Aclarando La Trinidad
El centésimo nonagésimo tercer sermón de www.laiglesiadelanube.com, predicado por el hno. Roberto Breaker, en lo cual él aclara lo que es la trinidad y la trinidad en muchos versículos en la biblia.
published: 10 Mar 2018
Paul Washer - Conversaciones en español 11: La Trinidad
Para más recursos y videos como éste, visita nuestra página web: https://recursosespanol.com
published: 13 Aug 2018
60. Miguel Nuñez ¿Cómo explica la Trinidad?
Podcast "No es tan simple como parece" donde el Pastor Miguel Nuñez responde a la pregunta ¿Cómo explica la Trinidad?
Visite: www.integridadysabiduria.org
published: 16 Sep 2017
La #Trinidad es considerada una de las #doctrinas centrales del #cristianismo.
Suscríbete al canal de @La Biblia.
#cristianos #religión #cristianismo
published: 04 Oct 2018
PARA SU GLORIA - Canción De La Trinidad (en vivo)
La Canción de la Trinidad es un llamado a la Iglesia a exaltar a Dios por su perfecta y continua obra redentora, expresada a través de la Trinidad. Dios Padre (el Soberano Creador), Dios Hijo (nuestro Redentor e intercesor para con el Padre) y el Espíritu Santo (nuestro santificador y Consolador). Tres Personas, un solo Dios. 1Pedro 1:2”
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5vBw3QXvkZJnuMd39RWFpx?si=MB5D9pShQ2-mCxsoF6tS_A
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/el-fin-desde-el-principio-en-vivo/1436332836
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parasugloriaoficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parasugloriaoficial/
Grabado en vivo el 11 de Marzo 2018 en el auditorio de Christian Life Center en Bensalem, PA. Producido por Federico Álvarez e Isaac Polanco. Editado y mezclado en Rep...
published: 17 Sep 2018
Que es la Trinidad - R.C. Sproul
Lo puede comprar en el siguiente enlace:
published: 15 Nov 2017
Pastora Yesenia Then | "La trinidad de Dios"
Esperamos que esta transmisión edifique, bendiga y fortalezca tu corazón.
Para recibir todos nuestros mensajes suscríbete y activa la campana: www.youtube.com/c/YeseniaThenOficial?sub_confirmation=1
► ¿Tiene una petición de oración?: https://www.ccsoplodevida.com/index.php#ora
► Adquiere nuestros Libros: https://goo.gl/jaQ91A
► Tienda Online: https://clck.ru/NZhCK
• Doctrina Global:
Este programa, es para formar y equipar a los que luego de haber aceptado al Señor en sus corazones, necesitan recibir la instrucción bíblica y no tienen la forma de llegar a una iglesia de manera física para poder hacerlo.
► Ingresar ahora: https://ccsoplodevida.com/dctg.php
• TRASCIENDE › Escuela de Formación de Lideres
4 Áreas, + 24 Materias, +200 Clases, + 2 años de formación.
► Inscríbete hoy: htt...
published: 19 Mar 2019
Walk around La Trinidad KM4&5 Area Virtual Tour
Walk around in La Trinidad Benguet
No-cut virtual walk video on Halsema Highway in km4 & 5 pico area
Street views and scenes in the Philippines
#latrinidad #benguet #virtualtour scenery, landscape
published: 08 Dec 2019
La Trinidad - La Clase Media (Videoclip)
Dirección: Marta Porto, Víctor Jiménez
Diseño de créditos: Álvaro Martín (MOSH)
Agradecimientos: Airbag, Castle Rock
Diez y cuarto de la noche
con más hambre qué vergüenza,
de tanto mirar al suelo
se paga las cervezas.
Ve los cuerpos sudados
que se agolpan en los bares,
que no viejas tabernas
sino centros comerciales.
Parecen haber olvidado
sus códigos postales.
Y se pregunta qué les pasa,
por qué hoy llevan esas pintas.
Mira a esos dos notas
haciéndose fotos movidas:
los espejos les devoran
con tendencias suicidas.
Y atiende a esa chiquilla
consumiendo cocaína
en lo alto de un capó.
Cree que reta a la policía
o que sin conciencia ni pasado
se rebela ante el sistema
y como mucho consigue
asustar a un par de abuelas.
Sólo quiere ser como
un gángster american...
published: 19 Oct 2020
Aclarando La Trinidad
El centésimo nonagésimo tercer sermón de www.laiglesiadelanube.com, predicado por el hno. Roberto Breaker, en lo cual él aclara lo que es la trinidad y la trini...
El centésimo nonagésimo tercer sermón de www.laiglesiadelanube.com, predicado por el hno. Roberto Breaker, en lo cual él aclara lo que es la trinidad y la trinidad en muchos versículos en la biblia.
El centésimo nonagésimo tercer sermón de www.laiglesiadelanube.com, predicado por el hno. Roberto Breaker, en lo cual él aclara lo que es la trinidad y la trinidad en muchos versículos en la biblia.
- published: 10 Mar 2018
- views: 107704
Paul Washer - Conversaciones en español 11: La Trinidad
Para más recursos y videos como éste, visita nuestra página web: https://recursosespanol.com
Para más recursos y videos como éste, visita nuestra página web: https://recursosespanol.com
Para más recursos y videos como éste, visita nuestra página web: https://recursosespanol.com
- published: 13 Aug 2018
- views: 72767
60. Miguel Nuñez ¿Cómo explica la Trinidad?
Podcast "No es tan simple como parece" donde el Pastor Miguel Nuñez responde a la pregunta ¿Cómo explica la Trinidad?
Visite: www.integridadysabiduria.org
Podcast "No es tan simple como parece" donde el Pastor Miguel Nuñez responde a la pregunta ¿Cómo explica la Trinidad?
Visite: www.integridadysabiduria.org
Podcast "No es tan simple como parece" donde el Pastor Miguel Nuñez responde a la pregunta ¿Cómo explica la Trinidad?
Visite: www.integridadysabiduria.org
- published: 16 Sep 2017
- views: 92678
La #Trinidad es considerada una de las #doctrinas centrales del #cristianismo.
Suscríbete al canal de @La Biblia.
#cristianos #religión #cristianismo
La #Trinidad es considerada una de las #doctrinas centrales del #cristianismo.
Suscríbete al canal de @La Biblia.
#cristianos #religión #cristianismo
La #Trinidad es considerada una de las #doctrinas centrales del #cristianismo.
Suscríbete al canal de @La Biblia.
#cristianos #religión #cristianismo
- published: 04 Oct 2018
- views: 54665
PARA SU GLORIA - Canción De La Trinidad (en vivo)
La Canción de la Trinidad es un llamado a la Iglesia a exaltar a Dios por su perfecta y continua obra redentora, expresada a través de la Trinidad. Dios Padre (...
La Canción de la Trinidad es un llamado a la Iglesia a exaltar a Dios por su perfecta y continua obra redentora, expresada a través de la Trinidad. Dios Padre (el Soberano Creador), Dios Hijo (nuestro Redentor e intercesor para con el Padre) y el Espíritu Santo (nuestro santificador y Consolador). Tres Personas, un solo Dios. 1Pedro 1:2”
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5vBw3QXvkZJnuMd39RWFpx?si=MB5D9pShQ2-mCxsoF6tS_A
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/el-fin-desde-el-principio-en-vivo/1436332836
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parasugloriaoficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parasugloriaoficial/
Grabado en vivo el 11 de Marzo 2018 en el auditorio de Christian Life Center en Bensalem, PA. Producido por Federico Álvarez e Isaac Polanco. Editado y mezclado en Rep. Dominicana por Federico Álvarez y masterizado por Drew Lavyne en ALL DIGITAL MASTERING, NY.
Padre eterno declaraste el fin desde el principio
Nadie puede entender tu mente o cuestionarte
¿Tu justicia quien podrá alcanzar?
Inmutable es tu santidad
Más tu gracia, sublime gracia, me alcanzó
Padre eterno por tu amor el Verbo fue hecho carne
El Unigénito, quien sustenta todo el universo
En la cruz clavó mi transgresión
Con su rectitud él me vistió
Y ante el trono intercede mi Salvador
¡Aleluya a nuestro Dios!
Eternamente sea exaltado
Cante toda la creación
Por los siglos de los siglos
Al Trino Dios
Padre eterno tu Espíritu me ha restaurado
De la muerte a la eterna vida me ha llamado
Como un sello de mi salvación
Permanece el fiel Consolador
//Me recuerda tus promesas//
Y tu perdón
¡Aleluya a nuestro Dios!
Eternamente sea exaltado
Cante toda la creación
Por los siglos de los siglos
Al Trino Dios
¡A Dios el Padre celestial
Al Hijo nuestro Redentor
Al eternal Consolador
¡Unidos todos alabad!
¡Cantad al Trino y Uno Dios
Sus alabanzas entonad;
Su eterna gloria proclamad
Con gozo, gratitud y amor!
La Canción de la Trinidad es un llamado a la Iglesia a exaltar a Dios por su perfecta y continua obra redentora, expresada a través de la Trinidad. Dios Padre (el Soberano Creador), Dios Hijo (nuestro Redentor e intercesor para con el Padre) y el Espíritu Santo (nuestro santificador y Consolador). Tres Personas, un solo Dios. 1Pedro 1:2”
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5vBw3QXvkZJnuMd39RWFpx?si=MB5D9pShQ2-mCxsoF6tS_A
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/el-fin-desde-el-principio-en-vivo/1436332836
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parasugloriaoficial/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parasugloriaoficial/
Grabado en vivo el 11 de Marzo 2018 en el auditorio de Christian Life Center en Bensalem, PA. Producido por Federico Álvarez e Isaac Polanco. Editado y mezclado en Rep. Dominicana por Federico Álvarez y masterizado por Drew Lavyne en ALL DIGITAL MASTERING, NY.
Padre eterno declaraste el fin desde el principio
Nadie puede entender tu mente o cuestionarte
¿Tu justicia quien podrá alcanzar?
Inmutable es tu santidad
Más tu gracia, sublime gracia, me alcanzó
Padre eterno por tu amor el Verbo fue hecho carne
El Unigénito, quien sustenta todo el universo
En la cruz clavó mi transgresión
Con su rectitud él me vistió
Y ante el trono intercede mi Salvador
¡Aleluya a nuestro Dios!
Eternamente sea exaltado
Cante toda la creación
Por los siglos de los siglos
Al Trino Dios
Padre eterno tu Espíritu me ha restaurado
De la muerte a la eterna vida me ha llamado
Como un sello de mi salvación
Permanece el fiel Consolador
//Me recuerda tus promesas//
Y tu perdón
¡Aleluya a nuestro Dios!
Eternamente sea exaltado
Cante toda la creación
Por los siglos de los siglos
Al Trino Dios
¡A Dios el Padre celestial
Al Hijo nuestro Redentor
Al eternal Consolador
¡Unidos todos alabad!
¡Cantad al Trino y Uno Dios
Sus alabanzas entonad;
Su eterna gloria proclamad
Con gozo, gratitud y amor!
- published: 17 Sep 2018
- views: 220776
Que es la Trinidad - R.C. Sproul
Lo puede comprar en el siguiente enlace:
Lo puede comprar en el siguiente enlace:
Lo puede comprar en el siguiente enlace:
- published: 15 Nov 2017
- views: 77123
Pastora Yesenia Then | "La trinidad de Dios"
Esperamos que esta transmisión edifique, bendiga y fortalezca tu corazón.
Para recibir todos nuestros mensajes suscríbete y activa la campana: www.youtube.com...
Esperamos que esta transmisión edifique, bendiga y fortalezca tu corazón.
Para recibir todos nuestros mensajes suscríbete y activa la campana: www.youtube.com/c/YeseniaThenOficial?sub_confirmation=1
► ¿Tiene una petición de oración?: https://www.ccsoplodevida.com/index.php#ora
► Adquiere nuestros Libros: https://goo.gl/jaQ91A
► Tienda Online: https://clck.ru/NZhCK
• Doctrina Global:
Este programa, es para formar y equipar a los que luego de haber aceptado al Señor en sus corazones, necesitan recibir la instrucción bíblica y no tienen la forma de llegar a una iglesia de manera física para poder hacerlo.
► Ingresar ahora: https://ccsoplodevida.com/dctg.php
• TRASCIENDE › Escuela de Formación de Lideres
4 Áreas, + 24 Materias, +200 Clases, + 2 años de formación.
► Inscríbete hoy: https://trasciende-escuela.com/
• Colaboradores con Propósito
Los colaboradores con propósito del Ministerio Internacional Soplo de Vida, son un equipo de hombres y mujeres que reconocen a Dios como el dueño de todo y expresan su agradecimiento a él a través de una contribución mensual de un dólar o más para ser parte de la expansión y el avance del propósito de Dios en la tierra, el cual consiste en predicar el evangelio a toda criatura y servir de apoyo a los más necesitados.
► Formar parte: https://ccsoplodevida.com/ccp.php
► Ayúdenos a predicar el evangelio: https://goo.gl/CGQPQm
- Únete a este canal para acceder a sus beneficios:
Únete a este canal para acceder a sus beneficios:
Sigue a la Pastora Yesenia Then en las redes sociales:
■ Facebook: https://goo.gl/3BqbjF
■ Instagram: https://goo.gl/2eSSVV
■ Twitter: https://goo.gl/U7RdNc
☎ +1 (809) 508-7788
✆ +1 (829) 731-4205
✉ Contacto@YeseniaThen.com
® Todos los Derechos Reservados.
