Napoleon's Great Blunder: Spain 1808
In 1808, Napoleon's rivalry with Britain led to an ill-fated intervention in Portugal and Spain, that sparked a nationalist revolt against the French. At Bailén Napoleon's Empire suffered its first major defeat, and though Napoleon himself then arrived in Spain to reassert French military dominance, he could not prevent the escape of Sir John Moore's small British army, after its defensive victory at Corunna on 16 January 1809. The British army would return, under new leadership, to play a major part in his downfall.
Get early access and a vote on future topics by supporting us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/epichistorytv
With thanks to HistoryMarche, check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8MX9ECowgDMTOnFTE8EUJw
Find Osprey books on the Napoleonic Wars here:...
published: 16 Jan 2019
Dūmu granātas | Traka krusa un biezs sniegs | Ventspils VLOG's
Pieseko man Instagramā - KristoferaDzīve
- https://www.instagram.com/kristoferadzive/
Filmēts ar Sony DSC HX350B Un vēl nedaudz Ar Huawei P10
1. - Trial Error Kate Grimes - To The Sea
2. - Square One (feat. MAX) [Ir - CoppyRight]
4. - Angst - God Tier
5. - GOLDYARD - Ws feat. Tay (Prod. Kato) [Ir - CopyRight]
6. - Rahulikum W SMALL CROW
published: 10 Dec 2017
Kolekcijas monēta "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta"
Ceturtdien, 8. novembrī, Latvijas Banka izlaiž zelta kolekcijas monētu "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta" ar nominālvērtību 75 eiro. Monēta ar burbuļsaktas atveidojumu noslēdz Latvijas saktām veltīto eiro zelta kolekcijas monētu sēriju, kas rotā Latviju valsts 100 gadu jubilejā.
2016. gada novembrī tika izlaista kolekcijas monēta ar ripsaktas atveidojumu, 2017. gada augustā – monēta ar pakavsaktas atveidojumu.
Kolekcijas monētas "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta" grafisko dizainu veidojusi Ingūna Elere, bet plastisko veidojumu – Jānis Strupulis. I. Elere veidoja arī pārējās saktu sērijas monētas.
Saskaņā ar mākslinieces I. Eleres ieceri saktas atveids uz monētas nes gadsimtiem senas ziņas, savukārt monētas aversā izvietoti tēmturi, iezīmējot laiktelpu, kurā dzīvojam pašlaik.
Kolekcijas monētas cen...
published: 05 Nov 2018
Niall Ferguson: The 6 killer apps of prosperity
http://www.ted.com Over the past few centuries, Western cultures have been very good at creating general prosperity for themselves. Historian Niall Ferguson asks: Why the West, and less so the rest? He suggests half a dozen big ideas from Western culture -- call them the 6 killer apps -- that promote wealth, stability and innovation. And in this new century, he says, these apps are all shareable.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Ga...
published: 19 Sep 2011
6 like un nakama ep?
published: 30 Jun 2017
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis DLC Jump 1
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis Jump 1
Link: https://youtu.be/tX5yCIp_0Ho
Operation ANABASISis the major DLC for the BattleStar Galactica RTS Game.
They failed their mission. Now they must shepherd thousands of civilians home…
Here is JUMP 1
It started with a warning of a Cylon staging ground located at a distant mining colony. Samanta and Helena Agathon volunteered to lead a pre-emptive strike – 10,000 Colonial soldiers who would bring the fight to the Cylon. They were late. All they found was wreckage, the whole colony razed to the ground. No human was left alive.
Now Praetor Agathon turns her fleet to the lonely frontier colonies beyond Cyrannus. No one is out there to protect them, and no one else can reach them.
Drawn upon a CIC plotting table, Operation Anabasis i...
published: 22 Oct 2018
DAISY PERFECT M kases aparāts
Jaunajiem MK noteikumiem atbilstošs kases aparāts.
Kompakts un ērts lietošanā, ideāli piemērots maza un vidēji liela apjoma tirdzniecības vietām / izbraukumu tirdzniecībai.
Nodrošinām kases aparātu apkalpošanu visā Latvijas teritorijā.
Vairāk info - www.amro.lv
published: 01 Jun 2018
My MTA Christmas Video (2010)
I been 3 weeks away due to some problems in life, but I am back and I decided to make an MTA video, I recorded some random things and I put them together in one same video, here it is.
