'Alvin Karpis' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
Spirits of St. Paul: The Gangster Era (2012)
Joel Thingvall (actor),
Jim Westcott (actor),
John Edel (actor),
Jim Brockhohn (actor),
Carol Vnuk (actress),
Bruce Miller (actor),
Luis John Soria (actor),
Annie Einan (actress),
Bob Bowersox (actor),
Alyssa Szarkowski (actress),
Shawn Boyd (actor),
Trevor Rychly (actor),
John Egan (actor),
Scott Carson (actor),
Mike O'Loughlin (actor),
J. Edgar (2011)
Richard Nixon (actor),
Ken Howard (actor),
David Hill (actor),
Dermot Mulroney (actor),
Lyndon Johnson (actor),
Josh Lucas (actor),
David Clennon (actor),
Damon Herriman (actor),
Robert Armstrong (actor),
Martin Luther King (actor),
Josh Hamilton (actor),
Jack Donner (actor),
Leonardo DiCaprio (actor),
Stephen Root (actor),
Denis O'Hare (actor),
Plot: Biopic of J. Edgar Hoover told by Hoover as he recalls his career for a biography. Early in his career, Hoover fixated on Communists, anarchists and any other revolutionary taking action against the U.S. government. He slowly builds the agency's reputation, becoming the sole arbiter of who gets hired and fired. One of his hires is Clyde Tolson who is quickly promoted to Assistant Director and would be Hoover's confidant and companion for the rest of Hoover's life. Hoover's memories have him playing a greater role in the many high profile cases the FBI was involved in - the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, the arrest of bank robbers like John Dillinger - and also show him to be quite adept at manipulating the various politicians he's worked with over his career, thanks in large part to his secret files.
Keywords: 1920s, 1930s, 1960s, 1970s, airplane, alvin-karpis, ambition, anarchist, anti-communism, archival-footage
Taglines: The Most Powerful Man in the World
J. Edgar Hoover: Find Agent Purvis. He is to be demoted or, better yet, fired.
J. Edgar Hoover: What's important at this time is to re-clarify the difference between hero and villain.
J. Edgar Hoover: No one freely shares power in Washington, D.C.
Agent Stokes: The crimes we are investigating aren't crimes, they are ideas.
Harlan Fiske Stone: Lower the treble, son, you didn't call this meeting, I did.
J. Edgar Hoover: McCarthy was an opportunist not a patriot.
Albert Osborne: Is that all, Mr. Hoover? I have a 2:30 class to teach.::J. Edgar Hoover: No, you don't. Consider your pay doubled; you now work for your country. Congratulations, Dr. Osborne.
Annie Hoover: [Contemptuously to Edgar] I would rather have a dead son than a daffodil for a son.
J. Edgar Hoover: Do I kill everything that I love?
[first lines]::J. Edgar Hoover: Let me tell you something. The SCLC has direct Communist ties. Even great men can be corrupted, can't they? Communism is not a political party. It is a disease. It corrupts the soul, turning men, even the gentlest of men, into vicious evil tyrants.
Gangsterland (2011)
Bick Smith (editor),
Bick Smith (producer),
Bick Smith (director),
Bick Smith (writer),
Bick Smith (actor),
Bick Smith (producer),
Cynthia Schreiner (producer),
Cynthia Schreiner (actress),
Cynthia Schreiner (producer),
John Lilleberg (actor),
Trey Simmonds (actor),
Mike Postle (actor),
Brett Williams (actor),
Gail Lorraine (actor),
Plot: A documentary-style film in which 1930's gangsters talk about their conquests and personal lives, and what drew them to Minnesota. The capital city of Saint Paul had a corrupt system which allowed criminals free reign as long as they followed the rules. From bank robbing to car chases. the movie is historically-accurate as the biggest gangsters of the era explain why they did what they did.
