- published: 03 Jul 2017
- views: 17564
An error (from the Latin error, meaning "wandering") is an action which is inaccurate or incorrect. In some usages, an error is synonymous with a mistake (for instance, a cook who misses a step from a recipe might describe it as either an error or a mistake), though in technical contexts the two are often distinguished. For instance, in statistics "error" refers to the difference between the value which has been computed and the correct value.
One reference differentiates between "error" and "mistake" as follows:
In human behavior the norms or expectations for behavior or its consequences can be derived from the intention of the actor or from the expectations of other individuals or from a social grouping or from social norms. (See deviance.) Gaffes and faux pas can be labels for certain instances of this kind of error. More serious departures from social norms carry labels such as misbehavior and labels from the legal system, such as misdemeanor and crime. Departures from norms connected to religion can have other labels, such as sin.
Madeline Obrigewitsch (born 11 August 1995), better known by her stage name Madeline Juno, is a German singer-songwriter. She released her first single "Error" in November 2013.
Madeline Juno was born on 11 August 1995. Her father is a drummer and her mother is a pianist. She grew up in Offenburg-Griesheim in the Black Forest in Germany. She graduated from Realschule in 2012 and went to Gymnasium in Lahr. When she was 6, Madeline Juno was taught to play piano by her mother. At the age of 12, she started playing guitar and writing her own songs.
Madeline Juno recorded her first songs and uploaded them on YouTube when she was 14. In October 2012, she went on tour with Tom Beck, and in September 2013, she was on tour with Philipp Poisel. In 2013, Juno signed a record deal with Universal Music Group. Juno's first single Error premiered on 14 September 2013 on YouTube. The single was officially released on 1 November 2013. Two weeks after its release, the single entered the German charts at position 63. Her first album called The Unknown was originally scheduled to be released in January 2014, but that date was postponed to 7 March 2014. Juno performed her song Error on 23 November 2013 in the television show Verstehen Sie Spaß?. She was one of the eight acts to compete in Unser Song für Dänemark, the German national final for the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Denmark. There she performed her song Like Lovers Do but she was voted out after the first round. That song is also featured on the soundtrack of the film Pompeii. She was part of the German jury for the final.
Andreas Gabalier (born in Graz on 21 November 1984) is an Austrian folk singer. In 2012, he won the ECHO music award in folk music category, the Amadeus Austrian Music Award in 2012 as Best Live Act and best 'Schlager' singer and in 2013, again the Amadeus award in Folk music category.
Волейбол. Нападающий удар. Типичные ошибки - 2
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HFS Ernst Busch - Abschlussklasse 2018 - Zweites Szenenstudium
Madeline Juno - Still (Offizielles Video)
Andreas Gabalier - Hulapalu feat. 257ers (MTV Unplugged)
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Die schönsten Patzer von Jens Lehmann (damals Borussia Dortmund) aus der Saison 1999/2000.
Hart patzt bei Icardi-Show katastrophal Beim 2:1 von Inter Mailand gegen Torino beendete Kapitän Mauro Icardi mit seinen Treffern in der 35. und 88. Minute die Krise der Nerazzurri und rettete seinem Trainer Frank de Boer womöglich den Job (zuletzt drei Ligapleiten in Folge). Bedanken konnte sich der Stürmer aber auch bei Keeper Joe Hart, der beim 0:1 katastrophal patzte. Quelle + ganzes Video: http://www.kicker.de/news/video/2011157/video_hart-patzt-bei-icardi-show-katastrophal.html#omfbLikePost
Волейбол. Нападающий удар. Типичные ошибки. Как правильно делать нападающий удар в волейболе. Обучение волейболу. Заслуженный тренер СССР и России Плотников Виталий Павлович. Ученица Летучева Надя. 27 июня 2017 года. Россия, город. Иваново. #волейболобучение #волейболнападающийударобучение #Какправильноделатьнападающийударвволейболе #волейболнападающийударошибки #Плотниковвиталийпавлович
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la parada que le hizo casillas en la final del mundial a Robben... los segundos mas tensos que tuvimos hasta que aparecio el santo.... AH! y comentado por Carlos Martinez
Das erste Studienjahr der HFS Ernst Busch lädt ein und zeigt sein zweites Szenenstudium! Am Dienstag 30.06.2015 ab 16:30 "Hautnah" - Patrick Marber Es spielen: Lola Fuchs, Johanna Meinhard, Alexander Stürmer, Alexander Vaasen gearbeitet mit Angela Meyer "Der Reigen" - Arthur Schnitzler Es spielen: Maike Knirsch, Jonas Dassler gearbeitet mit: Prof. Margarete Schuler "Eine Unbekannte aus der Seine" - Ödön von Horvath Es spielen: Monika Freienberger, Esra Schreier, Victor Tahal, Paul Schulze gearbeitet mit: Prof. Matthias Günther "Trauer muss Elektra tragen" - Eugene O´Neill Es spielen: Sonja Viegener, Daniel Mühe gearbeitet mit: Prof. Mathias Noack ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mittwoch, 01.07.2015, 17:00 "Gerettet" - Edward Bond Es spielen: Tabith...
