Category: Feminism/Gender

Dave Zirin: Meet Two Women Tackling Misogyny in Sports Journalism

Women don’t want white knights to ride and and defend us. We just want a voice to defend ourselves

Badri Raina: Sheikh Peer of the Twenty Third

You died the day you were born. And immortalized The day you died

Paul Street: Kagame Goes to Harvard

A recent event at the pinnacle of “liberal” academia offers a depressing epitome of the cold moral obliviousness and imperial complicity that marks U.S. higher education

Robin Lloyd: Women and the War on Drugs

The War on Drugs condones a form of macho violence

Sujata Aurora: Biting lions: remembering the Grunwick strike 40 years on

The legacy and lessons for today

Alyssa Davis: Closing the pay gap and beyond

A comprehensive strategy for improving economic security for women and families

Henry A. Giroux: Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Civic Illiteracy

The dark times that haunt the current age are epitomized in the monsters that have come to rule the United States and who now dominate the major political parties and other commanding political and economic institutions. Their nightmarish reign of misery, violence, and disposability is also evident in their dominance of a formative culture and Read more…

Juan Cole: Arab Youth view ISIL as major Mideast Obstacle, want less Religion

Overwhelming majorities of youth want their national leaders to expand personal freedom and human rights for women

Rory Fanning: The Wars in Our Schools

An Ex-Army Ranger Finds a New Mission

Amy Goodman: Voices from Puerto Rico’s Students Leading an Anti-Austerity Movement

Puerto Rican college students have been waging a series of demonstrations to protest austerity measures they say endanger the higher education system

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