Esperamos que esta transmisión edifique, bendiga y fortalezca tu corazón.
Para recibir todos nuestros mensajes suscríbete y activa la campana: www.youtube.com/c/YeseniaThenOficial?sub_confirmation=1
► ¿Tiene una petición de oración?: https://www.ccsoplodevida.com/index.php#ora
► Adquiere nuestros Libros: https://goo.gl/jaQ91A
► Tienda Online: https://clck.ru/NZhCK
• Doctrina Global:
Este programa, es para formar y equipar a los que luego de haber aceptado al Señor en sus corazones, necesitan recibir la instrucción bíblica y no tienen la forma de llegar a una iglesia de manera física para poder hacerlo.
► Ingresar ahora: https://ccsoplodevida.com/dctg.php
• TRASCIENDE › Escuela de Formación de Lideres
4 Áreas, + 24 Materias, +200 Clases, + 2 años de formación.
► Inscríbete hoy: https://trasciende-escuela.com/
• Colaboradores con Propósito
Los colaboradores con propósito del Ministerio Internacional Soplo de Vida, son un equipo de hombres y mujeres que reconocen a Dios como el dueño de todo y expresan su agradecimiento a él a través de una contribución mensual de un dólar o más para ser parte de la expansión y el avance del propósito de Dios en la tierra, el cual consiste en predicar el evangelio a toda criatura y servir de apoyo a los más necesitados.
► Formar parte: https://ccsoplodevida.com/ccp.php
► Ayúdenos a predicar el evangelio: https://goo.gl/CGQPQm
- Únete a este canal para acceder a sus beneficios:
Únete a este canal para acceder a sus beneficios:
Sigue a la Pastora Yesenia Then en las redes sociales:
■ Facebook: https://goo.gl/3BqbjF
■ Instagram: https://goo.gl/2eSSVV
■ Twitter: https://goo.gl/U7RdNc
☎ +1 (809) 508-7788
✆ +1 (829) 731-4205
✉ Contacto@YeseniaThen.com
® Todos los Derechos Reservados.
- published: 19 Mar 2019
- views: 132188
Walk around La Trinidad KM4&5 Area Virtual Tour
Walk around in La Trinidad Benguet
No-cut virtual walk video on Halsema Highway in km4 & 5 pico area
Street views and scenes in the Philippines
Walk around in La Trinidad Benguet
No-cut virtual walk video on Halsema Highway in km4 & 5 pico area
Street views and scenes in the Philippines
#latrinidad #benguet #virtualtour scenery, landscape
Walk around in La Trinidad Benguet
No-cut virtual walk video on Halsema Highway in km4 & 5 pico area
Street views and scenes in the Philippines
#latrinidad #benguet #virtualtour scenery, landscape
- published: 08 Dec 2019
- views: 4737
La Trinidad - La Clase Media (Videoclip)
Dirección: Marta Porto, Víctor Jiménez
Diseño de créditos: Álvaro Martín (MOSH)
Agradecimientos: Airbag, Castle Rock
Diez y cuarto de la noche
con má...
Dirección: Marta Porto, Víctor Jiménez
Diseño de créditos: Álvaro Martín (MOSH)
Agradecimientos: Airbag, Castle Rock
Diez y cuarto de la noche
con más hambre qué vergüenza,
de tanto mirar al suelo
se paga las cervezas.
Ve los cuerpos sudados
que se agolpan en los bares,
que no viejas tabernas
sino centros comerciales.
Parecen haber olvidado
sus códigos postales.
Y se pregunta qué les pasa,
por qué hoy llevan esas pintas.
Mira a esos dos notas
haciéndose fotos movidas:
los espejos les devoran
con tendencias suicidas.
Y atiende a esa chiquilla
consumiendo cocaína
en lo alto de un capó.
Cree que reta a la policía
o que sin conciencia ni pasado
se rebela ante el sistema
y como mucho consigue
asustar a un par de abuelas.
Sólo quiere ser como
un gángster americano,
después ni puta idea
de quién coño es El Jaro.
Aspira, aspira, aspira más que la clase media.
Aspira, aspira, aspira
por la napia su inocencia.
Aspira, aspira, aspira como la clase media,
un espejismo cutre
que parasita su cabeza.
Por momentos piensa
que no existen de verdad:
son infames alteregos
como en su virtualidad;
Ellos piensan que sujetan
la vida por las solapas,
¡qué coño van a sujetar
si tragan mierda a cucharadas!
Putas de lo suyo,
una postal barata,
idas y venidas
de un camión de la basura
a las tantas de la madrugada,
a las tantas de la madrugada.
Decide irse de allí,
está todo desquiciado.
Ve a un tipo de espaldas,
parece encenderse un cigarro.
Y va a pedirle uno (¡amablemente!)
pero no es el mechero lo que ilumina su cara,
lo único que alumbra es la luz de su pantalla.
Con la mirá perdía
como un cerdo anestesiado
directo al matadero
y entre las piernas el rabo (entre las piernas el rabo).
Autor: La Trinidad
Jorge Zúñiga Liarte
Juan Carlos Guerrero Castro-Nuño
Sixto Martín García
© & ℗ 2020 Sonido Muchacho S.L.U
Dirección: Marta Porto, Víctor Jiménez
Diseño de créditos: Álvaro Martín (MOSH)
Agradecimientos: Airbag, Castle Rock
Diez y cuarto de la noche
con más hambre qué vergüenza,
de tanto mirar al suelo
se paga las cervezas.
Ve los cuerpos sudados
que se agolpan en los bares,
que no viejas tabernas
sino centros comerciales.
Parecen haber olvidado
sus códigos postales.
Y se pregunta qué les pasa,
por qué hoy llevan esas pintas.
Mira a esos dos notas
haciéndose fotos movidas:
los espejos les devoran
con tendencias suicidas.
Y atiende a esa chiquilla
consumiendo cocaína
en lo alto de un capó.
Cree que reta a la policía
o que sin conciencia ni pasado
se rebela ante el sistema
y como mucho consigue
asustar a un par de abuelas.
Sólo quiere ser como
un gángster americano,
después ni puta idea
de quién coño es El Jaro.
Aspira, aspira, aspira más que la clase media.
Aspira, aspira, aspira
por la napia su inocencia.
Aspira, aspira, aspira como la clase media,
un espejismo cutre
que parasita su cabeza.
Por momentos piensa
que no existen de verdad:
son infames alteregos
como en su virtualidad;
Ellos piensan que sujetan
la vida por las solapas,
¡qué coño van a sujetar
si tragan mierda a cucharadas!
Putas de lo suyo,
una postal barata,
idas y venidas
de un camión de la basura
a las tantas de la madrugada,
a las tantas de la madrugada.
Decide irse de allí,
está todo desquiciado.
Ve a un tipo de espaldas,
parece encenderse un cigarro.
Y va a pedirle uno (¡amablemente!)
pero no es el mechero lo que ilumina su cara,
lo único que alumbra es la luz de su pantalla.
Con la mirá perdía
como un cerdo anestesiado
directo al matadero
y entre las piernas el rabo (entre las piernas el rabo).
Autor: La Trinidad
Jorge Zúñiga Liarte
Juan Carlos Guerrero Castro-Nuño
Sixto Martín García
© & ℗ 2020 Sonido Muchacho S.L.U
- published: 19 Oct 2020
- views: 13291
De La Soul - Me Myself and I (With Intro) (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/3FeetHighRisingID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Mirror mirror on the wall
Tell me mirror, what is wrong?
Can it be my De La Clothes
Or is it just my De La Soul?
What I do ain't make-believe
People say I sit and try
But when it comes to being De La
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Now you tease my Plug One style
And my Plug One spectacle
You say Plug One and Two are hippies
No we're not, thats pure plug bull
Always pushing that we forme...
published: 03 Mar 2023
De La Soul - All Good? (Official Music Video) [HD] ft. Chaka Khan
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/ArtOfficialIntelligenceWE
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
I don't care about what you think you see
The things you want to know when you look at me
God knows I done been through and paid my dues
Can't change how you feel, 'cause it's all o...
published: 02 Jun 2023
De La Soul - Oodles of O's (Official Music Video)
De La Soul opened a donut shop for their latest video “Oodles of O’s”. The video features cameos by the following artists, actors and personalities, all to honor the legacy of Dave, aka Trugoy the Dove.
Black Thought
James Poyser
The Jungle Brothers
Forever and Zavoire of Y.L.F.
Stephen Hill
Rick Gonzalez
M1 of Dead Prez
Yummy Bingham
Renée of Zhané
Masta Ace & Leschea
Tony Touch
Zane Lowe
Lord Sko
Statik Selektah
Directed by J Anders Urmacher
Produced by thenyfrequency
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/DeLaSoulIsDeadID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.we...
published: 18 Oct 2024
De La Soul - Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey) (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/DeLaSoulIsDeadID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Yes, this is Miss Renee King from Philadelphia. I want you to give me a call on area code 215-222-4209 and I'm calling in reference to the music business. Thank you.
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how are ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
But leave your name and your number
And I'll, get back to you
Once again it's another rap bandit
Fiending at I and I can't stand it
Wanna be d...
published: 28 Apr 2023
De La Soul - Eye Know (Official Music Video) [HD] ft. Otis Redding
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/eyeknowID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
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Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Greetings girl and welcome to my world of phrase
I'm right up to bat
It's a Daisy Age and you're about to walk top-stage
So wipe your Lottos on the mat
Hip-hop love this is and don't mind when I quiz your
Involvements before the sun
But clear your court cause this is a one-man sport
And who's better for this than Plug One
Now you don't have to worry about me squashin' other deals
Cause they've already been squooshed
Freeze a frame about moods the same which we can continue
published: 03 Feb 2023
De La Soul - Stakes Is High (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/stakesishighID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
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TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
When we talkin' 'bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High, you know them Stakes Is High
We be talkin bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
The instamatic focal point bringing damage to your borough
Be some brothers from the east with them beats that be thorough
Got the solar gravitation so I'm bound to pull it
I gets down like brothers are found ducking from bullets
Gun control m...
published: 12 May 2023
De La Soul - Breakadawn (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/BuhlooneMindstate
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
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TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Uh one two, uh one two
Uh one two, uh one two
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Break of-
I was born in the Boogie Down cat scan
Where my building fell down on the rats and
People sold the super on a trip to the penile (penile)
While I settle off the shores of the...
published: 05 May 2023
Provided to YouTube by Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Breakadawn · De La Soul
Buhloone Mindstate
℗ 2023 A.O.I., LLC under exclusive license to Chrysalis Records Limited
Released on: 2023-03-03
Producer: De La Soul
Producer: Prince Paul
Composer: Kelvin Mercer
Composer: David Jolicoeur
Composer: Vincent Mason
Composer: Paul Huston
Composer: Rose Ella Jones
Composer: William Robinson
Composer: Susaye Greene
Composer: Stevie Wonder
Composer: Duke Ellington
Composer: Billy Strayhorn
Composer: John Latouche
Auto-generated by YouTube.
published: 02 Mar 2023
What's Happening 2 Vol. 7 (full tape + visuals)
Get early access on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KEIFERGR33N
Stream, download & shop: https://www.keifergr33n.com
Thank you all so much for 15k subs. :)
Track List:
01. Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE x DKC2 - Bayou Boogie (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (0:00)
02. Slim Thug - Thug (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (3:21)
03. Young Thug - Floyd Mayweather ft. Gucci Mane, Gunna & Travis Scott (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (6:16)
04. Dorrough - Ice Cream Paint Job x Chief Keef - Citgo (11:55)
05. De La Soul - Stakes is High x Peggy Lee - Johnny Guitar (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (15:09)
06. 21 Savage - No Advance (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (17:50)
07. Future - Out Of My Hands (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (21:08)
08. Migos - Need It ft. NBA Youngboy (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (23:49)
09. Young Thug - Take Kare (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (27:01)
10. Travis Scott - Th...
published: 28 Nov 2024
De La Soul - The Magic Number (Official Lyric Video)
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/TheMagicNumber
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
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TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
That's the Magic Number
Yes it is
It's the magic number
Somewhere in this hip-hop soul community
Was born three: Mase, Dove, and me
And that's the magic number
(What does it all mean?)
Difficult preaching is Posdnuos' pleasure
Pleasure and preaching starts in the heart
Something that stimulates the music in the measure
Measure in the music, raised in three parts
Casually see but don't do like the Soul
Cause seein' and doin' are actions for monkeys
Doin' hip...
published: 13 Jan 2023
De La Soul - Me Myself and I (With Intro) (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/3FeetHighRisingID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/3FeetHighRisingID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
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TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Mirror mirror on the wall
Tell me mirror, what is wrong?
Can it be my De La Clothes
Or is it just my De La Soul?
