- published: 24 Sep 2016
- views: 4272
A toy is an item that can be used for play. Toys are generally played with by children and pets. Playing with toys is an enjoyable means of training young children for life in society. Different materials are used to make toys enjoyable to all ages. Many items are designed to serve as toys, but goods produced for other purposes can also be used. For instance, a small child may pick up a household item and "fly" it through the air as to pretend that it is an airplane. Another consideration is interactive digital entertainment. Some toys are produced primarily as collector's items and are intended for display only.
The origin of toys is prehistoric; dolls representing infants, animals, and soldiers, as well as representations of tools used by adults are readily found at archaeological sites. The origin of the word "toy" is unknown, but it is believed that it was first used in the 14th century. Toys are mainly made for children.
Playing with toys is important when it comes to growing up and learning about the world around us. Younger children use toys to discover their identity, help their bodies grow strong, learn cause and effect, explore relationships, and practice skills they will need as adults. Adults use toys to form and strengthen social bonds, teach, remember and reinforce lessons from their youth, discover their identity, exercise their minds and bodies, explore relationships, practice skills, and decorate their living spaces.
Bad Baby Victoria Vacuum Attacks Annabelle & Crybaby Daddy Toy Freaks Babies
Mônica Toy | Transitoys (T04E26)
Schleich Fairy Finds Glitzi Globe Water Fairies + Surprise Mystery Egg - Toy Video
블락비 (Block B) - Toy MV
Bad Baby Victoria Pranks Annabelle & Crybaby Daddy Toy Freaks Family
アンパンマン おもちゃアニメ ばいきんまんのイタズラ❤魔法 変身 Toy Kids トイキッズ animation anpanman
メルちゃん ぽぽちゃん みんなでバーベキュー / Toy Barbecue Grill Cooking Playset : Five Babies Doll
Toy Challenge for Kids Betty Spaghetty - Doll Dress-up in Real Life!
Cra-Z-art Mermaid Sqand Castle Princess Ariel's Underwater Sand Cove Toy Crafts for Kids
Actors: Mert Togal (producer), Mert Togal (writer), Mert Togal (director), Erkut Tulunay (actor), Erkut Tulunay (producer), Cem Ince (producer), Gencer Ilkoz (producer),
Genres: Animation, Short,Actors: Kaylene Carlson (miscellaneous crew), Brian Ackley (producer), Chip Davis (actor), Chip Davis (actor), Chip Davis (producer), Chip Davis (actor), Chip Davis (composer), Chip Davis (writer), Andy Picheta (director), Lynn Giordano (miscellaneous crew), Arnie Roth (actor), Jamie Vesay (miscellaneous crew), Lora Davis (miscellaneous crew), Rebecca Ferrand (producer), Kelly Davis (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: Mannheim Steamroller Christmas Live is a set of Christmas favorites from the group's best-selling Christmas albums. Mannheim Steamroller creator and composer Chip Davis has been recognized with 19 gold, eight multi-platinum and four platinum records and the group is the #1 Christmas music artist in all of history. The group's signature sound, characterized as "classical music meets rock and roll", established a distinctive new genre. While Mannheim Steamroller's music is uniquely moving by itself, Christmas Live captures the experience, sights and sounds of the group live in concert with this holiday release. The beloved holiday performance by some of the most talented musicians today and an intense multimedia presentation results in a powerful and emotional Christmas experience. This 56-minute Christmas concert features many favorite Mannheim Steamroller Christmas classics. "Joy to the World" perhaps best epitomizes the distinctive Mannheim Steamroller sound: powerful synthesized melodies and harmonies, an intense drive and pathos, and skillful ornamentation. The accompanying fireworks on a huge, over-stage screen add a striking visual dimension to the song. Several Renaissance-inspired numbers like "In dulci Jubilo" and "Wassail, Wassail" showcase unusual Renaissance instruments and are paired with a rich, on-screen portrayal of a Renaissance feast. The instrumental, theatrical, and multimedia performances are completely evocative of the Spirit of Christmas. Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas concerts have become a holiday tradition, much like decorating the tree, hanging stockings and exchanging presents. Christmas Live has become a permanent part of any Christmas celebration.