I'm right now in the christmas holidays so I'm off school, this means I will have the time to make all the videos I can until school starts again. Probably when the school start I won't be able to make videos at a fast rate, but I will try to find some free time to dedicate to GTA.
I already have made some MTA videos, I will now go to record in SA:MP or VC:MP, or somewhere else, I will give MTA a break.
Sincerely, titereburn..
published: 25 Dec 2010
The Vietnam War: Reasons for Failure - Why the U.S. Lost
In the post-war era, Americans struggled to absorb the lessons of the military intervention. About the book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0871137992/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=0871137992&linkCode;=as2&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkId;=d1bb53399f448906b40e7c954de052ac
As General Maxwell Taylor, one of the principal architects of the war, noted, "First, we didn't know ourselves. We thought that we were going into another Korean War, but this was a different country. Secondly, we didn't know our South Vietnamese allies... And we knew less about North Vietnam. Who was Ho Chi Minh? Nobody really knew. So, until we know the enemy and know our allies and know ourselves, we'd better keep out of this kind of dirty business. It's very dangerous."
Some have suggested that "the...
published: 19 Jun 2012
Racism in America: Small Town 1950s Case Study Documentary Film
Racism in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. Legally sanctioned racism imposed a heavy burden on Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latin Americans. European Americans (particularly Anglo Americans) were privileged by law in matters of literacy, immigration, voting rights, citizenship, land acquisition, and criminal procedure over periods of time extending from the 17th century to the 1960s. Many non-Protestant European immigrant groups, particularly American Jews, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, as well as other immigrants from elsewhere, suffered xenophobic exclusion and other forms of discrimination in American society.
Major racially structured institutions included slavery, Indian Wars, Native American reserva...
published: 10 Jun 2012
Napoleon's Great Blunder: Spain 1808
In 1808, Napoleon's rivalry with Britain led to an ill-fated intervention in Portugal and Spain, that sparked a nationalist revolt against the French. At Bailén...
In 1808, Napoleon's rivalry with Britain led to an ill-fated intervention in Portugal and Spain, that sparked a nationalist revolt against the French. At Bailén Napoleon's Empire suffered its first major defeat, and though Napoleon himself then arrived in Spain to reassert French military dominance, he could not prevent the escape of Sir John Moore's small British army, after its defensive victory at Corunna on 16 January 1809. The British army would return, under new leadership, to play a major part in his downfall.
Get early access and a vote on future topics by supporting us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/epichistorytv
With thanks to HistoryMarche, check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8MX9ECowgDMTOnFTE8EUJw
Find Osprey books on the Napoleonic Wars here:
Great books about the Napoleonic Wars (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):
The Napoleonic Wars http://geni.us/R5ZI9c
Corunna 1809 http://geni.us/IHLD
Peninsular War Atlas http://geni.us/S6Na84z
Napoleon the Great: http://geni.us/NqMW
#EpicHistoryTV #NapoleonicWars #Napoleon
All music from Filmstro: https://filmstro.com/?ref=7765
Get 20% off an annual license with this exclusive code: EPICHISTORYTV_ANN
Thanks to The 95th Rifles Battle Re-enactment and Living History Society: https://www.95thrifles.com/
In 1808, Napoleon's rivalry with Britain led to an ill-fated intervention in Portugal and Spain, that sparked a nationalist revolt against the French. At Bailén Napoleon's Empire suffered its first major defeat, and though Napoleon himself then arrived in Spain to reassert French military dominance, he could not prevent the escape of Sir John Moore's small British army, after its defensive victory at Corunna on 16 January 1809. The British army would return, under new leadership, to play a major part in his downfall.
Get early access and a vote on future topics by supporting us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/epichistorytv
With thanks to HistoryMarche, check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8MX9ECowgDMTOnFTE8EUJw
Find Osprey books on the Napoleonic Wars here:
Great books about the Napoleonic Wars (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):
The Napoleonic Wars http://geni.us/R5ZI9c
Corunna 1809 http://geni.us/IHLD
Peninsular War Atlas http://geni.us/S6Na84z
Napoleon the Great: http://geni.us/NqMW
#EpicHistoryTV #NapoleonicWars #Napoleon
All music from Filmstro: https://filmstro.com/?ref=7765
Get 20% off an annual license with this exclusive code: EPICHISTORYTV_ANN
Thanks to The 95th Rifles Battle Re-enactment and Living History Society: https://www.95thrifles.com/
- published: 16 Jan 2019
- views: 1403079
Dūmu granātas | Traka krusa un biezs sniegs | Ventspils VLOG's
Pieseko man Instagramā - KristoferaDzīve
- https://www.instagram.com/kristoferadzive/
Filmēts ar Sony DSC HX350B Un vēl nedaudz Ar Huawei P10
1. - ...
