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Session 4 covers the political system, ecology, racism/sexism, and fighting City Hall. Runtime 55 minutes.

The Chomsky Sessions

In February 2010, Noam [...]

$12.00 (USD)

This Z Reader on the environment contains 32 essays by such writers as Brian Tokar, Ursula Huws, Arun Gupta, Rob [...]

$15.00 (USD)

Four attorneys specializing in civil rights, human rights, and constitutional law discuss civil liberties violations since 9/11, domestic spying, presidential [...]

$12.00 (USD)
No image

“It is the responsibility of government,” Madison declared, “to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority.” And this [...]

$15.00 (USD)

In this talk to Greek activists at a conference to discuss the historic December 2008 uprising in Athens (the B-Fest [...]

$12.00 (USD)

Participatory Politics — organizaional structures for Participatory Democracy and the political couterpart to Participatory Economics)

Stephen R. Shalom teaches political science [...]

$12.00 (USD)

Session 2 covers science, rationalism, religion, sectarianism, conspiracy theories, and human nature. Runtime 55 minutes.

The Chomsky Sessions

In February 2010, Noam [...]

$12.00 (USD)

Michael Albert’s “testimony” at this World Social Forum panel covers the broad general outlines of the values we might want [...]

$12.00 (USD)

The World Social Forum 2004 in Mumbai, India promised to focus on women’s issues. One of the first evening plenaries, [...]

$12.00 (USD)

Choosing this item donates one time, immediately, $1000 – should you wish to donate more, please just use the facility [...]

$1,000.00 (USD)

36 Month US Print Subscription renewal

$92.00 (USD)

In this talk from the Z Media Institute, Brian Tokar discusses the consequences of warming, the environmental destruction inherent in [...]

$12.00 (USD)
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