Die neue Single "Still" OUT NOW https://MadelineJuno.lnk.to/Still DNA Tour 2017 05.10.17 Kiel 06.10.17 Lüneburg 07.10.17 Göttingen 08.10.17 Fulda 10.10.17 Bochum 11.10.17 Köln 12.10.17 Offenburg 13.10.17 Kaiserslautern 14.10.17 Mannheim 16.10.17 Frankfurt 17.10.17 Münster 18.10.17 Hannover 19.10.17 Leipzig 20.10.17 Stuttgart 26.10.17 Wilhelmshaven 27.10.17 Lübeck 28.10.17 Lingen 29.10.17 Berlin 30.10.17. Hamburg Produktion: Bildreich Hamburg Regie: Nico Koenen & Patrick Wulf Kamera: Patrick Wulf Schnitt: Nico Koenen Licht: Raik Lindner Waldbrand EP ||| OUT NOW https://EmbassyofMusic.lnk.to/MadelineJuno_Waldbrand https://www.facebook.com/MadelineJuno https://twitter.com/MaddySetGo https://www.instagram.com/madelinejuno http://www.madelinejuno.com http://www.embassyofmusic.de
Andreas Gabalier & 257ers! Andi, Shneezin und Mike und ihr geiles Hip-Hop-Hulapalu bei MTV Unplugged… Für den körperlichen Infight, der Königsklasse der Liebe, gibt es seit einiger Zeit ein ganz besonderes Zauberwort: Hulapalu. Wenn dieses Hulapalu zusätzlich noch mit Holz angeheizt wird, dann wird’s erst richtig heiß in der Hütte! Dieser Song, dieses anfänglich kryptische ‚Hulapalu‘ schickt sich an, einer der größten Hits des Andreas Gabalier zu werden. 2015 mit dem ‚Mountain Man‘-Album auf die Reise geschickt, wandert das Zauberwort Woche für Woche als Ohrwurm von Party zu Party und wächst so vor sich hin. Wird immer größer, bringt immer mehr Menschen zum Mitsingen. Kein Zelt im Oktoberfest, in dem nicht Hulapalu die Wände zum Wackeln brachte. Es ist der Superhit, der nicht mehr aufzuh...
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On Saturday hundreds of white nationalists, alt-righters, and neo-Nazis traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia to participate in the “Unite the Right” rally. By Saturday evening three people were dead – one protester, and two police officers – and many more injured. “VICE News Tonight” correspondent Elle Reeve went behind the scenes with white nationalist leaders, including Christopher Cantwell, Robert Ray, David Duke, and Matthew Heimbach — as well as counter-protesters. VICE News Tonight also spoke with residents of Charlottesville, members of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the Charlottesville Police. From the neo-Nazi protests at Emancipation Park to Cantwell’s hideaway outside of Virginia, “VICE News Tonight” provides viewers with exclusive, up close and personal access inside ...
Hier werden meine selbst geschnittenen Solo-Videos von verschiedenen Bands hochgeladen. Ich habe jetzt alle Solos nochmal mit neuen Videobildern gerendert, wobei ich fast bei jeder Band versucht habe, das Bandlogo, oder die das Banner darzustellen oder auszuschneiden, was mir, denke ich sehr gut gelungen ist. Viel Freude am Solos lauschen! Alle Rechte der Texte und Musik bei den jeweiligen Bands All rights of text and music in the respective bands SleipnirHQ | ReichsritterHQ
This is a reupload because of an error in the original posting. Sorry about that. Action_Pts links: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ActionPts Twitter: http://www.youtube.com/action_pts Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/mundanematt?sub_confirmation=1 If you'd like to support my channel, please consider turning off Adblock, or subscribing to my Patreon account http://www.patreon.com/MundaneMatt Email: themundanematt@gmail.com MundaneMatt Let's Plays Mundane Games: http://youtube.com/mmlpmg Tumblr: http://themundanematt.tumblr.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/mundanematt Facebook: http://facebook.com/mundanematt Google+: http://plus.google.com/+mundanematt Ask: http://ask.fm/mundanematt Youtube: http://youtube.com/mundanematt Insult Me! Card Game: http://insultmegame.tu...
0:00 Предчувствие бури (Intro) (Premonition Of A Storm) 1:05 Награда героям - смерть (Death - Award For Hero) 4:37 Восстание крови (Blood Against Gold) 7:55 Пепел Арконы (Ashes Of Arkona) 13:23 Руны нового порядка (Runes Of New Order) 17:00 Новые берсерки (New Berserkers) 22:10 Полярные волки (Polar Wolves) 25:41 Путь в Вальхаллу (Outro) (Way to Valhalla) Type: Full-Length Release date: 2011 Label: Independent Format: Digital Genre: Death Metal/NSBM Location: Moscow, Russia
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