Pieseko man Instagramā - KristoferaDzīve
- https://www.instagram.com/kristoferadzive/
Filmēts ar Sony DSC HX350B Un vēl nedaudz Ar Huawei P10
1. - Trial Error Kate Grimes - To The Sea
2. - Square One (feat. MAX) [Ir - CoppyRight]
4. - Angst - God Tier
5. - GOLDYARD - Ws feat. Tay (Prod. Kato) [Ir - CopyRight]
6. - Rahulikum W SMALL CROW
Pieseko man Instagramā - KristoferaDzīve
- https://www.instagram.com/kristoferadzive/
Filmēts ar Sony DSC HX350B Un vēl nedaudz Ar Huawei P10
1. - Trial Error Kate Grimes - To The Sea
2. - Square One (feat. MAX) [Ir - CoppyRight]
4. - Angst - God Tier
5. - GOLDYARD - Ws feat. Tay (Prod. Kato) [Ir - CopyRight]
6. - Rahulikum W SMALL CROW
- published: 10 Dec 2017
- views: 984
Kolekcijas monēta "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta"
Ceturtdien, 8. novembrī, Latvijas Banka izlaiž zelta kolekcijas monētu "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta" ar nominālvērtību 75 eiro. Monēta ar burbuļsaktas atveidojumu...
Ceturtdien, 8. novembrī, Latvijas Banka izlaiž zelta kolekcijas monētu "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta" ar nominālvērtību 75 eiro. Monēta ar burbuļsaktas atveidojumu noslēdz Latvijas saktām veltīto eiro zelta kolekcijas monētu sēriju, kas rotā Latviju valsts 100 gadu jubilejā.
2016. gada novembrī tika izlaista kolekcijas monēta ar ripsaktas atveidojumu, 2017. gada augustā – monēta ar pakavsaktas atveidojumu.
Kolekcijas monētas "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta" grafisko dizainu veidojusi Ingūna Elere, bet plastisko veidojumu – Jānis Strupulis. I. Elere veidoja arī pārējās saktu sērijas monētas.
Saskaņā ar mākslinieces I. Eleres ieceri saktas atveids uz monētas nes gadsimtiem senas ziņas, savukārt monētas aversā izvietoti tēmturi, iezīmējot laiktelpu, kurā dzīvojam pašlaik.
Kolekcijas monētas cena Latvijas Bankas kasēs un vietnē e-monetas.lv – 560.00 eiro. Monētas maksimālā tirāža – 1000 eksemplāru. Iegādei būs pieejams arī visu triju zelta monētu komplekts.
Vairāk par monētu: https://monetas.bank.lv/monetas/zelta-saktas-burbulsakta
Ceturtdien, 8. novembrī, Latvijas Banka izlaiž zelta kolekcijas monētu "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta" ar nominālvērtību 75 eiro. Monēta ar burbuļsaktas atveidojumu noslēdz Latvijas saktām veltīto eiro zelta kolekcijas monētu sēriju, kas rotā Latviju valsts 100 gadu jubilejā.
2016. gada novembrī tika izlaista kolekcijas monēta ar ripsaktas atveidojumu, 2017. gada augustā – monēta ar pakavsaktas atveidojumu.
Kolekcijas monētas "Zelta saktas. Burbuļsakta" grafisko dizainu veidojusi Ingūna Elere, bet plastisko veidojumu – Jānis Strupulis. I. Elere veidoja arī pārējās saktu sērijas monētas.
Saskaņā ar mākslinieces I. Eleres ieceri saktas atveids uz monētas nes gadsimtiem senas ziņas, savukārt monētas aversā izvietoti tēmturi, iezīmējot laiktelpu, kurā dzīvojam pašlaik.