Keywords: christmas, concert-film, future, independent-filmActors: Seymour Kneitel (director), Jack Mercer (actor), Jack Mercer (actor), Cecil Roy (actress), Winston Sharples (composer), Jack Mercer (actor), Sam Buchwald (producer), Seymour Kneitel (producer), Izzy Sparber (producer), Seymour Kneitel (writer), Johnny Gruelle (writer), Joyce Terry (actress),
Genres: Animation, Family, Short,Bad Baby Vacuum Attacks Victoria Annabelle Hidden Egg Babies Bad Baby Black Eye Victoria vs Annabelle & Crybaby Toy Freaks https://youtu.be/xJ1o7_VCcD4?list=PLwJAbSobtiF36wJuAsNAIROCC2VNjMxgs Spatula Girl vs Rat Goes Super Saiyan "Annabelle & Rex The Dinosaur" Toy Freaks Family https://youtu.be/UhAks6KJmyQ?list=PLGomjXgvur7ZnK-5IAb8U5XjhPnjzFl-r
Save 10% on your wrestling figures with promo Code "GRIM" here: http://www.ringsidecollectibles.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?&DH; Grim's Toy Show joins Ebenezer Mittelsdorf as he rages in reaction to being chased by creepy clowns and finding WWE elites of samoa joe and wwe elite network exclusives roman reigns and rusev and more in a walmart and toysrus scavenger hunt! Check out more toy shopping hunts on this channel! OUR SECOND CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/user/kidlockdmh OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://grimstoyshow.com/ GET GRIMS TOY SHOW TSHIRTS HERE!! http://440416.spreadshirt.com/ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/GrimsToyShow Grims Toy Show does NOT have a FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM
[DIA DAS CRIANÇAS COM A TURMA DA MÔNICA! Veja abaixo na descrição como participar!] Para brincar de trânsito, é preciso saber respeitar as regras. O pedestre tem prioridade e ficar nervoso não adianta de nada! Não é mesmo, Cebolinha e Cascão? Esse é o último episódio da 4ª temporada de Mônica Toy. Agora, os personagens de Toy vão tirar umas férias, mas é por pouco tempo! Em breve, teremos mais novidades! Vamos fazer contagens de coelhadas e outras curiosidades da série. Para não ficar de fora, é só se inscrever aqui no canal oficial da Turma da Mônica! Mônica Toy é uma família de personagens em animação 2D, voltada para o público juvenil e adulto. As características mais marcantes dos principais personagens da Turma da Mônica estão presentes em episódios de curta duração, com mais liberd...
The Schleich fairies can't believe how small the Glitzi Globe fairies are! So cute! These tiny fairies love water so its perfect to create little water snow domes for them. Place a fairy in the water, add glitter and snap together. There is a surprise character inside of the mystery pink egg too! Don't forget to subscribe!! It's free. Never miss a video! http://bit.ly/1RYkDF6 🍪🍪🍪 More Fun Cookieswirlc Videos 🍪🍪🍪 Season 6 Shopkins Chef Club Surprise Blind Bags with Mystery Shopkins Inside Recipe Book https://youtu.be/OweWGw9uBxA Giant Rainbow Cupcake Fail - Baking My Little Pony Rainbow Dash Birthday Cake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M35EIt_LLCg All 6 Shopkins Season 5 Limited Editions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QaxY6y_hFo DIY Squishy Cookie Nut Shopkins Season 4 Inspired ...
