Insurrectionary Anarchists
   of the Coast Salish Territories

      (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

Against Capitalism and Colonization


February 12, 2009, Anti-Olympic Torch March in Vancouver.
More info and photos at:


On Monday, April 28th, 2008 Indigenous Warriors on Coast Salish Territory
blocked a vital intersection used for commercial shipping to the United States.
The action was done in solidarity with the Tyendinaga Mohawk community.
Five Warriors from Tyendinaga had been arrested and attacked
by the OPP days before.


FRCC (Fraser Regional Correctional Centre) Riot! Break the Prisons
Downtown Eastside, Vancouver, April 10, 2008
Second riot at Fraser Regional prison in six months
(Confrontation website, February 2008)


Police Informant Darren Thurston to Return to Vancouver

Social Conflict in East Vancouver (link)

Indigenous Anti-Olympics Resistance

Attacking the Olympics and it's project: Canada, Greece and Italy

Remembering Jim Campbell

Anarchist Solidarity with Indigenous Warrior John Graham

Insurrectionary Anarchist Projects and Social Conflict in Vancouver
(link to AMOC #1, March 2006)

The Beat of Frances Street: Squatting in East Vancouver (1990)


International Olympics Resistance
(China & Russia)

Dispatch from a Midwestern City

Solidarity and Revolt Across Borders

Global Food Riots

No Borders Camp: Unpolished Notes on a Glorious Week for Anarcho-Liberalism

Break the Silence: Repression of Anarchists in Italy

Anarchy, Activism, and Insurrection: A Conversation with A Murder of Crows

Greek Anarchist Solidarity with Refugees and Immigrants

Ideas & Analysis

Acts of Rebellion

Social Struggles around the World

Indigenous Resistance

Prison & Repression





Contact: iacst(at)yahoo(dot)ca


This website does not represent an organization. It's purpose is to document analysis of the class war in Vancouver, British Columbia, and around the world. Vancouver is the traditional territory of the indigenous Coast Salish peoples of the Sto:lo, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh (Burrard) Nations.

Legal Disclaimer: This website is for entertainment purposes only and does not encourage illegal actions.

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