Kolekcijas monētas cena Latvijas Bankas kasēs un vietnē e-monetas.lv – 560.00 eiro. Monētas maksimālā tirāža – 1000 eksemplāru. Iegādei būs pieejams arī visu triju zelta monētu komplekts.
Vairāk par monētu: https://monetas.bank.lv/monetas/zelta-saktas-burbulsakta
- published: 05 Nov 2018
- views: 1538
Niall Ferguson: The 6 killer apps of prosperity
http://www.ted.com Over the past few centuries, Western cultures have been very good at creating general prosperity for themselves. Historian Niall Ferguson ask...
http://www.ted.com Over the past few centuries, Western cultures have been very good at creating general prosperity for themselves. Historian Niall Ferguson asks: Why the West, and less so the rest? He suggests half a dozen big ideas from Western culture -- call them the 6 killer apps -- that promote wealth, stability and innovation. And in this new century, he says, these apps are all shareable.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/translate.
http://www.ted.com Over the past few centuries, Western cultures have been very good at creating general prosperity for themselves. Historian Niall Ferguson asks: Why the West, and less so the rest? He suggests half a dozen big ideas from Western culture -- call them the 6 killer apps -- that promote wealth, stability and innovation. And in this new century, he says, these apps are all shareable.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/translate.
- published: 19 Sep 2011
- views: 305266
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis DLC Jump 1
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis Jump 1
Link: https://youtu.be/tX5yCIp_0Ho
Operation ANABASISis the major DLC for the BattleStar Galactica RTS ...
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis Jump 1
Link: https://youtu.be/tX5yCIp_0Ho
Operation ANABASISis the major DLC for the BattleStar Galactica RTS Game.
They failed their mission. Now they must shepherd thousands of civilians home…
Here is JUMP 1
It started with a warning of a Cylon staging ground located at a distant mining colony. Samanta and Helena Agathon volunteered to lead a pre-emptive strike – 10,000 Colonial soldiers who would bring the fight to the Cylon. They were late. All they found was wreckage, the whole colony razed to the ground. No human was left alive.
Now Praetor Agathon turns her fleet to the lonely frontier colonies beyond Cyrannus. No one is out there to protect them, and no one else can reach them.
Drawn upon a CIC plotting table, Operation Anabasis is the only hope for the vulnerable colonists. The Agathon sisters must evacuate every survivor they can find and shepherd them back to Caprica. They can’t expect reinforcements and will find no shelter. They are greatly outnumbered and deep into enemy territory. Lachesis will not hesitate to pursue. And it’s a long trip home…
BSG Deadlock Play lists:
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Broken Alliance
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Sin and Sacrifice
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Resurrection Season 2
#Anabasis is the most significant expansion for #BattlestarGalacticaDeadlock to date, completely revolutionizing the game: it introduces a new game mode, Operation Anabasis, and also adds 11 new skirmish maps, 4 new munition types and 12 new resource missions! #BattlestarGalactica
Wanna Chat?
Join the discussion on Discord https://discord.gg/HRCmDB4 bsg battlestar galactica deadlock gameplay pc
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis Jump 1
Link: https://youtu.be/tX5yCIp_0Ho
Operation ANABASISis the major DLC for the BattleStar Galactica RTS Game.
They failed their mission. Now they must shepherd thousands of civilians home…
Here is JUMP 1
It started with a warning of a Cylon staging ground located at a distant mining colony. Samanta and Helena Agathon volunteered to lead a pre-emptive strike – 10,000 Colonial soldiers who would bring the fight to the Cylon. They were late. All they found was wreckage, the whole colony razed to the ground. No human was left alive.
Now Praetor Agathon turns her fleet to the lonely frontier colonies beyond Cyrannus. No one is out there to protect them, and no one else can reach them.
Drawn upon a CIC plotting table, Operation Anabasis is the only hope for the vulnerable colonists. The Agathon sisters must evacuate every survivor they can find and shepherd them back to Caprica. They can’t expect reinforcements and will find no shelter. They are greatly outnumbered and deep into enemy territory. Lachesis will not hesitate to pursue. And it’s a long trip home…
BSG Deadlock Play lists:
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Broken Alliance
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Sin and Sacrifice
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock
Resurrection Season 2
#Anabasis is the most significant expansion for #BattlestarGalacticaDeadlock to date, completely revolutionizing the game: it introduces a new game mode, Operation Anabasis, and also adds 11 new skirmish maps, 4 new munition types and 12 new resource missions! #BattlestarGalactica
Wanna Chat?