Public Enemies (2009)
Peter Gerety (actor),
Don Kress (actor),
Stephen Dorff (actor),
Shannon Edwards (actor),
Stephen Graham (actor),
Don Harvey (actor),
Matt Craven (actor),
Shannon Edwards (actor),
Christian Bale (actor),
Johnny Depp (actor),
Spencer Garrett (actor),
Billy Crudup (actor),
Ewan Bourne (actor),
Giovanni Ribisi (actor),
Stephen Lang (actor),
Plot: This is the story of the last few years of the notorious bank robber John Dillinger. He loved what he did and could imagine little else that would make him happier. Living openly in 1930s Chicago, he had the run of the city with little fear of reprisals from the authorities. It's there that he meets Billie Frechette with whom he falls deeply in love. In parallel we meet Melvin Purvis, the FBI agent who would eventually track Dillinger down. The FBI was is in its early days and Director J. Edgar Hoover was keen to promote the clean cut image that so dominated the organization through his lifetime. Purvis realizes that if he is going to get Dillinger, he will have to use street tactics and imports appropriate men with police training. Dillinger is eventually betrayed by an acquaintance who tells the authorities just where to find him on a given night.
Keywords: 1930s, african-american, airplane, alleyway, alvin-karpis, ambush, apartment, apple-orchard, arm-wound, arrest
Taglines: America's Most Wanted
John Dillinger: [nodding at money left by a bank teller in front of his booth] You can put it away. Not here for your money. Here for the bank's money.
Billie Frechette: What do you want?::John Dillinger: Everything. Right now.
John Dillinger: Bye-bye, blackbird.
Melvin Purvis: What keeps you up nights, Mr. Dillinger?::John Dillinger: Coffee.
John Dillinger: We're having too good a time today. We ain't thinking about tomorrow.
John Dillinger: You wanna know if we're armed? We're armed.
John Dillinger: Well if it isn't the man who shot Pretty-Boy Floyd. Good thing 'cause he sure wasn't Whiz-Kid Floyd.
John Dillinger: [approaching group of police officers] What's the score?
[last lines]::Billie Frechette: They say you're the man who shot him.::Charles Winstead: That's right. One of 'em.::Billie Frechette: So why are you coming here to see me? To see the damage you done?::Charles Winstead: No. I came here because he asked me to. When he went down, he said somethin'. I put my ear next to his mouth, and what I think he said was this. He said, 'Tell Billie for me: Bye bye, Blackbird.'::[Billie starts to cry as Winstead gets up to leave]
Last Title Card: Melvin Purvis quit the FBI a year later and died by his own hand in 1960. Billie Frechette was released in 1936 and lived the rest of her life in Wisconsin.
A.K.A. Birdseye (2002)
Fred Ward (actor),
Beth Grant (actress),
Stefan Kurt (actor),
Stefan Kurt (actor),
R. Lee Ermey (actor),
Stefan Kurt (actor),
Michael Horse (actor),
Samir (producer),
Hanspeter Müller (actor),
Lisa Blount (actress),
Jaimz Woolvett (actor),
Stephanie Glaser (actress),
Brian Howe (actor),
Mike Crawford (producer),
Johnny Whitworth (actor),
Plot: AKA Birdseye is the saga of an obsessive Colorado sheriff and his trusting teenage son, who risk it all when their twisted reconstruction of a mysterious kidnapping case escalates into a dangerous hunt for a mythical Swiss criminal.
The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover (1977)
George Plimpton (actor),
Bruce Weitz (actor),
Lloyd Nolan (actor),
Andrew Duggan (actor),
George Wallace (actor),
Rip Torn (actor),
John Marley (actor),
Jim Antonio (actor),
Broderick Crawford (actor),
Howard Da Silva (actor),
Dan Dailey (actor),
José Ferrer (actor),
Michael Parks (actor),
Celeste Holm (actress),
William Wellman Jr. (actor),
Taglines: The files that escaped the shredder have become an incredible motion picture. From the Kennedys to Martin Luther King. From cab drivers to Congressmen. From housewives to hostesses. He had something on 58 million people. It was all in his files. Now you can see how he used it.