What I do ain't make-believe
People say I sit and try
But when it comes to being De La
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Now you tease my Plug One style
And my Plug One spectacle
You say Plug One and Two are hippies
No we're not, thats pure plug bull
Always pushing that we formed an image
There's no need to lie
When it comes to being Plug One
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Proud, I'm proud of what I am
Poems I speak are Plug Two type (type)
Please oh please let Plug Two be
Himself, not what you read or write
Write is wrong when hype is written
On the Soul, De La that is
Style is surely our own thing
Not the false disguise of showbiz
De La Soul is from the soul
And in fact I can't deny
Strictly from the Dan called Stuckie
And from me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Glory Glory Halleluh
Glory for Plug One and Two
But that glory's been denied
By kizids and dookie eyes
People think they diss my person
By stating I'm darkly pack
I know this so I point at Q-Tip
And he states, "Black is Black"
Mirror mirror on the wall
Shovel chestnuts in my path
Just keep all nuts twistin up
So I don't get an aftermath
But if I do I'll calmly punch them
In the 4th day of July
Cause they tried to mess with third degree
That's me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Contestant number four, do you have the answers?
Uhh…I saw, at the tip of my tongue...
#DeLaSoul #MeMyselfAndI #HipHop50
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/3FeetHighRisingID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Mirror mirror on the wall
Tell me mirror, what is wrong?
Can it be my De La Clothes
Or is it just my De La Soul?
What I do ain't make-believe
People say I sit and try
But when it comes to being De La
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Now you tease my Plug One style
And my Plug One spectacle
You say Plug One and Two are hippies
No we're not, thats pure plug bull
Always pushing that we formed an image
There's no need to lie
When it comes to being Plug One
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Proud, I'm proud of what I am
Poems I speak are Plug Two type (type)
Please oh please let Plug Two be
Himself, not what you read or write
Write is wrong when hype is written
On the Soul, De La that is
Style is surely our own thing
Not the false disguise of showbiz
De La Soul is from the soul
And in fact I can't deny
Strictly from the Dan called Stuckie
And from me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Glory Glory Halleluh
Glory for Plug One and Two
But that glory's been denied
By kizids and dookie eyes
People think they diss my person
By stating I'm darkly pack
I know this so I point at Q-Tip
And he states, "Black is Black"
Mirror mirror on the wall
Shovel chestnuts in my path
Just keep all nuts twistin up
So I don't get an aftermath
But if I do I'll calmly punch them
In the 4th day of July
Cause they tried to mess with third degree
That's me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
It's just me myself and I
Contestant number four, do you have the answers?
Uhh…I saw, at the tip of my tongue...
#DeLaSoul #MeMyselfAndI #HipHop50
- published: 03 Mar 2023
- views: 3119186
De La Soul - All Good? (Official Music Video) [HD] ft. Chaka Khan
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/ArtOfficialIntelligenceWE
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/weared...
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/ArtOfficialIntelligenceWE
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
I don't care about what you think you see
The things you want to know when you look at me
God knows I done been through and paid my dues
Can't change how you feel, 'cause it's all on you, woah, oh, yeah
I wish that, you could be a little bit more upfront
Weigh the situation how you want (right)
The loving that you claim is just a four letter word
The third letter's inviting so visualize the verb
You curve thought waves when you're handling the candelabra
So you sitting on the baby grand
Transmitting like you're made of man
But you paint a funny face like a chick
When I see you I'ma tell you quick that uhh
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
I can't believe we built this large pizza pie together
No pepperonis
Yeah you wanted extra cheese, sometimes I gave you extras
How we divided slices like the Red Sea theory
I was Moses hopelessly scorned by your thorn zapora
Tried to bring that fairy-tale life, you wanted horror
But my microscope couldn't see or cope with that
I had to bolt from that, and left you dead in the sea
It's better for me, I'm satisfied with repping for D
We were certified hot, then dropped to lukewarm
Now we back up in the spot, claiming never been gone
Niggas who cut us off, wanna reattach us now
(Them girls who brushed us off, say they want some numberss to dial)
Yeah I give that ass a number, and some lumber to pile
Now catch a curve from my kick (or show me loving by brick)
So stick to the same plan, don't come shaking my hand
Like we peeps, it ain't beef but be sure to understand
Between us, it ain't all
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
You see them kids be scheming on what we done copped
(Always out there scheming)
They steady fiending for the moment they can get us off the block
(Why they always fiending?)
Your people might have your back, but you need to watch your front
Indeed, ain't nothing guaranteed
(That's the truth, things ain't goin' like you think they should)
A lot say they wanna walk in my size 10's
Alright then, here's a pair
Lace 'em up tight then you might feel what was dealt to me
You see ain't no young boys up in here; keep a clear head
Trying to keep my pockets on stuffed, like deer heads
Upon the wall, so all the gall we get from y'all don't phase
So mind your biz and walk away
'Cause I'm never gonna let you up inside my maze
I don't care about what you think you see
The things you want to know when you look at me
God knows I done been through and paid my dues
Can't change how you feel, 'cause it's all on you, woah, oh
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
#DeLaSoul #AllGood? #HipHop50
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/ArtOfficialIntelligenceWE
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
Oooh oo-ohhh, oo-ohhh
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
I don't care about what you think you see
The things you want to know when you look at me
God knows I done been through and paid my dues
Can't change how you feel, 'cause it's all on you, woah, oh, yeah
I wish that, you could be a little bit more upfront
Weigh the situation how you want (right)
The loving that you claim is just a four letter word
The third letter's inviting so visualize the verb
You curve thought waves when you're handling the candelabra
So you sitting on the baby grand
Transmitting like you're made of man
But you paint a funny face like a chick
When I see you I'ma tell you quick that uhh
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
I can't believe we built this large pizza pie together
No pepperonis
Yeah you wanted extra cheese, sometimes I gave you extras
How we divided slices like the Red Sea theory
I was Moses hopelessly scorned by your thorn zapora
Tried to bring that fairy-tale life, you wanted horror
But my microscope couldn't see or cope with that
I had to bolt from that, and left you dead in the sea
It's better for me, I'm satisfied with repping for D
We were certified hot, then dropped to lukewarm
Now we back up in the spot, claiming never been gone
Niggas who cut us off, wanna reattach us now
(Them girls who brushed us off, say they want some numberss to dial)
Yeah I give that ass a number, and some lumber to pile
Now catch a curve from my kick (or show me loving by brick)
So stick to the same plan, don't come shaking my hand
Like we peeps, it ain't beef but be sure to understand
Between us, it ain't all
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
You see them kids be scheming on what we done copped
(Always out there scheming)
They steady fiending for the moment they can get us off the block
(Why they always fiending?)
Your people might have your back, but you need to watch your front
Indeed, ain't nothing guaranteed
(That's the truth, things ain't goin' like you think they should)
A lot say they wanna walk in my size 10's
Alright then, here's a pair
Lace 'em up tight then you might feel what was dealt to me
You see ain't no young boys up in here; keep a clear head
Trying to keep my pockets on stuffed, like deer heads
Upon the wall, so all the gall we get from y'all don't phase
So mind your biz and walk away
'Cause I'm never gonna let you up inside my maze
I don't care about what you think you see
The things you want to know when you look at me
God knows I done been through and paid my dues
Can't change how you feel, 'cause it's all on you, woah, oh
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
It ain't all good, and that's the truth
Thangs ain't goin' like you think they should, it's all on you
#DeLaSoul #AllGood? #HipHop50
- published: 02 Jun 2023
- views: 11110844
De La Soul - Oodles of O's (Official Music Video)
De La Soul opened a donut shop for their latest video “Oodles of O’s”. The video features cameos by the following artists, actors and personalities, all to hon...
De La Soul opened a donut shop for their latest video “Oodles of O’s”. The video features cameos by the following artists, actors and personalities, all to honor the legacy of Dave, aka Trugoy the Dove.
Black Thought
James Poyser
The Jungle Brothers
Forever and Zavoire of Y.L.F.
Stephen Hill
Rick Gonzalez
M1 of Dead Prez
Yummy Bingham
Renée of Zhané
Masta Ace & Leschea
Tony Touch
Zane Lowe
Lord Sko
Statik Selektah
Directed by J Anders Urmacher
Produced by thenyfrequency
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/DeLaSoulIsDeadID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Oodles and oodles of O's, you know
You get 'em from my sister
You get 'em from my bro
All I is is man, and once an embryo
Am I solid gold? I don't cast a glow
Yes, I guess it's reflex some have no control
I'd rather let a laughter and tally, off I go
Canoeing up the river or out into the O
You just know me not so not play the role
Some are lovey-Dovey, ah you crazies know
Some shake your hand but (this is called the show)
I was John Doe, now I'm Mr. Jolicoeur
Pissed with the witness, and now I adore
O's got the world cause O's was on tour
Girls gave the O's, and guys, oh for sure
Where they arose, well nobody knows
What do they mean, well here's how it goes
Oh shoot's got the O's when you hold the dough
You know who you are but they didn't know
And now with respect they flex like a pro
You're first another nigga but now an Afro
Oodles and oodles and O's and
Oodles and oodles and oodles of O's you know
They givin’ Oodles an O's and O’s and
Oodles and oodles and oodles of O's you know
They givin’ Oodles and O's and O’s and
Oodles and oodles and oodles of O's
Last of the fast Plug pipers at the do’
In your eyes burning like rubbing alcoho’
Native is the Tongue that speaks the Guacomole
Kinfolk will play this in ster-ee-air-ee-o
Chanters play the part of a herd at a show
Pos prints the peace on his jeans or Girbauds
But let the herd know if beef they wanna throw
Lunches of punches is what I bestow
Oodles of O's enhance my ho's at mic checks
O's take the shape of medallions and specs
Don’t forget the O's that let the air in my nose
Breathe in the fresh as the stale hit the road
Girls ask for flicks and I'll plot the pose
Eat the Al Green’s, won't sniff the Kurt Blow’s
Mase got something to say and it goes
(Maceo is rocking on the radio)
Now I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O’s, yeah
We’re talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's
Yeah, we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the (oh shit)
Hoods like to play macho, you know
Guns going "Bo!", people hit the floor
Don't have a piece but an arrow and bow
Target it firm cause I'm head Comancho
Charging barricades like a raging rhino
The donuts come big and some in jumbo
The landlord is finished but before I go
I'll give a shout out to Quest and my fellow Jungle Bros
Knocked by the dock of the bay by the shore
Swimming in the rhythm of the hi-de-hi-de-ho
Punk Pinocchios gotta go, gotta go
(What's the reason?) to be cheerful
Season is breeze, time to pimp promote
Nuts can no flow if the shade is in the dough
On with me hat, d-d-duh-duh-doh
Dreadlock is heading out the door y'all
We're selling O's, y'all
We're selling O's and O's
We're selling O's at the corner store y'all
We're selling O's, y'all
We're selling oodles and oodles and oodles
And oodles of O's, y'all
We're selling O's, y'all
At the corner store we're selling O's at the corner store y’all
We're selling O's y’all, at the corner store
We're selling O's and O’s and O’s-O’s y’all
We're selling oodles and oodles of O’s y’all
We're selling oodles and oodles of O’s y’all
#DeLaSoul #OodlesOfOs #HipHop
De La Soul opened a donut shop for their latest video “Oodles of O’s”. The video features cameos by the following artists, actors and personalities, all to honor the legacy of Dave, aka Trugoy the Dove.
Black Thought
James Poyser
The Jungle Brothers
Forever and Zavoire of Y.L.F.
Stephen Hill
Rick Gonzalez
M1 of Dead Prez
Yummy Bingham
Renée of Zhané
Masta Ace & Leschea
Tony Touch
Zane Lowe
Lord Sko
Statik Selektah
Directed by J Anders Urmacher
Produced by thenyfrequency
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/DeLaSoulIsDeadID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Oodles and oodles of O's, you know
You get 'em from my sister
You get 'em from my bro
All I is is man, and once an embryo
Am I solid gold? I don't cast a glow
Yes, I guess it's reflex some have no control
I'd rather let a laughter and tally, off I go
Canoeing up the river or out into the O
You just know me not so not play the role
Some are lovey-Dovey, ah you crazies know
Some shake your hand but (this is called the show)
I was John Doe, now I'm Mr. Jolicoeur
Pissed with the witness, and now I adore
O's got the world cause O's was on tour
Girls gave the O's, and guys, oh for sure
Where they arose, well nobody knows
What do they mean, well here's how it goes
Oh shoot's got the O's when you hold the dough
You know who you are but they didn't know
And now with respect they flex like a pro
You're first another nigga but now an Afro
Oodles and oodles and O's and
Oodles and oodles and oodles of O's you know
They givin’ Oodles an O's and O’s and
Oodles and oodles and oodles of O's you know
They givin’ Oodles and O's and O’s and
Oodles and oodles and oodles of O's
Last of the fast Plug pipers at the do’
In your eyes burning like rubbing alcoho’
Native is the Tongue that speaks the Guacomole
Kinfolk will play this in ster-ee-air-ee-o
Chanters play the part of a herd at a show
Pos prints the peace on his jeans or Girbauds
But let the herd know if beef they wanna throw
Lunches of punches is what I bestow
Oodles of O's enhance my ho's at mic checks
O's take the shape of medallions and specs
Don’t forget the O's that let the air in my nose
Breathe in the fresh as the stale hit the road
Girls ask for flicks and I'll plot the pose
Eat the Al Green’s, won't sniff the Kurt Blow’s
Mase got something to say and it goes
(Maceo is rocking on the radio)
Now I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O’s, yeah
We’re talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's
Yeah, we're talking 'bout the oodles of O's ya know
I think we're talking 'bout the (oh shit)
Hoods like to play macho, you know
Guns going "Bo!", people hit the floor
Don't have a piece but an arrow and bow
Target it firm cause I'm head Comancho
Charging barricades like a raging rhino
The donuts come big and some in jumbo
The landlord is finished but before I go
I'll give a shout out to Quest and my fellow Jungle Bros
Knocked by the dock of the bay by the shore
Swimming in the rhythm of the hi-de-hi-de-ho
Punk Pinocchios gotta go, gotta go
(What's the reason?) to be cheerful
Season is breeze, time to pimp promote
Nuts can no flow if the shade is in the dough
On with me hat, d-d-duh-duh-doh
Dreadlock is heading out the door y'all
We're selling O's, y'all
We're selling O's and O's
We're selling O's at the corner store y'all
We're selling O's, y'all
We're selling oodles and oodles and oodles
And oodles of O's, y'all
We're selling O's, y'all
At the corner store we're selling O's at the corner store y’all
We're selling O's y’all, at the corner store
We're selling O's and O’s and O’s-O’s y’all
We're selling oodles and oodles of O’s y’all
We're selling oodles and oodles of O’s y’all
#DeLaSoul #OodlesOfOs #HipHop
- published: 18 Oct 2024
- views: 515257
De La Soul - Ring Ring Ring (Ha Ha Hey) (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/DeLaSoulIsDeadID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/DeLaSoulIsDeadID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Yes, this is Miss Renee King from Philadelphia. I want you to give me a call on area code 215-222-4209 and I'm calling in reference to the music business. Thank you.