Join the discussion on Discord https://discord.gg/HRCmDB4 bsg battlestar galactica deadlock gameplay pc
- published: 22 Oct 2018
- views: 645
DAISY PERFECT M kases aparāts
Jaunajiem MK noteikumiem atbilstošs kases aparāts.
Kompakts un ērts lietošanā, ideāli piemērots maza un vidēji liela apjoma tirdzniecības vietā...
Jaunajiem MK noteikumiem atbilstošs kases aparāts.
Kompakts un ērts lietošanā, ideāli piemērots maza un vidēji liela apjoma tirdzniecības vietām / izbraukumu tirdzniecībai.
Nodrošinām kases aparātu apkalpošanu visā Latvijas teritorijā.
Vairāk info - www.amro.lv
Jaunajiem MK noteikumiem atbilstošs kases aparāts.
Kompakts un ērts lietošanā, ideāli piemērots maza un vidēji liela apjoma tirdzniecības vietām / izbraukumu tirdzniecībai.
Nodrošinām kases aparātu apkalpošanu visā Latvijas teritorijā.
Vairāk info - www.amro.lv
- published: 01 Jun 2018
- views: 1088
My MTA Christmas Video (2010)
I been 3 weeks away due to some problems in life, but I am back and I decided to make an MTA video, I recorded some random things and I put them together in one...
I been 3 weeks away due to some problems in life, but I am back and I decided to make an MTA video, I recorded some random things and I put them together in one same video, here it is.
I'm right now in the christmas holidays so I'm off school, this means I will have the time to make all the videos I can until school starts again. Probably when the school start I won't be able to make videos at a fast rate, but I will try to find some free time to dedicate to GTA.
I already have made some MTA videos, I will now go to record in SA:MP or VC:MP, or somewhere else, I will give MTA a break.
Sincerely, titereburn..
I been 3 weeks away due to some problems in life, but I am back and I decided to make an MTA video, I recorded some random things and I put them together in one same video, here it is.
I'm right now in the christmas holidays so I'm off school, this means I will have the time to make all the videos I can until school starts again. Probably when the school start I won't be able to make videos at a fast rate, but I will try to find some free time to dedicate to GTA.
I already have made some MTA videos, I will now go to record in SA:MP or VC:MP, or somewhere else, I will give MTA a break.
Sincerely, titereburn..
- published: 25 Dec 2010
- views: 173
The Vietnam War: Reasons for Failure - Why the U.S. Lost
In the post-war era, Americans struggled to absorb the lessons of the military intervention. About the book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0871137992/ref=as...
In the post-war era, Americans struggled to absorb the lessons of the military intervention. About the book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0871137992/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=0871137992&linkCode;=as2&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkId;=d1bb53399f448906b40e7c954de052ac
As General Maxwell Taylor, one of the principal architects of the war, noted, "First, we didn't know ourselves. We thought that we were going into another Korean War, but this was a different country. Secondly, we didn't know our South Vietnamese allies... And we knew less about North Vietnam. Who was Ho Chi Minh? Nobody really knew. So, until we know the enemy and know our allies and know ourselves, we'd better keep out of this kind of dirty business. It's very dangerous."
Some have suggested that "the responsibility for the ultimate failure of this policy [America's withdrawal from Vietnam] lies not with the men who fought, but with those in Congress..." Alternatively, the official history of the United States Army noted that "tactics have often seemed to exist apart from larger issues, strategies, and objectives. Yet in Vietnam the Army experienced tactical success and strategic failure... The...Vietnam War...legacy may be the lesson that unique historical, political, cultural, and social factors always impinge on the military...Success rests not only on military progress but on correctly analyzing the nature of the particular conflict, understanding the enemy's strategy, and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of allies. A new humility and a new sophistication may form the best parts of a complex heritage left to the Army by the long, bitter war in Vietnam."
U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote in a secret memo to President Gerald Ford that "in terms of military tactics, we cannot help draw the conclusion that our armed forces are not suited to this kind of war. Even the Special Forces who had been designed for it could not prevail." Even Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara concluded that "the achievement of a military victory by U.S. forces in Vietnam was indeed a dangerous illusion."