Lionel McCoy: [sarcastically] Give my regards to the Wizard of Oz!
The F.B.I. Story: The FBI Versus Alvin Karpis, Public Enemy Number One (1974)
Marvin J. Chomsky (director),
Anne Francis (actress),
Kay Lenz (actress),
David Wayne (actor),
Harris Yulin (actor),
James Sikking (actor),
Bill Zuckert (actor),
Charles Cyphers (actor),
Whit Bissell (actor),
James Gammon (actor),
William Conrad (actor),
Gerald McRaney (actor),
Mark Roberts (actor),
Eileen Heckart (actress),
Chris Robinson (actor),
Ma Barker's Killer Brood (1960)
Paul Dubov (actor),
Dan White (actor),
Charles Tannen (actor),
Wally Rose (actor),
Myrna Dell (actress),
Lurene Tuttle (actress),
Dan Riss (actor),
Paul Power (actor),
Byron Foulger (actor),
Tristram Coffin (actor),
Myron Healey (actor),
Riley Hill (actor),
Nelson Leigh (actor),
Owen Bush (actor),
Gene Kauer (composer),
Plot: From dust-bowl days in Oklahoma to an opulent Florida hideout under siege, Ma Barker (Lurene Tuttle of "Psycho"), leads her sons astray while maintaining a consultation sideline for the likes of John Dillinger, Alvin 'Creepy' Karpis, Baby Face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly.
Keywords: 1930s, gangster, great-depression, independent-film, low-budget-film, machine-gun, murder, robbery
Taglines: No. 1 Female Gangster Of All Time! she taught and trained her four sons to be criminals! True! Authentic!
Machine Gun Kelly: Look friend, no one puts the rush on Machine Gun Kelly's girl.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Now, now, Kelly. You want to shoot it out with Johnny Dillinger you better go outside. Don't you go messin' around on my new furniture.::[Dillinger laughs at Kelly's shocked face]
Lou, Kelly's Girl: Why you old battle axe we wouldn't give you a-::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Oh sweet child! You say that again and I'll rattle your tonsils till that mink turns into the rabbit it is! I've got no time for cheats or...phony blondes!
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Show him boys::George Barker: Where did you get these?::Fred as a Boy: Out of the collection plate.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Without anyone being the wiser. That took guts!::George Barker: How long has this been going on?::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Oh a couple of weeks. It was their own idea. I thought it was kinda cute.::Doc as a Boy: Pretty slick, eh Pop?::George Barker: What kind of mother are you?! Letting your sons steal from church!::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Not letting them, George, encouraging them.
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Don't you go tryin to deny it. I told Al and the boys if you shot off your bourbon mouth at that bar and got us in dutch I was going to finish you. I was going to do something about it! Now finish your pie.::George Barker: Oh..now Ma [nervous laughter] , you wouldn't do anything...foolish. Not to me...why after all, I'm your...I'm your husband!::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: I'm just about to divorce you, the quick way.
Doc Barker aka Austin Bennett: Lou, honey, let's get lost while Ma and Kelly talk business.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: [laughing] Oh Kelly, no wonder you like to take Lou with you wherever you go.::Machine Gun Kelly: I don't getcha Ma.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: She leads real easy::Lou, Kelly's Girl: You're much older than I thought, may I call you grandma?::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: I ain't a grandma yet. I keep my boys away from the likes of you.::Machine Gun Kelly: Lou honey, Ma sure toppped you that time.
Lou, Kelly's Girl: [Ma grabs Lou's mink wrap, throws it on the ground and shoots it] Well why did you do that?!::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Thought I saw it move and I didn't want it to bite you.
Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Are you offering any cash?::Machine Gun Kelly: Of course we are. Lou figured we'd pay about-::Lou, Kelly's Girl: [interrupts] Not one red cent!::Machine Gun Kelly: But honey you said 50 grand.::Lou, Kelly's Girl: That was before we found Ma alone.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: I never heard of such a thing! Trying to steal another mob's kidnap, why, it ain't honest!::Machine Gun Kelly: You're in no spot to refuse Ma.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Do you want to gamble on that?::Machine Gun Kelly: Can you beat four of a kind?::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Depends on how big they are.::Lou, Kelly's Girl: I'd call them aces::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Oh honey, you've enver been known to be very bright. [laughs] They look more like jokers to me!::Machine Gun Kelly: You're slippin Ma. A joker is still an ace.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Not in Texas poker! We strip out the joker and that's just what I'm going to do with your bad hand. [calls] Fred! [Steps out with a machine gun]::Lou, Kelly's Girl: That's a pretty low card Ma.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: Well, maybe I'd better draw another. [calls] Karpis! [he steps out with another machine gun]::John Dillinger: [Kelly pulls out a handgun] You better draw your limit Ma, and fast. I'm losing patience.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: [calls] Baby Face Nelson! [There is a pause while Kelly realized they are outnumbered] And if Fred and Karpis and Baby Face and me ain't enough, I've got a wild card, a real wild card...[calls] Johnny Dillinger [he fires off a round at the ground near their feet]::John Dillinger: Fives beat fours, I'd say that Ma has the best hand.::Katherine Clark 'Ma' Barker: [Laughing] After this, folks'll be callin you 'Pop' Gun Kelly!
The FBI Story (1959)
David McMahon (actor),
Ray Montgomery (actor),
Parley Baer (actor),
J. Edgar Hoover (actor),
Jack Hendricks (actor),
Tom Monroe (actor),
Murray Hamilton (actor),
Sam Flint (actor),
Roy Gordon (actor),
Terry Frost (actor),
Robert Clarke (actor),
Ben Erway (actor),
John Damler (actor),
George Pembroke (actor),
Burt Mustin (actor),
Plot: The story of the FBI unfolds through the eyes of one of its agents. During his career he investigates gangsters, swindlers, the klu klux klan, Nazi agents and cold war spies.
Keywords: acronym-in-title, airplane-accident, airport, anti-semitism, argentina, barbecue, based-on-book, bronx-new-york-city, burning-cross, christmas-tree
Taglines: The fury of America's fight for decency ! You are crouched in a basement stairway opposite a theatre in Chicago. Keep your eyes on that FBI man across the street. He has set the trap for deadly public enemy, John Dillinger...
John Michael Hardesty: [Opening narration] Webster's International Dictionary defines murder as the unlawful taking of human life by another human being. On a November evening in 1955 the definition became obsolete. A mass murder was being planned.
John Gilbert Graham: [after being arrested for murder] In case I get any mail, you can send it to Canon City Prison for the next month or so. After that you can send it to Hell!
Firing range instructor: [Holding up an automatic weapon] Let me repeat again - get to know this weapon. Craftiness can solve many a criminal case, but with hoodlums you sometimes need a good conscientious, hard-working machine gun.
Lucy Ann Hardesty: Chip, you can't just get married like ordering a ham sandwich!::John Michael Hardesty: You can if you're hungry!
Sam Crandall: [Saying goodbye to John and Lucy as they leave on their honeymoon] Good luck! I hope the fish are biting.::John Michael Hardesty: [With a knowing smile] I was kinda hopin' they wouldn't be.
John Michael Hardesty: On Sunday morning he left the house. He couldn't be going to work. Since he was a Communist, we knew he wasn't going to church.
Guns Don't Argue (1957)
Lash La Rue (actor),
Ralph Moody (actor),
Percy Helton (actor),
Bill Baldwin (actor),
Bill Baldwin (actor),
Myron Healey (actor),
Robert Bice (actor),
Jim Davis (actor),
William Boyett (actor),
Paul Dubov (actor),
Sam Edwards (actor),
Sam Flint (actor),
Richard Crane (actor),
Jim Davis (actor),
Hank Patterson (actor),
Taglines: . . . and dead men don't talk!