Gravatar: Creating a Truly Global System

January 14, 2013 | Posted by Michelle Weber

We can’t really call Gravatars “globally recognized avatars” unless they’re realistically available to people the world over, and that means making sure everyone who wants to use one has language access. That’s why Gravatar, like every Automattic joint, relies on a fantastic group of international volunteers to translate almost everything we create, ensuring that what we do is globally accessible.

In the past few weeks, we’ve completed the French and Korean translations of, bringing the total number of available languages to 43, from Georgian to Norwegian to Bengali.

(If you’ve never heard of Georgian, take a minute to click over — it’s a beautiful script!)

If you visit any of the non-English Gravatar pages, you might still see some content in English — that’s because almost all these pages are works-in-progress. If you’d like to contribute to one of them, or start a translation for a language that’s not currently on the list, we’d love to have you! Just click on “help translate” next to any of the currently available languages, or visit the Gravatar GlotPress page to see exactly what still needs to be done, learn how to become a translator, and add your language to the list.

4 Responses

  1. Awesome! Congrats! And by the way, make sure to remove those two language from the list!

  2. visionsando says:

    Thanks people

  3. reggaeforyou says:

    Amazing the way this connects us all!

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