블락비(Block B) 5th Mini Album “Blooming Period” 블락비가 5th Mini Album ‘Blooming Period’로 돌아왔다. 블락비는 지난 3월 리드싱글 ‘몇 년 후에’를 통해 감성적인 음악과 새로운 모습을 선보였다. ‘몇 년 후에’는 발매 직후 주요 음원차트 1위를 휩쓸며 이번 미니앨범에 대한 기대감을 높였다. 본 앨범은 마치 ‘개화기’ 와 같은 작품이다. 다양한 기후의 사계를 겪고 만개하는 꽃처럼 만발하는 감성을 담았다. 그 동안 블락비는 눈보라나 강한 햇빛과도 같은 강렬함을 보여줬다. 하지만 이 시기를 지난 7명의 남자는 다소 정적이지만 의미 있는 감성을 가지고 새롭게 만개했다. CJ E&M; Music은 아시아 No.1 엔터테인먼트 기업인 CJ E&M;의 음악사업 브랜드로 음원/음반의 투자/제작/유통부터 콘서트/페스티벌 개최까지 포함하고 있습니다. CJ E&M; MUSIC과 함께 하는 K-POP 아티스트들의 신곡과 뮤직비디오, 미공개 독점 영상 등을 이곳 YOUTUBE 채널에서 가장 먼저 만나보세요. CJ E&M; Music is a music business brand of CJ E&M;, Asia's No.1 entertainment company. CJ E&M; Music covers investment, production and distribution of album and also provides the best music festival and concerts. Meet the K-POP artists' brand new music videos and ...
Bad Baby Victoria Pranks Annabelle & Crybaby Daddy Toy Freaks Bad Baby Cake Baking Fail Victoria Annabelle Freak Daddy https://youtu.be/D62WkuO9Yx8?list=PLwJAbSobtiF1fHjynmHuV5Vhcv5YcJhhI Bad Baby Annabelle Make Up Fail Vs Victoria "Toy Freaks Family" https://youtu.be/Ose8RVYscfc?list=PLwJAbSobtiF1fHjynmHuV5Vhcv5YcJhhI
ばいきんまんから貰ったお菓子を食べたら、みんなばいきんまんに変身しちゃった♫anpanman Toys Baby Doll Popochan チャンネル登録♥Subscribe♥subscrever♥الاشتراك キッズライン♡Kids Line https://goo.gl/2k7xDD Toy Kids★トイキッズ https://goo.gl/I0tlCn *~*人気おもちゃ動画紹介*~* 左=Left 【アンパンマン おもちゃアニメ 赤ちゃんにご飯をあげるよ❤ベビーアライブ お世話】 ❤Anpanman Toy❤ https://youtu.be/b1-0YW1RO1Y?list=PL37CDtnlv9b3RMjCeSJCeTZwKiBQnu6R3 右=Right 【メルちゃん おもちゃアニメ 大きいばいきんまん❤ポーチ パイ】 ❤Anpanman Toy❤ https://youtu.be/8ulG5vMYYf4?list=PL37CDtnlv9b3RMjCeSJCeTZwKiBQnu6R3 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ アンパンマン ぽぽちゃん メルちゃん ねんど 砂 ビーズ うんち プール 砂遊び 水遊び おもちゃ アニメ ❤Anpanman Toy❤ ❤Baby Doll Popochan Toy❤ ❤Baby Doll Mellchan Toy❤ Toy Kids★トイキッズ Play all 468 本の動画 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL37CDtnlv9b3RMjCeSJCeTZwKiBQnu6R3 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ *~*おすすめ動画紹介*~* 【アンパンマン おもちゃ お菓子屋さんごっこしたよ❤ごっこ遊び Toy Kids トイキッ...
マザーガーデンのバーベキューセットで遊びました。 かわいい木製のおままごとセットです。 串にお野菜やお肉を刺してバーベキュー遊びができます。 炭やアルミホイルなども付いていて、焼き芋などもつくれます。 メルちゃん、ぽぽちゃん、Nenuco、BABY born、Baby Aliveの 5人とバーベキューのおままごとをしました。 チャンネル登録お願いします。 Please subscribe Other videos メルちゃん ぽぽちゃん みんなでプール ボール遊び / Baby Doll and Kids Enjoying The Pool : Five babies 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGxt83LLCGY&sns;=em メルちゃん ぽぽちゃん みんなで びっくらたまご 泡のお風呂 / Colorful Bath with Anpanman Bath Bomb , 5 Babies Doll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySK7l71FbLY&sns;=em メルちゃん、ぽぽちゃん、ネネちゃんみんなでプール遊び / Baby Doll pool play 5 babies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfgv0SBKGzQ&sns;=gp メルちゃん、ぽぽちゃん、ネネちゃんみんなでベビーカー / Baby Doll Stroller 5 babies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rksec3PWP98&sns;=em メルちゃん、ぽぽちゃんみんなで泡のおふろ/Bubble Bath with 5 Babies Doll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBHyidmnIlA&sns;=em...