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how are ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
But leave your name and your number
And I'll, get back to you
Once again it's another rap bandit
Fiending at I and I can't stand it
Wanna be down with the Day-Glo
Knocking on my door, saying, "a yo yo"
Knocking on my door, saying, "a yo yo"
I got a funky new tune with a fly banjo
I can't understand what the problem is
I find it hard enough dealin’ with my own biz
How'd they get my name and number?
Then I stop to think and wonder
Bout a plan, “yo man I gotta step out town
You wanna call me up? Take my number down
It's 222-2222
I gotta answering machine that can talk to you
It goes”
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
But leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Yo, check it, exit the old style, enters the new
But nothing's new 'bout being hawked by a crew
Or should I say flock cause around every block
There's Harry, Dick, and Tom, with a demo in his palm
Now I'm with helping those who want to help themselves
And flaunt a nut that's doggy as in dope
But it's not the mood to hear
The tales of limousines and pails
Of money they'll make like a pro
I be like, "Yo black, just play me the tape"
But at the show the time to spare I just make
But the songs created in they shacks
Are so wick-wick-wack, situations like this
And now I hate they give me smiles Kool-Aid wide and ask
"was it def?"
And with the straightest face I be like, "hell yes."
I slip them the digits to Papa Prince Paul
So I don't go AWOL but yet I know when they call they get
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how are you doing
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don’t you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Party at the dug-out on Diction Ave
Haven't been to the jam in quite a while
Figure I'll catch up on the latest styles
'Stead piles and piles of demo tapes by the miles
All I wanna do is cut on the decks wild
But edition up here by the miles to the center
Reliever of duty, Plug One moseys in
And I be like, "Yo G, Pos does all the producing"
Now woe is me to the third degree
Mase pulls the funny so I make like a bunny, jettin'
But I'm getting used to this demo abuse
Getting raped and giving birth to a tape
Cause there's no escape from the clutches of a hawker
Attached to my success, sent like a stalker
Make way to my radius playin' fly guy
Try to get on my back they force like Luke Sky
Me, Myself, and I go through this act daily
And rarely do I not
No matter how I dodge some jackal always nails me
No matter what the plot
And even out on tour they be like
"Yo, I got a tape to play you back at the hotel"
I be like, "oh swell"
Unveil the numeric code to dial my room
And tell them to call me at noon
But of course there's no answering machine in my room
But a pretty young adorer who I swung on tour
And if it rings while we're alone she'll answer the phone
And with the quickness she'll recite like a poem
"Hey, you done did the right thing, dial up my ring ring
Now you're waiting on the beep
Say, I would love if you'd sing
The tune to Tru instead of fronting on the speak."
So no problemo, just play ya demo and at the end it's break out time
Please oh please don't press rewind cause I'll just lay it down the line
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don’t you leave your name and your number
And we’ll get back to you, peace.
'Yo what's up man, this is Ronald Master down with the Fish Tank
Posse, man, you know man, so you know you can just hook
Me up, True. You know we got this fly new jam called 'Swimming In the
Fish Tank', you know we gonna rock it man, you know
What I'm saying, but I just need your help, Prince Paul gave me your
Number, you know man, you just gotta do that for me
Got this fly bassline, got these fly trombones in it man, so just hook
Me up, man, just look out, all right, call me back
At 557-2223 all right man, just look out, all right, look out for a
Brother man!'
#DeLaSoul #RingRingRing #HipHop50
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/DeLaSoulIsDeadID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Yes, this is Miss Renee King from Philadelphia. I want you to give me a call on area code 215-222-4209 and I'm calling in reference to the music business. Thank you.
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how are ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
But leave your name and your number
And I'll, get back to you
Once again it's another rap bandit
Fiending at I and I can't stand it
Wanna be down with the Day-Glo
Knocking on my door, saying, "a yo yo"
Knocking on my door, saying, "a yo yo"
I got a funky new tune with a fly banjo
I can't understand what the problem is
I find it hard enough dealin’ with my own biz
How'd they get my name and number?
Then I stop to think and wonder
Bout a plan, “yo man I gotta step out town
You wanna call me up? Take my number down
It's 222-2222
I gotta answering machine that can talk to you
It goes”
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
But leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Yo, check it, exit the old style, enters the new
But nothing's new 'bout being hawked by a crew
Or should I say flock cause around every block
There's Harry, Dick, and Tom, with a demo in his palm
Now I'm with helping those who want to help themselves
And flaunt a nut that's doggy as in dope
But it's not the mood to hear
The tales of limousines and pails
Of money they'll make like a pro
I be like, "Yo black, just play me the tape"
But at the show the time to spare I just make
But the songs created in they shacks
Are so wick-wick-wack, situations like this
And now I hate they give me smiles Kool-Aid wide and ask
"was it def?"
And with the straightest face I be like, "hell yes."
I slip them the digits to Papa Prince Paul
So I don't go AWOL but yet I know when they call they get
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how are you doing
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don’t you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Party at the dug-out on Diction Ave
Haven't been to the jam in quite a while
Figure I'll catch up on the latest styles
'Stead piles and piles of demo tapes by the miles
All I wanna do is cut on the decks wild
But edition up here by the miles to the center
Reliever of duty, Plug One moseys in
And I be like, "Yo G, Pos does all the producing"
Now woe is me to the third degree
Mase pulls the funny so I make like a bunny, jettin'
But I'm getting used to this demo abuse
Getting raped and giving birth to a tape
Cause there's no escape from the clutches of a hawker
Attached to my success, sent like a stalker
Make way to my radius playin' fly guy
Try to get on my back they force like Luke Sky
Me, Myself, and I go through this act daily
And rarely do I not
No matter how I dodge some jackal always nails me
No matter what the plot
And even out on tour they be like
"Yo, I got a tape to play you back at the hotel"
I be like, "oh swell"
Unveil the numeric code to dial my room
And tell them to call me at noon
But of course there's no answering machine in my room
But a pretty young adorer who I swung on tour
And if it rings while we're alone she'll answer the phone
And with the quickness she'll recite like a poem
"Hey, you done did the right thing, dial up my ring ring
Now you're waiting on the beep
Say, I would love if you'd sing
The tune to Tru instead of fronting on the speak."
So no problemo, just play ya demo and at the end it's break out time
Please oh please don't press rewind cause I'll just lay it down the line
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don't you leave your name and your number
And I'll get back to you
Hey how ya doin'
Sorry ya can't get through
Why don’t you leave your name and your number
And we’ll get back to you, peace.
'Yo what's up man, this is Ronald Master down with the Fish Tank
Posse, man, you know man, so you know you can just hook
Me up, True. You know we got this fly new jam called 'Swimming In the
Fish Tank', you know we gonna rock it man, you know
What I'm saying, but I just need your help, Prince Paul gave me your
Number, you know man, you just gotta do that for me
Got this fly bassline, got these fly trombones in it man, so just hook
Me up, man, just look out, all right, call me back
At 557-2223 all right man, just look out, all right, look out for a
Brother man!'
#DeLaSoul #RingRingRing #HipHop50
- published: 28 Apr 2023
- views: 1018836
De La Soul - Eye Know (Official Music Video) [HD] ft. Otis Redding
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/eyeknowID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter ...
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/eyeknowID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Greetings girl and welcome to my world of phrase
I'm right up to bat
It's a Daisy Age and you're about to walk top-stage
So wipe your Lottos on the mat
Hip-hop love this is and don't mind when I quiz your
Involvements before the sun
But clear your court cause this is a one-man sport
And who's better for this than Plug One
Now you don't have to worry about me squashin' other deals
Cause they've already been squooshed
Freeze a frame about moods the same which we can continue
Right behind the bush
You'll stay with me
Eye Know this
But not because of all my Earthly treasures
Or regardless to the fact that I'm Posdnuos
But because
Eye know I love you better
May I cut this dance to introduce myself as
The chosen one to speak
Let me lay my hand across yours
And aim a kiss upon your cheek
The name's Plug Two
And from the soul I bring you
The D.A.I.S.Y. of your choice
May it be filled with the pleasure principle
In circumference to my voice
About those other Jennys I reckoned with
Lost them all like a homework excuse
This time the Magic Number is two
Cause it takes two, not three, to seduce
My destiny of love is brought to an apex
Sex is a mere molecule
In this world of love that I have for you
It's true
Eye know I love you better
Now it's time to let this rhyme style
Get somewhat poured in the mold
Hold my hand and we'll pick my plantation
Of daisies for a bouquet of soul
Life will begin at the cut of a rim
Take it as filled to the rim as in brim
Squeeze your stoop like Betty Boop
We'll make Campbell Alphabet Soup
And spell Plug One's within
Forward march is the say
When transistors will play
Come into bed is the move
Dolby Sound will be then top crown
When I put the needle into your groove
I got a good thing
And in full swing
I show this in gifts, words or letters
But even without those three
Eye know you'll be close to me cause
Eye know I love you better
It's I again and the soul that I send
Is taking steps to reach your heart
Any moment you feel alone
I can fill up your empty part
We can ascend 'til we reach De La heaven
And in a spin we'll hit the top ten
Then we can meet Mr Stuckie
And Pos' brother Lucky will preach
Let the wedding begin
Shot by an arrow of cupid
Through the string of a G-clef
My dear, I claim you're deaf
And if you can hear me, by golly gee
Trugoy is ready for what you possess
We could live in my Plug Two home
And on Mars where we could be all alone
And we make a song for two
Picture perfect things and I sing of how
Eye know I love you better
#DeLaSoul #EyeKnow #HipHop50
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/eyeknowID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Greetings girl and welcome to my world of phrase
I'm right up to bat
It's a Daisy Age and you're about to walk top-stage
So wipe your Lottos on the mat
Hip-hop love this is and don't mind when I quiz your
Involvements before the sun
But clear your court cause this is a one-man sport
And who's better for this than Plug One
Now you don't have to worry about me squashin' other deals
Cause they've already been squooshed
Freeze a frame about moods the same which we can continue
Right behind the bush
You'll stay with me
Eye Know this
But not because of all my Earthly treasures
Or regardless to the fact that I'm Posdnuos
But because
Eye know I love you better
May I cut this dance to introduce myself as
The chosen one to speak
Let me lay my hand across yours
And aim a kiss upon your cheek
The name's Plug Two
And from the soul I bring you
The D.A.I.S.Y. of your choice
May it be filled with the pleasure principle
In circumference to my voice
About those other Jennys I reckoned with
Lost them all like a homework excuse
This time the Magic Number is two
Cause it takes two, not three, to seduce
My destiny of love is brought to an apex
Sex is a mere molecule
In this world of love that I have for you
It's true
Eye know I love you better
Now it's time to let this rhyme style
Get somewhat poured in the mold
Hold my hand and we'll pick my plantation
Of daisies for a bouquet of soul
Life will begin at the cut of a rim
Take it as filled to the rim as in brim
Squeeze your stoop like Betty Boop
We'll make Campbell Alphabet Soup
And spell Plug One's within
Forward march is the say
When transistors will play
Come into bed is the move
Dolby Sound will be then top crown
When I put the needle into your groove
I got a good thing
And in full swing
I show this in gifts, words or letters
But even without those three
Eye know you'll be close to me cause
Eye know I love you better
It's I again and the soul that I send
Is taking steps to reach your heart
Any moment you feel alone
I can fill up your empty part
We can ascend 'til we reach De La heaven
And in a spin we'll hit the top ten
Then we can meet Mr Stuckie
And Pos' brother Lucky will preach
Let the wedding begin
Shot by an arrow of cupid
Through the string of a G-clef
My dear, I claim you're deaf
And if you can hear me, by golly gee
Trugoy is ready for what you possess
We could live in my Plug Two home
And on Mars where we could be all alone
And we make a song for two
Picture perfect things and I sing of how
Eye know I love you better
#DeLaSoul #EyeKnow #HipHop50
- published: 03 Feb 2023
- views: 2053423
De La Soul - Stakes Is High (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/stakesishighID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/stakesishighID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
When we talkin' 'bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High, you know them Stakes Is High
We be talkin bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
The instamatic focal point bringing damage to your borough
Be some brothers from the east with them beats that be thorough
Got the solar gravitation so I'm bound to pull it
I gets down like brothers are found ducking from bullets
Gun control means using both hands in my land
Where it's all about the cautious livin'
Migrating to a higher form of consequence, compliments
Of strugglin', that shouldn't be notable
Man every word I say should be a hip hop quotable
I'm sick of bitches shakin' asses
I'm sick of talkin' 'bout blunts, sick of Versace glasses
Sick of slang, sick of half-ass awards shows
Sick of name brand clothes
Sick of R&B; bitches over bullshit tracks
Cocaine and crack, which brings sickness to blacks
Sick of swoll head rappers with their sicker than raps
Clappers of gats, makin' the whole sick world collapse
The facts are gettin' sick, even sicker perhaps
Stickabush to make a bundle to escape this synapse
Man, life can get all up in your ass, baby, you betta work it out
Let me tell you what it's all about
A skin not considered equal
A meteor has more right than my people
Who be wastin' time screaming who they've hated
That's why the Native Tongues has officially been re-instated
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
When we talkin' 'bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High, y’all know them Stakes Is High
We we dealing with the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
Man them Stakes Is High
(what about that love?)
