Articles Sanders has some agonizing choices to make as a trustee for millions of voters. (CNN)

Now is the Time, Senator Sanders: Seize the Moment!

By Ralph Nader Senator Bernie Sanders has come a long way without other people’s advice. The progressive lone ranger is now leading in the polls…

Apr 30 2016 / Read More » /
Birzeit University student union elections were held on April 27, 2016 and Hamas won 25 out of 51 seats. (File)

Understanding the Birzeit Elections

By Abdul Sattar Qassem The elections held at the Palestinian universities, Birzeit and Al-Najah, are considered a good indicator of the popularity of Palestinian factions.…

Apr 29 2016 / Read More » /

Poets Saving Palestine: I Remember My Name

Reviewed by Stuart Rees (Vacy Vlazna, ed., I remember my name – Poetry by Samah Sabawi, Ramzy Baroud, Jehan Bseiso. Novum Publishing, 2016) Poetry’s Panacea Conditions…

Apr 28 2016 / Read More » /

Hope Now: Support the Palestine Chronicle Today

Dear Readers and Friends of The Palestine Chronicle,   Thanks to you Palestine Chronicle is going strong, mid-way through our 16th year online as an independent…

Apr 27 2016 / Read More » /

Dima’s Eyes – A Poem

By Aida Qasim Eyes like an unfinished poem possess my spirit They rise the moon out of its slothiness Shaking away the stillness of my…

Apr 27 2016 / Read More » /
Hajah Zainab is also Algeria, all of Algeria.  (YouTube)

Did the Arabs Betray Palestine?

By Ramzy Baroud  At the age of 21, I crossed Gaza into Egypt to pursue a degree in political science. The timing could have not…

Apr 27 2016 / Read More » /
The overwhelming vote of the UN General Assembly on November 29, 2012, to confirm Palestine’s status as a state.

Welcome to Palestine 2017: A Legal Imperative

By Clive Hambidge The ship carrying the precious cargo of a Palestinian Statehood bid, intended for late 2017, navigates through the choppy waters of Israel’s polluted…

Apr 26 2016 / Read More » /
(Photo: Tamar Fleishman, Palestine Chronicle. file)

Israel’s Continued Pursuits in the West Bank’s Area A

By Dr. Adnan Abu Amer Palestinians and Israelis are experiencing a conflict over the Israeli army’s “pursuit” of wanted Palestinians in Area A. Meanwhile, Palestinian…

Apr 25 2016 / Read More » /
Muhammad Salah with his lawyer, Michael Deutsch. (People’s Law Office, file)

Samidoun Mourns Muhammad Salah, Palestinian Community Leader, Former Prisoner in US and Israeli Jails

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its condolences to the Salah family and the broader Palestinian community of Chicago and the United States on the…

Apr 25 2016 / Read More » /
Banks and currency offices are the new front in the confrontation between Hamas and the PA. (File)

Banks and Currency Exchange Offices Persecuted by the PA

By Adnan Abu Amer Palestinians are dependent on banks and currency exchange offices in their financial transactions, such as receiving cash transfers from employers and relatives,…

Apr 23 2016 / Read More » /
Mrs Clinton; there is no purity, even of the medical professionalism, in colonial domination. (CSPAN, file)

When Medicine is Polluted by Israel’s Occupation

By Dr. Samah Jabr When Hillary Clinton wrote a letter to the Israeli-American donor Haim Saban against the popular and peaceful Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions…

Apr 22 2016 / Read More » /
(Photo: Courtesy Medical Realities)

Students in Gaza Watch World’s First Virtual Reality Operation

In a world first, British surgeon Dr. Shafi Ahmed live-streamed an operation using Google glasses allowing students around the world to get a doctor’s view…

Apr 21 2016 / Read More » /
Sanders: ' we are going to have to treat the Palestinian people with respect and dignity,' (Via CNN)

A Jew Wins Arab-American Vote and Loses the Jewish Vote

 By Hasan Afif El-Hasan In their attempt to win the Jewish vote and money, the presidential candidates from the US major parties typically pledge their…

Apr 20 2016 / Read More » /
(Image: Niño Jose Heredia/Gulf News)

At 80, Failed Abbas is Probed, Derided and Scapegoated

By Ramzy Baroud   “We won’t act like them, we will not use violence or force, we are peaceful, we believe in peace, in peaceful…

Apr 20 2016 / Read More » /
The Free Zone | Blog
  • April 30, 2016

    Erekat Slams Eurovision Contest's Palestinian Flag Ban

    PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat slammed the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) on Saturday for banning the Palestinian flag from the 2016 Eurovision song contest, calling the ruling “discriminatory and a serious offense against our nation.” - In a letter obtained by Ma’an addressed to EBU President Jean-Paul Philippot, Erekat expressed his “outrage and indignation” toward the decision, which also banned... More →
  • April 30, 2016

    French Campaign Launched Focusing on Palestinian Children Arrested by Israel

    Over 40 French rights groups have launched a campaign in solidarity with Palestinian children inside Israeli jails, Anadolu news agency reported on Friday. - The campaign called for the international community to act for the sake of Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails. - According to Anadolu, the campaign sent a team to Israeli prisons to meet with Palestinian prisoners and listen to their stories. -... More →
  • April 29, 2016

    UN Reports Four-fold Increase in Israeli Demolitions This Year

    UN figures released Thursday revealed a four-fold increase from last year in the rate of Israeli demolitions of Palestinian homes and structures, that have left a record-high 808 Palestinians displaced since the start of 2016. - According to UN documentation, the Israeli authorities have destroyed some 588 Palestinian structures across the occupied Palestinian territory since January. - The over 800 Palestinians to be... More →
  • April 29, 2016

    PA: 'State of Palestine' to Replace 'Palestinian Authority' on New Passports

    Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki revealed yesterday that a new version of the Palestinian passport will carry the words “State of Palestine” instead of the “Palestinian National Authority”. - Al-Maliki told Palestinian Al-Ayyam newspaper that the new passport is being designed, noting that Israel has been informed of the change. - He did not specify a date for the release of the new... More →
  • April 29, 2016

    Israeli Doctors Take Part in Mistreatment of Palestinian Prisoners in Solitary Confinement

    A report by Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHRI) released last month revealed thatthat Israeli doctors condone the mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners -- particularly those in solitary confinement -- as a matter of routine, in violation of medical ethics and international law that in some cases equates solitary confinement to torture. - The report was released as Israel’s medical community was already under... More →
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