Follow the playlist for a new video each day by our friends to see who creates the best Betty Spaghetty look! We have a playlist for kids to follow: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 9/26 - Mikey Likes It 9/27 - LouLouVitt 9/28 - Naiah and Elli 9/29 - Hey That’s Mike 9/30 - Daisys Toy Vlog 10/1 - KayleeBugTV 10/2 - Mommy and Gracie Show Sunday October 2nd after Mommy and Gracie Show post their video vote in the poll to enter and win! https://gleam.io/oaLzF/betty-spaghett... There will be 3 Prize Packs given away: Each prize (3 total) will include: · Betty Spaghetty Deluxe Pack · Betty Spaghetty Hair Fashion Pack · 2 Betty Spaghetty Single Packs EDM Detection Mode by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
Cra-Z-art Mermaid Sqand Castle Princess Ariel's Underwater Sand Cove Toy Crafts for Kids Our official pages! https://twitter.com/dctcfans https://www.facebook.com/pages/Disney-Cars-Toy-Club/207062189487320 Music by Audio Micro Music By Kevin Macleod
Hi friends:) Me and Isla did a toy hunt at Toys R Us and we got some really cool toys,i did a Toy Hunt at smyths Toys last week and i think i am happy with both Toy hunts but i still think Smyths is a better toy shop:) Hi friends, you can send me mail here :) Toys And Me PO Box 10496 NOTTINGHAM NG13 8QW TOY HUNTING TOY HUNT AT SMYTHS STORE SUPERSTORE ▶︎https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z6Mu... TOY HUNT AT TOYS R US ▶︎https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NudNT... MY INSTAGRAM ▶︎ https://instagram.com/toys_andme/ GOOGLE ▶︎https://plus.google.com/b/10584862616... Toy in other Languages: खिलौने, brinquedos, ของเล่น, اللعب, igračke, đồ chơi, oyuncaklar, leksaker, juguetes, играчке, игрушки, jucării, тоглоом, leker, اسباب بازی, zabawki, 장난감, トイズ, giocattoli, mainan, játékok, צעצועים, Hračky, leg...
It's Shark Week and the HobbyKids go fishing for toys in their boat in the HobbyKidsPool. There they find sharks, toys and a bunch of crazy fun! This idea created by HobbyKidsTV. Subscribe for NEW Shows: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=HobbyKidsTV ---TOY VIDEOS--- World's Biggest Surprise Eggs: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZoNvpGg-ijs4DlYu2RMSOxo Games and Challenges: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZqo_IVVsyn7Sn0yFehplgK1 Best Family Fun Shows: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZqb2m2ipZWrmxi-92n8KM-f Giant Surprise EGGS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZpg3DsG7OQUYXbN1LkdrP9B Learning Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZo8aAHrPRzVmM_oW_hZtxdO ---OUR OTHER HOBBY...
Hi friends:) Today was a super fun day with my mum and dad,we did some challenges in the arcade and went bowling,i have not done bowling for a few years and it was lots of fun.My dad got so many strikes he was super cool today:)) Hi friends, you can send me mail here :) Toys And Me PO Box 10496 NOTTINGHAM NG13 8QW CHALLENGES ▶︎https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sq_t... MY INSTAGRAM ▶︎ https://instagram.com/toys_andme/ GOOGLE ▶︎https://plus.google.com/b/10584862616... Toy in other Languages: खिलौने, brinquedos, ของเล่น, اللعب, igračke, đồ chơi, oyuncaklar, leksaker, juguetes, играчке, игрушки, jucării, тоглоом, leker, اسباب بازی, zabawki, 장난감, トイズ, giocattoli, mainan, játékok, צעצועים, Hračky, legetøj, speelgoed, laruan, jouets, Spielzeug, Παιχνίδια Toys Andme is a fun channel where i ...