Yo, it's about love of cars, love for funds
Loving to love mad sex, loving to love guns
Love for opposite, love for fame and wealth
Love for the fact of no longer loving yourself, kid
We living in them days of the man-made ways
Where every aspect is vivid
These brothers no longer talk shit
Hey yo, these niggas live it
'Bout to give it to you 24/7 on the microphone
Plug One translating the zone
No offense to a player, but yo, I don't play
And if you take offense, fuck it, got to be that way
J.D. Dove, show your love, what you got to say?
I say G's are making figures at a high regard
And niggas dying for it nowadays ain't odd
Investing in fantasies and not God
Welcome to reality, see times is hard
People try to snatch the credit, but can't claim the card
Showing out in videos, saying they co-starred
See, shit like that will make your mama cry
Better watch the way you spend it cause the
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes is high
When you’re dealin with the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
Man them Stakes Is High
I think that smiling in public is against the law (what?)
Cause love don't get you through life no more
It's who you know and "How you, son?"
And how you gettin' in, and who the man holding heat
Yo, and how was the skins and how high
Yo what up, huh? I heard you caught a body
Seem like every man and woman shared a life with John Gotti
But they ain't organized!
Mixing crimes with life enzymes
Taking the big scout route and niggas know doubt
Better than they know their daughters and their sons
(Oh boy)
Yo, people go through pain and still don't gain
Positive contact just like my main man
Who got others cleaning up his physical and fluids
His mind got congested
He got the nine and blew it
Neighborhoods are now hoods cause nobody's neighbors
Just animals surviving with that animal behavior
Under I. who be rhyming from dark to light sky
Experiments when needles and skin connect
No wonder where we live is called the projects
When them Stakes Is High you damn sure try to do
Anything to get the piece of the pie
Electrify, even die for the cash
But at last I be out even though you wantin' more
This issue is closed like an elevator door
But soon re-opened once we get to the next floor where the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes is high
Y'all know them Stakes Is High
When we dealin’ with the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is high
Stakes Is high, come on
(Vibes, vibrations)
#DeLaSoul #StakesIsHigh #HipHop50
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/stakesishighID
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
When we talkin' 'bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High, you know them Stakes Is High
We be talkin bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
The instamatic focal point bringing damage to your borough
Be some brothers from the east with them beats that be thorough
Got the solar gravitation so I'm bound to pull it
I gets down like brothers are found ducking from bullets
Gun control means using both hands in my land
Where it's all about the cautious livin'
Migrating to a higher form of consequence, compliments
Of strugglin', that shouldn't be notable
Man every word I say should be a hip hop quotable
I'm sick of bitches shakin' asses
I'm sick of talkin' 'bout blunts, sick of Versace glasses
Sick of slang, sick of half-ass awards shows
Sick of name brand clothes
Sick of R&B; bitches over bullshit tracks
Cocaine and crack, which brings sickness to blacks
Sick of swoll head rappers with their sicker than raps
Clappers of gats, makin' the whole sick world collapse
The facts are gettin' sick, even sicker perhaps
Stickabush to make a bundle to escape this synapse
Man, life can get all up in your ass, baby, you betta work it out
Let me tell you what it's all about
A skin not considered equal
A meteor has more right than my people
Who be wastin' time screaming who they've hated
That's why the Native Tongues has officially been re-instated
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes Is High
When we talkin' 'bout the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High, y’all know them Stakes Is High
We we dealing with the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
Man them Stakes Is High
(what about that love?)
Yo, it's about love of cars, love for funds
Loving to love mad sex, loving to love guns
Love for opposite, love for fame and wealth
Love for the fact of no longer loving yourself, kid
We living in them days of the man-made ways
Where every aspect is vivid
These brothers no longer talk shit
Hey yo, these niggas live it
'Bout to give it to you 24/7 on the microphone
Plug One translating the zone
No offense to a player, but yo, I don't play
And if you take offense, fuck it, got to be that way
J.D. Dove, show your love, what you got to say?
I say G's are making figures at a high regard
And niggas dying for it nowadays ain't odd
Investing in fantasies and not God
Welcome to reality, see times is hard
People try to snatch the credit, but can't claim the card
Showing out in videos, saying they co-starred
See, shit like that will make your mama cry
Better watch the way you spend it cause the
Stakes Is High
You know them Stakes is high
When you’re dealin with the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is High
Man them Stakes Is High
I think that smiling in public is against the law (what?)
Cause love don't get you through life no more
It's who you know and "How you, son?"
And how you gettin' in, and who the man holding heat
Yo, and how was the skins and how high
Yo what up, huh? I heard you caught a body
Seem like every man and woman shared a life with John Gotti
But they ain't organized!
Mixing crimes with life enzymes
Taking the big scout route and niggas know doubt
Better than they know their daughters and their sons
(Oh boy)
Yo, people go through pain and still don't gain
Positive contact just like my main man
Who got others cleaning up his physical and fluids
His mind got congested
He got the nine and blew it
Neighborhoods are now hoods cause nobody's neighbors
Just animals surviving with that animal behavior
Under I. who be rhyming from dark to light sky
Experiments when needles and skin connect
No wonder where we live is called the projects
When them Stakes Is High you damn sure try to do
Anything to get the piece of the pie
Electrify, even die for the cash
But at last I be out even though you wantin' more
This issue is closed like an elevator door
But soon re-opened once we get to the next floor where the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes is high
Y'all know them Stakes Is High
When we dealin’ with the
(Vibes, vibrations)
Stakes Is high
Stakes Is high, come on
(Vibes, vibrations)
#DeLaSoul #StakesIsHigh #HipHop50
- published: 12 May 2023
- views: 971679
De La Soul - Breakadawn (Official Music Video) [HD]
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/BuhlooneMindstate
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/BuhlooneMindstate
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Uh one two, uh one two
Uh one two, uh one two
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Break of-
I was born in the Boogie Down cat scan
Where my building fell down on the rats and
People sold the super on a trip to the penile (penile)
While I settle off the shores of the Long Isle
My file is clean, I mean my mind is clear when I transmit
I am the manner of the family cause the pants fit
I want to let forensics prove, that I can mends Groove
Wit the thread from needle outta hay, I wanna say
Salutations to the nation of the Nubians
We bout to place you in that 3 Feet of stew again
I got the frequency to shatter Mrs. Jones' perm
I gotta "Hey Love" all the honeys cause they're short term
Tallyin the score I'm for the shottie in the jacket
For the brother he's a nigga when he packs it
So get your butt out the sling, I stung Muhammad float a note
That means I'm def, so like the autographs you sign until the break
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Ah one two, ah one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Break of-
Ayo, groove with the mayor, hazard on the sayer
Wave the eighteen mill, eat a still
Sack or bag of troubles, make the single double
Loop the coin and join the minimum wage
I had a plan if I was the man, I'd throw the J
Lay it low and late night I get sessed
Uncondition my ways, of the everyday sunset
Wagin’ my days, to the one bet
Cause your breaks'll have the carrot of cakes, whether mine
Out of line, I breeze into the early mornin'
Freak the WIC call and get a tap on my shoulder
Cause the days of the breaks, be just about over
The arts of the six won't play my bag of tricks
I got the sevens in my pocket somewhere
Reasons for the Cheer All Temperature here
I keep it to the rear, and then I'm exploding
I be the fab, I be the fabulous but see unlike the Chi
I got the flea up in the name (ah one two, ah one two)
Can't no one bend my cousin from the Peter Piper like the others
Latchin on to when I caught the fame (ah one two, ah one two)
Pass the task to ask me bout the Native Tongue again my friend
I tell you Jungle Brothers On the Run (ah one two, ah one two)
I'm shakin’ hands with many devils in the industry
Believe the Genesis like Phil with stills mean that I'm def
So like the autographs you sign until the
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
We in the mornin' at the end, but in the end I be the is
Cause in the mix, man, it's alright
Momma got the rhythm to my day-life
My pops gots enough so best to leave or sail the waves
To the Long I laid the anchor in the 'Ville
And how I relate, I stay inside of my gates
Paper days, mess up my mind, ground zero degrees
And the weather feels fine
You opened my eyes man, thought I had a man
But how could I eye-scan, I wasn't around
I seen the states and played the dates in the far-far
Gathered the new, from the zoas around
Grew up with Mikey Rodes and played the codes
Sometimes I don't budge, without my cous' Fuzz
A simple, "How ya do?" Ah check it from my friends and my crew
Makes it definitely special
Now there's no ‘Shiny Happy People’ in the crew we play the rough
I got the huff, and puff, to blow the house low
You know the never-ending factor while I'm over, tell a squid
I know an Enterprising brother, so report to the bridge
I bounce a ball with my left, a squid with my right
(Cause a squid is just a punk)
Yo he deserved to lose the fight
I might meander 'cross your dream, travellin' up the stream
Plug Wonder Wonder Why you're lonely tonight
We see the girls scream as if we're shocked by the live shell
Let's round em up and get 'em back to the hotel
Motel, holiday, inn-fact
I'm gonna let you know, once again, that De La Soul
Is sure to show you we will hit the charter harder
Than the normal rappin' fool
(Uh one two, uh one two)
#DeLaSoul #Breakadawn #HipHop50
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/BuhlooneMindstate
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
Uh one two, uh one two
Uh one two, uh one two
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn (uh one two, uh one two)
Break of-
I was born in the Boogie Down cat scan
Where my building fell down on the rats and
People sold the super on a trip to the penile (penile)
While I settle off the shores of the Long Isle
My file is clean, I mean my mind is clear when I transmit
I am the manner of the family cause the pants fit
I want to let forensics prove, that I can mends Groove
Wit the thread from needle outta hay, I wanna say
Salutations to the nation of the Nubians
We bout to place you in that 3 Feet of stew again
I got the frequency to shatter Mrs. Jones' perm
I gotta "Hey Love" all the honeys cause they're short term
Tallyin the score I'm for the shottie in the jacket
For the brother he's a nigga when he packs it
So get your butt out the sling, I stung Muhammad float a note
That means I'm def, so like the autographs you sign until the break
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Ah one two, ah one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Break of-
Ayo, groove with the mayor, hazard on the sayer
Wave the eighteen mill, eat a still
Sack or bag of troubles, make the single double
Loop the coin and join the minimum wage
I had a plan if I was the man, I'd throw the J
Lay it low and late night I get sessed
Uncondition my ways, of the everyday sunset
Wagin’ my days, to the one bet
Cause your breaks'll have the carrot of cakes, whether mine
Out of line, I breeze into the early mornin'
Freak the WIC call and get a tap on my shoulder
Cause the days of the breaks, be just about over
The arts of the six won't play my bag of tricks
I got the sevens in my pocket somewhere
Reasons for the Cheer All Temperature here
I keep it to the rear, and then I'm exploding
I be the fab, I be the fabulous but see unlike the Chi
I got the flea up in the name (ah one two, ah one two)
Can't no one bend my cousin from the Peter Piper like the others
Latchin on to when I caught the fame (ah one two, ah one two)
Pass the task to ask me bout the Native Tongue again my friend
I tell you Jungle Brothers On the Run (ah one two, ah one two)
I'm shakin’ hands with many devils in the industry
Believe the Genesis like Phil with stills mean that I'm def
So like the autographs you sign until the
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
Breakadawn, breakadawn
(Uh one two, uh one two)
We in the mornin' at the end, but in the end I be the is
Cause in the mix, man, it's alright
Momma got the rhythm to my day-life
My pops gots enough so best to leave or sail the waves
To the Long I laid the anchor in the 'Ville
And how I relate, I stay inside of my gates
Paper days, mess up my mind, ground zero degrees
And the weather feels fine
You opened my eyes man, thought I had a man
But how could I eye-scan, I wasn't around
I seen the states and played the dates in the far-far
Gathered the new, from the zoas around
Grew up with Mikey Rodes and played the codes
Sometimes I don't budge, without my cous' Fuzz
A simple, "How ya do?" Ah check it from my friends and my crew
Makes it definitely special
Now there's no ‘Shiny Happy People’ in the crew we play the rough
I got the huff, and puff, to blow the house low
You know the never-ending factor while I'm over, tell a squid
I know an Enterprising brother, so report to the bridge
I bounce a ball with my left, a squid with my right
(Cause a squid is just a punk)
Yo he deserved to lose the fight
I might meander 'cross your dream, travellin' up the stream
Plug Wonder Wonder Why you're lonely tonight
We see the girls scream as if we're shocked by the live shell
Let's round em up and get 'em back to the hotel
Motel, holiday, inn-fact
I'm gonna let you know, once again, that De La Soul
Is sure to show you we will hit the charter harder
Than the normal rappin' fool
(Uh one two, uh one two)
#DeLaSoul #Breakadawn #HipHop50
- published: 05 May 2023
- views: 1484302
Provided to YouTube by Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Breakadawn · De La Soul
Buhloone Mindstate
℗ 2023 A.O.I., LLC under exclusive license to Chrysalis Re...