Doubts surfaced as to the effectiveness of large-scale, sustained bombing. As Army Chief of Staff Harold Keith Johnson noted, "if anything came out of Vietnam, it was that air power couldn't do the job." Even General William Westmoreland admitted that the bombing had been ineffective. As he remarked, "I still doubt that the North Vietnamese would have relented."
The inability to bomb Hanoi to the bargaining table also illustrated another U.S. miscalculation. The North's leadership was composed of hardened communists who had been fighting for independence for thirty years. They had defeated the French, and their tenacity as both nationalists and communists was formidable. Ho Chi Minh is quoted as saying, "You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours...But even at these odds you will lose and I will win."
The Vietnam War called into question the U.S. Army doctrine. Marine Corps General Victor H. Krulak heavily criticised Westmoreland's attrition strategy, calling it "wasteful of American lives... with small likelihood of a successful outcome." In addition, doubts surfaced about the ability of the military to train foreign forces.
Between 1965 and 1975, the United States spent $111 billion on the war ($686 billion in FY2008 dollars). This resulted in a large federal budget deficit.
More than 3 million Americans served in the Vietnam War, some 1.5 million of whom actually saw combat in Vietnam. James E. Westheider wrote that "At the height of American involvement in 1968, for example, there were 543,000 American military personnel in Vietnam, but only 80,000 were considered combat troops." Conscription in the United States had been controlled by the President since World War II, but ended in 1973."
By war's end, 58,220 American soldiers had been killed, more than 150,000 had been wounded, and at least 21,000 had been permanently disabled. According to Dale Kueter, "Sixty-one percent of those killed were age 21 or younger. Of those killed in combat, 86.3 percent were white, 12.5 percent were black and the remainder from other races." The youngest American KIA in the war was PFC Dan Bullock, who had falsified his birth certificate and enlisted in the US Marines at age 14 and who was killed in combat at age 15. Approximately 830,000 Vietnam veterans suffered symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. An estimated 125,000 Americans fled to Canada to avoid the Vietnam draft, and approximately 50,000 American servicemen deserted. In 1977, United States President Jimmy Carter granted a full, complete and unconditional pardon to all Vietnam-era draft dodgers. The Vietnam War POW/MIA issue, concerning the fate of U.S. service personnel listed as missing in action, persisted for many years after the war's conclusion.
In the post-war era, Americans struggled to absorb the lessons of the military intervention. About the book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0871137992/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=0871137992&linkCode;=as2&tag;=tra0c7-20&linkId;=d1bb53399f448906b40e7c954de052ac
As General Maxwell Taylor, one of the principal architects of the war, noted, "First, we didn't know ourselves. We thought that we were going into another Korean War, but this was a different country. Secondly, we didn't know our South Vietnamese allies... And we knew less about North Vietnam. Who was Ho Chi Minh? Nobody really knew. So, until we know the enemy and know our allies and know ourselves, we'd better keep out of this kind of dirty business. It's very dangerous."
Some have suggested that "the responsibility for the ultimate failure of this policy [America's withdrawal from Vietnam] lies not with the men who fought, but with those in Congress..." Alternatively, the official history of the United States Army noted that "tactics have often seemed to exist apart from larger issues, strategies, and objectives. Yet in Vietnam the Army experienced tactical success and strategic failure... The...Vietnam War...legacy may be the lesson that unique historical, political, cultural, and social factors always impinge on the military...Success rests not only on military progress but on correctly analyzing the nature of the particular conflict, understanding the enemy's strategy, and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of allies. A new humility and a new sophistication may form the best parts of a complex heritage left to the Army by the long, bitter war in Vietnam."
U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote in a secret memo to President Gerald Ford that "in terms of military tactics, we cannot help draw the conclusion that our armed forces are not suited to this kind of war. Even the Special Forces who had been designed for it could not prevail." Even Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara concluded that "the achievement of a military victory by U.S. forces in Vietnam was indeed a dangerous illusion."
Doubts surfaced as to the effectiveness of large-scale, sustained bombing. As Army Chief of Staff Harold Keith Johnson noted, "if anything came out of Vietnam, it was that air power couldn't do the job." Even General William Westmoreland admitted that the bombing had been ineffective. As he remarked, "I still doubt that the North Vietnamese would have relented."
