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What is a chapter admin?

Each national, regional and local IOPS chapter can have a member appointed as their site administrator (admin). Any admins that are appointed now, during the IOPS interim phase, are temporary, until such a time that the chapter or branch members are able to meet, make collective decisions and choose who they wish to appoint in the admin role.

Role of the admin

The role of the admin is to manage the display of content for their chapter pages, using an easy-to-use administration panel. Chapter admins are also encouraged to take a leading role in facilitating communication and growth of their chapter.

Home Page: The admin can select a featured post, create new content boxes and fill with content they deem useful and appropriate, position the order of the content boxes and add new pages to the left menu.

Forum: The admin can create new forum categories to enable disucssion by members on issues relating to their chapter. Useful categories can include 'strategy', 'actions/tactics', 'general', etc.

Blogs/events/projects: The admin can manage content and comments for blogs, events and projects in their chapter.

Point of contact: The admin is the main point of contact for the chapter.

Admins can access the admin panel via a link in their user dropdown menu: