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Updated April 30, 2016 - 8:30 PM EDT
In Syria, US Parses 'Boots' and 'Ground' for Troops
  Airstrikes Hit Four Clinics in Aleppo in Last Two Days
  Russia: US Deployment of Troops to Syria a Violation of Sovereignty
  Former ISIS Militant Says Bombing Campaign Will Drive More Attacks
  15 Killed as Syrian Rebels Shell Aleppo Mosque
Hospital Attack: US Military Seeks No Charges
  Searching for Ground Truth in the Kunduz Hospital Bombing
Suicide Attack on Forces in Anbar; 195 Killed in Iraq
US Spy Court Rejected Zero Surveillance Orders in 2015
Iran Asks UN Chief to Intervene on US Asset Seizure
Finland: Joining NATO Would Create Crisis With Russia
Censored, Surveilled, Watch-Listed, and Jailed  by John W. Whitehead
Sue Saudi Arabia for Complicity in 9/11  by Bruce Fein
Beinart's Jewish Double-Bind: Support Oppression or You're Out of the Family  by Peter Feld
'Us' and 'Them'
 by Uri Avnery
US Pivot to Asia Poised to Enter Nuclear Phase  by Peter Lee
What Sort of Foreign-Policy Hawk Is Hillary Clinton?  by John Cassidy

More Viewpoints

Army Reverses Decision to Kick Out Green Beret Who Confronted Afghan Rapist
British Support for EU Membership Split 50-50: ORB Poll
Russian Jet in 'Barrel Roll' Over US Plane Over the Baltic Sea
Suicide Attack on Forces in Anbar; 195 Killed in Iraq
Australian Soldiers in Iraq's Base Blame New Zealand Counterparts for Alcohol Ban
Rising Violence Kills Over 200 in a Week in Syria's Aleppo
Syrian Military Calls Temporary 'Regime of Calm' in Parts of Country
Syrian TV: Rebel Shelling Kills 15 at Aleppo Mosque
Aleppo Mourns Syrian Doctor Killed in Air Strike
Canadian-Run Syrian Clinic Was Evacuated Before Strike on Hospital: Operator
Truce Violations Prohibit Talk About Political Process: Syrian Opposition's Hijab
Lavrov, Kerry Discuss Ways to Strengthen Syria Ceasefire: Russian Foreign Ministry
Iran Moderates Eye More Gains in Run-Off Parliamentary Election
Four Injured in Shooting as Iranians Go to the Polls in Runoff
Paul Ryan Claims US Purchase of Heavy Water From Iran Is Direct Subsidy of Iran's Nuclear Program
Thousands March in Yemen to Call for Ceasefire
Gunmen Kill Senior Yemen Police Officer in Aden
Saudi Arabia
Policeman Wounded in Saudi Roadside Bomb Attack: Spa Agency
What It's Like to Be a 12-Year-Old Palestinian Girl in Israeli Jail
IDF Investigators 'Say Hebron Medic Motivated by Twisted Ideology'
Palestinian Flag Banned From Eurovision Song Contest
Palestinian Circus School Brings a Smile to Families in Jerusalem
Nigeria and Pro-Biafra Campaigners Step Up War of Words
The Suicide Bombing Girls of Boko Haram
Egyptian Cleric Defends CIA Agent Convicted Over His Rendition
Britain Sees No Immediate Threat From ISIS Bases in Libya
Central African Republic: UN Security Council Extends Peacekeeping Force Mandate
Gun Attack in Opposition District of Burundi Capital Kills Five
Hyenas Attack Hungry Women as Somaliland's Drought Deepens: Charity
UN Demands Restoration of Western Sahara Mission
Mozambique Police Probe Reports of Mass Grave in Rebel Stronghold
Americans Still Dying
Fortunately, No American Troops Were Reported Killed This Week
The War at Home
Supreme Court Gives FBI More Hacking Power
Key Dem Wants Watchdog to Probe Little-Known FBI Program
Letter Details FBI Plan for Secretive Anti-Radicalization Committees
Psychologist Whose Lawyers Say He Didn't Design CIA Torture Program Wrote a Book Bragging That He Did
Fox News Analyst Accused of Lying About CIA Work Pleads Guilty but Stands by His Story
Trump Again Cites Alleged Gen. Pershing War Crime as Model
Sikh Man Falsely Accused of Terrorism Demands Accountability for Accusers
Ban on Female Guards to Be Lifted in 9/11 Case at Guantanamo
Refugee Crisis
Meet the Syrian Refugees Who Do Not Dream of Europe
German Minister Concerned Migrant Numbers Via Libya, Italy Will Rise
Germany: Italy Must Fulfill Its Duty by Registering Migrants
Italy Struggles to House Migrants in Third Year of Mass Arrivals
India Denies Visas to China Dissidents Hoping to Join Democracy Meeting
India Asks Urdu Writers to Sign 'Declaration of Loyalty'
North Korea Tightens Security Ahead of Congress: South Korea
North Korea Hands US Citizen 10 Years Hard Labor
US Stands by South Korea Defense Talks Despite China, Russia Objections
China Denies Request for Hong Kong Visit by US Carrier Group
Australian Aid Worker Believed Kidnapped in Afghanistan
IMF Agrees $1.5 Billion Bailout for Sri Lanka
US Drops Planned Pakistan F-16 Fighter Jet Subsidy
Thailand Jails Eight Activists Charged With Sedition
Ukraine Troops and Pro-Russia Rebels Agree Orthodox Easter Ceasefire
Poland Could Face Legal Chaos as Authorities Defy Government
Skepticism of German-Israeli Friendship Growing in Berlin
Protesting Venezuela Opposition Leader Attacked
Weekend Reviews
The Permanent Security State
Andrew Bacevich on the Complexities of the Middle East
Andrew Bacevich and America's Long Misguided War to Control the Greater Middle East
Read more

Justin Raimondo
The Trump Test

Lucy Steigerwald
It’s Not About Drones, It’s About Lazy War

Dan Sanchez
The Hell on Earth Paved by Samantha Power’s Good Intentions

Ivan Eland
The US Should Quit Coddling Badly-Behaving Saudi Arabia

Sheldon Richman
What Do Terrorists Want?

Nebojsa Malic
Kosovo: An Evil Little War (Almost) All US Candidates Liked

Ran HaCohen
What Israel Is Up To in Jerusalem

David R. Henderson
Questioning the Powerful

Additional Contributors
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