The inability to bomb Hanoi to the bargaining table also illustrated another U.S. miscalculation. The North's leadership was composed of hardened communists who had been fighting for independence for thirty years. They had defeated the French, and their tenacity as both nationalists and communists was formidable. Ho Chi Minh is quoted as saying, "You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours...But even at these odds you will lose and I will win."
The Vietnam War called into question the U.S. Army doctrine. Marine Corps General Victor H. Krulak heavily criticised Westmoreland's attrition strategy, calling it "wasteful of American lives... with small likelihood of a successful outcome." In addition, doubts surfaced about the ability of the military to train foreign forces.
Between 1965 and 1975, the United States spent $111 billion on the war ($686 billion in FY2008 dollars). This resulted in a large federal budget deficit.
More than 3 million Americans served in the Vietnam War, some 1.5 million of whom actually saw combat in Vietnam. James E. Westheider wrote that "At the height of American involvement in 1968, for example, there were 543,000 American military personnel in Vietnam, but only 80,000 were considered combat troops." Conscription in the United States had been controlled by the President since World War II, but ended in 1973."
By war's end, 58,220 American soldiers had been killed, more than 150,000 had been wounded, and at least 21,000 had been permanently disabled. According to Dale Kueter, "Sixty-one percent of those killed were age 21 or younger. Of those killed in combat, 86.3 percent were white, 12.5 percent were black and the remainder from other races." The youngest American KIA in the war was PFC Dan Bullock, who had falsified his birth certificate and enlisted in the US Marines at age 14 and who was killed in combat at age 15. Approximately 830,000 Vietnam veterans suffered symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. An estimated 125,000 Americans fled to Canada to avoid the Vietnam draft, and approximately 50,000 American servicemen deserted. In 1977, United States President Jimmy Carter granted a full, complete and unconditional pardon to all Vietnam-era draft dodgers. The Vietnam War POW/MIA issue, concerning the fate of U.S. service personnel listed as missing in action, persisted for many years after the war's conclusion.
- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 4438727
Racism in America: Small Town 1950s Case Study Documentary Film
Racism in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. Legally sanctioned racism imposed a heavy burden on Native American...
Racism in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. Legally sanctioned racism imposed a heavy burden on Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latin Americans. European Americans (particularly Anglo Americans) were privileged by law in matters of literacy, immigration, voting rights, citizenship, land acquisition, and criminal procedure over periods of time extending from the 17th century to the 1960s. Many non-Protestant European immigrant groups, particularly American Jews, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, as well as other immigrants from elsewhere, suffered xenophobic exclusion and other forms of discrimination in American society.
Major racially structured institutions included slavery, Indian Wars, Native American reservations, segregation, residential schools (for Native Americans), and internment camps. Formal racial discrimination was largely banned in the mid-20th century, and came to be perceived as socially unacceptable and/or morally repugnant as well, yet racial politics remain a major phenomenon. Historical racism continues to be reflected in socio-economic inequality. Racial stratification continues to occur in employment, housing, education, lending, and government.
The 20th century saw a hardening of institutionalized racism and legal discrimination against citizens of African descent in the United States. Although technically able to vote, poll taxes, acts of terror (often perpetuated by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, founded in the Reconstruction South), and discriminatory laws such as grandfather clauses kept black Americans disenfranchised particularly in the South but also nationwide following the Hayes election at the end of the Reconstruction era in 1877. In response to de jure racism, protest and lobbyist groups emerged, most notably, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) in 1909.
This time period is sometimes referred to as the nadir of American race relations because racism in the United States was worse during this time than at any period before or since. Segregation, racial discrimination, and expressions of white supremacy all increased. So did anti-black violence, including lynchings and race riots.
In addition, racism which had been viewed primarily as a problem in the Southern states, burst onto the national consciousness following the Great Migration, the relocation of millions of African Americans from their roots in the Southern states to the industrial centers of the North after World War I, particularly in cities such as Boston, Chicago, and New York (Harlem). In northern cities, racial tensions exploded, most violently in Chicago, and lynchings--mob-directed hangings, usually racially motivated—increased dramatically in the 1920s. As a member of the Princeton chapter of the NAACP,
Albert Einstein corresponded with W. E. B. Du Bois, and in 1946 Einstein called racism America's "worst disease."
