Allied Black Propaganda Sefton Delmer- Part 1 of 5.flv
Allied Black Propaganda Sefton Delmer- Part 2 of 5.flv
Allied Black Propaganda Sefton Delmer Part 3 of 5
Allied Black Propaganda Sefton Delmer Part 4 of 5
Allied Black Propaganda Sefton Delmer Part 5 of 5
Ein Drittel Des Holocausts
Ein Drittel des Holocausts
One Third of the Holocaust
Im Film werden Zeugenaussagen zu den Konzentrationslagern Treblinka, Sobibor und Belzec untersucht. Diesen drei Lagern wird ein Drittel der Gesamttotenzahl des Holocausts zugeschrieben. Es stellt sich heraus, dass unser gesamtes Wissen zur Vernichtungsfunktion dieser Lager auf nur ganz wenigen Zeugenaussagen beruht. Diese wenigen Zeugenaussag
Feuersturm Dresden 1945 Massenmord durch Alljudas Amerika und England Bomben
Der britisch-khasarische Luegner und Chefpropagandist Sefton Delmer (extremer Deutschenhasser & natuerlich Jude) erklärte 1945, wie man mit Deutschland nach ...
Black Propaganda in WW2
This film gives some insight into the work of the British Political Warfare Executive run by Sefton Delmer. It is perhaps more suitable for whimsical entertainment than serious study, but it is still revealing and informative, casting some light on the murky underworld of the secret services. Note to teachers: the film contain some brief nudity. Uploaded for educational purposes only.
The Sefton Delmer - Bored of Your Face
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent, on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
The Sefton Delmer - Bored Of Your Face. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Bored Of Your Face. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assas...
The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins....
The Sefton Delmer - Paul Newman
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
The Sefton Delmer
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
The Sefton Delmer - Paul Newman. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins....
Bx05 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
Decapante - Colico. The White Star, Stoke. 23rd October 2009.
Decapante - Colico. The White Star, Stoke. 23rd October 2009. Also on the bill were Sloath and The Sefton Delmer.
Sloath (Part 1). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 1). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ...
Sloath (Part 2). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 2). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ...
Bx13 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
Bx04 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
Ursula Haverbeck: The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles
In 2015, Ursula Haverbeck made history in a defiant interview in which she threw down the gauntlet to the biggest taboo of our times. Revisionism . . . on German TV! A seismic event.
Interviewer: Robert Bongen.
ROBERT FAURISSON: Pioneering French revisionist. ZYKLON B: Cyanide-based pesticide developed to allow safe fumigation of buildings, it releases its cyanide content too slowly to work a
Bilder aus längst vergangenen Zeiten
"Man mag heute darüber sagen, was man will: Deutschland war im Jahre 1936 ein blühendes, glückliches Land. Auf seinem Antlitz lag das Strahlen einer verliebt...
Ein Drittel Des Holocausts
Ein Drittel des Holocausts
One Third of the Holocaust
Im Film werden Zeugenaussagen zu den Konzentrationslagern Treblinka, Sobibor und Belzec untersucht. Dies...
Ein Drittel des Holocausts
One Third of the Holocaust
Im Film werden Zeugenaussagen zu den Konzentrationslagern Treblinka, Sobibor und Belzec untersucht. Diesen drei Lagern wird ein Drittel der Gesamttotenzahl des Holocausts zugeschrieben. Es stellt sich heraus, dass unser gesamtes Wissen zur Vernichtungsfunktion dieser Lager auf nur ganz wenigen Zeugenaussagen beruht. Diese wenigen Zeugenaussagen widersprechen sich gegenseitig und sind darüber hinaus in großen Teilen technisch und wissenschaftlich unhaltbar.
Ein Film von Denierbud (Dean Irebodd), 2006, Originaltitel: "One Third of the Holocaust".
Die Filmreihe besteht aus vier Filmen. / The video series consists out of four videos.
Quellenangaben / Sources
Die Weltnetzseite des Filmemachers Denierbud ist derzeit nicht erreichbar.
The internetpage of the videomaker is currently not accessible.
Dank des Internetarchivs ist die Seite noch verfügbar.
In the archives, there are snapshots of it.
Hier sind die englischsprachigen Filme auch gespeichert.
The English video sources are also here
Kontaktinformationen / Contact information
„Kaum jemand weiß, dass Deutschland bis heute vertraglich gebunden ist, sich an die Geschichtsversion der Siegermächte zu halten. ... Die Verpflichtung Deutschlands, die eigene Geschichte durch die fremde Brille zu sehen, wurde 1990 vertraglich verlängert!" - Dr. Bruno Bandulet
"Erst wenn die Kriegspropaganda der Sieger in die Geschichtsbücher der Besiegten Einzug gehalten hat und von den nachfolgenden Generationen geglaubt wird, kann die Umerziehung als wirklich gelungen angesehen werden."
Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), Publizist und Chefredakteur der New York World: Zit. in: Hellmut Diwald, Geschichte der Deutschen, Propyläen: Frankfurt, 1978, S. 98.