The Shoppies are about to become roomies! Shopkins Happy Places Happy Home Playset is a cute little dolls house, so I have got each of the Welcome / Decorator Packs to fill up each room! There are so many adorable Petkin faces and Lil Shoppies about to become roommates! The Happy Home comes with exclusive Shoppie Popette and some Puppy Parlor Petkins furniture. And then Coco Cookie moves in with all her Kitty Kitchen Petkins. Upstairs will be Jessicake and the cute little Dreamy Bear Bedroom Welcome Pack, and Bubbleisha and her Bunny Bathroom! The Happy Home looks fully furnished, but there are a whole heap of blind bags / boxes / parcels waiting to be opened at the front door, so exciting, what will they be??? Welcome to the Happy House! The Lil’ Shoppies house that’s alive with fun! Dec...
Hi friends:) School starts again for me in a week and i am excited to be going back to school and i will be in year 4,so today i went shopping for some school supplies i hope you enjoyed my video:) Hi friends, you can send me mail here :) Toys And Me PO Box 10496 NOTTINGHAM NG13 8QW MY LAST VIDEO HERE ▶︎ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrdD07pHc84 MY INSTAGRAM ▶︎ https://instagram.com/toys_andme/ GOOGLE ▶︎https://plus.google.com/b/10584862616... Toy in other Languages: खिलौने, brinquedos, ของเล่น, اللعب, igračke, đồ chơi, oyuncaklar, leksaker, juguetes, играчке, игрушки, jucării, тоглоом, leker, اسباب بازی, zabawki, 장난감, トイズ, giocattoli, mainan, játékok, צעצועים, Hračky, legetøj, speelgoed, laruan, jouets, Spielzeug, Παιχνίδια Toys Andme is a fun channel where i do Toy reviews and u...
NEW Shopkins Season 6 entire case collection with the new season 6 Shopkins Chef Club toys. Season 6 has color changers Shopkins food that changes colors when dipped in cold and hot water. We also have recipe books and cards to follow to make Ultra Rare and Limited Edition treats. We open jars / cans of Shopkins that have 2 in each case including different finishes like glitter and color change. ❤ About Us ❤ DisneyCarToys is a family friendly toy channel. Sandra and Spidey make toy reviews with Sandra's kids Alex, Ava and Adam. Our channel is known for Barbie Parodies, Cookie Monster and Disney Princess IRL dress up. We are the original creators of the ball pit and balloon pop surprise toy videos. ❤ Product Info ❤ This video features several Shopkins Season 6 Entire Case ❤ Endcard Toy ...
Best Toddler Toy Learning Kid Video with Paw Patrol Toys to Learn Colors, Counting, and Shapes. These educational learning toys are one of the best to learn colors, shapes, numbers, and counting. This learning video is for toddlers, babies, infants, and kids for entertainment and education. These wodden peg and ball toys help with fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination. This video will also help learn some English as a second language (ESL). Subscribe here to never miss a video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRW8ikkc-uISUXtNKBfFcw?sub_confirmation=1 - Watch my last video: https://youtu.be/pV3vtha2zoQ More of my videos in playlists: Secret Life of Pets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVPfWuOJR34&list;=PLfCFRrN_xiKcdibV_vr4zlF_OgGAXaYQ3 Shimmer and Shine: https://www.youtube.co...
