The Great Forgetting: You Probably Haven't Heard about It But It Completely Affects Your Life
Deep Ecology Hub · 3,015 views today · This article summarizes the ideas of Daniel Quinn, first written about in The Story of B, which was a sequel to Ishmael. The longer, original essay can be read here, and comes highly recommended, especially if you find yourself disagreeing with the summary below. Most disagreements we've
The Story of the Chinese Farmer
2 min · 2,661 views today · "The whole process of nature is a process of immense complexity and it is really impossible to tell whether something that happens in it is good or bad." A parable about life...
For 40 Years, Liberals Have Accepted Defeat and Called It “Incremental Progress.”
Matt Karp · 2,586 views today · Bernie Sanders offers a different way forward.
Climate Change Crisis (Bernie Sanders Vs Hillary Clinton)
4 min · 1,544 views today · What are Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton going to do about Climate Change? We are under attack, and the attack is coming from climate change. Al Gore warns Bernie Sanders...
The Old Paradigm’s Demoralizing Orthodoxies Make Us Confuse Despair With Realism
Arlene Goldbard · 1,471 views today · Undergraduates ask me how to keep from getting cynical and demoralized, and my first question is how much mainstream news media they consume each day.
I Believe In The Good Things Coming
7 min · 1,166 views today · Uplifting and inspritational music video from Nahko and Medicine for the People, taken from their album Black as Night. Features footage of the band on the road and the...
The Asshole Factory
Umair Haque · 1,150 views today · My good friend Mara has not one but two graduate degrees. From fine, storied universities. Surprise, surprise: the only “job” she was able to find was at a retail...
The Mental Disease of Late-Stage Capitalism
Joe Brewer · 990 views today · I’ve been talking with a lot of my friends recently — in private where they felt comfortable letting their guard down — about the dirty little secret no one is supposed to talk...
Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek)
David Cain · 865 views today · Well I’m in the working world again. I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it’s returning to normal after my nine months...
Monsanto: The Poison Expert That Wants to Feed Us
5 min · 856 views today · Is the ‘old’ Monsanto, the one responsible for producing Agent Orange, PCB’s and DDT and a terrible record at covering up and denying the tragedies that have resulted from...
Depression Is a Disease of Civilization: Hunter-Gatherers Hold the Key to the Cure
Sara Burrows · 801 views today · Depression is a global epidemic. It is the main driver behind suicide, which now claims more than a million lives per year worldwide. One in four Americans will suffer from...
Today I Rise: This Beautiful Short Film Is Like a Love Poem For Your Heart and Soul
4 min · 798 views today · "The world is missing what I am ready to give: My Wisdom, My Sweetness, My Love and My hunger for Peace." "Where are you? Where are you, little girl with broken wings but full...
Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Clip From Samsara Will Make You Speechless
6 min · 768 views today · Can you put this video into words? It's a clip from the phenomenal documentary Samsara, directed by Ron Fricke, who also made Baraka.  If you're interested in watching...
John Lennon's "Imagine," Made Into A Comic Strip
John Lennon. Art by Pablo Stanley · 765 views today · This is easily the best comic strip ever made.  Pabl
A Hauntingly Beautiful Short Film About Life and Death
5 min · 647 views today · The Life of Death is a touching handdrawn animation about the day Death fell in love with Life.
For First Time Ever, a Majority of People Identify as 'Global Citizens'
Nadia Prupis · 645 views today · People around the world are increasingly identifying as global citizens, according to a new BBC poll that shines a light on changing attitudes about immigration, inequality...
Looking for More Meaning in Your life? Then Be a Part of This Movement. Be a Part of This Story.
6 min · 643 views today · It's happening. A movement of movements representing millions of people in every country of the world, all working to create an ecologically sustainable, spiritually...
The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
Films For Action · 552 views today · A more beautiful, just and sustainable world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!
HUMAN (2015)
382 min · 482 views today · What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight? That we laugh? Cry? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery?  Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist...
"Desert Goddess" Remembers Arizona's Glen Canyon
7 min · 431 views today · In this excerpt from the award-winning documentary DamNation, filmmakers Ben Knight and Travis Rummel interview the "desert goddess," Katie Lee. When the Glen Canyon Dam was...
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New Member Submitted Content
A Call to Rise Up!
2 min · Although this short film was made as a call to action on climate change on December 12 2015, its message is universal and timeless.
Three Black Journalists Talk About the L.A. Riots, 24 Years Later
Dexter Thomas · For a lot of people born after the 1990s, the movie “Straight Outta Compton” may well be their first real exposure to the beating of Rodney King, or the L.A. riots. In the...
Why Are People Uncomfortable With the Word "Vagina"?
2 min · A substitute teacher in Michigan was fired for using the word “vagina” in an art history class and this isn’t the first time this has happened in Michigan. Why are people so...
Leaked TTIP Documents Confirm Corporate Power Grab at Heart of EU/US Trade Deal
Andrew Butler · Greenpeace have leaked 248 pages of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiating texts, confirming worst fears of environmentalists and social justice...
May Day Rallies Worldwide Demand Workers' Rights
Andrea Germanos · In U.S. " there’s manufactured ignorance that prevents us from knowing about May Day," says historian
Peace Vs. Justice!
Michael Holtzman · Imagine you are a diplomat in the US government. You have just been informed that Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, is willing to negotiate a transfer of power to the...
Seed Bombing: How Thailand Plans to Restore Its Forests
1 min · Aerial reforestation, or seed bombing, is a method for repairing deforested land.
Haiti Kid With Camera Hits Hollywood in his film he promote change
Romane Simon · HELLO AMERICA!—We have got to face and understand the effect Hollywood has on millions of people all over the world. When they first view those magic moving images in a theater...
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Popular Films
Jacque Fresco - A Story of Change
13 min · "Every action and decision we take - or don't - ripples into the future. For the first time we have the capability, the technology, and the knowledge to direct these ripples."
Neil DeGrasse Tyson - The Most Human Activity
5 min · "We spend the first year of a child's life teaching them to walk and talk and the rest of its life to shut up and sit down. There's something wrong there."
Carl Sagan - Who Speaks for Earth?
7 min · "We have heard the rationales offered by the super powers. We know who speaks for the nations. But who speaks for the human species, who speaks for Earth?" - Carl Sagan​
Peter Joseph - The Revolution of Values
3 min · "The real revolution is the revolution of values". - Peter Joseph Music: Bruno Coulais - Le temps des découverte & À l'aventure Facebook ...
Brilliantly Articulated Animation About Mass Incarceration In The US
4 min · Thanks to Visually ( for facilitating the creation of this video, to for the animation, and to The Prison Policy Initiative for...
Listen to The Wire Creator David Simon Explode Lies with Truth. It Made My Jaw Hit the Floor.
27 min · From crime beat reporter for the BALTIMORE SUN to award-winning screenwriter of HBOs critically-acclaimed The Wire, David Simon talks with Bill Moyers about inner-city crime...
Recipe For Change | Building an Earthship in Ushuaia (2014)
62 min · The first feature length documentary having been conceived by the Valhalla Movement, Valhalla follows the story of Earthship Biotecture down in Ushuaia, Argentina as they and a...
Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image Of Women (2010)
45 min · In this update of her pioneering Killing Us Softly series, Jean Kilbourne takes a fresh look at how advertising traffics in distorted and destructive ideals of femininity...


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