"Jeder Griff ist erlaubt. Je übler, um so besser. Lügen, Betrug - alles ... Ich tat mein Bestes, um auf diesem Wege auch das älteste Ziel unserer psychologischen Kriegführung zu fördern: Deutsche gegen Deutsche aufzuhetzen."
Sefton Delmer, Chef-Kriegspropagandist Englands, "Die Deutschen und ich", Hamburg, 1961, S. 617
wn.com/Ein Drittel Des Holocausts
Ein Drittel des Holocausts
One Third of the Holocaust
Im Film werden Zeugenaussagen zu den Konzentrationslagern Treblinka, Sobibor und Belzec untersucht. Diesen drei Lagern wird ein Drittel der Gesamttotenzahl des Holocausts zugeschrieben. Es stellt sich heraus, dass unser gesamtes Wissen zur Vernichtungsfunktion dieser Lager auf nur ganz wenigen Zeugenaussagen beruht. Diese wenigen Zeugenaussagen widersprechen sich gegenseitig und sind darüber hinaus in großen Teilen technisch und wissenschaftlich unhaltbar.
Ein Film von Denierbud (Dean Irebodd), 2006, Originaltitel: "One Third of the Holocaust".
Die Filmreihe besteht aus vier Filmen. / The video series consists out of four videos.
Quellenangaben / Sources
Die Weltnetzseite des Filmemachers Denierbud ist derzeit nicht erreichbar.
The internetpage of the videomaker is currently not accessible.
Dank des Internetarchivs ist die Seite noch verfügbar.
In the archives, there are snapshots of it.
Hier sind die englischsprachigen Filme auch gespeichert.
The English video sources are also here
Kontaktinformationen / Contact information
„Kaum jemand weiß, dass Deutschland bis heute vertraglich gebunden ist, sich an die Geschichtsversion der Siegermächte zu halten. ... Die Verpflichtung Deutschlands, die eigene Geschichte durch die fremde Brille zu sehen, wurde 1990 vertraglich verlängert!" - Dr. Bruno Bandulet
"Erst wenn die Kriegspropaganda der Sieger in die Geschichtsbücher der Besiegten Einzug gehalten hat und von den nachfolgenden Generationen geglaubt wird, kann die Umerziehung als wirklich gelungen angesehen werden."
Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), Publizist und Chefredakteur der New York World: Zit. in: Hellmut Diwald, Geschichte der Deutschen, Propyläen: Frankfurt, 1978, S. 98.
"Jeder Griff ist erlaubt. Je übler, um so besser. Lügen, Betrug - alles ... Ich tat mein Bestes, um auf diesem Wege auch das älteste Ziel unserer psychologischen Kriegführung zu fördern: Deutsche gegen Deutsche aufzuhetzen."
Sefton Delmer, Chef-Kriegspropagandist Englands, "Die Deutschen und ich", Hamburg, 1961, S. 617
- published: 16 Jun 2014
- views: 33
Feuersturm Dresden 1945 Massenmord durch Alljudas Amerika und England Bomben
Der britisch-khasarische Luegner und Chefpropagandist Sefton Delmer (extremer Deutschenhasser & natuerlich Jude) erklärte 1945, wie man mit Deutschland nach ......
Der britisch-khasarische Luegner und Chefpropagandist Sefton Delmer (extremer Deutschenhasser & natuerlich Jude) erklärte 1945, wie man mit Deutschland nach ...
wn.com/Feuersturm Dresden 1945 Massenmord Durch Alljudas Amerika Und England Bomben
Der britisch-khasarische Luegner und Chefpropagandist Sefton Delmer (extremer Deutschenhasser & natuerlich Jude) erklärte 1945, wie man mit Deutschland nach ...
Black Propaganda in WW2
This film gives some insight into the work of the British Political Warfare Executive run by Sefton Delmer. It is perhaps more suitable for whimsical entertain...
This film gives some insight into the work of the British Political Warfare Executive run by Sefton Delmer. It is perhaps more suitable for whimsical entertainment than serious study, but it is still revealing and informative, casting some light on the murky underworld of the secret services. Note to teachers: the film contain some brief nudity. Uploaded for educational purposes only.
wn.com/Black Propaganda In WW2
This film gives some insight into the work of the British Political Warfare Executive run by Sefton Delmer. It is perhaps more suitable for whimsical entertainment than serious study, but it is still revealing and informative, casting some light on the murky underworld of the secret services. Note to teachers: the film contain some brief nudity. Uploaded for educational purposes only.
- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 44035
The Sefton Delmer - Bored of Your Face
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt....
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
wn.com/The Sefton Delmer Bored Of Your Face
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 83
author: pddydly
The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent, on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt....
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent, on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
wn.com/The Sefton Delmer Blythe Bridge
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent, on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 86
author: pddydly
The Sefton Delmer - Bored Of Your Face. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Bored Of Your Face. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assas......
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Bored Of Your Face. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assas...
wn.com/The Sefton Delmer Bored Of Your Face. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Bored Of Your Face. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assas...
The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins.......
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins....
wn.com/The Sefton Delmer Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins....
The Sefton Delmer - Paul Newman
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt....