Provided to YouTube by Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Breakadawn · De La Soul
Buhloone Mindstate
℗ 2023 A.O.I., LLC under exclusive license to Chrysalis Records Limited
Released on: 2023-03-03
Producer: De La Soul
Producer: Prince Paul
Composer: Kelvin Mercer
Composer: David Jolicoeur
Composer: Vincent Mason
Composer: Paul Huston
Composer: Rose Ella Jones
Composer: William Robinson
Composer: Susaye Greene
Composer: Stevie Wonder
Composer: Duke Ellington
Composer: Billy Strayhorn
Composer: John Latouche
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Reservoir Media Management, Inc.
Breakadawn · De La Soul
Buhloone Mindstate
℗ 2023 A.O.I., LLC under exclusive license to Chrysalis Records Limited
Released on: 2023-03-03
Producer: De La Soul
Producer: Prince Paul
Composer: Kelvin Mercer
Composer: David Jolicoeur
Composer: Vincent Mason
Composer: Paul Huston
Composer: Rose Ella Jones
Composer: William Robinson
Composer: Susaye Greene
Composer: Stevie Wonder
Composer: Duke Ellington
Composer: Billy Strayhorn
Composer: John Latouche
Auto-generated by YouTube.
- published: 02 Mar 2023
- views: 54536
What's Happening 2 Vol. 7 (full tape + visuals)
Get early access on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KEIFERGR33N
Stream, download & shop: https://www.keifergr33n.com
Thank you all so much for 15k subs. :)
Get early access on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KEIFERGR33N
Stream, download & shop: https://www.keifergr33n.com
Thank you all so much for 15k subs. :)
Track List:
01. Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE x DKC2 - Bayou Boogie (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (0:00)
02. Slim Thug - Thug (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (3:21)
03. Young Thug - Floyd Mayweather ft. Gucci Mane, Gunna & Travis Scott (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (6:16)
04. Dorrough - Ice Cream Paint Job x Chief Keef - Citgo (11:55)
05. De La Soul - Stakes is High x Peggy Lee - Johnny Guitar (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (15:09)
06. 21 Savage - No Advance (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (17:50)
07. Future - Out Of My Hands (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (21:08)
08. Migos - Need It ft. NBA Youngboy (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (23:49)
09. Young Thug - Take Kare (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (27:01)
10. Travis Scott - The London ft. J. Cole x DKC2 - Stickerbush Symphony (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (29:55)
11. Breaking Benjamin - So Cold x Denzel Curry - Ice Age (KEIFERGR33N Remix)
12. Travis Scott - A Team (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (33:59)
13. 2Chainz - Proud ft. YG (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (37:22)
14. Tyla Yaweh - Static x Triforce Heroes - Riverside (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (39:32)
15. Hoodrich Pablo Juan - We Don't Love Em x Young Dolph - Fuck it (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (41:26)
16. Playboi Carti - Splur Gang ft. UnoTheActivist & ThouxanbandFauni (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (44:11)
17. NLE Choppa - Slut Me Out 2 (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (47:07)
Get early access on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KEIFERGR33N
Stream, download & shop: https://www.keifergr33n.com
Thank you all so much for 15k subs. :)
Track List:
01. Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE x DKC2 - Bayou Boogie (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (0:00)
02. Slim Thug - Thug (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (3:21)
03. Young Thug - Floyd Mayweather ft. Gucci Mane, Gunna & Travis Scott (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (6:16)
04. Dorrough - Ice Cream Paint Job x Chief Keef - Citgo (11:55)
05. De La Soul - Stakes is High x Peggy Lee - Johnny Guitar (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (15:09)
06. 21 Savage - No Advance (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (17:50)
07. Future - Out Of My Hands (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (21:08)
08. Migos - Need It ft. NBA Youngboy (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (23:49)
09. Young Thug - Take Kare (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (27:01)
10. Travis Scott - The London ft. J. Cole x DKC2 - Stickerbush Symphony (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (29:55)
11. Breaking Benjamin - So Cold x Denzel Curry - Ice Age (KEIFERGR33N Remix)
12. Travis Scott - A Team (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (33:59)
13. 2Chainz - Proud ft. YG (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (37:22)
14. Tyla Yaweh - Static x Triforce Heroes - Riverside (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (39:32)
15. Hoodrich Pablo Juan - We Don't Love Em x Young Dolph - Fuck it (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (41:26)
16. Playboi Carti - Splur Gang ft. UnoTheActivist & ThouxanbandFauni (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (44:11)
17. NLE Choppa - Slut Me Out 2 (KEIFERGR33N Remix) (47:07)
- published: 28 Nov 2024
- views: 2693
De La Soul - The Magic Number (Official Lyric Video)
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/TheMagicNumber
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/TheMagicNumber
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
That's the Magic Number
Yes it is
It's the magic number
Somewhere in this hip-hop soul community
Was born three: Mase, Dove, and me
And that's the magic number
(What does it all mean?)
Difficult preaching is Posdnuos' pleasure
Pleasure and preaching starts in the heart
Something that stimulates the music in the measure
Measure in the music, raised in three parts
Casually see but don't do like the Soul
Cause seein' and doin' are actions for monkeys
Doin' hip hop hustle, no rock and roll
Unless your name's Brewster, cause Brewster's a Punk (three)
Parents let go cause there's magic in the air
Criticizing rap shows you're out of order
Stop look and listen to the phrase ya Fred Astaire’s
And don't get offended while Mase do-si-do's your daughter
A tri-camera rolls since our music's now set
Fly rhymes are stored on a D.A.I.S.Y. production
It stands for "Da Inner Sound, Y'all" and y'all can bet
That the action's not a trick, but showing the function
Everybody wants to be a deejay
Everybody wants to be an emcee
But being speakers are the best
And you don't have to guess
De La Soul posse consists of three
And that's the magic number
This here piece of the pie
Is not dessert but the course that we dine
And three out of every darn time
The effect is "Mmmm" when a daisy grows in your mind
Showing true position, this here piece is
Kissin' the part of the pie that's missin'
When that negative number fills up the casualty
Maybe you can subtract it
You can call it your lucky partner
Maybe you can call it your adjective
But odd as it may be
Without my one and two where would there be
My three
Mase Pos and Me
And that's the Magic Number
(What does it all mean?)
Focus is formed by flaunts to the soul
Souls who flaunt styles gain praises by pounds
Common are speakers who honor the scroll
Scroll written daily creates a new sound
Listeners listen cause this here is wisdom
Wisdom of a Speaker, a Dove and a Plug
Set aside a legal substance to feed ‘em
For now get 'em high off this dialect drug (Three)
Time is a factor so it's time that counts
Count not the negative actions of one
Speakers of soul say it's time to shout
Three forms the soul to a positive sum
Dance to this fix and flex every muscle
Space can be filled if you ride like my lumber
Advance to the tune but don't do the hustle
Shake, rattle, roll to my Magic Number (Three)
Now you may try to subtract it
But it just won't go away
Three times one?
(What is it?)
(One, two, three)
And that's a Magic Number
(Yo, what's up?)
(1, 2, 3)
(I say, children, what does it all mean?)
(Woah-woah-wo, 1, 2, 3)
(I wouldn't lie to you)
(No more no less, that's a magic number)
(No more no less)
(What is?)
(No more no less)
(Do the shing-a-ling)
(No more no less)
(Anybody in the audience ever get hit by a car?)
(No more no less)
(How high's the water, mama?)
(No more no less)
(How high's the water, mama?)
(No more no less)
(3 feet high and rising)
(No more no less)
(That's a magic number)
#DeLaSoul #TheMagicNumber #HipHop50
Video produced by F That https://f-th.at/
Listen/Stream - https://delasoul.lnk.to/TheMagicNumber
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wearedelasoul
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wearedelasoul
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wearedelasoul
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@wearedelasoul
Website - https://www.wearedelasoul.com
That's the Magic Number
Yes it is
It's the magic number
Somewhere in this hip-hop soul community
Was born three: Mase, Dove, and me
And that's the magic number
(What does it all mean?)
Difficult preaching is Posdnuos' pleasure
Pleasure and preaching starts in the heart
Something that stimulates the music in the measure
Measure in the music, raised in three parts
Casually see but don't do like the Soul
Cause seein' and doin' are actions for monkeys
Doin' hip hop hustle, no rock and roll
Unless your name's Brewster, cause Brewster's a Punk (three)
Parents let go cause there's magic in the air
Criticizing rap shows you're out of order
Stop look and listen to the phrase ya Fred Astaire’s
And don't get offended while Mase do-si-do's your daughter
A tri-camera rolls since our music's now set
Fly rhymes are stored on a D.A.I.S.Y. production
It stands for "Da Inner Sound, Y'all" and y'all can bet
That the action's not a trick, but showing the function
Everybody wants to be a deejay
Everybody wants to be an emcee
But being speakers are the best
And you don't have to guess
De La Soul posse consists of three
And that's the magic number
This here piece of the pie
Is not dessert but the course that we dine
And three out of every darn time
The effect is "Mmmm" when a daisy grows in your mind
Showing true position, this here piece is
Kissin' the part of the pie that's missin'
When that negative number fills up the casualty
Maybe you can subtract it
You can call it your lucky partner
Maybe you can call it your adjective
But odd as it may be
Without my one and two where would there be
My three
Mase Pos and Me
And that's the Magic Number
(What does it all mean?)
Focus is formed by flaunts to the soul
Souls who flaunt styles gain praises by pounds
Common are speakers who honor the scroll
Scroll written daily creates a new sound
Listeners listen cause this here is wisdom
Wisdom of a Speaker, a Dove and a Plug
Set aside a legal substance to feed ‘em
For now get 'em high off this dialect drug (Three)
Time is a factor so it's time that counts
Count not the negative actions of one
Speakers of soul say it's time to shout
Three forms the soul to a positive sum
Dance to this fix and flex every muscle
Space can be filled if you ride like my lumber
Advance to the tune but don't do the hustle
Shake, rattle, roll to my Magic Number (Three)
Now you may try to subtract it
But it just won't go away
Three times one?
(What is it?)
(One, two, three)
And that's a Magic Number
(Yo, what's up?)
(1, 2, 3)
(I say, children, what does it all mean?)
(Woah-woah-wo, 1, 2, 3)
(I wouldn't lie to you)
(No more no less, that's a magic number)
(No more no less)
(What is?)
(No more no less)
(Do the shing-a-ling)
(No more no less)
(Anybody in the audience ever get hit by a car?)
(No more no less)
(How high's the water, mama?)
(No more no less)
(How high's the water, mama?)
(No more no less)
(3 feet high and rising)
(No more no less)
(That's a magic number)
#DeLaSoul #TheMagicNumber #HipHop50
Video produced by F That https://f-th.at/
- published: 13 Jan 2023
- views: 1944458
Trinidad Cardona - Dinero
Listen Now to Dinero
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/TrinidadCMusic
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TrinidadCardonaMusic
Don’t forget to Subscribe:
Music video by Trinidad Cardona performing Dinero. (C) 2018 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
#TrinidadCardona #Dinero
published: 02 Feb 2018
We begin tonight’s newcast with news of a shooting incident in Tobago East…Police officers are currently guarding the Roxborough Hospital following a shooting which occurred late this afternoon in Argyle.
The victim, who is said to be originally from Trinidad, was shot multiple times and subsequently rushed to the Roxborough Hospital. She has since been identified only as “Dolly Boss”. We’ll keep you updated on this incident as more emerge. You can follow Tobago Updates on Facebook for up-to-date information.
published: 05 Aug 2024
11 BEST Things to Do in Trinidad and Tobago | Ultimate Bucket List Attractions! MUST SEE Places.
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Trinidad and Tobago.
