Category: Parecon

Michael Albert: What’s Next?

People now fighting economic injustice have no right to decide how future people should live

Michael Albert: Participatory Economics Part 2: Addressing Criticisms

If Parecon is determined unworthy or un-implementable, okay – it should be dismissed as a vision and used only as a source of possible partial insights. But if it is both worthy and viable, it should be shared widely as a vision, and, in that capacity, help movements to win a better world

Michael Albert: Accepting Capitalism?

The following interview was conducted over Skype between Michael Albert and Michael Galli who teaches a class on media at Rivendell Academy, a 7-12 interstate public school on the Vermont/New Hampshire border, and his students.

Michael Albert: Participatory Economics Part 1: Origins, Heritage, and Substance

The origins and heritage of participatory economics, the logical basis for its components, peoples’ problems with it, and why people should care about it

Michael Albert: Participatory Economics Part 1: Origins, Heritage, and Substance

  Sanders, Corbyn, Syriza, Podemos – wars, poverty, assassinations, exclusions, occupations, depredations – I have been asked to write an essay that presents the origins and heritage of participatory economics – as an alternative economic vision – and that explains the logical basis for its components, presents and addresses peoples’ problems with it, and finally Read more…

Michael Albert: Beyond the Impasse

Major interview for German periodical Utopie: “There will be no successful movement to escape capitalism until there is widespread agreement that there is superior life beyond capitalism”

Júlio do Carmo Gomes: Participatory Economics

The participatory theory sketches out a vision of what ought to come next – a social life free from mercantilism and authoritarian institutions

Michael Albert: Interrogating Participatory Economics

An in-depth interview on participatory economics

Michael Albert: What, Actually, Would It Mean to Win?

Winning should mean establishing new institutions able to accomplish necessary tasks of society

Florian Zollmann: Participatory Economics

A chapter co authored by Michael Albert and Florian Zollmann from a book to be published in Germany, Ways from Capitalism..

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