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
wn.com/The Sefton Delmer Paul Newman
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 123
author: pddydly
The Sefton Delmer
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt....
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
wn.com/The Sefton Delmer
Live at The Glebe, Stoke-on-Trent on 24/10/2008. Filmed by Mark Salt.
- published: 13 Nov 2010
- views: 46
author: pddydly
The Sefton Delmer - Paul Newman. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins.......
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins....
wn.com/The Sefton Delmer Paul Newman. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... The Sefton Delmer - Blythe Bridge. The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. M S Thomason with members of Ox Scapula and Amateur Assassins....
Bx05 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Bx05 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 56
author: Do Draugen
Decapante - Colico. The White Star, Stoke. 23rd October 2009.
Decapante - Colico. The White Star, Stoke. 23rd October 2009. Also on the bill were Sloath and The Sefton Delmer....
Decapante - Colico. The White Star, Stoke. 23rd October 2009. Also on the bill were Sloath and The Sefton Delmer.
wn.com/Decapante Colico. The White Star, Stoke. 23Rd October 2009.
Decapante - Colico. The White Star, Stoke. 23rd October 2009. Also on the bill were Sloath and The Sefton Delmer.
Sloath (Part 1). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 1). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ......
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 1). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ...
wn.com/Sloath (Part 1). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 1). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ...
Sloath (Part 2). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 2). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ......
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 2). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ...
wn.com/Sloath (Part 2). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009.
Filmed by Mark Salt... Sloath (Part 2). The White Star, Stoke. October 2009. Members of Charlottefield, I'm Being Good, Drum Eyes, Headquarters. Other bands ...
Bx13 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Bx13 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 96
author: Do Draugen
Bx04 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Bx04 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 77
author: Do Draugen
Ursula Haverbeck: The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles
In 2015, Ursula Haverbeck made history in a defiant interview in which she threw down the gauntlet to the biggest taboo of our times. Revisionism . . . on Germ...
In 2015, Ursula Haverbeck made history in a defiant interview in which she threw down the gauntlet to the biggest taboo of our times. Revisionism . . . on German TV! A seismic event.
Interviewer: Robert Bongen.
ROBERT FAURISSON: Pioneering French revisionist. ZYKLON B: Cyanide-based pesticide developed to allow safe fumigation of buildings, it releases its cyanide content too slowly to work as described by "eyewitnesses" to alleged gassings. 15 MILLION GERMANS: Germans driven from their homes in eastern provinces of Germany given to Poland after the war, as well as from similar areas in Czechoslovakia and elsewhere. KONRAD ADENAUER: First chancellor of post-war (West) Germany. DRESDEN: Eastern Germany city bombed by British and American planes in February 1945. COLLEGIUM HUMANUM: Independent school/study center founded by Werner Georg Haverbeck (Ursula's husband); banned by German government in 2008 for promoting "Holocaust denial." HERIBERT PRANTL: Prominent German legal expert and journalist. SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: Major German newspaper, based in Munich. GERMAR RUDOLF: German chemist and major revisionist, showed that the masonry of the alleged Auschwitz gas chambers shows no traces of cyanide residues consistent with gassing claims. HORST MAHLER: German lawyer and nationalist activist; sentenced to twelve years in prison in 2009. BRESLAU: Former German city in eastern provinces, seized and subjected to ethnic cleansing by Poland after the war; today "Wrocław." ERNST NOLTE: Prominent German political scientist, attacked during 1980s for suggesting a "causal nexus" between Holocaust and Soviet atrocities. GARRISON AND COMMANDANT ORDERS (German: STANDORT- UND KOMMANDANTURBEFEHLE): A collection of orders issued by SS authorities concerning the management and treatment of prisoners at Auschwitz, seized along with other Auschwitz records by the Soviets in 1945 and held in archives in Moscow until the 1990s; published in book form in 2000. WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY . . . ?: Prisoners at Auschwitz were given the option in January 1945 to stay behind to be liberated by the advancing Red Army or to evacuate to Germany with the SS; a majority chose the latter. FRED LEUCHTER: American expert in execution technology, did pioneering study of cyanide residues at Auschwitz which was later developed by Germar Rudolf. OTTO UTHGENANNT and ENRICO MARCO: Alleged former concentration camp inmates whose claims have been exposed as false. TYPHUS: Highly contagious, deadly disease spread by lice; the primary means of control available to the Germans during the war was to kill the disease vector (lice) by fumigating clothing and barracks with cyanide gas, aka Zyklon B. SEFTON DELMER: British journalist and propagandist, later wrote about his role in creating "black propaganda" during the war. RHEINWIESEN: Area of western Germany where US and other Allied forces set up POW camps for surrendered Germans, large numbers of whom would die of exposure, disease and malnutrition. MARTIN BROSZAT: Former director of Institute for Contemporary History, admitted in a published letter in 1960 that there were no gas chambers in any camp in Germany or Austria. NORBERT FREI: Orthodox German historian, lead editor of the "Commandant Orders." WALTER POST, STEFAN SCHEIL: Prominent dissenting historians of WWII. HENRY MORGENTHAU, LOUIS NIZER: Prominent American Jews in the 1940s, both developed plans ("Morgenthau Plan"; "What to Do With Germany") for the effective destruction of Germany as a viable European nation. ERHARD MILCH: Half-Jewish German field marshal, responsible for development and production for the Luftwaffe. Theodor HERZL: German-Jewish founder of the modern Zionist movement, author of "The Jewish State." HANS GRIMM: German author of mid-20th century; his 1954 book "Warum — Woher — aber Wohin?" collects many examples of admiring tributes to Hitler by English authors. CHRISTOPHER CLARK: Australian historian whose recent history of the origins of WWI, "The Sleepwalkers," demolishes the notion of Germany's "sole guilt" for the war. SEBASTIAN HAFFNER: Traitorous German author (see Weber, "Sebastian Haffner's 1942 Call for Mass Murder") who later became a "respectable" historian in post-war Germany. VERSAILLES: The 1919 Treaty of Versailles, which placed "sole guilt" for the outbreak of WWI on Germany. MEIR MARGALIT: Israeli historian and human rights activist, opposed to misuse of Holocaust narrative to justify Zionist intransigence. NPD: National Democratic Party of Germany (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands). FRIEDRICH SCHILLER: 18th-century German poet and dramatist, his "Wallenstein" tells the story of the Thirty Years War general Albrecht Wallenstein. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU: Indian independence activist and associate of Ghandi; first Prime Minister of post-colonial India.
