Tag Archives: cover-up

Former CIA Official Lied in Boston Bombing Cover-Up

  Former top CIA official Graham Fuller lied in a press interview about his former son-in-law, Ruslan Tsarni, the uncle of “The Brothers Tsarnaev,” Tamerlan, now dead, and Dzhokhar, soon to go on trial in Boston for allegedly planting a … Continue reading

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Did the CIA commandeer the Boston bombing investigation?

It’s been more than 300 years ago since demonic possession figured as heavily in a criminal probe as it has in the investigation into the Boston Marathon bombing. Not since the Salem Witch Trials has the search for accomplices to … Continue reading

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FBI Investigating Hollywood Head

The murder-decapitation of a 66-year old man whose head was found beneath the Hollywood Sign four months ago is now a Federal case, the MadCow Morning News has learned.  The development is a sure sign that the LAPD’s theory about … Continue reading

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