Category: Economy

Robert Fisk: Saudi efforts to ‘modernise’ its economy away from oil are just PR tactics

For years, oil analysts have suggested that Saudi reserves are nothing like the kingdom claims them to be

Noelle Solange Didierjean: The Race to the Bottom

Bike couriers risk life and limb for unpredictable pay, little job security, and almost no workplace protection

Yanis Varoufakis: Massive IMF Bailouts are “Ponzi Austerity” Scheme

Negotiations between Greece and international creditors hit an impasse over the bankers’ demands for extra austerity measures

Robert Borosage: Clinton’s Defense of Big Money Won’t Cut It

Hillary Clinton’s heated defense of the money she has raised from Wall Street and other interests won’t cut it. Her protests contradict the basic case that virtually all Democrats and reformers have made for getting big money out of politics. It is vital that voters not be misled by them. Normally, liberal politicians defend setting Read more…

Claire Bernish: Trump and Hillary Refuse to Explain Why They Both Share the Same Address in Delaware

Reportedly dozens of Fortune 500 companies — Coca-Cola, Walmart, American Airlines, and Apple, to name a few — use Delaware’s strict corporate secrecy laws and legal tax loopholes

Noam Chomsky: All Decent Things

the Left is the movement that is in favor of all decent things—freedom, justice, peace. Of course we have to define it for ourselves, but traditionally it’s the movement that’s been in favor of more freedom, more justice, more equality, more participation, more control over our own lives—all decent things. That’s the Left.

Jack Rasmus: Neoliberal Economists v. Bernie Sanders

The irony of the Krugman/Gang of Four attack is that Sanders’s proposals represent what were once Democratic party positions and programs—positions that have been abandoned by the party and its mouthpiece economists since the 1980s as it morphed into a wing of the neoliberal agenda.

Steve Early: The Last Hurrah in Richmond?

Even Bernie Sanders, now the nation’s foremost critic of big money in politics, seems taken aback by the scale of Chevron spending on Bates’s behalf.

Edward Morris: Why Bernie’s Right About Glass-Steagall

Most observers think Sanders is on a quixotic quest and, with Wall Street’s political power, the chances of any revival of Glass-Steagall are, like his election to the presidency, slim. Yet Sanders has a strong argument, one that can be effectively made using Citigroup

Michael Lesher: Blindness of Privilege

Because the recent shootings at the Peachtree Mall in Columbus, Georgia haven’t been blamed on Muslims, they’ve never been described in the press as acts of “terror,”  in fact, they haven’t received much national attention at all. But they have stimulated a good deal of frightened commentary in the affected region, much of it depressingly Read more…

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