Recommended Tours in Trinidad & Tobago:
The Grand Circle Island Tour 12 hour VIP ALL INCLUSIVE by ISLAND GIRL TOURS: https://www.viator.com/tours/Tobago/The-Grand-Circle-Island-Tour/d30971-159358P1?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Buccoo Reef and Nylon Pool Adventure: https://www.viator.com/tours/Tobago/Nylon-Pool-Tour/d30971-142854P3?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Trinidad Nighttime Food Tour: https://www.viator.com/tours/Trinidad/Night-Lime-Food-Tour/d30970-42595P1?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&med...;
published: 05 Feb 2023
Trinidad Cardona - Jennifer
Listen Now to Jennifer
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/TrinidadCMusic
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TrinidadCardonaMusic
Don’t forget to Subscribe:
Music video by Trinidad Cardona performing Jennifer. (C) 2017 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
published: 14 Nov 2017
Jala & Buba Corelli - Trinidad & Tobago
RedEye Vision i Tempo Vam predstavlju
Jala & Buba Corelli
Album/ Pakt s Đavolom
Mix/Master: Buba Corelli & Jala
Cover: Lycho
Visual Effects: Agrez (RedEye Films)
Booking: booking.redeye@gmail.com
RedEyeVision: https://www.facebook.com/RedeyeVision?fref=ts
Jala: https://www.facebook.com/BluntBylon
Buba Corelli: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buba-Corelli-G-recordz/225208854196397
RedEye Films Kontakt:
Poba: https://www.facebook.com/pobba
Agrez: https://www.facebook.com/agrez.csrecords
RedEye Studio Kontakt:
published: 15 Dec 2014
Jala & Buba Corelli - Trinidad & Tobago (Official HD video)
Bosnian Kingdom Clothing/
Directed by Arnej Misirlić
Label/ RedEye Vision T Tempo Production
Beat/ Jala
Mix/Master/ Jala & Buba Corelli
Recorded @ RedEye Studio
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copy...
published: 08 Mar 2015
Trinidad Cardona - Love Me Back (Official Video)
Stream/Download 'Love Me Back': https://TrinidadCardona.lnk.to/LoveMeBack
Follow Trinidad Cardona
#LoveMeBack #TrinidadCardona
Music video by Trinidad Cardona, Robinson performing Love Me Back (Fayahh Beat). © 2022 Artist Partner Group, Inc., under exclusive license to Def Jam Recordings, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
published: 06 May 2022
First time in Trinidad and Tobago!! 🇹🇹 20-HOUR STREET FOOD TOUR - Ultimate Food in Port of Spain!!
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago - Ultimate Street Food Tour!
🌶️ Get Smoked Ghost Pepper: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ (affiliate link)
🔔 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/MarkWiensSubscribe
PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - Welcome to Port of Spain, the Capital of Trinidad and Tobago islands in the Caribbean! I’m so excited to finally be here. So many of you have written to me over the years inviting me to visit for the amazing food and culture, so it’s really an honor to finally be here and to explore the incredible food. Let’s get started eating, we’re jumping straight into a massive 20 hour day of eating local street food!
Huge thank you to #visitTrinidad for inviting me to Trinidad and Tobago and for making this trip happen!
Friends in the video:
Zaak (Foodie Tales with Zaak): https://www.instagram.co...
published: 29 Oct 2022
Trinidad & Tobago on the World Stage: Culture & Influence 🌍🇹🇹 _Ep.5
Celebrate Trinidad and Tobago's journey to independence! Discover the challenges and triumphs that shaped the nation we know today.
published: 03 Aug 2024
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Trinidad and Tobago
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Trinidad and Tobago | Travel Tuesday
SUBSCRIBE to ALUX: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjPtOCvMrKY5eLwr_-7eUg?sub_confirmation=1
10 Most Beautiful Islands In The World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6S53GdThgQ&
In this Alux.com video we'll try to answer the following questions:
Where is Trinidad and Tobago?
What is Trinidad and Tobago?
When to go to Trinidad and Tobago?
How cheap is Trinidad and Tobago?
How safe is Trinidad and Tobago?
What can you do in Trinidad and Tobago?
What is Trinidad and Tobago famous for?
#alux #travel #trinidad
Most Expensive Things:
Luxury Cars:
published: 05 Feb 2019
Trinidad Cardona - Dinero
Listen Now to Dinero
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/TrinidadC...
Listen Now to Dinero
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/TrinidadCMusic
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TrinidadCardonaMusic
Don’t forget to Subscribe:
Music video by Trinidad Cardona performing Dinero. (C) 2018 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
#TrinidadCardona #Dinero
Listen Now to Dinero
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/TrinidadCMusic
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TrinidadCardonaMusic
Don’t forget to Subscribe:
Music video by Trinidad Cardona performing Dinero. (C) 2018 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
#TrinidadCardona #Dinero
- published: 02 Feb 2018
- views: 75609794
We begin tonight’s newcast with news of a shooting incident in Tobago East…Police officers are currently guarding the Roxborough Hospital following a shooting w...
We begin tonight’s newcast with news of a shooting incident in Tobago East…Police officers are currently guarding the Roxborough Hospital following a shooting which occurred late this afternoon in Argyle.
The victim, who is said to be originally from Trinidad, was shot multiple times and subsequently rushed to the Roxborough Hospital. She has since been identified only as “Dolly Boss”. We’ll keep you updated on this incident as more emerge. You can follow Tobago Updates on Facebook for up-to-date information.
We begin tonight’s newcast with news of a shooting incident in Tobago East…Police officers are currently guarding the Roxborough Hospital following a shooting which occurred late this afternoon in Argyle.
The victim, who is said to be originally from Trinidad, was shot multiple times and subsequently rushed to the Roxborough Hospital. She has since been identified only as “Dolly Boss”. We’ll keep you updated on this incident as more emerge. You can follow Tobago Updates on Facebook for up-to-date information.
- published: 05 Aug 2024
- views: 1304
11 BEST Things to Do in Trinidad and Tobago | Ultimate Bucket List Attractions! MUST SEE Places.
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Trinidad and Tobago.
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Trinidad and Tobago.
Recommended Tours in Trinidad & Tobago:
The Grand Circle Island Tour 12 hour VIP ALL INCLUSIVE by ISLAND GIRL TOURS: https://www.viator.com/tours/Tobago/The-Grand-Circle-Island-Tour/d30971-159358P1?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Buccoo Reef and Nylon Pool Adventure: https://www.viator.com/tours/Tobago/Nylon-Pool-Tour/d30971-142854P3?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Trinidad Nighttime Food Tour: https://www.viator.com/tours/Trinidad/Night-Lime-Food-Tour/d30970-42595P1?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Trinidad Highlights and Scenic Drive Tour: https://www.viator.com/tours/Trinidad/Trinidad-Highlights-and-Scenic-Drive-Tour/d30970-4130POS_CS?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Get ready to embark on a journey of adventure and cultural discovery in Trinidad and Tobago. In this video, you'll see some of the most breathtaking sights and experiences that this island nation has to offer. From the breathtaking Argyle Waterfall to the bustling Port of Spain, you'll be amazed at what Trinidad and Tobago has to offer. Explore the National Museum and Art Gallery and learn about the rich history and cultural heritage of this island nation.
Take a stroll along the stunning Englishman Bay and soak up the sun while taking in the breathtaking views. If you're looking for a truly unique cultural experience, don't miss the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. This annual celebration is filled with music, dance, and colorful costumes, and is a must-see for anyone visiting the island.
Relax and unwind on the beautiful Maracas Bay and take a dip in the turquoise waters. Learn about the history of Trinidad and Tobago at the Fort King George and immerse yourself in nature at the Main Ridge Forest Reserve. The Nylon Pool is a popular destination for its crystal-clear waters, and is a must-visit for anyone looking for a serene and tranquil escape.
For those looking for a spiritual retreat, a visit to St. Benedict Monastery is a must. This beautiful place of worship is surrounded by lush greenery and is a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The Asa Wright Nature Center is a bird-watcher's paradise and offers the opportunity to see some of the most exotic species of birds in the world.
So, don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore the best of what Trinidad and Tobago has to offer. Join us as we take you on a journey to discover the hidden gems and must-see sights of this island nation. Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with adventure, culture, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Keep watching to see the top things to do in Trinidad and Tobago, top attractions in Trinidad and Tobago, places to visit in the Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean travel guides.
Subscribe for travel inspiration videos and travel guides! Inspired by Touropia, expedia, Wolters World, Beautiful Destinations, MojoTravels & Tourradar.
Inspired by TOBAGO - TRAVEL GUIDE in Trinidad & Tobago with ALL top sights in 4K + Drone - English
Inspired by TOBAGO : TOP 10 THINGS to See & Do | Travel Guide
Inspired by Visiting Trinidad of Trinidad & Tobago
Inspired by First time in Trinidad and Tobago!! 🇹🇹 20-HOUR STREET FOOD TOUR - Ultimate Food in Port of Spain!!
Also check out: 9 BEST Things to Do in Saint Kitts and Nevis (& Places to Visit) | Caribbean Travel hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9XINcc2uwE
Also check out: 11 BEST Things to Do in Trinidad and Tobago | Ultimate Bucket List Attractions! MUST SEE Places https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Cw7MePqN0
Also check out: 13 BEST Things to do in the Bahamas (& Places to Visit) | Bahamas Travel Guide | Caribbean Tourism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtfYRIV0zYk
Music from https://freetousemusic.com
Track: Island by shandr
(PG Clean, Family Friendly For kids, No Swearing)
How to find cheap flights and travel more: https://travelforalmostfree.com/ref=beforeyougo2 // Here are the best things to do in Trinidad and Tobago.
Recommended Tours in Trinidad & Tobago:
The Grand Circle Island Tour 12 hour VIP ALL INCLUSIVE by ISLAND GIRL TOURS: https://www.viator.com/tours/Tobago/The-Grand-Circle-Island-Tour/d30971-159358P1?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Buccoo Reef and Nylon Pool Adventure: https://www.viator.com/tours/Tobago/Nylon-Pool-Tour/d30971-142854P3?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Trinidad Nighttime Food Tour: https://www.viator.com/tours/Trinidad/Night-Lime-Food-Tour/d30970-42595P1?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Trinidad Highlights and Scenic Drive Tour: https://www.viator.com/tours/Trinidad/Trinidad-Highlights-and-Scenic-Drive-Tour/d30970-4130POS_CS?pid=P00104625&mcid;=42383&medium;=link&medium;_version=selector&campaign;=yt-trinidad-desc
Get ready to embark on a journey of adventure and cultural discovery in Trinidad and Tobago. In this video, you'll see some of the most breathtaking sights and experiences that this island nation has to offer. From the breathtaking Argyle Waterfall to the bustling Port of Spain, you'll be amazed at what Trinidad and Tobago has to offer. Explore the National Museum and Art Gallery and learn about the rich history and cultural heritage of this island nation.
Take a stroll along the stunning Englishman Bay and soak up the sun while taking in the breathtaking views. If you're looking for a truly unique cultural experience, don't miss the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. This annual celebration is filled with music, dance, and colorful costumes, and is a must-see for anyone visiting the island.
Relax and unwind on the beautiful Maracas Bay and take a dip in the turquoise waters. Learn about the history of Trinidad and Tobago at the Fort King George and immerse yourself in nature at the Main Ridge Forest Reserve. The Nylon Pool is a popular destination for its crystal-clear waters, and is a must-visit for anyone looking for a serene and tranquil escape.
For those looking for a spiritual retreat, a visit to St. Benedict Monastery is a must. This beautiful place of worship is surrounded by lush greenery and is a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The Asa Wright Nature Center is a bird-watcher's paradise and offers the opportunity to see some of the most exotic species of birds in the world.
So, don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore the best of what Trinidad and Tobago has to offer. Join us as we take you on a journey to discover the hidden gems and must-see sights of this island nation. Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with adventure, culture, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Keep watching to see the top things to do in Trinidad and Tobago, top attractions in Trinidad and Tobago, places to visit in the Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean travel guides.
Subscribe for travel inspiration videos and travel guides! Inspired by Touropia, expedia, Wolters World, Beautiful Destinations, MojoTravels & Tourradar.
Inspired by TOBAGO - TRAVEL GUIDE in Trinidad & Tobago with ALL top sights in 4K + Drone - English
Inspired by TOBAGO : TOP 10 THINGS to See & Do | Travel Guide
Inspired by Visiting Trinidad of Trinidad & Tobago
Inspired by First time in Trinidad and Tobago!! 🇹🇹 20-HOUR STREET FOOD TOUR - Ultimate Food in Port of Spain!!
Also check out: 9 BEST Things to Do in Saint Kitts and Nevis (& Places to Visit) | Caribbean Travel hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9XINcc2uwE
Also check out: 11 BEST Things to Do in Trinidad and Tobago | Ultimate Bucket List Attractions! MUST SEE Places https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Cw7MePqN0
Also check out: 13 BEST Things to do in the Bahamas (& Places to Visit) | Bahamas Travel Guide | Caribbean Tourism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtfYRIV0zYk
Music from https://freetousemusic.com
Track: Island by shandr
(PG Clean, Family Friendly For kids, No Swearing)
- published: 05 Feb 2023
- views: 100106
Trinidad Cardona - Jennifer
Listen Now to Jennifer
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/Trin...
