Monthly Archives: March 2003

9/11: The German Connection

A year-long MadCowMorningNews investigation has uncovered evidence that at least seven of Mohamed Atta's closest associates in Florida during the year leading up to the 9/11 attack were not Arab, but German. The names of the seven, all pilots, have … Continue reading

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Flight School Owner Changes Story… Again

While the media spotlight was on the mis-cues at the perennially "troubled" INS, the real news this week was that Rudi Dekkers was telling reporters a significantly different version of his relationship with terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta than he gave … Continue reading

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Mohamed Atta & the Saudi Royal Family

New developments raise troubling questions about "Pied Piper" of terrorist pilots. Mohamed Atta had connections with the Saudi Royal Family, according to his flight instructor at Huffman Aviation in Venice Florida, who told another student pilot Atta's status as a … Continue reading

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