politics.

The leading Republican presidential candidate called out the massive ruin caused by the “dangerous idea” that the U.S. “could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming a Western democracy.”

Is Hillary Clinton Stealing the Nomination? Will Bernie Sanders Spawn a Long-Term Movement?

As Greens, we believe this election’s most critical imperative is that Bernie convert the huge upwelling of mostly young grass-roots discontent he has ignited into a long-term, multi-issue movement.

Jane Sanders Says Bernie Would Lead a National Movement Whether or Not He Wins the Presidency

Now that Bernie Sanders has a “massive national and indeed international profile,” MSNBC host Rachel Maddow asked in an interview with the candidate’s wife this week, “Do you see an organization being formed out of the Sanders-centered movement that has sprung up around his campaign?”

Members of Congress Call for an End to Voter Suppression

Nine legislators, their staff and 200 activists packed the hearing room of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee to standing room only recently to demand an end to mass voter suppression and the manipulation of U.S. elections.

A Connecticut Yankee’s Introduction to California

A Northeastern native and longtime California resident reflects back on his first time experiencing the colorful characters, culture and politics of the Golden State.



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Armenians Demand Recognition of Genocide at Los Angeles Protest

President Obama has never made good on his promise to officially recognize the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians for what it was.

Hillary Clinton Camp Says She’s Been Forced to the Left Enough Already

Clinton ally tells The Hill, “I don’t know what’s left to extract.”

Shaka Senghor: Out of ‘the Hole’ and Into the Light

After 19 years behind bars, including seven in solitary confinement, the best-selling author works for criminal justice reform—and for those he left behind.

The Republican Party’s Favorability Rating Drops to Its Lowest Point Since 1992

A Pew survey of 2,000 American adults found that the public’s dislike of the GOP has spiked to levels not seen in nearly a quarter of a century.

Rhode Island’s Primary Results Show Us How Independents Are Shaping the 2016 Election

Sanders’ and Trump’s victories in the state underscore the importance of voter turnout and the magnitude of the economic anger that is driving independents to support both candidates at the polls.



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Droughts Are Giving Trees ‘Heart Attacks’

Research identifying survival traits in different tree species could prove vital in helping reduce the massive losses caused by heat extremes as the world warms.

Amid Media Megamergers, a Mosaic of Community Media Thrives

There is a hunger for authentic voices—not the same handful of pundits circulating through all the media networks who know so little about so much, explaining the world to us and getting it so wrong.

An Alternative After a Likely Bern-Out: The Green Party’s Jill Stein

Jill Stein’s platform is all about job creation through a green infrastructure plan, resuscitating trade unions, fostering worker cooperatives and slashing defense spending. Is it a pipe dream or simply the future?

These Days of Mild U.S. Weather Will Not Last

Scientists warn that the current pleasures of warmer weather will pale for Americans as climate change brings extreme temperature increases and unhealthy levels of atmospheric ozone.

Michael Moore Blasts Obama in an Open Letter About the Flint Water Crisis

The filmmaker and activist calls the president’s upcoming visit to the beleaguered Michigan town “too little too late.”

Amy Goodman on How the Media Is Ruining the 2016 Election by Focusing on ‘Trump-Land’

The “Democracy Now!” host explains why pundits are getting coverage “so wrong” and outlines what needs to change.

14 Races to Go: Sanders Set on ‘Transforming a Nation’

“The people in every state in this country should have the right to determine who they want as president and what the agenda of the Democratic Party should be.”

Cracked Distills Idiocy, Mendacity of American Politics (Video)

The humor and video site provides an overview of the presidential election process and shows why candidates can’t be honest.

Report: Ted Cruz Pre-emptively Picking Carly Fiorina as His Running Mate

Watching the seemingly endless series of Republican debates this election season, one might wonder why so many candidates hung in there well past the point when it was clear they had no real chance of winning. Well, wonder no more.

Money Couldn’t Buy Love for Maryland Congressional Candidate David Trone

Despite spending a record-breaking $12 million of his own money to win a House seat, Trone lost Tuesday’s primary race.

Michigan Official Tried to Manipulate Lead Tests—Eight Years Ago

In 2008, a Michigan environmental official told lead test technicians to “bump out” sky-high lead results by collecting more clean water samples.