The Jim Crow Laws were state and local laws enacted in the Southern and border states of the United States and enforced between 1876 and 1965. They mandated "separate but equal" status for black Americans. In reality, this led to treatment and accommodations that were almost always inferior to those provided to white Americans. The most important laws required that public schools, public places and public transportation, like trains and buses, have separate facilities for whites and blacks. (These Jim Crow Laws were separate from the 1800-66 Black Codes, which had restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans.) State-sponsored school segregation was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education. Generally, the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act; none were in effect at the end of the 1960s.
Segregation continued even after the demise of the Jim Crow laws. Data on house prices and attitudes toward integration from suggest that in the mid-20th century, segregation was a product of collective actions taken by whites to exclude blacks from their neighborhoods. Segregation also took the form of redlining, the practice of denying or increasing the cost of services, such as banking, insurance, access to jobs, access to health care, or even supermarkets to residents in certain, often racially determined, areas. Although in the United States informal discrimination and segregation have always existed, the practice called "redlining" began with the National Housing Act of 1934, which established the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
Racism in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era. Legally sanctioned racism imposed a heavy burden on Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latin Americans. European Americans (particularly Anglo Americans) were privileged by law in matters of literacy, immigration, voting rights, citizenship, land acquisition, and criminal procedure over periods of time extending from the 17th century to the 1960s. Many non-Protestant European immigrant groups, particularly American Jews, Irish Americans, Italian Americans, as well as other immigrants from elsewhere, suffered xenophobic exclusion and other forms of discrimination in American society.
Major racially structured institutions included slavery, Indian Wars, Native American reservations, segregation, residential schools (for Native Americans), and internment camps. Formal racial discrimination was largely banned in the mid-20th century, and came to be perceived as socially unacceptable and/or morally repugnant as well, yet racial politics remain a major phenomenon. Historical racism continues to be reflected in socio-economic inequality. Racial stratification continues to occur in employment, housing, education, lending, and government.
The 20th century saw a hardening of institutionalized racism and legal discrimination against citizens of African descent in the United States. Although technically able to vote, poll taxes, acts of terror (often perpetuated by groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, founded in the Reconstruction South), and discriminatory laws such as grandfather clauses kept black Americans disenfranchised particularly in the South but also nationwide following the Hayes election at the end of the Reconstruction era in 1877. In response to de jure racism, protest and lobbyist groups emerged, most notably, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) in 1909.
This time period is sometimes referred to as the nadir of American race relations because racism in the United States was worse during this time than at any period before or since. Segregation, racial discrimination, and expressions of white supremacy all increased. So did anti-black violence, including lynchings and race riots.
In addition, racism which had been viewed primarily as a problem in the Southern states, burst onto the national consciousness following the Great Migration, the relocation of millions of African Americans from their roots in the Southern states to the industrial centers of the North after World War I, particularly in cities such as Boston, Chicago, and New York (Harlem). In northern cities, racial tensions exploded, most violently in Chicago, and lynchings--mob-directed hangings, usually racially motivated—increased dramatically in the 1920s. As a member of the Princeton chapter of the NAACP,
Albert Einstein corresponded with W. E. B. Du Bois, and in 1946 Einstein called racism America's "worst disease."
The Jim Crow Laws were state and local laws enacted in the Southern and border states of the United States and enforced between 1876 and 1965. They mandated "separate but equal" status for black Americans. In reality, this led to treatment and accommodations that were almost always inferior to those provided to white Americans. The most important laws required that public schools, public places and public transportation, like trains and buses, have separate facilities for whites and blacks. (These Jim Crow Laws were separate from the 1800-66 Black Codes, which had restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans.) State-sponsored school segregation was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education. Generally, the remaining Jim Crow laws were overruled by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act; none were in effect at the end of the 1960s.
Segregation continued even after the demise of the Jim Crow laws. Data on house prices and attitudes toward integration from suggest that in the mid-20th century, segregation was a product of collective actions taken by whites to exclude blacks from their neighborhoods. Segregation also took the form of redlining, the practice of denying or increasing the cost of services, such as banking, insurance, access to jobs, access to health care, or even supermarkets to residents in certain, often racially determined, areas. Although in the United States informal discrimination and segregation have always existed, the practice called "redlining" began with the National Housing Act of 1934, which established the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 590066