wn.com/Ursula Haverbeck The Panorama Interview, With English Subtitles
In 2015, Ursula Haverbeck made history in a defiant interview in which she threw down the gauntlet to the biggest taboo of our times. Revisionism . . . on German TV! A seismic event.
Interviewer: Robert Bongen.
ROBERT FAURISSON: Pioneering French revisionist. ZYKLON B: Cyanide-based pesticide developed to allow safe fumigation of buildings, it releases its cyanide content too slowly to work as described by "eyewitnesses" to alleged gassings. 15 MILLION GERMANS: Germans driven from their homes in eastern provinces of Germany given to Poland after the war, as well as from similar areas in Czechoslovakia and elsewhere. KONRAD ADENAUER: First chancellor of post-war (West) Germany. DRESDEN: Eastern Germany city bombed by British and American planes in February 1945. COLLEGIUM HUMANUM: Independent school/study center founded by Werner Georg Haverbeck (Ursula's husband); banned by German government in 2008 for promoting "Holocaust denial." HERIBERT PRANTL: Prominent German legal expert and journalist. SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG: Major German newspaper, based in Munich. GERMAR RUDOLF: German chemist and major revisionist, showed that the masonry of the alleged Auschwitz gas chambers shows no traces of cyanide residues consistent with gassing claims. HORST MAHLER: German lawyer and nationalist activist; sentenced to twelve years in prison in 2009. BRESLAU: Former German city in eastern provinces, seized and subjected to ethnic cleansing by Poland after the war; today "Wrocław." ERNST NOLTE: Prominent German political scientist, attacked during 1980s for suggesting a "causal nexus" between Holocaust and Soviet atrocities. GARRISON AND COMMANDANT ORDERS (German: STANDORT- UND KOMMANDANTURBEFEHLE): A collection of orders issued by SS authorities concerning the management and treatment of prisoners at Auschwitz, seized along with other Auschwitz records by the Soviets in 1945 and held in archives in Moscow until the 1990s; published in book form in 2000. WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY . . . ?: Prisoners at Auschwitz were given the option in January 1945 to stay behind to be liberated by the advancing Red Army or to evacuate to Germany with the SS; a majority chose the latter. FRED LEUCHTER: American expert in execution technology, did pioneering study of cyanide residues at Auschwitz which was later developed by Germar Rudolf. OTTO UTHGENANNT and ENRICO MARCO: Alleged former concentration camp inmates whose claims have been exposed as false. TYPHUS: Highly contagious, deadly disease spread by lice; the primary means of control available to the Germans during the war was to kill the disease vector (lice) by fumigating clothing and barracks with cyanide gas, aka Zyklon B. SEFTON DELMER: British journalist and propagandist, later wrote about his role in creating "black propaganda" during the war. RHEINWIESEN: Area of western Germany where US and other Allied forces set up POW camps for surrendered Germans, large numbers of whom would die of exposure, disease and malnutrition. MARTIN BROSZAT: Former director of Institute for Contemporary History, admitted in a published letter in 1960 that there were no gas chambers in any camp in Germany or Austria. NORBERT FREI: Orthodox German historian, lead editor of the "Commandant Orders." WALTER POST, STEFAN SCHEIL: Prominent dissenting historians of WWII. HENRY MORGENTHAU, LOUIS NIZER: Prominent American Jews in the 1940s, both developed plans ("Morgenthau Plan"; "What to Do With Germany") for the effective destruction of Germany as a viable European nation. ERHARD MILCH: Half-Jewish German field marshal, responsible for development and production for the Luftwaffe. Theodor HERZL: German-Jewish founder of the modern Zionist movement, author of "The Jewish State." HANS GRIMM: German author of mid-20th century; his 1954 book "Warum — Woher — aber Wohin?" collects many examples of admiring tributes to Hitler by English authors. CHRISTOPHER CLARK: Australian historian whose recent history of the origins of WWI, "The Sleepwalkers," demolishes the notion of Germany's "sole guilt" for the war. SEBASTIAN HAFFNER: Traitorous German author (see Weber, "Sebastian Haffner's 1942 Call for Mass Murder") who later became a "respectable" historian in post-war Germany. VERSAILLES: The 1919 Treaty of Versailles, which placed "sole guilt" for the outbreak of WWI on Germany. MEIR MARGALIT: Israeli historian and human rights activist, opposed to misuse of Holocaust narrative to justify Zionist intransigence. NPD: National Democratic Party of Germany (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands). FRIEDRICH SCHILLER: 18th-century German poet and dramatist, his "Wallenstein" tells the story of the Thirty Years War general Albrecht Wallenstein. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU: Indian independence activist and associate of Ghandi; first Prime Minister of post-colonial India.