Listen Now to Jennifer
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/TrinidadCMusic
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TrinidadCardonaMusic
Don’t forget to Subscribe:
Music video by Trinidad Cardona performing Jennifer. (C) 2017 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Listen Now to Jennifer
Follow Trinidad
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/trinidad/
Twitter https://twitter.com/TrinidadCMusic
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TrinidadCardonaMusic
Don’t forget to Subscribe:
Music video by Trinidad Cardona performing Jennifer. (C) 2017 Island Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
- published: 14 Nov 2017
- views: 79283115
Jala & Buba Corelli - Trinidad & Tobago
RedEye Vision i Tempo Vam predstavlju
Jala & Buba Corelli
Album/ Pakt s Đavolom
Mix/Master: Buba Corelli & Jala
Cover: Lycho
Visual Effects: Agrez (RedEye Film...
RedEye Vision i Tempo Vam predstavlju
Jala & Buba Corelli
Album/ Pakt s Đavolom
Mix/Master: Buba Corelli & Jala
Cover: Lycho
Visual Effects: Agrez (RedEye Films)
Booking: booking.redeye@gmail.com
RedEyeVision: https://www.facebook.com/RedeyeVision?fref=ts
Jala: https://www.facebook.com/BluntBylon
Buba Corelli: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buba-Corelli-G-recordz/225208854196397
RedEye Films Kontakt:
Poba: https://www.facebook.com/pobba
Agrez: https://www.facebook.com/agrez.csrecords
RedEye Studio Kontakt:
Jala: https://www.facebook.com/BluntBylon
Buba Corelli: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buba-Corelli-G-recordz/225208854196397
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
RedEye Vision i Tempo Vam predstavlju
Jala & Buba Corelli
Album/ Pakt s Đavolom
Mix/Master: Buba Corelli & Jala
Cover: Lycho
Visual Effects: Agrez (RedEye Films)
Booking: booking.redeye@gmail.com
RedEyeVision: https://www.facebook.com/RedeyeVision?fref=ts
Jala: https://www.facebook.com/BluntBylon
Buba Corelli: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buba-Corelli-G-recordz/225208854196397
RedEye Films Kontakt:
Poba: https://www.facebook.com/pobba
Agrez: https://www.facebook.com/agrez.csrecords
RedEye Studio Kontakt:
Jala: https://www.facebook.com/BluntBylon
Buba Corelli: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Buba-Corelli-G-recordz/225208854196397
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
- published: 15 Dec 2014
- views: 4023263
Jala & Buba Corelli - Trinidad & Tobago (Official HD video)
Bosnian Kingdom Clothing/
Directed by Arnej Misirlić
Label/ RedEye Vision T Tempo Production
Beat/ Jala
Bosnian Kingdom Clothing/
Directed by Arnej Misirlić
Label/ RedEye Vision T Tempo Production
Beat/ Jala
Mix/Master/ Jala & Buba Corelli
Recorded @ RedEye Studio
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Contact for YouTube, Distribution, Product placement, Partnerships
E-mail: imperia@emdcnetwork.com
YouTube & Digital distribution:
EMDC Network
✔Facebook: http://emdc.yt/EMDCFB
✔Instagram: http://emdc.yt/EMDCIN
✔Web: http://emdcnetwork.com
Bosnian Kingdom Clothing/
Directed by Arnej Misirlić
Label/ RedEye Vision T Tempo Production
Beat/ Jala
Mix/Master/ Jala & Buba Corelli
Recorded @ RedEye Studio
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Contact for YouTube, Distribution, Product placement, Partnerships
E-mail: imperia@emdcnetwork.com
YouTube & Digital distribution:
EMDC Network
✔Facebook: http://emdc.yt/EMDCFB
✔Instagram: http://emdc.yt/EMDCIN
✔Web: http://emdcnetwork.com
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 11245381
Trinidad Cardona - Love Me Back (Official Video)
Stream/Download 'Love Me Back': https://TrinidadCardona.lnk.to/LoveMeBack
Follow Trinidad Cardona
Stream/Download 'Love Me Back': https://TrinidadCardona.lnk.to/LoveMeBack
Follow Trinidad Cardona
#LoveMeBack #TrinidadCardona
Music video by Trinidad Cardona, Robinson performing Love Me Back (Fayahh Beat). © 2022 Artist Partner Group, Inc., under exclusive license to Def Jam Recordings, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
Stream/Download 'Love Me Back': https://TrinidadCardona.lnk.to/LoveMeBack
Follow Trinidad Cardona
#LoveMeBack #TrinidadCardona
Music video by Trinidad Cardona, Robinson performing Love Me Back (Fayahh Beat). © 2022 Artist Partner Group, Inc., under exclusive license to Def Jam Recordings, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
- published: 06 May 2022
- views: 69679792
First time in Trinidad and Tobago!! 🇹🇹 20-HOUR STREET FOOD TOUR - Ultimate Food in Port of Spain!!
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago - Ultimate Street Food Tour!
🌶️ Get Smoked Ghost Pepper: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ (affiliate link)
🔔 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/MarkWiensSub...
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago - Ultimate Street Food Tour!
🌶️ Get Smoked Ghost Pepper: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ (affiliate link)
🔔 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/MarkWiensSubscribe
PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - Welcome to Port of Spain, the Capital of Trinidad and Tobago islands in the Caribbean! I’m so excited to finally be here. So many of you have written to me over the years inviting me to visit for the amazing food and culture, so it’s really an honor to finally be here and to explore the incredible food. Let’s get started eating, we’re jumping straight into a massive 20 hour day of eating local street food!
Huge thank you to #visitTrinidad for inviting me to Trinidad and Tobago and for making this trip happen!
Friends in the video:
Zaak (Foodie Tales with Zaak): https://www.instagram.com/foodietaleswithzaak/
Baidawi (Eatahfood): https://www.instagram.com/eatahfoodtt/
David (D’Market Movers): https://www.instagram.com/dmarketmovers/
Brent (Hungry Belly 868): https://www.instagram.com/hungrybelly868/
And here’s everything we did in the video, and all the food we ate:
Central Market - We started off today at the Central Market in Port of Spain, bright and early in the morning before 7 am. And with Baidawi and David, who go to the market every weekend to do their shopping and have breakfast, we were in the right hands. After exploring the market and the amazing produce and ingredients that go into food in Trinidad and Tobago we then headed to the food court for some local fish broth and cow heel soup.
EatAhFood - Baidawi makes fantastic food videos, especially recipes, and so we bought ingredients and headed back to his house to cook Callaloo, an Afro Caribbean food of simmered down taro leaves and pumpkin and coconut milk. It was so good!
Roti - One of the greatest of all Trinidadian foods is roti - different from anywhere else. The rotis are huge and fresh and then stuffed with pumpkin, potato, and curry of your choice. An afternoon bulging roti with Zaak, was absolutely delicious.
Queens Park Savannah - Port of Spain - To continue on with this street food tour in Trinidad and Tobago, we went to Queens Park Savannah for a coconut and then continued on to the evening street food market to sample a bunch of different local foods - everything from doubles to pholourie and roast fish.
Yousef Gyro (https://goo.gl/maps/vJkVQL9S5zMSSnGw5) - Trinidad and Tobago is so diverse and there’s even a local Middle Eastern population including Yousef Gyro, owned by descendants of Syrian immigrants. They make all sorts of wraps and gyros and combinations you won’t find anywhere else. This is the ultimate late night food in Trinidad!
Dass Doubles Factory (https://goo.gl/maps/X6yvzWiQi9WscWdc6) - We did have a quick doubles at the street food night market, but we went to Dass Doubles Factory for the real deal late night doubles. They made the barras fresh and load them up with heavy peppa sauce and delicious curry chickpeas.
Hadco Phase II Pan Groove Orchestra Pan Yard (https://www.instagram.com/hadcophase2pangroove/) - Finally to complete this day we were treated to a panyard lime to see the ultimate instrument of Trinidad and Tobago - steel pan! It was so cool to see and an amazing way to wrap up this ultimate street food tour - and they have delicious food!
Again, thank you to everyone who made this video possible and to #visitTrinidad!
Instagram: https://instagram.com/migrationology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
🌶️ NEW: Smoked Ghost Pepper Available Now: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ (affiliate link on Amazon in US. Coming soon to Canada and worldwide)
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago - Ultimate Street Food Tour!
🌶️ Get Smoked Ghost Pepper: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ (affiliate link)
🔔 Subscribe: http://bit.ly/MarkWiensSubscribe
PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - Welcome to Port of Spain, the Capital of Trinidad and Tobago islands in the Caribbean! I’m so excited to finally be here. So many of you have written to me over the years inviting me to visit for the amazing food and culture, so it’s really an honor to finally be here and to explore the incredible food. Let’s get started eating, we’re jumping straight into a massive 20 hour day of eating local street food!
Huge thank you to #visitTrinidad for inviting me to Trinidad and Tobago and for making this trip happen!
Friends in the video:
Zaak (Foodie Tales with Zaak): https://www.instagram.com/foodietaleswithzaak/
Baidawi (Eatahfood): https://www.instagram.com/eatahfoodtt/
David (D’Market Movers): https://www.instagram.com/dmarketmovers/
Brent (Hungry Belly 868): https://www.instagram.com/hungrybelly868/
And here’s everything we did in the video, and all the food we ate:
Central Market - We started off today at the Central Market in Port of Spain, bright and early in the morning before 7 am. And with Baidawi and David, who go to the market every weekend to do their shopping and have breakfast, we were in the right hands. After exploring the market and the amazing produce and ingredients that go into food in Trinidad and Tobago we then headed to the food court for some local fish broth and cow heel soup.
EatAhFood - Baidawi makes fantastic food videos, especially recipes, and so we bought ingredients and headed back to his house to cook Callaloo, an Afro Caribbean food of simmered down taro leaves and pumpkin and coconut milk. It was so good!
Roti - One of the greatest of all Trinidadian foods is roti - different from anywhere else. The rotis are huge and fresh and then stuffed with pumpkin, potato, and curry of your choice. An afternoon bulging roti with Zaak, was absolutely delicious.
Queens Park Savannah - Port of Spain - To continue on with this street food tour in Trinidad and Tobago, we went to Queens Park Savannah for a coconut and then continued on to the evening street food market to sample a bunch of different local foods - everything from doubles to pholourie and roast fish.
Yousef Gyro (https://goo.gl/maps/vJkVQL9S5zMSSnGw5) - Trinidad and Tobago is so diverse and there’s even a local Middle Eastern population including Yousef Gyro, owned by descendants of Syrian immigrants. They make all sorts of wraps and gyros and combinations you won’t find anywhere else. This is the ultimate late night food in Trinidad!
Dass Doubles Factory (https://goo.gl/maps/X6yvzWiQi9WscWdc6) - We did have a quick doubles at the street food night market, but we went to Dass Doubles Factory for the real deal late night doubles. They made the barras fresh and load them up with heavy peppa sauce and delicious curry chickpeas.
Hadco Phase II Pan Groove Orchestra Pan Yard (https://www.instagram.com/hadcophase2pangroove/) - Finally to complete this day we were treated to a panyard lime to see the ultimate instrument of Trinidad and Tobago - steel pan! It was so cool to see and an amazing way to wrap up this ultimate street food tour - and they have delicious food!
Again, thank you to everyone who made this video possible and to #visitTrinidad!
Instagram: https://instagram.com/migrationology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
🌶️ NEW: Smoked Ghost Pepper Available Now: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ (affiliate link on Amazon in US. Coming soon to Canada and worldwide)
- published: 29 Oct 2022
- views: 5108288
Trinidad & Tobago on the World Stage: Culture & Influence 🌍🇹🇹 _Ep.5
Celebrate Trinidad and Tobago's journey to independence! Discover the challenges and triumphs that shaped the nation we know today.
Celebrate Trinidad and Tobago's journey to independence! Discover the challenges and triumphs that shaped the nation we know today.
Celebrate Trinidad and Tobago's journey to independence! Discover the challenges and triumphs that shaped the nation we know today.
- published: 03 Aug 2024
- views: 434
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Trinidad and Tobago
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Trinidad and Tobago | Travel Tuesday
SUBSCRIBE to ALUX: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjPtOCvMrKY5eLwr_-7eUg?sub_confirmati...
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Trinidad and Tobago | Travel Tuesday
SUBSCRIBE to ALUX: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNjPtOCvMrKY5eLwr_-7eUg?sub_confirmation=1
10 Most Beautiful Islands In The World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6S53GdThgQ&
In this Alux.com video we'll try to answer the following questions:
Where is Trinidad and Tobago?
What is Trinidad and Tobago?
When to go to Trinidad and Tobago?
How cheap is Trinidad and Tobago?
How safe is Trinidad and Tobago?
What can you do in Trinidad and Tobago?
What is Trinidad and Tobago famous for?
#alux #travel #trinidad
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15 Things You Didn’t Know About Trinidad and Tobago | Travel Tuesday
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In this Alux.com video we'll try to answer the following questions:
Where is Trinidad and Tobago?
What is Trinidad and Tobago?
When to go to Trinidad and Tobago?
How cheap is Trinidad and Tobago?
How safe is Trinidad and Tobago?
What can you do in Trinidad and Tobago?
What is Trinidad and Tobago famous for?
#alux #travel #trinidad
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- published: 05 Feb 2019
- views: 1061634