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NEWSBUD- Where Media Integrity Matters: Come & Join Our Campaign

This is going to be our official Newsbud Campaign Page with all the updates and information. Please come & check us out daily!

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The People’s Campaign: The Real Hastert Case- All in One Place

Let’s Counter the Complicit US Media with Our Own: Help Shed Light on the Truth in “The Real Hastert Case” .

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Obama Set to Settle Score against Oregon Sheriff Outspoken on the Second Amendment

US Media Bury the Three-Year Long Grudge Held by the Feds against Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer.

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BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for March 2016

The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $23,512,565,000 on 327 individual contracts during March 2016.

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