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 201441
Bilder aus längst vergangenen Zeiten
"Man mag heute darüber sagen, was man will: Deutschland war im Jahre 1936 ein blühendes, glückliches Land. Auf seinem Antlitz lag das Strahlen einer verliebt......
"Man mag heute darüber sagen, was man will: Deutschland war im Jahre 1936 ein blühendes, glückliches Land. Auf seinem Antlitz lag das Strahlen einer verliebt...
wn.com/Bilder Aus Längst Vergangenen Zeiten
"Man mag heute darüber sagen, was man will: Deutschland war im Jahre 1936 ein blühendes, glückliches Land. Auf seinem Antlitz lag das Strahlen einer verliebt...
Türke vs Zionist bei ORF - Interview mit unverschämter Moderatorin!
Der Begriffs „Antisemitismus“ wird verwendet, um diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die Israels Politik ablehnen. “Semitisch” zu sein bedeutet aber, dass man zu jenen ...
Bx02 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
Sylvia Stolz Warnung vor Irrungen 255. Neu-Schwabenland-Treffen Teil2v2 V2
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, 14163 Berlin, 31. Mai 2013 D2-Fon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de 255. Neu-Schwabenland-Treffen Berli...
Bx08 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
Bx06 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
David Cole In Auschwitz Deutsch
David Cole in Auschwitz The Auschwitz History ---a case for holocaust denial Ein junger Holocaustaustreiber, der sich als Holocaustgläubiger ausgibt, stellt...
Deutschland ist ein Vasallenstaat der USA
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
Die Europaeische Aktion Ziel 2 + 3
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
Maier Files - backstory - occult spies in world war 2 - Cecil Williamson - part 4
The backstory of the Maier files series,
Welcome to some background information on the Maier-files series. PART 4.
Williamson was in charge of a section of S I S, set up to deal with the unusual threat posed by esoteric and magical groups in Germany and occultists in the Nazi Party.
Williamson agreed to work for Mi6 as an undercover agent and before the war, he mad
Schmidt RA. Sylvia Stolz Warnung vor Irreführung 255. Neuschwabenland-Treffen Teil 2v2
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, D-14163 Berlin, D2-Funk-Telefon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de Peter Schmidt Autor, Dozent, Herausge...
KZ überlebt: Holocaust-Überlebende Assia Gorban erzählt | Zeugen der Zeitzeugen
Assia Gorban hat den Holocaust überlebt. Sie war acht Jahre alt, als sie und ihre Familie ins KZ kamen. Im Projekt "Zeugen der Zeitzeugen" erzählt sie ihre Geschichte.
Ein Film aus der Sendereihe „Gott sei Dank! - ein Angebot von ERF Medien.
Wir zeigen euch, dass es eine Menge guter Gründe gibt, Gott Danke zu sagen. Sc
Nazi Atrocity Forgeries Exposed by Udo Walendy
https://archive.org/details/ForgedWarCrimesMalignTheGermanNation Walendy Book http://www.vho.org/GB/Books/dth/fndgcffor.html and http://www.warhistoryonline....
Adolf Hitler - Can you handle the truth?
For the world's first truthful documentary on Adolf Hitler - Can you handle it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TERKermWgIg.
Sex Bomb 1/4
The war of propaganda and all the dirty tricks involved. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" f...
Weizsacker Rede zum 8. Mai 1985 5
Engagement of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands and Claus van Amsberg
The engagement press conference and photo session announcing the engagement of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands to Claus van Amsberg in 1965. In Dutch, no...
Illuminaten Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel ist ein Freimaurer und arbeitet für die Neue Welt Ordnung das wahre gesicht Unserer Bundeskanzlerin.
Türke vs Zionist bei ORF - Interview mit unverschämter Moderatorin!
Der Begriffs „Antisemitismus“ wird verwendet, um diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die Israels Politik ablehnen. “Semitisch” zu sein bedeutet aber, dass man zu jenen ......