Spiderman and Elsa Surprise toys!! Superhero Compilation! Gummy Joker tonguew/ disney princesses Welcome to Superhero reality tv. this is a superhero compilation. Our latest funny superhero videos. Here is the story of one of the videos. Frozen Elsa is really bored and spiderman surprises her with a bounce house. Superman and ariel join in on the fun. Frozen Elsa loves going down the waterslide and having fun in the bounce house. what a great surprise!!!! Watch some of our other funny superhero movies in real life. Starring Spiderman, Pink Spidergirl, Frozen Elsa, Frozen Anna, the Joker, wonder woman, cinderella, olaf, snow white, belle, Venom, Batman, Superman, T-Rex, Harley Quinn, The Flash, Princesa Elena de Avalor and many more. Baby Elsa kidnapped? Disney princesses and b...
HobbyKids are thrown into a Minecraft portal with HobbyBobby and they play in the Minecraft world. See them find surprise toys as they mine. Watch out. They run into spiders, monsters and more. New HobbyKid shirts, click here: http://bit.ly/2aNioHE This idea created by HobbyKidsTV. Subscribe for NEW Shows: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=HobbyKidsTV ---TOY VIDEOS--- World's Biggest Surprise Eggs: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZoNvpGg-ijs4DlYu2RMSOxo Games and Challenges: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZqo_IVVsyn7Sn0yFehplgK1 Best Family Fun Shows: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZqb2m2ipZWrmxi-92n8KM-f Giant Surprise EGGS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZpg3DsG7OQUYXbN1LkdrP9B L...
今回は以前からリクエストの多かったスクイーズの音を録音してみました! スクイーズの音がかなり小さかったので、囁き声が少しうるさく感じるかもしれません。 ご視聴の際は音量にご注意ください。 ------------------------------ また、ホワイトノイズ(動画の後ろで鳴るサーという音)を消すことにより音が不自然、キンキンして耳障り、落ち着かないという声も多かったので、今回だけ試しにノイズを残したまま投稿してみました! ホワイトノイズは安眠をもたらし、集中力を上げる効果がある上に、臨場感を損なわないまま音を楽しむことができ、良いこと尽くめです♪ 皆さんに楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです(*´エ`*)ノ 今後ノイズ有りの動画を投稿する際は、サムネイルの右上とタイトルにノイズ有りと記載いたしますので、ノイズの有無はそちらで判断してくださいm(_ _)m もちろん、動画説明欄にも毎回記載いたしますね! (記載がない場合は、ノイズ無しです) ------------------------------ 高評価、感想いただけるととても励みになります(^o^)/ ※バイノーラル録音ですので、是非イヤフォンやヘッドフォンをつけてお楽しみください。 ◆ 使用機材 ↓ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuWW_iVbn2o ◆ Twitter ↓ https://twitter.com/asmrhatomugi
Don't tell me not to stare at you
I see the danger in your eyes
I would go anywhere with you
Into your private paradise
Into your bedroom point of view
Into the depths of hell for you
I would lead where others would not try
By your side
I can't speak
Think about it ,don't worry
Take a lifetime , don't hurry
Doesn't matter what your game is
I'd like to play with your toys
I'd like to play with your toys
Be one of your special friends
One last emotion can bring
I'd like to play with your toys
I'd like to play with your toys
Be one of your special friends
One last emotion can bring
Extraterrestial love affair
Into your secret hall of fame
Pray for the sacred and the strong
Pray for the others gone insane
Into your bedroom point of view
Into your private paradise
Open the gates and let me through
Into the depths of hell for you
I would lead where no other man would try
Oh by your side
I can't speak
Think about it , don't worry
Take a lifetime, don't hurry
Don't you blame me cos I love you
What your game is ,yeah
I'd like to play with your toys
I'd like to play with your toys
Be one of your special friends
One last emotion can bring
Oh baby
Someday your love will be over me
And I feel , and I feel
Creatures of the night
Keepers of the faith
I'd like to play with your toys
I'd like to play with your toys
Be one of your special friends
One last emotion can bring
I'd like to play with your toys
I'd like to play with your toys
Be one of your special friends
One last emotion can bring
I'd like to play with your toys
I'd like to play with your toys
Be one of your special friends
One last emotion can bring