Der Begriffs „Antisemitismus“ wird verwendet, um diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die Israels Politik ablehnen. “Semitisch” zu sein bedeutet aber, dass man zu jenen ...
wn.com/Türke Vs Zionist Bei Orf Interview Mit Unverschämter Moderatorin
Der Begriffs „Antisemitismus“ wird verwendet, um diejenigen zu bekämpfen, die Israels Politik ablehnen. “Semitisch” zu sein bedeutet aber, dass man zu jenen ...
Bx02 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Bx02 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 145
author: Do Draugen
Sylvia Stolz Warnung vor Irrungen 255. Neu-Schwabenland-Treffen Teil2v2 V2
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, 14163 Berlin, 31. Mai 2013 D2-Fon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de 255. Neu-Schwabenland-Treffen Berli......
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, 14163 Berlin, 31. Mai 2013 D2-Fon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de 255. Neu-Schwabenland-Treffen Berli...
wn.com/Sylvia Stolz Warnung Vor Irrungen 255. Neu Schwabenland Treffen Teil2V2 V2
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, 14163 Berlin, 31. Mai 2013 D2-Fon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de 255. Neu-Schwabenland-Treffen Berli...
Bx08 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Bx08 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 67
author: Do Draugen
Bx06 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Bx06 22 Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait Des Boesen
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 May 2014
- views: 101
author: Do Draugen
David Cole In Auschwitz Deutsch
David Cole in Auschwitz The Auschwitz History ---a case for holocaust denial Ein junger Holocaustaustreiber, der sich als Holocaustgläubiger ausgibt, stellt......
David Cole in Auschwitz The Auschwitz History ---a case for holocaust denial Ein junger Holocaustaustreiber, der sich als Holocaustgläubiger ausgibt, stellt...
wn.com/David Cole In Auschwitz Deutsch
David Cole in Auschwitz The Auschwitz History ---a case for holocaust denial Ein junger Holocaustaustreiber, der sich als Holocaustgläubiger ausgibt, stellt...
- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 182
author: Do Draugen
Deutschland ist ein Vasallenstaat der USA
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Deutschland Ist Ein Vasallenstaat Der USA
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 94
author: Do Draugen
Die Europaeische Aktion Ziel 2 + 3
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr......
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
wn.com/Die Europaeische Aktion Ziel 2 3
BUCHENWALD, A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil Das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald wurde zur zentralen Bühne der alliierten Nachkriegspropaganda. Mit einem dumm dr...
- published: 07 Jun 2014
- views: 54
author: Do Draugen
Maier Files - backstory - occult spies in world war 2 - Cecil Williamson - part 4
The backstory of the Maier files series,
Welcome to some background information on the Maier-files series. PART 4.
Williamson was...
The backstory of the Maier files series,
Welcome to some background information on the Maier-files series. PART 4.
Williamson was in charge of a section of S I S, set up to deal with the unusual threat posed by esoteric and magical groups in Germany and occultists in the Nazi Party.
Williamson agreed to work for Mi6 as an undercover agent and before the war, he made several trips to Germany, posing as a folklorist to collect information.
When the war started, Williamson was seconded to a specialist unit of the SOE based in Bedfordshire. Churchill had ordered the formation of the SOE to work with the resistance in Europe to organise and take part in sabotage & assassinations.
Williamson worked initially with Edward Maltby, who was then a Lieutenant Colonel and assistant-director of the communications section of MI6, the Radio Security Service that Lord Tregedar worked for in London.
Williamson’s immediate boss was also an ex-Daily Express journalist Sefton Delmer, who ran the Psychological Warfare Executive involved in ‘black’ propaganda.
One of Williamson’s most controversial claims relating to his wartime work was his involvement in an anti-Hitler propaganda exercise, organised jointly by the SIS and MI5 called Operation Mistletoe which may included Crowley’s participation.
This was supposed to have taken place in Ashdown Forest in Sussex and featured a fake magical ritual. Its aim was to convince those in the German High Command who believed in the occult that magicians & witches in England were working against them.
Allegedly Canadian troops were recruited to take part in the ‘ritual’ acting as ‘wizards’ and wearing improvised ‘robes’. Robes made from sacking and decorated with symbols from the Key of Solomon.
According to an obituary of Williamson published in The Daily Telegraph, when he died in 1999, he also carried out undercover operations with the S O E, in occupied France.
As already mentioned, Dion Fortune had a link by marriage with Williamson’s MI6 recruiter Edward Maltby. Both he and Anthony Daws, another MI6 officer, belonged to a magical lodge, led by Christine Hartley. She was one of Fortune’s students.
Andrew Christopher. The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5 (Allen Lane 2009)
Jeffrey, Keith. MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949 (Bloomsbury 2009)
Heselton, Philip. Witchfinder: A Life of Gerald Gardner. Vols 1 and 2 (Thoth Publications 2012)
The Strange World of the Astrologers (William Kimber 1967)
Knight, Gareth and Fortune, Dion The Magical Battle of Britain (Golden Gate Press 1993)
Murder by Witchcraft (Arrow 1968)
McGinty, Stephen. Camp Z: The Secret Life of Rudolf Hess (Quercus 2011)
Newman, Paul. Under the Shadow of Meon Hill: The Lower Quinton & Hagley Wood Murders (Abraxas Publications 2009),
Pearson, John. The Life of Ian Fleming (Companion Books 1966)
Picknett, Lynn. Prince, Clive. and Prior, Stephen. with Brydon, Robert. Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up (Little Brown & Company 2011)
Rankin, Nicolas. Ian Fleming’s Commandos: The Story of 30 Assault Unit (Faber 2011)
Smith, Michael. Six: A History of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service; Part One – Murder and Mayhem 1909-1939 (Dialogue 2010)
Spence, Dr Richard. Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (Feral House USA 2008)
Tsarev, Oleg and West, Nigel. The Crown Jewels: The British Secrets at the Heart of the KGB Archives (New Haven/Yale University Press 1999)
Derek Wilson, Sir Francis Walsingham (Constable 2007)
Donald McCormack, The Hellfire Club (Jarrolds 1958)
P. Mannix, The Hellfire Club (Four Square 1961)
M.R.D. Foot, SOE: The Special Operations Executive 1940-46 (BBC publications 1984)
J.M. McKenzie The Secret History of the SOE 1940-1945 (St Ermins Press 2000)
Nigel West, The Secret War: The Story of SOE (Hodder & Stoughton 1992)
Richard Deacon, The History of British Secret Service (Frederick Muller 1979)
Donald McCormick, The Life of Ian Fleming (Peter Owen 1993)
wn.com/Maier Files Backstory Occult Spies In World War 2 Cecil Williamson Part 4
The backstory of the Maier files series,
Welcome to some background information on the Maier-files series. PART 4.
Williamson was in charge of a section of S I S, set up to deal with the unusual threat posed by esoteric and magical groups in Germany and occultists in the Nazi Party.
Williamson agreed to work for Mi6 as an undercover agent and before the war, he made several trips to Germany, posing as a folklorist to collect information.
When the war started, Williamson was seconded to a specialist unit of the SOE based in Bedfordshire. Churchill had ordered the formation of the SOE to work with the resistance in Europe to organise and take part in sabotage & assassinations.
Williamson worked initially with Edward Maltby, who was then a Lieutenant Colonel and assistant-director of the communications section of MI6, the Radio Security Service that Lord Tregedar worked for in London.
Williamson’s immediate boss was also an ex-Daily Express journalist Sefton Delmer, who ran the Psychological Warfare Executive involved in ‘black’ propaganda.
One of Williamson’s most controversial claims relating to his wartime work was his involvement in an anti-Hitler propaganda exercise, organised jointly by the SIS and MI5 called Operation Mistletoe which may included Crowley’s participation.
This was supposed to have taken place in Ashdown Forest in Sussex and featured a fake magical ritual. Its aim was to convince those in the German High Command who believed in the occult that magicians & witches in England were working against them.
Allegedly Canadian troops were recruited to take part in the ‘ritual’ acting as ‘wizards’ and wearing improvised ‘robes’. Robes made from sacking and decorated with symbols from the Key of Solomon.
According to an obituary of Williamson published in The Daily Telegraph, when he died in 1999, he also carried out undercover operations with the S O E, in occupied France.
As already mentioned, Dion Fortune had a link by marriage with Williamson’s MI6 recruiter Edward Maltby. Both he and Anthony Daws, another MI6 officer, belonged to a magical lodge, led by Christine Hartley. She was one of Fortune’s students.
Andrew Christopher. The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5 (Allen Lane 2009)
Jeffrey, Keith. MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949 (Bloomsbury 2009)
Heselton, Philip. Witchfinder: A Life of Gerald Gardner. Vols 1 and 2 (Thoth Publications 2012)
The Strange World of the Astrologers (William Kimber 1967)
Knight, Gareth and Fortune, Dion The Magical Battle of Britain (Golden Gate Press 1993)
Murder by Witchcraft (Arrow 1968)
McGinty, Stephen. Camp Z: The Secret Life of Rudolf Hess (Quercus 2011)
Newman, Paul. Under the Shadow of Meon Hill: The Lower Quinton & Hagley Wood Murders (Abraxas Publications 2009),
Pearson, John. The Life of Ian Fleming (Companion Books 1966)
Picknett, Lynn. Prince, Clive. and Prior, Stephen. with Brydon, Robert. Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up (Little Brown & Company 2011)
Rankin, Nicolas. Ian Fleming’s Commandos: The Story of 30 Assault Unit (Faber 2011)
Smith, Michael. Six: A History of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service; Part One – Murder and Mayhem 1909-1939 (Dialogue 2010)
Spence, Dr Richard. Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult (Feral House USA 2008)
Tsarev, Oleg and West, Nigel. The Crown Jewels: The British Secrets at the Heart of the KGB Archives (New Haven/Yale University Press 1999)
Derek Wilson, Sir Francis Walsingham (Constable 2007)
Donald McCormack, The Hellfire Club (Jarrolds 1958)
P. Mannix, The Hellfire Club (Four Square 1961)
M.R.D. Foot, SOE: The Special Operations Executive 1940-46 (BBC publications 1984)
J.M. McKenzie The Secret History of the SOE 1940-1945 (St Ermins Press 2000)
Nigel West, The Secret War: The Story of SOE (Hodder & Stoughton 1992)
Richard Deacon, The History of British Secret Service (Frederick Muller 1979)
Donald McCormick, The Life of Ian Fleming (Peter Owen 1993)
- published: 27 Feb 2015
- views: 5
Schmidt RA. Sylvia Stolz Warnung vor Irreführung 255. Neuschwabenland-Treffen Teil 2v2
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, D-14163 Berlin, D2-Funk-Telefon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de Peter Schmidt Autor, Dozent, Herausge......
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, D-14163 Berlin, D2-Funk-Telefon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de Peter Schmidt Autor, Dozent, Herausge...
wn.com/Schmidt Ra. Sylvia Stolz Warnung Vor Irreführung 255. Neuschwabenland Treffen Teil 2V2
Kontakt: Peter Schmidt, Kramstaweg 23, D-14163 Berlin, D2-Funk-Telefon 01520 - 591 47 54 E-Post neomatrix.berlin@gmx.de Peter Schmidt Autor, Dozent, Herausge...
KZ überlebt: Holocaust-Überlebende Assia Gorban erzählt | Zeugen der Zeitzeugen
Assia Gorban hat den Holocaust überlebt. Sie war acht Jahre alt, als sie und ihre Familie ins KZ kamen. Im Projekt "Zeugen der Zeitzeugen" erzählt sie ihre Gesc...
Assia Gorban hat den Holocaust überlebt. Sie war acht Jahre alt, als sie und ihre Familie ins KZ kamen. Im Projekt "Zeugen der Zeitzeugen" erzählt sie ihre Geschichte.
Ein Film aus der Sendereihe „Gott sei Dank! - ein Angebot von ERF Medien.
Wir zeigen euch, dass es eine Menge guter Gründe gibt, Gott Danke zu sagen. Schaut rein und überzeugt euch selbst.
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wn.com/Kz Überlebt Holocaust Überlebende Assia Gorban Erzählt | Zeugen Der Zeitzeugen
Assia Gorban hat den Holocaust überlebt. Sie war acht Jahre alt, als sie und ihre Familie ins KZ kamen. Im Projekt "Zeugen der Zeitzeugen" erzählt sie ihre Geschichte.
Ein Film aus der Sendereihe „Gott sei Dank! - ein Angebot von ERF Medien.
Wir zeigen euch, dass es eine Menge guter Gründe gibt, Gott Danke zu sagen. Schaut rein und überzeugt euch selbst.
- Ganze Sendungen anschauen:
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- published: 12 Jan 2015
- views: 166
Nazi Atrocity Forgeries Exposed by Udo Walendy
https://archive.org/details/ForgedWarCrimesMalignTheGermanNation Walendy Book http://www.vho.org/GB/Books/dth/fndgcffor.html and http://www.warhistoryonline.......
https://archive.org/details/ForgedWarCrimesMalignTheGermanNation Walendy Book http://www.vho.org/GB/Books/dth/fndgcffor.html and http://www.warhistoryonline....
wn.com/Nazi Atrocity Forgeries Exposed By Udo Walendy
https://archive.org/details/ForgedWarCrimesMalignTheGermanNation Walendy Book http://www.vho.org/GB/Books/dth/fndgcffor.html and http://www.warhistoryonline....
Adolf Hitler - Can you handle the truth?
For the world's first truthful documentary on Adolf Hitler - Can you handle it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TERKermWgIg....
For the world's first truthful documentary on Adolf Hitler - Can you handle it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TERKermWgIg.
wn.com/Adolf Hitler Can You Handle The Truth
For the world's first truthful documentary on Adolf Hitler - Can you handle it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TERKermWgIg.
Sex Bomb 1/4
The war of propaganda and all the dirty tricks involved. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" f......
The war of propaganda and all the dirty tricks involved. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" f...
wn.com/Sex Bomb 1 4
The war of propaganda and all the dirty tricks involved. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" f...
Engagement of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands and Claus van Amsberg
The engagement press conference and photo session announcing the engagement of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands to Claus van Amsberg in 1965. In Dutch, no......
The engagement press conference and photo session announcing the engagement of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands to Claus van Amsberg in 1965. In Dutch, no...
wn.com/Engagement Of Princess Beatrix Of The Netherlands And Claus Van Amsberg
The engagement press conference and photo session announcing the engagement of Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands to Claus van Amsberg in 1965. In Dutch, no...
- published: 01 Dec 2008
- views: 27195
author: JessRulz
Illuminaten Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel ist ein Freimaurer und arbeitet für die Neue Welt Ordnung das wahre gesicht Unserer Bundeskanzlerin....
Angela Merkel ist ein Freimaurer und arbeitet für die Neue Welt Ordnung das wahre gesicht Unserer Bundeskanzlerin.
wn.com/Illuminaten Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel ist ein Freimaurer und arbeitet für die Neue Welt Ordnung das wahre gesicht Unserer Bundeskanzlerin.